Your comments clearly show you have no understanding of biology immunology the nature of vaccines

You are part of the anti science antifact problem this country has had for the last 4 years

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Excellent scientific addition. Maybe post some actual counter-data? For instance, here's a peer reviewed study showing massive heart problems in vaxxed only population, confirming it as the cause. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2791253

Have I got my polio/other vaccinations? About half because as a decent society we used to have religious exemptions as a human right. Those were my parents beliefs as I grew up and those of every child I knew in the community. Not one had negative consequesces for because not everyone needs to be vaccinated. Thinking so is laughable.

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How many antivaxxers here have gotten small pox? Polio?

That 's what I thought

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Doug Brignole’s Cause Of Death Was Not Vaccine Related! He simply died of Covid!

So called speculation of too many boosters is BAD information and BAD science.

No vaccination is ever 100%. My dog has to be vaccinated against kennel cough to board her but we did last September and she still got a mild case- without the vaccination she would have had to go to the animal hospital

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

Other than these jabs, he took very good care of himself with excersize & nutrition. He was also well known so all the "fact checkers" are all over this saying it was 100% C19. OK then, if so, what does that tell you about vaccine efficacy? Unrecognized cognitive dissonance is so strong that people get caught up in their own stupidity.

My theory (based on many hours of listening to different FLCCC practitioners) was it was indeed a spike overload from a combo of both COVID & Booster ...and perhaps in conjunction with streneous bodybuilding workout.

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Your theory isn't a theory and it's not even an hypothesis!

Doug Brignole’s Cause Of Death Was Not Vaccine Related! He simply died of Covid!

There no such thing as spike overload. So called speculation of too many boosters is BAD information and BAD science.

No vaccination is ever 100%. My dog has to be vaccinated against kennel cough to board her but we did last September and she still got a mild case- without the vaccination she would have had to go to the animal hospital

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

You're obviously living in a false alternative reality (but I agree there are plenty of Public Health officials who supported your narrative). S-protein poisoning is very real and highly toxic. Many of the living ones to tell their story (medscape would be a good neutral source) are suffering with tachycardia and neuropathy issues, have both a booster and covid within the near proximity as a commonality. I know damn well that no vaccination is ever 100%, since I also had a serious reaction to 2nd Pfizer and still got very sick with covid 7 weeks after.

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Beautiful and healthy Julie Powell died October 26 (after her booster) from a heart attack.


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He wasn't terribly logical. Most people survive the jab, so any particular person's survival (like his own, if he had ultimately survived) doesn't prove the vaccines are safe. OTOH, if you get jabbed and die shortly thereafter, the temporal association implicates the vaccine until another cause of death is determined.

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The vaccines ARE safe. He died of Covid because no vaccine is 100%

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Thanks Dr. Fauci. Safe and Effective. Right you are. I mean, after all, everyone in mainstream media agrees with you and has regurgitated your bull-crap all over the world.

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I would not expect a guy that spends all day long pumping up his body in a gym and looking at himself in the mirror to be particularly good at analysis. Regrettably he got shorted in the brains department.

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Sorry, no empathy for you. You were a part of the mob screeching for the unvaxxed to be punished; now, you died. Another ignorant idiot bites the dust. Now, they are killing the children. Rot in hell, MTF

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I was trying to share the article from gateway pundit about the cult member Julia that wrote Julie/ Julia. She died at 49 from heart attack. They have many of her nasty posts about people not getting the vaccines. Not a nice person.

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I really feel for this gentleman and all of his family and friends, these evil creatures that intend to make massive profits pedalling these bioweapons they call vaccines ...will be hunted to the ends of the earth very shortly as more and more people realise that their intention all along was to rid THEIR planet of as many of us as humanly possible and the plebs that have taken money or job security from these evil creatures will to one day soon have a reality check when they to are done away with. so to these so called globalists you will wish you could get a fair trial with your high paid lawyers so you could likely get off Scott free but I think you will be blessed with a tall tree and a shorter rope.

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Poor Dug... He didn't have the brains to know that HE was the disease and their covaid$ death squirt the cure.

Life doesn't give a rat's ass who lives it or who chucks it away.

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Only in clown world is saying "He didn't die from the vaccination, he died from the thing he was vaccinated against four times" somehow a victory.

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The "proximate cause" seems to be excellent here...

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It was reported by his business partner and friend Moe, that Doug had called 911 and complained about flu-like symptoms shortly before he passed.

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