So much dishonesty in the world... especially when it involves money and power. I grieve for those who were harmed, thinking they were doing a good thing. Very sad to lose a good man, prematurely.

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Was surprised to read Mike was self-employed thus didn’t have to be vaccinated; it was his doctor pressuring him. His family probably can’t sue as the cause of death was not officially classified as from the vaccine. Shame on that doctor!

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Just told my partner that I have signed off all health insurance, because I am unvaxxed and plan to remain that way. She is very angry with me, says I am being irresponsible. I guess I feel like the irresponsible thing (she is vaxxed so is her son) already happened, and I am just protecting my status and do not want any insurance providers to have a current file on me. She thinks I am crazy and we can't even talk. I am so sorry Mike Granata had to die for no reason, and so glad you published this story Steve. Thanks

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Sorry, Jacquelyn, but it's too late to prevent tiers from accessing your personal records. Employer, insurance, bank, school, government and many more already know plenty about you as well as every person you interact with daily. People can't hide personal infos nowadays, unless they have chosen to disappear. Meaning no relatives, no friends, use private Internet browsers/clouds/search engines, no FB/Twitter/YT, no bank account/credit card, no cell phone, etc. Why would you do that?

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Very sad...but unfortunately an all too common story. The take away: don't trust the MDs.

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Keep in mind, by admission, they reported earlier that 50% of those who took the jab got a placebo, the other half the poison. Stands to reason that if everyone jabbed got the poison the death and injury rate would be much higher. Since no one knows who got what, they can say not everyone has had a negative effect from the jab. But not to worry, the boosters will take care of those who got the placebo. I beleive they are still pushing the placebo as well to keep the numbers low for adverse affects as well for those in office etc who want to convince the public that they got the shot by having it publicized. Also, they're not done yet. The vax is only the beginning. Eventually they will roll out their weaponized 5G, like they used in Wuhan in the beginning where you saw people literally dropping like flies on the street, done to dramatize and scare everyone and the symptoms are similar to the Fauci Flu. I have friends and family who were scared by the corrupt media and lying doctors who took the knee and got jabbed, and can only hope and pray that they got the placebo and try to convince them not to get a booster...

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Seems like that explanation is one of the only ones that makes sense.

Some are kill shots, some placebo. Geniuses of evil.

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In Québec they already started to inject the 5-11 years old, 50K so far. I think Steve had written that an adjuvant, usually administered to those who had cardiac injuries, was added to these injections for juveniles. I think this substance might be used to delay myocarditis as well as other pathologies. Not sure who was the author (I've been reading so many articles) but I could find back the source. Evil is an euphemism...

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La Quinta Columna confirmed that different "vaccines" solutions (saline, junk, nanoparticles and even parasitic material) could be found within each batch number, some of these being identified as deadlier than others. They didn't want people to die immediately for it would be very bad for Demoncrats 2022 elections. Guess what, they will miraculously find a new cure for COVID and will be reelected by those who will have survived the jabs... but will pass away before 2024.

A Linkedin HR symposium in 2020 was warning managers that around 40 % of the workforce would be dead within the next five years. My best friend has tried to retrieve the link to what he had read, but it had since been deleted...

Sincerely hoping your family will be fine.

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Dan16 min ago

I feel so sorry for all those who HAD TO be injected. May they rest in peace.

Just wishing that we all could have access to these early treatments in Canada. No MD is willing to prescribe HCQ or Ivermectin here. Side effects and deaths unheard of from the media and under reported on govt Web site. Our Dominion might be the next Australia.

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Try to get some of your own, if possible.

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Hey Dan, this may not necessarily be true. Someone recommended buy-pharma.com who is located in India but doesn't require you to have a prescription. I'm currently testing it to see if it gets into the country but it may work for you as well. I know it works in America since it was someone from America that tested them first.

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The correct link is buy-pharma.md

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Hi! The link does not work. Leads to buying pharma: https://www.hugedomains.com/index.cfm

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Correct and I can confirm that shipping to Australia works.

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After intensive research, I decided that this experimental gene therapy has no lengthy record of safety....actually, it shows that it is very unsafe as 15,000 people have died from it and that comes from the VAERS web site. I looked at the percentage of recovery from Covid and even with having high blood pressure and diabetes, both of which are under control, my percentage of surviving Covid was 98.7%...so what was my percentage of surviving this jab? Do not know, there is no status on this....I do know that you can still spread the virus to others even if you are vaccinated, and you can still catch the disease even if you are vaccinated. Friends that have been fully vaccinated and boostered have gotten covid and sent to the hospital, some actually dying. When a president demands that everyone get the jab and he exempts Congress, a red flag should go up for everyone...what will the lasting effects of the jab and are the vaccinated going to have to get boosters every 3 to 6 months for the rest of their life? And what is going to happen in 2-7 years of having this experimental gene therapy...it does affect your DNA and it can cross the brain barrier. So I decided that I would take my chances even though the spread of fear and panic from the media continues....I got the Delta variant and I was very sick....got the infusion and in two days was mostly over covid. Got tested last week and my husband's and my immunity count (antibodies) were very, very high. Even though, for the most part, this is a personal choice, I fear for my friends who got the jab because they were scared of dying from Covid....the nazi fake news has done an extremely good job of spreading lies.

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Congratulations for your courage! Don't take the jab and watch this (lab reports from before and after the injections for a diabete : https://www.brighteon.com/e9ca4f70-e4b4-4862-abd3-796ba8ca7740). Be strong and God help you.

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I have faith in God....he is my rock and in the Bible he says not to be afraid. I know him as my savior and do not fear death as I know where I will be when I leave this world. That is what has given me the courage to not accept this so-called vaccine. Thanks for the info you sent.

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After receiving my second covid shot in late March I broke out with blisters from the top of my feet to the neck line-after taking prednisone, I think that was the meds? it eased my breakouts a lot. new bumps or water welts are still appearing some eight months later.

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Lloyd, did/do the blisters hurt? I wonder if it’s shingles which has been reported as a side effect. I hope you find permanent relief!

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Playing devils advocate, what did his brothers die of, that preceded his death as Michael was only 56, which is young? Asking because we don't know if there were any other genetic abnormalities that may have played a roll? Obviously its good to have ALL the information out there to make an informed judgement.

I am definitely against these experimental vaccines that were all tested on aborted fetal tissue and J&J contains aborted fetal tissue. They also don't appear to be helping considering people can still get the CCP virus and spread it. But, we need all the facts surrounding deaths and unfortunately Big Pharma wants to keep a lid on ingredients, adverse events and the fetal tissue testing (which, BTW, MANY shots and vaccines are tested on aborted fetuses).

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Moderna and Phizer want to get 55 years approval from the government before they have to release any information as to what these shots contain. So many will be dead by then....be careful how you chose.

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42 fully vaccinated people in Indiana died last week from covid.

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Natural News with Mike Adams is the best source of truth... Do NOT take the jab... Quit ur job! It's NOT worth ur life... God wins... We all know.

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So very sad. I wish more would read this and pause. How does it stop? What can we do?

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i am 73. i will not take the jab. i take c,d and zinc every day. guess that's all i can do for now.

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Don, I am 66. No jab ever for me. I am Unwilling to participate in the Big Pharma experiment. I do the same as you but added hydroxychloroquine (generic Plaquenil) after a Front Line Doc. Be sure you take enough D3. I am also on that prophylactically the last few months. The really good news is its half-life is very long so the benefits last) also have IVM to take if and when I get it. I'll post my detailed list as a reply.

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Hydroxychloriquine 200 mg ( weekly)


Vitamin D3 10,000 IU

Vitamin C 1000 mg

Vitamin K2-7 45 mcg

Baby aspirin 81 mg

Fish Oil 1200 mg

Turmeric 500 mg

Zinc Picolinate 50 mg

Centrum silver multi vitamin 500 mg

Magnesium 100 mg

Melatonin 5mg

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If you can get some Ivermectin and hold it just in case then if you get Covid start one a day for a week plus your other supplements. Get your doctor to order the monoclonal antibodies IV at urgent care or in the ER and if you get hospitalized refuse remdesiver. It is a kidney killer and doesn’t work for Covid.

On the FLCCCdotnet website they have a complete list of recommended meds and how to get Ivermectin.

Now I take C, D3, Zinc, Lysine, melatonin, Quercitin and I do the Flomax to clear my nose plus gargle twice a day. Looking into getting the Black Cumin seed oil as well. And I have my stash of Ivermectin on hand.

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I call b.s. on you saying remdesiver doesn't work. I HAD Covid, I WAS hospitalized, I WAS treated with remdesiver, I DID get better. Unless you have some sort of better evidence, you'd be better off keeping your opinions to yourself.

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I did read this, although I'm already in the sane camp. I'm encouraged to hear that this man was as well, realizing the obvious about what was happening to him. I bet it must have been a sheer torture to go through that. This is evil in its face, folks, and it's way, way past time we call a spade a spade. I have a personal campaign I'm launching, which I'm calling "Break the Spell." Look for it, we will see how it goes.

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i don't believe any top suits for the donks have died.

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How many more magnificent people do we have to lose? How many times must our hearts be broken? I know of two local public figures, excellent contributors to the community, who died "suddenly" after the jabbing began, with no cause of death publicly noted. I have personal knowledge of someone connected to my family whose close relatives suspect the injection led to his untimely death. In contrast, I cannot name anyone who died of the virus itself. Deaths recorded as C19 in our state remained very low until the injections began. They "shot up" from there, obviously connected, yet our governor continues the push, most recently urging boosters. https://governor.wv.gov/News/press-releases/2021/Pages/COVID-19-UPDATE-Gov-Justice-and-medical-experts-urge-boosters-to-maximize-protection.aspx. The injections never worked as claimed in the first place: Ronald B. Brown, Outcome Reporting Bias in COVID-19 Vaccine Trials, MEDICINA (Feb. 26, 2021), https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7996517/. CARES Act funds routed through HHS come with deadly strings attached. Those accepting them agree to follow all federal guidance on C19 policy. “COVID-19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Funds: A recipient of a grant or cooperative agreement awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with funds made available under the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116-123); the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, 2020 (the “CARES Act”) (P.L. 116-136); the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (P.L. 116- 139); the Consolidated Appropriations Act and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplement Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260) and/or the American Rescue Plan of 2021 [P.L. 117-2] agrees, as applicable to the award, to: 1) comply with existing and/or future directives and guidance from the Secretary regarding control of the spread of COVID19; 2) in consultation and coordination with HHS, provide, commensurate with the condition of the individual, COVID-19 patient care regardless of the individual’s home jurisdiction and/or appropriate public health measures (e.g., social distancing, home isolation); and 3) assist the United States Government in the implementation and enforcement of federal orders related to quarantine and isolation. In addition, to the extent applicable, Recipient will comply with Section 18115 of the CARES Act, with respect to the reporting to the HHS Secretary of results of tests intended to detect SARS–CoV–2 or to diagnose a possible case of COVID–19. Such reporting shall be in accordance with guidance and direction from HHS and/or CDC." https://www.cdc.gov/ncezid/dpei/pdf/guidance-elc-reopening-schools-508.pdf (See page 6). Perhaps this explains, in part, why our officials refuse to acknowledge the hazards of the injections. Perhaps they sold their souls when they accepted these funds.

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That’s so sad. My mom’s life changed since her 2nd shot, end of April. She has lost 25 lbs. she can’t keep food down or in. Thankfully, she has found a doctor who is trying to figure out what is wrong with her. Right now, she has what you’re call Celiac Sprue. He had never seen. He does blame the vaccine.

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Have they checked her gallbladder? A vaccine made me lose my gallbladder.

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a good chinese rice congee (rice over cooked in broth) with or without meat can help put weight on, make your own or find a traditional Chinese restaurant if you have one...

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I'm sorry for your mom.... Celiac is a genetic issue - I hope she got genetic testing to absolutely confirm/deny celiac. If it's definitely celiac, she will have to avoid all gluten (wheat, barley, rye - and those are on many ingredient lists INCLUDING ingredient lists for body/hair/skin care...) If Celiac, this is something she's always had BUT it definitely sounds that the vax pushed your mom to a "point of no return" and tipped the scales for her.

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Celiac is an autoimmune disorder so it’s not surprising a jab causes reactions like this. Adjuvants in regular vaccines are like crack for the immune system- mega boost and then mega crash.

Many other reactions to this gene therapy are likely the result of similar reactions by the immune system to attack its own body/organs- especially the heart.

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It is also genetic and causes major abdominal pain. Although it is a disease of Caucasians of Northern European decent, it is most prevalent in the Irish populations. Once diagnosed, it should be dealt with immediately.

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Herein lies the danger of pressuring people to get vaccinated who don't want to. They are the ones to speak out when things go wrong.

Thank you, Mike, and I'm sorry it had to be you. Prayers for his family.

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Haven't you seen idiots imploring from their hospital beds that we just get jabbed, as they are being treated for severe, "rare" vax side effects? Crazy.

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Maybe they’re being slyly passive- aggressive? Letting people know there are bad side effects while helping their careers by saying how much worse it would’ve been without the vaccine.

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Exactly! Wasn't everyone told to get the "vaccine" and you wouldn't get Covid? But now that they've been proven liars, they've changed their claim to "you won't get Covid...as bad." Sheesh! And why are those with natural immunity now running out and getting it? Does NOT make sense.

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