This excerpt came from Robert F. Kennedy’s new book on Fauci. It goes into detail of who and why they’ve stopped Ivermectin getting FDA approved.

Researcher Andrew Hill’s conflict: A $40 million Gates Foundation grant vs a half million human lives


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This excerpt came from Robert F. Kennedy’s new book on Fauci. It goes into detail of who and why they’ve stopped Ivermectin getting FDA approved.

Researcher Andrew Hill’s conflict: A $40 million Gates Foundation grant vs a half million human lives


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Steve, you are right and this is a great idea. I just wrote an article making a similar point: https://thelibertyletter.substack.com/p/a-tale-of-two-treatments-for-covid

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New York is arresting non vaxxed. Looks like Australia last month.

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"Doctors and nurses seeing vaccine victims first hand is a great convincer."

For 10% of doctors and nurses, yes. For 90% of those still in the system, obviously not!

At least 75% of them have some combination of denial and indifference, and will never be "convinced". They will keep on doing what they're told, and keep on trying not to think of the implications of it.

But I also think there's a substantial proportion of doctors--maybe 25%?--who are "convinced", who know perfectly well that the shots are killing hundreds of thousands of people, and ... they're okay with that. They fully understand that they're being told to murder patients by their management, and they're entirely willing to knowingly murder patients as they're ordered to. It just doesn't bother them to be an executioner of innocents for the state. "Right" is whatever they're told to do, and "wrong" is whoever resists the consensus, including the patients who are trying not to be murdered.

The West gave up God 60 years ago. Now we see the inevitable result of that: half the population doesn't think murder is wrong if it's sanctioned by state. They really just don't feel bad about participating in a genocide of their own people.

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Steve this is a very very good article. I have forwarded your substack article to my dr friend here in nashville. I hope he'll take me up on your offer. I am not in the medical world although I would have loved to have been. I wish i had gone to med school but too old now to do that. I have been reading and reading and soaking up all of the posts onsubstack. I also follow Dr McCullough pretty regularly. Thank goodness my pcp is very open to prescribing me with IVM. I am already on HCQ b/c i have lupus. I cannot tell you how many times my rheumatologist urged me to get the shot and I refused. my last appointment with him .(OCT 21) ..when i told him that i would not get it b/c of my past history of having thrombocytopenia and bells palsy his reply was shocking....."not a bad idea"... that was it. Probably all he could say to let me know he agreed w/o the state of TN coming in and taking his license.

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Yes, truth always makes a difference, even if we don't see or feel the results immediately. As a nurse of 50 years(or more) I am completely dumbfounded by the lack of critical thinking among those I once called colleagues. It seems many have just turned off and gone into a coma! It's also very weird, when you do talk to them about any of this, a glaze comes over their eyes and they just shut down. But don't give up! Never give up! It will make a difference eventually! Trust God and march on in truth and love. It works.

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As someone who has multiple health problems, I’ve thought some about managing these things.

As a hypothetical: if I were to *ahem* “coincidentally” get infected with head lice at the same time that I contracted covid, would I be able to get an ivermectin prescription for my head lice without getting anyone in trouble?

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Get on your knees and pray! I'm serious. Meditation is great but getting on your knees (if you can), which I haven't done in a long time is actually very empowering. This position releases scalar waves, or instant communication with Sophia or God, the creator of the universe. Reference Tom Paladino recent interview and David Sereda's recent webinar. In stillness we are bound and in stillness we awaken. In humbleness we rise cleansed and ready for a new time.

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I've talked about how my mom's doctor insisted, after she had covid so badly that she was on a vent for 7 days and took 9 weeks of hospitalization and in-patient rehab, still insisted that the only way for her to protect herself was to get the jab. We walked out after I basically sneered at the guy and told him he was wrong, that we would be transferring her records. His arrogance wouldn't let him be anything but superior in knowledge than me. Citing studies and numbers didn't matter, only him being right and following cdc guidelines.

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Thank goodness you stood up to medical arrogance!! Your Mom is blessed to have you for her son. I have lost all faith in CDC, WHO, etc., etc. My Mom met Fauci years ago when she worked at CDC and she said he was, "an arrogant SOB" and predicted that, "he will cause a lot of trouble someday."

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Thank you Steve - I'm new here so don't know what is possible to share but a youtube video I stumbled across yesterday gives me a glimmer of hope as it emerges from a country whose relatively modern history, was one of almost total adherence to the diktats of an authoritarian Nazi state. Perhaps due to having been there & lessons learnt due to that, ordinary people were out in huge numbers on the streets the other day in ( if I counted the list correctly ) 218 towns & cities - the caveat is of course that I only have the vids word for it.

Perhaps it's all like a dam, whereby enough cracks will result in an eventual flood.


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Wow...there are so many more of us versus "them." I don't understand all of the compliance, you know? Good luck and God bless. What is happening is certainly wrong.

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Steve, this piece is spot-on and absolutely critical in breaking through the public's ignorance and deference to perceived authority. Every person who reads this MUST share with their medical friends. You are absolutely correct - MDs and nurses and other healthcare providers must speak out with a collective voice. And once they do, we will begin to see the narrative shift. If they do not, I shudder to imagine what 2022 will bring us.

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After radings during life, from the start I have fought against the Covid-19 vaccines, but am chokket by realising that everybody like fanatick, only trust doctors, and news. Parallel to this, an earlier friend, during 7 years since 2011, each time we met, 2 weeks between, I argued against his Statin given by doctors against his Cholesterol being higher than 200 (28 books about this), each time he answered "You know nothing while not a doctor". Then 3 years ago, just after he had moved to Denmark, I receaved an e-mail telling "Ha, Ha, you and the doctors were wrong". Then I dropped the connection to him.

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Ben Stein scene comes to mind. " ...to that question, who would answer, who would lead?...Carson?...Carson?"

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Thanks, Steve, for your continued hard work and dedication to the truth. It is admirable. One of the ironies to me in our world right now is that seemingly very intelligent people are making extremely dumb decisions. Goes to show you that emotions trump logic most of the time, and it's only those who can rise above fear and their own personal prejudices, and who can think critically about what's happening, that have an edge in our world today. God bless and take care. STJ

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You are right. My absolute best friend is a healthcare worker. She says that she is seeing mostly unvaxxed people come through the hospital where she works. She has taken the narrative hook, Line, and sinker. She and all of her immediate family have been triple vaxxed. Heartbreaking. I'm bewildered by the numbers. I tried to explain they technicalities of the ones they considered vaccinated versus two shots and 2 weeks. Even with studies and statistics, she was not convinced. Even though she is middle-aged and healthy so far, she was not convinced. Time will tell it all.

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Great, will pass on to the HCPs I know.

Even if they agree with the current covid guidelines 100%, many must question the precedent of suppressing clinical judgment and free debates among peers, right? Well, I'll ask...

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Your in Orwells nitemare and to think those who that are in debt are rock the boat-good luck. I wonder why Fraudci didnt file a lawsuit of libel and slander againsrt RFK jr for his serious "Attemot" to discredit the science? Was Bobby trying to play chess with the domestic terrorist (Patriot act), as the Hague has refused to review the 2 Nueremberg 2.0 filings! I guess Do no harm is conflicted with ones pocketbook! Socrates is rolling in his grave

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To persons I don't tell that Socrates is rolling in his grave, instead I argue that Adam Smith, J.H. Keynes, and Marx are rolling in their graves, because what's going on is that the macro rich have got richer and the rest poorer. 1% of the richest on the World have gone from owing 45% of all on the Earth excisting to 55%, around 20% in a year. But if we looked at only 1%% of the riches, opposit to the rest 999%% , then the difference would be bigger. And this is not what Smiths thalked about in "The Wealth of Nations", or Keynes warning after the first World War.

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So are our founding fathers.

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I have no hope this will turn around. Sorry but the elites are all in on this re-set. Everything is on the line for them. Too many people, too few resources. They take the moral superiority high ground and practice the "benevolent lie" to execute their plan. Watch. As I posted earlier, there is a hammer about to drop on the vaxxed that is a trigger for the big event. The only sliver of resistance will need to come from the un-shot with natural immunity. We are the only hope. Pray. Plan. Prepare. RESIST.

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I agree with your last part...pray, prepare. RESIST!! I don't think it is going to be easy. The big comfort that I take is that they eat their own. I expect Fauci will be soon to go. Biden as well...but he better take Harris and Pelosi with him.

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I am afraid that you are right, as for excample yesterday out walking I met a frenchman, known for years, who was invited to come to Christmas party, but did not turn up. He has got 3 vaccinations, like everybody, except me, here around, and he would not come and the by me be infected; but he is vaccinated! He told me that doctors here in Chiang Mai tells that persons not vaccinated will die (not my doctor, which knows how much I know), and when I visit a hospital then I will be infected and die; 2 weeks ago I last was in a hospital. He said that never in history has a singel person got sick or died by vaccination. And after vaccination nobody is hit by the actual disease. Everybody here around don't understand what vaccination actual is, and don't trust, understand, news telling that vaccinated persons has been infected, as the say "It's Lies". Peoples are in trances, like i "Apocalyps now".

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As I understand the yellowshirt crowd is attuned to the western resistance such as you. I keep my loved ones in Minburi aware with a steady information stream, so they're unva x x d.

Thai societal pressure to conform accepting the uninformed low road would affect the vast CM ex-pat community as much as in London.

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I am not english but danish and quit a bit of shortenings in your writing I don't quite understand. But parallel to you wife, my vife, during 20 year I have tried to explain much to her, but after a fracture in the skull, back in 1974, I totally lost all my 4 languages, and partly only have got back Danish and English, and can't learn Thai, which maybe would have helped, concerning informations to her, but acktually I don't think so. And in any case none of the Thais here around understand what vaccination actualle is, that is to them, "of course" we can be infected and sick by the acktual disease against which they have been vaccinated. My wife, and anybody here around at least have got 2 injections.

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I'm sorry

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