Nice message Steve, but your T-Shirt message also relates to us (Proud) Conspiracy Theorists - because 90% of our suspicions and allegations have proven to be accurate?
Since Covid and the DEADLY VAX were invented, new 'every-day expressions' keep appearing. Many such 'new' words and expressions we find ourselves frequently reading and using; "Died Suddenly", "Myocarditis", "Blood Clots", 'kids and babies having heart issues', etc,.
Add these, and many more to the phenomena of Autism, which has exploded since 'vaccines' were added to the medical procedures applied to kids as long ago as the 50's and 60's. Is the 1000% increase in Autism, within 50 years, due to the vastly increased use of 'vaccines'? Governments, FDA, CDC, etc, just turn a blind eye because they share the financial proceeds from the Depopulation??? Un the US, Babies now have around 70 dubious injections up to the age of THREE. Total INSANITY.
And still the makers of these deadly injections (called VACCINES) are allowed to increase their fortunes while the planet is CULLED.
All this mayhem without any apparent interest from Politician or health authority. No official enquiries or investigation into why the makers still enjoy ZERO LIABILITY? One of life's mysteries or just how it has been determined by those that mean us no good while they feather their expensive nests.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without corrupt medical interference.
Turfseer’s Top 20 Hits. Listen to the “Scamdemic Collection” of songs and music videos chronicling the lunacy of the Covid years. Hits including “The Virus is my God,” “Pod People Barbecue,” “Sheeple University,” “Trust the Science Rag,” ”Sharp as a Tack,” and much more.
while this may sound like a good idea it is so unconstitutional even a leftist judge would see it that way... first we need something similar to prevent the government from lying to the citizens holding those who lie to us responsible for their acts... the 1A protects the people more than the govt as we are the people, they are "not" they claim they are above us
Where's the fricking law that states it is illegal for the government to lie to the American people? Come on dead-head congress, do something great for once in your sordid miserable lives.
It's been four years and we're still at square one. Let's call a spade a spade. Congress is only going to offer lip service, especially during election season. And so, the cycle continues.
Steve, we put the arsonists in charge of fighting the fire. Things tend to not go very well when this happens.
Fauci and Collins were the primemalfactors when it came to the Covid virus via their underwriting of the research that gave us the rolling train wreck that came to be known as the Great Pandemic of 2020. How many Americans know about the moratorium Barack Obama placed on gain of function research in the US? How many of those same Americans understand that work was offshored to China (namely the WIV) by Drs. Fauci and Collins via a third party NGO called Eco Health Alliance?
How many Americans understand that RFK Jr is not the kook he's being made out to be? I may not agree with a lot of his political views, but the man had Fauci dead to rights in his book The Real Anthony Fauci. We got to see the same MO he used in combating AIDS and Ebola being played out again, with the same miserable results. AZT, Remdesivir, Paxlovid, and the current crop of Covid vaccines have all been miserable failures.
The reason that our national health establishment won't come clean is that there are most likely far too many Fauci and Collins acolytes still burrowed into positions of power who are more than capable of pushing back against the truth, facts, and reality. Time to clean out the rat's nest!
YES Steve. This is it. We need to stick to the simple basic most obvious and logical things to do. Watch them squirm. They WANT us to argue, fight, split into factions and buy into all the bull on the TV. They do NOT want us to state simple obvious logical truths and they do NOT want us to know the law. HERE WE GO!!!
The T-shirt is here:
" it's " should be " its "
Nice message Steve, but your T-Shirt message also relates to us (Proud) Conspiracy Theorists - because 90% of our suspicions and allegations have proven to be accurate?
Since Covid and the DEADLY VAX were invented, new 'every-day expressions' keep appearing. Many such 'new' words and expressions we find ourselves frequently reading and using; "Died Suddenly", "Myocarditis", "Blood Clots", 'kids and babies having heart issues', etc,.
Add these, and many more to the phenomena of Autism, which has exploded since 'vaccines' were added to the medical procedures applied to kids as long ago as the 50's and 60's. Is the 1000% increase in Autism, within 50 years, due to the vastly increased use of 'vaccines'? Governments, FDA, CDC, etc, just turn a blind eye because they share the financial proceeds from the Depopulation??? Un the US, Babies now have around 70 dubious injections up to the age of THREE. Total INSANITY.
And still the makers of these deadly injections (called VACCINES) are allowed to increase their fortunes while the planet is CULLED.
All this mayhem without any apparent interest from Politician or health authority. No official enquiries or investigation into why the makers still enjoy ZERO LIABILITY? One of life's mysteries or just how it has been determined by those that mean us no good while they feather their expensive nests.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without corrupt medical interference.
Turfseer’s Top 20 Hits. Listen to the “Scamdemic Collection” of songs and music videos chronicling the lunacy of the Covid years. Hits including “The Virus is my God,” “Pod People Barbecue,” “Sheeple University,” “Trust the Science Rag,” ”Sharp as a Tack,” and much more.
Oh Steve, you kook. You thought you cleverly came up with a way to get heard? Not for the herd.
but you have to prove it's a lie
while this may sound like a good idea it is so unconstitutional even a leftist judge would see it that way... first we need something similar to prevent the government from lying to the citizens holding those who lie to us responsible for their acts... the 1A protects the people more than the govt as we are the people, they are "not" they claim they are above us
Where's the fricking law that states it is illegal for the government to lie to the American people? Come on dead-head congress, do something great for once in your sordid miserable lives.
It's been four years and we're still at square one. Let's call a spade a spade. Congress is only going to offer lip service, especially during election season. And so, the cycle continues.
Steve, we put the arsonists in charge of fighting the fire. Things tend to not go very well when this happens.
Fauci and Collins were the primemalfactors when it came to the Covid virus via their underwriting of the research that gave us the rolling train wreck that came to be known as the Great Pandemic of 2020. How many Americans know about the moratorium Barack Obama placed on gain of function research in the US? How many of those same Americans understand that work was offshored to China (namely the WIV) by Drs. Fauci and Collins via a third party NGO called Eco Health Alliance?
How many Americans understand that RFK Jr is not the kook he's being made out to be? I may not agree with a lot of his political views, but the man had Fauci dead to rights in his book The Real Anthony Fauci. We got to see the same MO he used in combating AIDS and Ebola being played out again, with the same miserable results. AZT, Remdesivir, Paxlovid, and the current crop of Covid vaccines have all been miserable failures.
The reason that our national health establishment won't come clean is that there are most likely far too many Fauci and Collins acolytes still burrowed into positions of power who are more than capable of pushing back against the truth, facts, and reality. Time to clean out the rat's nest!
Oh FFS people, learn the difference between “its” and “it’s”. This shirt gives our enemies ammunition to call us stupid.
Maybe it goes with the polyester.
Have you ever noticed when you carry a
.45 people never correct your spelling or call you stupid...
Good one Steve.
I sent Tom Emmer, my supposed representative(NEVER answers my emails!), a link to this newsletter.
SO, let's have a POLL!
YES, Tom Emmer my congressman, WILL respond and get Steve before Congress. Yay!
NO, he's another RINO like most.
Uuuuh, I just want to see the answer.
YES Steve. This is it. We need to stick to the simple basic most obvious and logical things to do. Watch them squirm. They WANT us to argue, fight, split into factions and buy into all the bull on the TV. They do NOT want us to state simple obvious logical truths and they do NOT want us to know the law. HERE WE GO!!!
Excellent, your best yet - and it's really short!
Ha, that's brilliant!
One would think they are the ones who should be providing proof that the shots work and not the other way around