Karl- Another question for you, as I seek to find info on the authors of this study from The Whiteley-Martin Research Centre, Discipline of Surgery, The University of Sydney, I am not finding a lot of info about the individuals. There does apparently exist partnerships with American and Canadian universities



And Moderna Foundation (Aren't they opening a big vaccine manufacturing in Oz?) https://www.modernatx.com/en-US/responsibilityfellowships_and_med_ed_grants

I'm sure with a little more digging we would find some partnerships of interest.

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Feb 6Edited

Kirsch & your post, Karl -excellent. Also add:

"Published studies show Vaccines cause autism"


"Vaxxed vs unvaxxed, Dr. Paul Thomas & Dr. James Lyons-Weiler Put CDC Vaccine Schedule To The Test"


And this along with SSRIs, lead, fluoride & other:

"We now have evidence that the cv19vaccines are causing overt psychosis in adults. "


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Are you familiar with the work of Dr. David Healy? https://davidhealy.org/bio/ https://davidhealy.org/the-story-of-ssri-stories/

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There are those of us who Know, & those who deny — because they don’t yet know; or don’t want to know; or not admit they know.

We knowers want this poison permanently banned.

Deniers may awaken, only after their child gets stricken.

But Big pHarma —& shill doctors— will never stop the scam, as long as the money keeps rolling in.

We must all take personal responsibility for the defense of children —our own, & other innocents. These vaccines are a PERSONAL THREAT against the health of YOUR FAMILY, & HUMANITY itself.

REFUSAL is the first step.

With enough people refusing to inoculate, Their money will trickle down. Adios.


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Great job on this but vaccines are way too profitable to fight the narrative

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Excellent run-down of so much research that seems to escape the mind of pharm paid representatives of the American people.


Vaccines cause autism!!


And vax causing psychosis


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As a NH native, I admire your fortitude - but also wish I had your optimism.

I suspect the motivation for any future 'feet dragging' and Hassan's RFK Jr. confirmation hearing performance, in part anyway, had some connection with her pharmaceutical companies, businesses, & health care industry donor relationships which are indeed sizable. RFK Jr. is clearly their worst nightmare. I respect the health issues with her family - but you can only wheel that out only so many times before it starts to lose the moral high ground. We need deeds, not words.

A very good letter Steve, and I wish you the best of luck.

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Mike Pence@Mike_Pence, 4:48 PM · Nov 16, 2020

On January 13, 2020 @moderna_tx partnered with President @realDonaldTrump & @NIH to develop a vaccine for the American people! Today, Moderna announced their vaccine is 95% EFFECTIVE! Operation Warp Speed is a success because of the strong leadership of this President!

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In hindsight, everything disloyal turncoat "covid czar" Pence said and did is now suspect.

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You know Jonne, No one is perfect. It does help to admit and correct your mistakes.

With RFK, Jr. in his cabinet Trump appears to be correcting this mistake-- not admitting it. As part of his psyche is truly narcisstic, it is likely impossible for him to do so. I look at it this way: If he was LESS narcisstic perhaps he would fail to have the hard-driving, "never say die" attitude and be less able to command the situation he is in today. I know very few people his age able to drive and do half the stuff he is doing; besides, with his money he simply can tell the world to F-off and enjoy life. You have to consider what motivates him to put up with the anxiety and problems that turn all men OLD in their presidency. He will look like Clinton in a very short 4 years.

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Don't mix trump with narcissists who are generally good and righteous people.

If trump wants to Apologize politely for maiming and killing vaccines, then why doesn't he simply say so?

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It appears to me that your two sentences contradict and your first sentence, I believe, wrongly attributes characteristics to narcissists not usually found in them.

To answer though:

Trump fails to retract BECAUSE he is a narcissist, first and foremost. The definition of one outright shouts that. PRIDE.

. . . secondly, because he KNOWS he was wrong to begin with and can NOT find it in himself to admit an error in public.

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He cannot admit an error because the media whores and democrats would never stop harping on it. It’s obvious from the past 9 years

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Please do a VSRF roundtable with the panel you describe. It should go for hours to do justice to all the talking points, ala Joe Rogan's interviews.

With Trump in office, and that administration's clear stance against misinformation, and RFK jr's imminent appointment, such videos should now be able to be posted on, and not be blocked by, YouTube etc.

Based on countless other examples, others who post online may be expected to take short key snippets of the long video and re-post, which would reinforce the message, and reach those who do not have the time or inclination to watch the whole long video, and trickle to where it is needed most, the masses.

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I wonder if you will get a response of any meaning?

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Again Steve, you are the nobel one. You can’t be any more polite and forthcoming. Her rant about settled science is ridiculous. If it is so settled, why study anything. Science says they don’t have a clue, but they are positive it’s not from vaccines. Huh? And these brainwashed politicians believe a study orchestrated by big pharma? Huh? Later in her lecture, she said science can sometimes be wrong. Huh? Loved that Bobby called them out for taking money from that Industry. Broken Truth put out a post naming the politicians who took the most from big pharma donations. Here is the link:



Bernie flat out lied, saying he has taken nothing. Quite the joke. Who keeps voting him in? Let’s take a poll to see if Ms Maggie will take up the challenge.

Personally, these politicians are scared to death of RFK.

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Steve, just letting you know. . . I sent a letter to Senator Cassidy, who being an MD and Republican had a tough time but finally voted for Kennedy's approval. I also included a link to your article here. I am amazed at the lack of wisdom of so many MD's. Mind boggling.

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MDs are brainwashed cultists, most of them at least.

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Not brainwashed. Blackmailed and bribed

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I think you're both right!

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My favorite parts of Covid:


Don’t get me wrong.

I like stupid people.

I just don’t respect them.


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Steve, thank you for this letter. Finally, I have put my thoughts together to do an original letter to my two Missouri Senators and also to Senator Cassity (LA) as Chair of the Finance Committee urging support for RFK to be HHS Secretary. I cited a few of the many issues that concern me with vaccines and then cited your, I felt, very compelling and gracious letter (with a link) to it to highlight why vaccine science re. autism is profoundly wanting. Thank you are all the resources you provide.

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I also sent one to Cassidy and linked this newsletter.

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GREAT letter Steve!

But don't stop there.

Get your letter in front of Elon Musk and ask him to post it on X.

Get it front of Tucker Carlson and ask him for a short interview .

If you can make either happen before the Senate committees hold a vote to advance the nominee (RFK Jr.) to a floor vote:

That would shine a gigantic spotlight on the subject and make EVERY Senator think twice about voting no.

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Please, get it in front of Joe Rogan as well. His voice is LOUD these days.

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great points, I sure hope he does. . .!

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You may want to add Prof Chris Exley to the list of experts. He has analyzed brain tissues of young people who died with autism and was shocked to find huge amounts of aluminum compared with control brains from individuals who died without autism or any neurodegenerative disease. One of the main suspects: aluminum adjuvants from childhood vaccines. See his wesite aluminiumresearchgroup.com.

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Yes, he's a leading world expert. Thank you for your excellent helpful post. I've read his book, Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom: Discussions With Mr. Aluminum.

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Perhaps you should send a copy of this letter to ALL the senators Steve.

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I'm so glad you sent this to her. Whether she responds or not, there is now a record that she was afforded the opportunity to learn more. If she refuses, that says alot about her unwillingness to learn and be open.

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