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Docket No. CDC-2022-0111: My submission to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)

I call on the relevant decision-makers on the proposal to include SARS CoV-2 vaccinations in the childhood vaccination schedule, to reject the proposal.

There are a large number of highly qualified, credible, and capable medical experts across the fields of general practice, epidemiology, cardiology, molecular biology, immunology, and more, who strongly oppose the vaccination of children and younger people, with Covid-19 vaccines. Their reasons are several, not least the fact that a large amount of clear evidence has already amassed showing that the risks from Covid-19 are far lower in this cohort than the risks from vaccination.

It is now well recognised that the vaccines do not prevent the contraction of Covid-19 disease, nor prevent transmission. Hospitals have treated, and are treating, large numbers of multiple-vaccinated patients for Covid-19 disease.

Serious questions are being raised about effects upon fertility, which should not be a risk inflicted upon children who are yet to be parents.

Cardiovascular dysfunctions are strongly implicated with Covid-19 vaccinations, especially among the younger male cohort.

Being EUA medicines, identifies the Covid-19 vaccinations as experimental. Thus, the precautionary principle is imperative.

The Nuremberg Code clearly states that no experimental medical procedures or therapies may be given without the fully-informed consent of the patient, who, if agreeing to the treatment, may pull out at any time. Children cannot give fully-informed consent, and, at least in Australia, their parents cannot get the full spectrum of information from their doctors upon which to make an informed decision, because the Australian government threatens to deregister any doctor who gives other than authorised vaccination policy positions, and in fact has done so.

Arguments have been given that vaccinating children against Covid-19 protects the older cohorts. This violates the principle that the young should never be put at risk to protect the old.

Conflicts of interest are legion throughout the organisations involved in manufacturing, promoting, and recommending Covid-19 vaccines, and other vaccines. Several of the major vaccine companies have paid huge fines for criminal and other breaches, the very companies making large numbers of the currently used Covid-19 vaccines, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZenica, totalling billions of dollars.

There are many efficacious high-safety profile measures, including optimising Vitamin D levels, that could easily be recommended, at low cost, for children to boost their immunity.

I sincerely request that you do not recommend the inclusion of the Covid-19 class of vaccines into the childhood vaccination schedule.

Comment Tracking Number l9h-87e1-xkn8

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