In 1979, the WHO and the CDC redesigned the International Classification of Diseases coding list and erased any possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination. A coroner has no code to input if he/she believes someone died of a vaccine.

Vaccines have likely been the primary cause of illnesses for over a century. https://expose-news.com/2023/02/02/vaccines-have-likely-been-the-primary-cause-of-illnesses-for-over-a-century/

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After my 35 year old son and 30 year old daughter were severely injured by One shot in the late 80s and late 90s thats what ive been saying as well. If only people had listened to all us parents……

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May 24, 2023 is a crucial date for humanity and the occupants of the remaining democracies. That is when the World Health Origination releases its proposal document to turn over local government control of medical policy to the WHO. The implications of governments and people that relinquish of their control to the unelected satanists at the WHO.

A. Forced vaccination of every person without informed consent or exemptions.

B. Incarceration in prison or psychiatric hospitals to those that refuse vaccines.

C. Shutting down of bank accounts of anyone that questions WHO medical policy.

D. The end of cash and mandatory digital tracking of all humans.

E. Complete government control of all medical services and the banning of supplements ,

alternative treatments like chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathic and naturopathic


Many countries are already turn over their sovereignty to the WHO. In the United States you know the Bidden administration will follow. This is not looking good.

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We cannot allow this to happen. If Trump was in charge, we wouldn’t have to worry about this and losing our sovereignty. I’m starting to realize a lot of Americans are oblivious and ignorant. They think the WHO is a good thing. They don’t understand the repercussions. They don’t know and/or understand history, human nature, and the forces of evil in the world.

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Trump is not perfect, and I have some issues with him, but he is not a traitor and cares about this country. He is far superior than Bidden in every way. Bidden has severe dementia and only can only read a teleprompter. The people that control Bidden, and his son are traitors and agents of the Chinese Communist party.

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I have not had a vaccine in 40 years and never will take another one. My last one was in the military years back and caused facial partial paralysis. I had to have surgery to have my right eyelid lifted so could I see. I have not been sick since then. At some point most of the outpatient western allopathic medical system has to go down or completely change. Yet I do respect our trauma system. It is rare example of how to make things work.

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I stopped about 22 years ago. Wish it had been sooner!

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There has been an enormous amount of discussion and statistical analysis on this and other forums in regard to covid and covid mrna injections. Yet it seems it comes down to a single question. Do you get injected with mrna or not? Personally I see no reason for anyone to be injected with a covid vaccine as I see the risk of the injections far outweighing any benefit. But I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice. The essential question is- does your government or employer, school etc. have a legal right to inject you against your will or punish you for refusing? The answer is NO.

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This is going to sound bizarre but the last 3 years have been bizarre. When you think about the creatures most influential pushing the covid agenda you may think about what motivates them. To be candid I do not trust anything the media or even my doctor says about covid or vaccines. There are robotic sheep that trust the "official covid narrative:

But for the skeptic's some people think the global covid injection program is only about endless profit for big pharma. Some think it is a conspiracy to depopulate humanity and enslave us. Both scenarios are plausible.

But when it comes to the hundreds of creatures driving this scam.

1. Are they just sociopaths or psychopaths?

2. Are they not human and some other biologic alien?

3. Were they previously human and now and being controlled by some external force?

4. Is it possible they are satanically possessed?

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Much of the media and medical professionals are sheep as much of their audience and patients. Based on my many conversations with friends, family, and doctors I don't believe most of them are directly behind an evil plot. They are just brain-washed and because so many are brainwashed, it's difficult to get the truth. Does that mean there isn't some type of evil plot somewhere at the top of all this? Absolutely not. I believe there is certainly a malicious intent behind all of this and it has been years in the making.

Vaccines have been shortening our life spans for decades now.

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Agree the average person is not evil, just gullible and brainwashed. Those at the top running this global covid operation? It seems it's about more than just money.

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1. All show sociopathic tendencies and usually narcissistic personalities - some are clearly overt psychopaths, IMO;

2. I think they are Human, but one wonders at times (I hate to blame unknown aliens or spiritual beings for traits that are all too Human amongst some of our number);

3. I do think that they are manipulated/entrained to follow a particular path dictated from way above their "pay grade";

4. IMO, yes. Certainly there is Evil behind these people...

All that being said, I suppose it is not completely just or fair to label them all as creatures of the night without face-to-face meeting them. I have met a few of these folks in my time and they all had "dead eyes" and creepy auras - and, I am not the most perceptive person on the planet.

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I jumped on this forum as my wife is somewhat addicted to it. Your last comment about meeting people with dead eyes and creepy auras reminded me of something.

I don't recall encountering anything like that, but my freind was a plastic surgeon and burn specialist. He treated Charles Manson for a self-inflicted burn. This surgeon was an atheist. He told me when he met Manson he freaked out - every hair on his body stood up and he felt pure unadulterated evil.

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II believe it. The only person who ever threatened to kill me was a clown with Ringling Borthers years ago and he had the same look/air about him...

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Even as a kid Clowns terrified me. My girlfriend in high school made me watch the cult fiction movie, Killer Clowns from outer space. To this day that movie freaks me out.

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Watch The Greatest Show on Earth from 1952. Jimmy Stewart is the clown and who could be afraid of Jimmy Stewart?

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Interesting comment but as a software developer was thinking along other lines.

The problem with what people think is real or not- is going to be something we are going have to confront. And the covid experience puts this to the test. Anything you see on the TV or internet may look entirely convincing but Computer-Generated Imagery and AI have advanced to the point that to the untrained eye appear real but in reality, are fake.

I am convinced that most of Joe Biddens tv speeches over the last year are CGI.

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Yes. "They" are FAR advanced on manipulating the masses. Dr. malone has a couple of posts on 5th Gen warfare and that is what we are firmly in the middle of...

Not sure what the deal is with Brandon. They seem to be able to pump him up with soemthing from time to time... Tempted to watch the State of the Union and see how Unk Joe acts... On second thought, I think I will pass. Can't stand the sight of the man...

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There is a scientific field called human "gait analysis." meaning how humans walk.

If you look at recent tv videos of Joe Bidden walking - it is not human. It walks exactly like a Boston Dynamics DARPA Robot.

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Write to your US senators and representatives to re-introduce and pass H.R. 7931 to EXIT the WHO. On May 21 - 30, the WHO will meet and may vote on IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty to introduce (or continue) regulations that could completely override members states' SOVEREIGNTY. The US is currently a member. GET US OUT. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/who-proposals-sovereignty-totalitarian-state/

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This whole covid scamdemic only worked in the US-as prior to covid society was breaking down and people were also breaking down. Most Americans fall for media propaganda and fear and are incapable of standing up to authority or thinking independently. I have some sympathy as they are bombarded 24/ 7 with lies but at some point, they need to stop falling for the BS.

I can't speak for other countries, but this is the situation in the United States. I will be labeled as anti-American or whatever but as a social worker seeing real people this is the unpleasant reality.

1. 25% are on psychiatric medicines

2. 60% spend over 4-6 hours a day like zombies looking at their "smartphones or internet.

3. 20% abuse either alcohol or "legal weed" or other drugs.

4. 30% of young men are so addicted to internet porn they do not know how to relate to real women.

5. Less than 60% of children are raised in homes with two stable parents or role models.

6. 60% of American families live paycheck to paycheck and worry how feed their families.

The United States used to be a great place but now we are a third world country. We are in complete denial.

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As I've been traveling the world and lived in several countries, I can assure you, the same is true for many if not all western countries. It's heartbreaking. However, more people are waking up day by day, resisting the billionaire globalists' agenda.

You can't comply your way out of tyranny. Truth will prevail 😉

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"You can't comply your way out of tyranny"

Well stated!

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Agree 100%!

We are witnessing the collapse of an empire. We have met the enemy and he is us...

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For this nightmare to end a critical mass of people need to wake up- not sure how many it will take- but the uncomfortable truth is that that the entities behind the covid scam are evil. Religious people can accept the concept of evil- agnostics or atheists may use the term sociopath or psychopath. Religious or atheist -this whole covid thing needs to end. We also need to end other evil and psychopathic entities. A short list of things that need to go away if humanity is to thrive: The United Nations, FBI, CIA .The WEF, WHO, CDC, NIH, IRS, NATO, EU, FDA. I could go on forever.

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Totally, agree. It's all part of the Agenda 201/2030, Great Reset, Build Back Better, The Green New Deal, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Environmental and Social Governance (ESG), COP27, ID2020 (incl. SBDCs) or whatever you would like to call it. The answer simply not to comply, spread the word and decentralize, because you can't comply your way out of tyranny.

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So, when people "wake up," what can they do?

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I have no clue. I needed to vent but I get you your point. I grew up in a different time where humans were different. I would like to be more optimistic but most people today. For a lack of better words are lazy, disengaged, medicated or hypnotized by their smartphones, tv and internet.

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When I was young, people were different around me, too. I am finding computer games the deadliest attack on generations after 1985 or so. They kill both body and soul...

My optimism goes as far as this:


The rest are precautions and preparations.

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This is humanities future if we do not wake up. Just one of thousands of examples of predictive programing. If you do not see the connections between this and the covid agenda, can't help you.


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I am old and it is hard to digest what has happened over the last 3 years when it comes to covid. The word insanity does not even come close to what we have been exposed to. The money behind the global covid shot public relations program has exceeded a trillion dollars US. Where did it come from?

The goal was to inject everyone on earth with mrna injections even though most were at no risk and had natural immunity. Millions or even billions will eventually die from these shots.

Yet as the late Goerge Carlin said. "Nobody seems to care" If we do not fight back now, we are gone. But looking at the big picture it is normal for species to go extinct. It may be our time.

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No one would have ever known about Covid, it would have been just another flu-season if there were no internet, no fake-news, but foremost without the foundation of all of the Covid-lies: The PCR-test.

PCR multiplies exponentially, so at 35 cycles (Ct) the genetic code of a virus molecule (as selected by Drosten - the German Fauci, in a database full of known sequences) has been multiplied more than 17 billion times; 17,179,869,184 times to be specific.

The foundation for these outrageous, destructive Covid-lies is the PCR test of Christian Drosten and Marion Koopmans, who make a lot of money from its patents. However, this test is utterly unsuitable for diagnostic purposes. Karry Mullis the Nobel prize winning inventor of this test warned people like Fauci many times about it. Mullis passed away in 2019 (?), but his videos on this matter are still available.

Even worse, the test is based on the sequence (the genetic code) gathered and entered into a computer by Drosten, because that of this SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been determined up to today. This means that the virus has not been isolated, nor being purified and therefore there’s no scientific evidence!

This genetic code consists of a number of letters, in which Drosten has chosen one that is very similar to that of the manmade virus SARS-CoV-1. However, this is limited to a single PCR test (primer) instead of a scientifically accurate triple (to verify) and is “looking for” the head, tail and something in between so to speak, because it is testing for 100 out of 30,000 base pairs only. In addition, it resembles that of influenza and is very abundant in human DNA.

All in all, as shown by several studies, this results in at least 97% false positives. And as you know, a positive test result is translated in to cases and deaths, no matter the real cause of illnesses or comorbidities. Above that it adds several bonusses to the doctors, clinics and hospitals their paycheck.

You might be unaware of it, but this (a pandemic based on PCR-tests) happened several times before in recent history, such as in 2005 and 2009. Drosten and Koopmans are the driving forces.

In short, how do you create ultrahigh Covid case numbers to be able to call it a pandemic (apart from changing the definition of a pandemic by the WHO in 2009, just before they launched the swine flu)? Indeed, introduce the fraudulent PCR-test.

It is important to realize that if we stop PCR-testing, the entire house of cards will collapse.

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Feb 6, 2023Edited
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You did a wonderful job! Thank you!

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Well said! Be safe!

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The WHO is corrupt and evil. It has no legal official legal ability to regulate health policy in the United States but neither does the CDC. All these non-elected agencies can do is make recommendations. It is now up to the Attorney generals in various US states to decide if we let the WHO control us. As we know this is all going to depend on whether you live in a blue or red state.

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The Uniparty system has been playing good cop/bad cop for decades. With the exception of South Dakota, no governor protected the residents of any state during the "covid" theater. The WHO is only a facade and it is the politicians who sign the "agreement" that are corrupt and evil...

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Desantis plays a good game and seems to have tried to protect his residents, but I lost the ability to trust any politician.

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It's probably all a bread and circus show, and most will fall for it. Most of my friends and family worship either trump or bidden. This is not going to end well.

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Whatever goes public, it's mostly lies, but with a twist: people are allowed to have a few "epiphanies" that would make them feel "smart," but ultimately, they are being led by the nose:


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I like this quote from Steve. "We could end the debate on COVID vaccine safety instantly. All we need is the death-vax record data". I like Steve and respect his efforts, but the thing is -this covid operation has persisted for 3 years now. Most people are never going to change their minds. I guess it's just human nature. Many of my friends and family were hospitalized due to reactions to covid shots but will continue to take boosters and trust what the tv internet tells them. I will continue to resist covid shots regardless of the consequences. So, we are in a quagmire. I agree with some previous posters that the best solution to this is to ban all jab mandates and let people do what they want. As time passes, we will find out who made the correct decisions.

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This is how crazy we have become. If you want to define irony and insanity. I'm a psychologist and mid covid wanted to speak with a psychologist in person as I was depressed and having problems dealing with the rapid decline of both my parents due to dementia. None would council me in person as I am unvaccinated. Then my vet refused me to be with my beloved Dog that needed to be put down because of cancer for the same reason- I was unvaccinated and not allowed to enter the vet clinic. I payed 1000$ to have a caring vet come to my house and euthanize my Dog so I could be with him in his final moments.

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Sadly I couldn’t afford an alternative. My dog was walked in by a masked stranger, who then brought me her collar and leash when the deed was done. Horrible. I can’t imagine the people who had family members dying alone. It’s haunting.

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I am so sorry that, is so sad. As you said lots of humans died alone under the same circumstances as well. It's hard to imagine the lack of compassion and inhumanity.

My vet came to my home to put my husky down and only charged me 100$. I have never recovered emotionally. I raised him from 6 weeks old and he was my pride and joy. Its been1 year since his death and I still cry when I think about him.

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My wife was a physician assistant. She liked her job for a long time then just burnt out and left medicine. The final straw was when her clinic became more concerned with her generating as many icd 10 codes per pateint encounter than listening to and caring for her patients. Her last patient was a farm worker bit by a cow. Managment yelled at her for not coding the ICD 10 -code W55.21

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So they have a code for a cow bite, BUT NO CODES FOR VACCINE INJURIES.

**Of recent, they started a code for the UNVACCINATED.....The question we should all be asking is 'Why would they 'code' the unvaccinated? Aren't codes for actual diseases, illnesses, injuries, etc.? Yes, THEY ARE, so ask why in 1979 with the ICD revisions, they TOOK OUT the ability to record VACCINE INJURIES!

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You could...no make that SHOULD, pen a memoir.

Fuck...I would purchase it instantly.

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Glad she got out of it! "They" have destroyed mainstream medicine completely in their push for profits above patients' interests.

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The good/honest ones leave or burn out in two or three years or, worse, lose their license...

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Feb 5, 2023Edited
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This troll and maleware agent was banned yesterday and will be blocked again. If you click on his link your computer will be infected.

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Steve has people to take care of this, but to make sure, I've also reported it.

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On it.

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How come most people are not doing this? :D

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Since drug companies can be sued for damages caused by conventional medicines but not vaccines- hundreds of new vaccines are in the clinical development pipeline and most are based on mrna. There are vaccines planed for depression, alcoholism, insomnia, erectile dysfunction or anything else you can imagine. I doubt any of these "vaccines" are safe and will work but they will be pushed on us. Our only option is to resist.

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Actually, when harm to intent can be proved, the companies have no exemption, and it was possible to prove already in November, 2021:


Still, good luck to finding a court to indict:


The scope of resistance is limited:


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Thanks for the links. I have read about half of them and like them. I'm sure you are aware of the new nefarious thing that is going on in psychiatry and psychology- to label those that refuse covid vaccinations as "mentally ill" and either forcefully medicate them or place them in psychiatric hospitals. I do not think this has happened yet in the United States but it has happened in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

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When I read comments like this (that are great), I cannot wait for the masses to get to the point of WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH and SHOW the demons WHO IS REALLY IN CHARGE

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Of course, and in Canada, too, at the same time, when Canada became the 19th country where "Holocaust denial" is punishable by prison. What is true out of the official narratives?



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From a Psychiatic perspective the Americal Psychiatic Association just makes up fake conditions like bad conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder and they assign a new ICD 10 code for them.

Any human being that disagrees with a government narrative- for instance regarding covid policy can be labelled as having oppositional defiant disorder. So I guess as a psychologist I have oppositional defiant disorder myself. Of course, the treatment for these fake conditions always involves psychiatric medications.

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It's good to hear you are not serving the system, where


exacerbated by the hired killers:


And yes, the end of the road is always that the patient's illness that they don't want to or can't diagnose is the patient's fault:


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Amen Ray!

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The "six foot rule" is essentially the ancient "4 cubits".

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This comment its purpose is to relieve the section from the beast. #commentnumber667

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They lied to President Trump about everything, Birx admitted to that. This was a part of the Coup.

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The offences by government, cdc, fda, alphabet agencys etal, institutions, are unimaginably vast. How can anyone say we are free. How can it be established if they feel/mandate the right to keep information from the people who employ [lol : )] them. [Acrually imprison and own us.]

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While I agree it is imperative to see this data, it is still the case the that real chance to get to the bottom of this was well designed long RCTs. Confounding is just to complex to easily untangle here with observational data

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right on!!!!!

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Perhaps somewhere on planet Earth there is someone with access to both the numbers and a conscience that will find a way to provide the data needed to perform the calculations. G

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Perhaps somewhere on planet Earth there is someone with access to both the numbers and a conscience will find a way to provide the data needed to perform the calculations. G

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Why is this allowed? The Covid 19 vaccine is not safe because it causes heart 'issues', bad 'reactions' among many other 'side effects' that many, many people have had. That is not normal and why are they trying to force it on kids? This is what the Children's Health Defense article said today that Dr. Walensky said per their article:


They are disregarding any and all objections to the dangerous vaccine.

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Dealing with the public school system regarding the safety of the vaccine is a joke, but not a funny one. If anything said is against the narrative then you are regarded as having something wrong with you. As if you must be stupid. Administrators must see themselves as very intelligent, without needing any evidence. I told my kids administrator that my kids would not be receiving the shot unless I saw more research on its safety and effectiveness. She gave me a, "you must be crazy" look.

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Re Australian statistics. The State of New South Whales (NSW) in Australia is the only Australian State to have published weekly Covid-19 hospitalisation & death data until the end of 2022. This reporting has now been discontinued.

Numbers are well hidden though. To find them, search any Saturday date in 2022 as a pdf. Example: to find relevant data for week ending 17th November 2022, search 20221117.pdf and open it on the website www.health.nsw.gov.au/coronavirus.

Scroll down and you’ll find Table1 of Data Overview, which includes hospitalisations by known & unknown vaccination status.

20221117.pdf: 214 (after 4 or more doses) - 114 (3 doses) - 59 (2 doses) - 4 (1 dose) - 0 (No dose) - 120 (unknown vaccination status) = 511 (total)

20221126.pdf: 249 - 142 - 80 - 6 - 3 (+129 unknown status) = 609

20221203.pdf: 296 - 170 - 85 - 8 - 0 (+138 unknown) = 697

20221210.pdf: 345 - 163 - 95 - 3 - 1 (+186 unknown) = 793

20221217.pdf: 362 - 187 - 109 - 6 - 0 (+170 unknown status) = 834

20221231.pdf (for 2 weeks): 810 - 377 - 218 - 10 - 0 (+364 unknown status) = 1,779

These numbers exclude cases in correctional settings.

From January 2023 the NSW government is no longer reporting this information as ‘[…] the trends between vaccines and outcomes cannot be interpreted using these data.’ (Ref Future Changes on page1 of the 20221231.pdf).

As for ‘unknown status’, the explanation is surprising in view of the way official records are registered in Australia.

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Should the Auditor General not have scrutinized and questioned Dr Fauci's budget allocations and outsourcing ?

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There could be a science in the "6 feet distancing". Dr. Rashid Buttar said that it has a military and tecnological porpouse; to track people with more efficiently. If they are toghether then they can not track them well enough, besides, there is the science of social engynering of manipulation and mass control.

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