Trust is gone when vaccinated people hospitalized for covid are counted, systemically, as unvaccinated - "vaccine" studies based on or including this data tell us little or entirely obfuscate the truth. This is exacerbated by systemic under reporting and denial of serious "vaccine" adverse events. manipulation, manipulation, manipulation - all Trust is gone.

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People paid off by PHARMA are chronically delusional, chronic liars, or both.

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Thank you sir. Much appreciated!!

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Bill Gates loves the book How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff. He tells all his mentorees to read books on how to lie with statistics. If manipulating numbers to get things done is your game like Bill Gates then as one subscriber on Gates' blog stated:

"This knowledge can come in handy when trying to convince people of a pandemic or the safety and effectiveness of an experimental drug." Stephen Horrillo.


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Can anyone kindly direct me to Steve Kirsch‘s email to contact him privately? Thank you

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Option 1 has a lot of sub-options.

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I was not very interested if this virus really existed or not. The analysis is based on 2020, with then a very small impact of the vaccines. The result "up to 7%" does not mean 0% is impossible; it rather gives a value range ( 0 - 7 %). When one proves there is a significant decline in ACE2 receptor expression levels in the oldest ones (nasal epithelium or lungs) then the result will go yet more towards Zero. As Covid-19 (the virus, if at all existed) could not have been any reason of a visible number of excess deaths then reasons must be somewhere else (from 2021 -I think mainly the vaccines, ).

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That's right, it's in the vaccines and graphene that they introduced

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If you.look at his sampling it wasn't found in all of them. Hence why I still see and read of multiple modalities of harm. Worst I think is the endotoxins found in most of the vials globally.

Haven't TV'd it since 2001 post 9-11 lies. Only time I see it is at a bar, fitness center, or once in a while hotel.

Actually there is a side effect of the disregulation caused by the shots. It impact nuclear factor-kappa B and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3. Some say its the shots endotoxins including loose e coli and LPS (lipopolysaccaride which is 50,000 times more toxic to humans.) Just a side note, the DHHS head of selling you out, the head of Global Health Security at the beginning of all this was Dr. Lawrence D Kerr (now deputy director of PHARMA) did his science at Vanderbilt on NF-kB and what impacts it and bad human outcomes. Coincidence? Maybe. Eugenicists of a feather flock together imo. PMID 29491579 is one critique. There were 27,390 references on it so it garnered a huge interest.

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Don't complicate your life with technicalities. It is very easy, you take a microscope and put a drop of the vaccine. You will see what you find. We already discovered it in 2021

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Sorry but I don’t have lab access nor vials to play with.

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Criminal Pharma buying fake studies.

1. 100% Safe and Effective was their marketing slogan.

2. You will never die was proferred (in the UK we were told we would not die from anything, a magic elixir was at hand).

3. The stabbinations stopped the spread and reduced all symptoms of the flying Rona virus, flying, turning, biting, attacking, sometimes waiting patiently for the right moment (hottest day evah for eg).

All 3 are lies. We all know people who died or were injured. Some injuries in our circles include cancer, bleeding bowels and bladders, heart issues, brain fog ie encephala, and many other conditions.

There is no 'health' system. A health system would look at reality and conclude that these stabs and indeed all chemical, synthetic stabs are unnecessary and toxic. But there is no money in that.

Your 'death' industry is a criminal industry, unconcerned with health, but fanatically obsessed with drugs for profit. The drug criminals have bought everyone and everything. That is the 'science' and the real consensus. Case closed.

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Unfortunately, “Safe & Effective” has been the same line of BS used for every pill and shot big Pharma has peddled since I can remember…

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Effectively, they control the institutions

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"The GVDN received seeding money from the Gates Foundation"


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Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Jeffrey C. Kwong reports financial support was provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Naveed Z. Janjua reports financial support was provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Anders Hviid reports financial support was provided by Global Vaccine Data Network. Helen Petousis-Harris reports financial support was provided by New Zealand Ministry of Health. Steven Black reports a relationship with GSK that includes: consulting or advisory. Jeffrey C. Kwong reports a relationship with Canadian Institutes of Health Research that includes: funding grants. Jeffrey C. Kwong reports a relationship with Public Health Agency of Canada that includes: funding grants. Naveed Z. Janjua reports a relationship with AbbVie Inc that includes: consulting or advisory and speaking and lecture fees. Naveed Z. Janjua reports a relationship with Gilead Sciences Inc that includes: speaking and lecture fees. Anders Hviid reports a relationship with Independent Research Fund Denmark that includes: funding grants. Anders Hviid reports a relationship with Lundbeck Foundation that includes: funding grants. Anders Hviid reports a relationship with Novo Nordisk Foundation that includes: funding grants. Anders Hviid reports a relationship with VAC4EU that includes: consulting or advisory. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) conducts Public-Private Partnership with vaccine manufacturers and has received research funding from Sanofi Inc. Petteri Hovi has been an investigator in these studies, but has received no personal remuneration. Helen Petousis-Harris has served on expert advisory boards and had speaking engagements for Pfizer and GSK. She has also received research funding from GSK. She has not received any personal honoraria. If there are other authors, they declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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I have watched about an hour of the interview with john and carl and i was surprised that Heneghan holds that no conclusions can be drawn without doing studies for Years and years. I am sure his study on the flu drug was very important, but people are dropping like flies and he wants to talk about everything except that. I always admired him until now. Yes, I understand his point about evidence, but he is dead wrong about evidence as an answer to controversy, because there is lots of evidence of the lethality of Covid vaccines and other vaccines and that changes nothing as far as the actions of government and the regulatory agencies. He is also wrong about the RCTs on masks. There may only have been 3 on Covid, but there are many more looking at the utility of masks to block airborne viruses. Heneghan wants to have his cake and eat it to, he sees himself as the final word on “evidence,” yet he is at pains to narrow the scope of inquiry and ascribe the actions of the so-called regulatory agencies to incompetence. He is obfuscating in defense of the academic establishment.

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My friend, in this war if you don't quickly identify the enemy, you're dead. Identifying False Dissent is vital to survival.

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Heneghan did some valuable things during the hight of the "pandemic," but he is a great disappointment, that's all I am saying. I am sure Steve expected better of him.

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You mentioned Guillain-Barre syndrome as 'side effect' of the Vaxx.

This is not new, but over 40 years ago they were well aware of this...

I was just reading again the great book "Confessions of a medical Heretic by Robert Mendelsohn M. D., published in 1979, where he states on page 235: 565 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome resulting from the flue vaxxine AND 30 unexplained DEATHS!

How could you explain the death???

They died from getting the vaxx that's the explanation! But no they keep on experimenting on how many people they can cure or kill or maim or brainwash to think they are better of with this poison then without it.

A friend of mine got Guillain-Barre syndrome from the Flu shot over 40 years ago, and still has effects from it, after being paralysed for 2 years, she has minimal strength but can at least get around.

Nothing has changed in the past 2000 years:

And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing better, but rather grew worse,

(Mark 5:25-26) Jesus healed her and he will come to heal the entire world of this madness, of which the Covid vaxx is only the tip of the evil iceberg the entire world is running into.

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Covid vaccines have no side effects, they have one main effect, making you sick and killing. This happens when you introduce graphene into vaccines. In addition to producing covid, it also produces this syndrome.

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Graphene never found in the vaccines….maybe in the production process, but not overall

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I see you are not informed, we already demonstrated in 2021 that the main component of vaccines is graphene oxide. We alerted the entire world population, however in certain countries people have failed to distinguish False Dissent. See my substack to see our research

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Important rebuttal to a vile "limited hangout."

I just published, like every other dissident stacker this week, a summary of Kirsch's weeks-ago interview w/ Major Haviland; it also explains why a somewhat-benign theory about the white clots floated by the late Arne Burckhardt and youtuber John Campbell now has to be abandoned if you accept Haviland's data. Check it out if you're behind on the white-clot issue. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/the-hirschman-horror-continued

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I watched your interview on Tucker Carlson. I am curious about two points.

1) You did not mention the lack of Autism amoungst the Amish which I thought would help greatly to make your point that unvaccinated children are free of (or freer) of Autism.

2)You spent some time pointing out that critics of vaccines will become outcasts from their academic peers and medical licensing bodies. However there is a large movement in the Climate Change world with major researchers admitting that much of the doom and gloom of Climate change is untrue. It is the scenario you posed in your interview that if leaders in the research world banded together and said "not true" to vaccine safety then maybe the institutions would back down from their pro vaccine untrue narrative. Well it is successfully occurring in the Climate change research world presently.

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If they are not vaccinated, they are covid-free, they have no graphene in their bodies.

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50 years ago this would be a Monty Python sketch. "This parrot isn't dead, it's stunned."

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indeed they talk about dead parrots like talking about about dead patients!

They knew about the problems with vaxxes 50 years ago... see my above post...

You mentioned Guillain-Barre syndrome as 'side effect' of the Vaxx.

This is not new, but over 40 years ago they were well aware of this...

I was just reading again the great book "Confessions of a medical Heretic by Robert Mendelsohn M. D., published in 1979, where he states on page 235: 565 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome resulting from the flue vaxxine AND 30 unexplained DEATHS!

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Steve I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everything you are doing. I got pericarditis from the Moderna vaccine and no cardiologists believe me. Healthy young male with no heath issues before. Even though Gm pericarditis has healed, I have lingering dysautonomia , heart arrhythmias, and poor cardiac output. The biggest kicker? I’m an identical twin and he has no issues. I’m literally what they would use for genetic testing. It’s proof.

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