Booster shots correlated strongly with excess deaths. Changing the number of unvaccinated people didn't change the excess deaths. Who would have guessed?
More than 1/1000. In the UK. I know 5 people that died from the shots. All felt immediately unwell after the shot. I don’t even know anywhere near 1000 people. And I know none of them were officially categorised as death-by-jab.
Craig Paardekooper did an analysis of the lots (batches) of COVID "vaccines" released in 2021 by all three pharmaceutical companies - Moderna, J&J, and Pfizer. He proved that there were "toxic, deadly batches" that were released in a well-planned, sequential manner by all three pharmaceutical companies, with no overlap of distributions. He concluded that 95% of all those who died from the "vaccines" had received a shot from only 5% of the lots - one of these "toxic, deadly" batches. Bear in mind these batches were 1,000 to 5,000 TIMES the minimum dose that they has supposedly determined was necessary to provide immunity or protection from COVID. 1,000 to 5,000 times any vaccine or medication is going to KILL most people!!!
I suspect this occured in other countries as well. You just need someone like Craig Paardekooper to do a statistical analysis of your "deployment" of toxic, deadly batches, and you wlll probably see the pattern as well!
Given there were fewer states back then that identified as "Red, Republican States", there is no way this was an "accident"!
I'm not convinced that the lethal batches were deliberately sent to red states as that pre-supposes that Big Pharma knew which batches were lethal and coordinated their distribution accordingly. This seems much too conspiratorial to be credible.
Me either. I live in deep blue WA state (on the red side) and my death count is now 37 and they’re all on the heavily vaxxed blue side. The latest a 17yo grandson of a dear friend died suddenly in his sleep 3 nights ago. At least they are doing an autopsy.
Sasha Latypova proved our military was behind the creation of and distribution of the COVID “vaccines”. Pharma was supposedly doing whatever they were told to do. And there used to be a video online of boxes from China and these were also going in some of the batches. But not all…
Well, that makes perfect sense if each jab gives you 1/1000 and you keep rolling that die, the russian roulette revolver will spin all the way round to the bullet eventually.. Bang!
I think the same way. right here in the United has to be more than 1/1000. In my own life, my brother, his ex-wife, and a number of friend's parents died suddenly. Mu daughter said the same thing. Many of her clients told her about the deaths of many in their lives. Every person I have spoken to or written to; has told me about deaths of people close to them.
Hello from Australia - Steve ... ; ring a ding ding -
I’m trying to get a copy of your original post , ( Facebook ) , from around Jan , 2023 , re the 13 million east cv vx death estimate , that no one took up-
How would you then explain away these results from a 2024 peer reviewed study?
“However, the risk of COVID-19 pneumonia decreased by 61% in the second doses and by 82% in the third and more doses. Such results (the protective effect of vaccine against severe disease) may be useful for making decision in people who hesitates to be vaccinated with the delusion that vaccine would have no advantage.”
Trump and Putin are leading an alliance of positive militaries in liberating the planet from the satanic families who have enslaved humanity for centuries -- families who worked for the dark extraterrestrial beings who sought to reduce earth's population to under 500 million via vaccines, chemtrails, manufactured diseases, war, radiation, weather and earthquake engineering, environmental pollution, water fluoridation, GMOs, toxic chemicals in food, etc etc. Those dark beings and their evil human minions wanted a smaller, more easily controlled population to serve as slaves and as a source of glandular extracts. But the dark off-planet beings have been defeated in the higher dimensions and eradicated from our solar system by the benevolent galactics sent by God. The positive militaries of the USA and Russia under Trump and Putin are arresting the corrupt deep state families who worked for the demonic entities, and are carrying out the obligatory cleanup required of us as inhabitants of a 3D world in a freewill universe. The deep state families refused the offer of the Galactic Federation, in the December 2021 meetings in Antarctica, to live out their lives in a prison world where they would be incarcerated owning nothing. The galactics warned the deep staters that if they refused this offer, the very humans they enslaved would be their final executioners. And that’s what we are witnessing now. The deep state is meeting its demise at the hands of an awakening human surface population:
I say yet again Steve, THE ONLY WAY (my opinion) We The People (of your Country, mine (Australia) and ALL OTHERS) will begin to see safety from these jabs and logic returned to normality is for a "highly regarded", "highly skilled" and "highly courageous" group of People (and you would be at or very near the top) to form a group with good internal security, exchange ideas on how that group would broadcast to the world, THE REAL CRIMES that have been perpetrated, and WHO perpetrated them. (ALL WITH PROFESSIONAL PROOF) I am sure many of your readers would agree, that a large number of people I talk to are COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS TO REALITY. One Hearbreaking example (if I may). A neighbour of mine had several of the "shots" when the subject was raised by me. VERY soon after, she informed me that "my Doctor is amazed at the speed at which this Melanoma has appeared and grown" (near temple). That was quickly removed several months ago. Recently she came to me and sadly informed me that "they have discovered a lump in my left breast and it (breast) has to be removed asap". She is now in hospital, but I did (very carefully) broach the subject of "jabs" and she quickly talked about her age etc etc and added, (believe it or not) "thank goodness I have been vaccinated it could have been much worse. THIS MINDSET IS KILLING PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD! SOMEONE HAS TO STEP IN AND STOP IT!
Yup, a cousin remarked after I told him that I had a mild reaction to Omicron (I am un-‘vaccinated’), that he had a very bad reaction to Omicron and luckily he had been ‘vaccinated’ and ‘boosted’ otherwise he could have died. I didn’t comment.
Same. I haven’t been ill (had no injections) but I have 3 friends vaxxed x3, x3 & x5 who’ve tested positive multiple times & say they were really ill each time. Two have finally begun to question whether the shots work…
One developed breast cancer in 2021 & has also had multiple UTIs & bacterial pneumonia - all resistant to antibiotics.
My ex-wife took the shot and got breast cancer. She had surgery, radiation, and chemo (cut, burn, poison) and started taking Wobenzym-N, first two per day then after a blood test came with elevated protein. Then she took six per day and a follow up test came back negative. Wobenzym-N contains Chymotrypsin that according to the ‘Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer’ stops the cancer and digests it. Read also about Dr. Donald Kelly who used the enzyme therapy to cure his advanced pancreatic cancer in the 1960s, he then put an enzyme product together for cancer treatment. It is still available.
I keep waiting for that type to have an epiphany but suspect they are too far gone. On their death beds they'll still be claiming it could have been worse if not for the jabs.
I remember the covid vax donk Dan Andrews . . . I remember the Aus. lockdown protests and the disgustingly brutal police response. I remember an Aus. policeman choking a girl who wasn't wearing a mask. I remember how the Aus. treated Novak Djokovic. Australia can go to hell, exceptions to the protesters and people who were force vaxxed.
Even when Albo was advised of the contamination, he did nothing. Even when a local council resolved to sound the alarm amongst their fellow councils, he did nothing. He's under orders, evil, or both.
Steve, how about a billboard outside a medical centre with a rolling display of these and many more graphs? Positioned so anyone entering, including the staff, can get a little bit more informed, day by day? I'm sick of these people not engaging or being so dismissive of the truth while they continue to jab the terminally clueless. Put it so in their face they can't ignore it, have to address it with patients and amongst themselves.
The owners of a local clinic took (and are still taking) in excess of NZ$1m for jabbing NZers. A billboard out the front of their busiest clinic would be delicious.
Here in Galicia we received of the first, flu highlited cases as they were in contact the first Italian cases
and we resolved with Ivermectin, no deaths cases of this first batch,the only case was a pregnant woman
that didn't arrived in time. I was there during the crisis with a broken leg near of the hip, I was,operated,twice,no,vaccines yet and they were managing very well as,in,a,flu,crisis,
I traveled to Perth, WA twice in 2021 for 3 months the first time and 4 months the second. There were very few that had taken the shot in WA until it was made mandatory by Dec. 1, 2021. If you are looking for the Mason jar of clean subjects, this would be the place. I made it in twice without being vax'ed. Feb. 2021 and July 2021. I exited and returned to the States Dec. 2, 2021. So, the cleanest group in the world at the time were the WA citizens. Not saying no one was vaccinated but the numbers were very small. The campaign to get the shot was really rolling as I was wrapping up my trip.
Medicine is a cult in which correlation is not causation and so who cares. In science correlation is a big deal and is typically the starting point for determining a causal link.
A lady here in NZ has been doing her best to join a few dots and remove herself from the matrix, and is sharing it with others. True or not, effective or not, it's been fascinating how she has attempted to trace the levers of corporate capture of a population back to Blackrock and Vanguard.
Remember that stat is on boosters, not the human guinea pigs. The average sheeple Aussie probably had 1.5 boosters plus initial killer jab. So that may mean ~ 1/750 are dead because of genocide program. Then, assuming the genocidal govt has fudged even that number to protect themselves from crimes against humanity, the true genocidal death to booster ratio could be closer to 1/500 excess deaths or about 52,000 Australians sacrificed to Gods of Genocide (27M population). Compare this to expected mortality from Covid infection rate for all age groups of .5% (13,500).
"Bioweapon Treatment" Cost = 52000 humans
"Bioweapon Disease Cost" (no VAX and over counter/self treatment) = 13500 humans.
*Note also that the no VAX scenario involves excessive deaths due to global genocide war against proven safe and effective treatment.
Steve - I may be off on some of this so let me know.
However, with early treatment the number of unvaccinated Covid deaths would be very small. Dr. Shankara Chetty from S. Africa treated well over 20,000 patients and not one of them died. Now he was put on trial.
More than 1/1000. In the UK. I know 5 people that died from the shots. All felt immediately unwell after the shot. I don’t even know anywhere near 1000 people. And I know none of them were officially categorised as death-by-jab.
This logic is faulty. Case in point, neither I nor my wife nor any of my friends or family know anyone who died from the shot.
Anecdotes can serve as important indicators, but at the end of the day they're just anecdotes.
Craig Paardekooper did an analysis of the lots (batches) of COVID "vaccines" released in 2021 by all three pharmaceutical companies - Moderna, J&J, and Pfizer. He proved that there were "toxic, deadly batches" that were released in a well-planned, sequential manner by all three pharmaceutical companies, with no overlap of distributions. He concluded that 95% of all those who died from the "vaccines" had received a shot from only 5% of the lots - one of these "toxic, deadly" batches. Bear in mind these batches were 1,000 to 5,000 TIMES the minimum dose that they has supposedly determined was necessary to provide immunity or protection from COVID. 1,000 to 5,000 times any vaccine or medication is going to KILL most people!!!
And the CDC confirmed that most of these were sent to Red, Republican states.
I suspect this occured in other countries as well. You just need someone like Craig Paardekooper to do a statistical analysis of your "deployment" of toxic, deadly batches, and you wlll probably see the pattern as well!
Given there were fewer states back then that identified as "Red, Republican States", there is no way this was an "accident"!
I'm not convinced that the lethal batches were deliberately sent to red states as that pre-supposes that Big Pharma knew which batches were lethal and coordinated their distribution accordingly. This seems much too conspiratorial to be credible.
Me either. I live in deep blue WA state (on the red side) and my death count is now 37 and they’re all on the heavily vaxxed blue side. The latest a 17yo grandson of a dear friend died suddenly in his sleep 3 nights ago. At least they are doing an autopsy.
Too conspiratorial? NOTHING is too conspiratorial!
I need some new conspiracies because all of my old one have come true.
Sasha Latypova proved our military was behind the creation of and distribution of the COVID “vaccines”. Pharma was supposedly doing whatever they were told to do. And there used to be a video online of boxes from China and these were also going in some of the batches. But not all…
Well, that makes perfect sense if each jab gives you 1/1000 and you keep rolling that die, the russian roulette revolver will spin all the way round to the bullet eventually.. Bang!
I think the same way. right here in the United has to be more than 1/1000. In my own life, my brother, his ex-wife, and a number of friend's parents died suddenly. Mu daughter said the same thing. Many of her clients told her about the deaths of many in their lives. Every person I have spoken to or written to; has told me about deaths of people close to them.
same here. I know of 3 deaths out of about 250 people. That's a bit more than 1 in 1000.
Supposedly 60 percent of the US population knows someone who has been killed by SARScoV2 mRNA vaccines. PU.
email : Thanks Steve
Hello from Australia - Steve ... ; ring a ding ding -
I’m trying to get a copy of your original post , ( Facebook ) , from around Jan , 2023 , re the 13 million east cv vx death estimate , that no one took up-
Les Catterwell/ Is Les Kraft
Every day now the MSM reports Drs have ‘found the cause’ of this & that turbo cancer. Always anything but the shots.
And Pfizer have openly said they know cancer rates are going to keep increasing & they plan to make their profits now from cancer drugs.
MILLIONS more people need to wake the hell up. As Catherine Austin Fitts reports, a Great Poisoning is in progress.
How would you then explain away these results from a 2024 peer reviewed study?
“However, the risk of COVID-19 pneumonia decreased by 61% in the second doses and by 82% in the third and more doses. Such results (the protective effect of vaccine against severe disease) may be useful for making decision in people who hesitates to be vaccinated with the delusion that vaccine would have no advantage.”
The technology in the covid vaccines was not created by humans. See this transcript regarding the off-world origins of the covid vaccines:
Trump and Putin are leading an alliance of positive militaries in liberating the planet from the satanic families who have enslaved humanity for centuries -- families who worked for the dark extraterrestrial beings who sought to reduce earth's population to under 500 million via vaccines, chemtrails, manufactured diseases, war, radiation, weather and earthquake engineering, environmental pollution, water fluoridation, GMOs, toxic chemicals in food, etc etc. Those dark beings and their evil human minions wanted a smaller, more easily controlled population to serve as slaves and as a source of glandular extracts. But the dark off-planet beings have been defeated in the higher dimensions and eradicated from our solar system by the benevolent galactics sent by God. The positive militaries of the USA and Russia under Trump and Putin are arresting the corrupt deep state families who worked for the demonic entities, and are carrying out the obligatory cleanup required of us as inhabitants of a 3D world in a freewill universe. The deep state families refused the offer of the Galactic Federation, in the December 2021 meetings in Antarctica, to live out their lives in a prison world where they would be incarcerated owning nothing. The galactics warned the deep staters that if they refused this offer, the very humans they enslaved would be their final executioners. And that’s what we are witnessing now. The deep state is meeting its demise at the hands of an awakening human surface population:
In my opinion based on what I have learned so far tells me this.
The more shots you get, the faster you are getting to the finish line of life.
The trophy you’ll get is death !!!
I say yet again Steve, THE ONLY WAY (my opinion) We The People (of your Country, mine (Australia) and ALL OTHERS) will begin to see safety from these jabs and logic returned to normality is for a "highly regarded", "highly skilled" and "highly courageous" group of People (and you would be at or very near the top) to form a group with good internal security, exchange ideas on how that group would broadcast to the world, THE REAL CRIMES that have been perpetrated, and WHO perpetrated them. (ALL WITH PROFESSIONAL PROOF) I am sure many of your readers would agree, that a large number of people I talk to are COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS TO REALITY. One Hearbreaking example (if I may). A neighbour of mine had several of the "shots" when the subject was raised by me. VERY soon after, she informed me that "my Doctor is amazed at the speed at which this Melanoma has appeared and grown" (near temple). That was quickly removed several months ago. Recently she came to me and sadly informed me that "they have discovered a lump in my left breast and it (breast) has to be removed asap". She is now in hospital, but I did (very carefully) broach the subject of "jabs" and she quickly talked about her age etc etc and added, (believe it or not) "thank goodness I have been vaccinated it could have been much worse. THIS MINDSET IS KILLING PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD! SOMEONE HAS TO STEP IN AND STOP IT!
Yup, a cousin remarked after I told him that I had a mild reaction to Omicron (I am un-‘vaccinated’), that he had a very bad reaction to Omicron and luckily he had been ‘vaccinated’ and ‘boosted’ otherwise he could have died. I didn’t comment.
Same. I haven’t been ill (had no injections) but I have 3 friends vaxxed x3, x3 & x5 who’ve tested positive multiple times & say they were really ill each time. Two have finally begun to question whether the shots work…
One developed breast cancer in 2021 & has also had multiple UTIs & bacterial pneumonia - all resistant to antibiotics.
My ex-wife took the shot and got breast cancer. She had surgery, radiation, and chemo (cut, burn, poison) and started taking Wobenzym-N, first two per day then after a blood test came with elevated protein. Then she took six per day and a follow up test came back negative. Wobenzym-N contains Chymotrypsin that according to the ‘Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer’ stops the cancer and digests it. Read also about Dr. Donald Kelly who used the enzyme therapy to cure his advanced pancreatic cancer in the 1960s, he then put an enzyme product together for cancer treatment. It is still available.
I keep waiting for that type to have an epiphany but suspect they are too far gone. On their death beds they'll still be claiming it could have been worse if not for the jabs.
I remember the covid vax donk Dan Andrews . . . I remember the Aus. lockdown protests and the disgustingly brutal police response. I remember an Aus. policeman choking a girl who wasn't wearing a mask. I remember how the Aus. treated Novak Djokovic. Australia can go to hell, exceptions to the protesters and people who were force vaxxed.
Even when Albo was advised of the contamination, he did nothing. Even when a local council resolved to sound the alarm amongst their fellow councils, he did nothing. He's under orders, evil, or both.
Steve, how about a billboard outside a medical centre with a rolling display of these and many more graphs? Positioned so anyone entering, including the staff, can get a little bit more informed, day by day? I'm sick of these people not engaging or being so dismissive of the truth while they continue to jab the terminally clueless. Put it so in their face they can't ignore it, have to address it with patients and amongst themselves.
VSRF did do a billboard outside CDC, a big hospital sounds great! I know which one Dr. Bowden would choose!
The owners of a local clinic took (and are still taking) in excess of NZ$1m for jabbing NZers. A billboard out the front of their busiest clinic would be delicious.
Here in Galicia we received of the first, flu highlited cases as they were in contact the first Italian cases
and we resolved with Ivermectin, no deaths cases of this first batch,the only case was a pregnant woman
that didn't arrived in time. I was there during the crisis with a broken leg near of the hip, I was,operated,twice,no,vaccines yet and they were managing very well as,in,a,flu,crisis,
I traveled to Perth, WA twice in 2021 for 3 months the first time and 4 months the second. There were very few that had taken the shot in WA until it was made mandatory by Dec. 1, 2021. If you are looking for the Mason jar of clean subjects, this would be the place. I made it in twice without being vax'ed. Feb. 2021 and July 2021. I exited and returned to the States Dec. 2, 2021. So, the cleanest group in the world at the time were the WA citizens. Not saying no one was vaccinated but the numbers were very small. The campaign to get the shot was really rolling as I was wrapping up my trip.
Medicine is a cult in which correlation is not causation and so who cares. In science correlation is a big deal and is typically the starting point for determining a causal link.
At this point, you have so much evidence and nobody on the jab side takes up your challenges.
I can only view that as an admission of guilt by the pushers of the jab.
Steve are you aware that CV19 was in fact an aerosolized vax experiment that may or may not have been inadvertently let out of the WIV??? this point, I view the whole CVD19 episode as a blatant attack by Transnational gangsters to run the planet.
A lady here in NZ has been doing her best to join a few dots and remove herself from the matrix, and is sharing it with others. True or not, effective or not, it's been fascinating how she has attempted to trace the levers of corporate capture of a population back to Blackrock and Vanguard.
Remember that stat is on boosters, not the human guinea pigs. The average sheeple Aussie probably had 1.5 boosters plus initial killer jab. So that may mean ~ 1/750 are dead because of genocide program. Then, assuming the genocidal govt has fudged even that number to protect themselves from crimes against humanity, the true genocidal death to booster ratio could be closer to 1/500 excess deaths or about 52,000 Australians sacrificed to Gods of Genocide (27M population). Compare this to expected mortality from Covid infection rate for all age groups of .5% (13,500).
"Bioweapon Treatment" Cost = 52000 humans
"Bioweapon Disease Cost" (no VAX and over counter/self treatment) = 13500 humans.
*Note also that the no VAX scenario involves excessive deaths due to global genocide war against proven safe and effective treatment.
Steve - I may be off on some of this so let me know.
However, with early treatment the number of unvaccinated Covid deaths would be very small. Dr. Shankara Chetty from S. Africa treated well over 20,000 patients and not one of them died. Now he was put on trial.
Yes. That was implied in my note, tho not worded the best.