I've been a professional journalist for 35 years, mostly writing in the field of alternative medicine. It was very clear to me early in 2020 that COVID was eminently treatable by a wide variety of protocols, and the doctors, NDs, homeopaths, TCM practitioners etc., I interviewed were happy to share their findings. Then the CDC released t…
I've been a professional journalist for 35 years, mostly writing in the field of alternative medicine. It was very clear to me early in 2020 that COVID was eminently treatable by a wide variety of protocols, and the doctors, NDs, homeopaths, TCM practitioners etc., I interviewed were happy to share their findings. Then the CDC released the document "Covid 19 Planning Scenarios, table 3, scenario 5: current best estimate, updated September 10, 2020" which stated the survivability rate for persons age 0 to 70 was 99.5%. I collected pertinent information on effective protocols, including some stunning clinical findings on the effectiveness of Ivermectin, and sent that and the CDC mortality estimates to 120 mainstream journalists at over 90 newspapers in the US. ONE REPORTER RESPONDED saying "I don't cover issues like this." Thinking there might be a ray of sunshine and a bit of curiosity left in the minds of young journalists in colleges and universities, I researched the names of editors at another 125 student newspapers and sent out the same information. ZERO RESPONSE. Journalism as we once knew it is dead as a doornail. Thank God for independent thinkers/researchers/bloggers/podcasters who have bravely picked up the reins and are doing the job bought-and-sold legacy media outlets have abandoned.
What would you expect of people who were raised and “educated” to seek “safe spaces” when confronted with anything that disconfirms “their” worldview (which they only think is theirs because they’ve been conditioned to reject critical thought).
“Reporters” like Max make a conscious decision. Do I parrot the narrative and live the “good life” of the globalists bouncing around star studded events with “important people” OR do I actually investigate and eat ramen noodles on my couch.
Covid was the opportunity for Big Data to shine. All it had to do was collect voluntary contributions of data from around the world and make it available for parsing.
It would have teased out mortality rates for every demographic and the efficacy of countless therapeutics. It would have solved covid inside of three months.
INSTEAD, it became evident that it exists for dark purposes.
I've been a professional journalist for 35 years, mostly writing in the field of alternative medicine. It was very clear to me early in 2020 that COVID was eminently treatable by a wide variety of protocols, and the doctors, NDs, homeopaths, TCM practitioners etc., I interviewed were happy to share their findings. Then the CDC released the document "Covid 19 Planning Scenarios, table 3, scenario 5: current best estimate, updated September 10, 2020" which stated the survivability rate for persons age 0 to 70 was 99.5%. I collected pertinent information on effective protocols, including some stunning clinical findings on the effectiveness of Ivermectin, and sent that and the CDC mortality estimates to 120 mainstream journalists at over 90 newspapers in the US. ONE REPORTER RESPONDED saying "I don't cover issues like this." Thinking there might be a ray of sunshine and a bit of curiosity left in the minds of young journalists in colleges and universities, I researched the names of editors at another 125 student newspapers and sent out the same information. ZERO RESPONSE. Journalism as we once knew it is dead as a doornail. Thank God for independent thinkers/researchers/bloggers/podcasters who have bravely picked up the reins and are doing the job bought-and-sold legacy media outlets have abandoned.
Thank you for being one of the independent thinkers and for this information. Please continue to help build back a better world by speaking up.
What would you expect of people who were raised and “educated” to seek “safe spaces” when confronted with anything that disconfirms “their” worldview (which they only think is theirs because they’ve been conditioned to reject critical thought).
“Reporters” like Max make a conscious decision. Do I parrot the narrative and live the “good life” of the globalists bouncing around star studded events with “important people” OR do I actually investigate and eat ramen noodles on my couch.
"Journalism as we once knew it is dead as a doornail."
This short poem sums it up ... https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/presstitutes
Covid was the opportunity for Big Data to shine. All it had to do was collect voluntary contributions of data from around the world and make it available for parsing.
It would have teased out mortality rates for every demographic and the efficacy of countless therapeutics. It would have solved covid inside of three months.
INSTEAD, it became evident that it exists for dark purposes.
Curiosity has left the building 'cause it's easier to sell one's soul and then pretend....