“ Now, you’d expect that since there is no safety data available, that there would be 100% compliance wouldn’t you?” - Don’t you mean “0%”?

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Je suis vraiment fière de vous. Vous êtes une lueur d’espoir pour la médecine. Merci pour votre courage. Je vous laisse ça ici. Vous en faites ce que vous voulez. https://youtu.be/4M4DFdRAGJM Courage!

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Trudeau needs a shot of lead!

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It could well be ,that the pharma cartel will create its own army of armed injection enforcers ,similar to the I.R.S. armed enforcers .The injection offensive of the children to go to school is only the first step to forced injections in schools or not .The eugenics program must go on according to plan,together with windfall profits .The perpetrators of that orgy of crime are still there and their plans are not complete .All three letter agencies and governments are now following the orders of a few extra governmental super rich tyrants and exterminators .

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"NOTE: The article claims 96 doctors signed the letter, but there are only 19 listed. As of Oct 21, 2022 at 9:25pm, I have a message into the author to explain the discrepancy."

So what happened to the 77 missing signees? Dead of Covid-19? Hustled off to provincial detention camps? Too busy attending Canadiens hockey games?

The world demands answers.

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16% . Great the people are awakening !

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I would not count on it ,because the maskers and injejtees now have a mental defect and that is the majority of people .Go into any medical establishment ,hospital and there you see that it is Halloween every day,or is it more like a lunatic central .Many also run around outside in a state of virus fever .Masked and venomised that seems to be a permanent condition .In almost all stores or offices the staff is masked 100% .Most likely also soaked to the top with venom .

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022


Another sudden death. This time a counselor running for municipal office. Vote hasn't even taken place yet.


She has plenty of retweets suggesting being a solid supporter of getting vaxxed and boosted.

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Lets nor worry about her ,she will not be allowed into heaven if she wears a snot pouch .

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One might just think ‘just deserts’ and now non-living prof these vaxxes are potentially murderous - hanging on by a wing and a prayer here 😢

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Nuremberg 2.0.

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The first nuremberg was wrong

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

How many deaths of medical professionals and young athletes is it going to take? When will we reach critical mass? My beautiful aunt took several boosters and now she has cancer. She didn’t even consider a connection. According to her it’s because she used to smoke (in her twenties!)

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About time, but 'The Damage Done" Neil Young

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Yes, ole Neil who told us to shut the fuck up about the needle and just stick it in to our soul and skin

And he's back on Spotify.

Wonder how he liked being vexed and hacksxxxxinated?

I can't stand his voice anymore since he became a censor.

What a big jerkofff

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For those impressed by the number "96", here's some food for thought.

"The American Medical Association (AMA) today released a new survey (PDF) among practicing physicians that shows more than 96 percent of surveyed U.S. physicians have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions."


More fun with numbers:

Even if the "96 doctors" signing on to that open letter against Covid-19 vaccination were all physicians (they're not - some claim to have degrees in other fields; at least one is a dentist), realize that there are 23,236 physicians in Quebec. So 96 out of 23,236 would be a whopping 0.4% of all physicians in the province denying the safety and usefulness of Covid-19 vaccines.

But Kirsch and his followers would rather ignore the 99.6% who have more sense.

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You need to read Turtles All the Way Down. Don't be a troll.

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That book recycles moldy old antivax tropes revived for the pandemic.

Recommended instead: Vaccines and Your Child: Separating Fact from Fiction — co-authored by Charlotte A. Moser , and Vaccines: What Everyone Needs To Know by Kristen Feemster. The authors rely on evidence and don't hide behind "Anonymous", like your turtle friend.

Instead of pulling into one's shell so that facts bounce off, try reading those books. Don't be duped by tech multi-multi millionaires who deal in ludicrous conspiracy theories while milking "thousands of _paid_ subscribers".

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As a mom of an unvaxed and healthy (now an adult) child, I have made my choice. I have read the lies and ridiculous fallacies that try to pass as science. As the editors and past editors of ALL the medical journals have said, there is rarely any truth to the bought and paid for research. I look at the fact, as well, that more have died from the vaccine than the disease. It was lies from the start, even with polio.

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"As the editors and past editors of ALL the medical journals have said"

Actually, it was just _one_ past editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, Marcia Angell, who advised us to distrust clinical research. And her credibility has taken a hit.


Beyond your attempts to change the subject - any thoughts on why we're supposed to trust "96 doctors" (many of whom aren't even physicians) who are antivaccine, rather than the millions of physicians who recognize the value of vaccines and get them for themselves and their children?

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The AMA is owned by big pharma, has been for decades.

Who cares what they say? Their survey is nonsense.

Do you think the surveyed docs would admit to the AMA they didn't take the jab and then get threatened, coerced, mocked, and have their paycheck in jeopardy?

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

Actually I think Steve kirsch and his followers would rather follow anything that wasn't a 88% death rate by ventilators and add in remdesivir and what a kill by doctors so any doctors following a health protocol that has a 88% death rate or higher would be avoided as a credible doctor so why follow their lead on an experimental shot that has been harming. Your welcome to read up on why ventilators not recommended for covid or H1N1 and why remdesivir an experimentail drug should be avoided as seen in Africa for Ebola but for many research is too hard to do. They can't be wrong as their ego can't take that. So if 88% died from covid because of a kill rate from ventilators and bad drugs that death rate from covid sure has gone down in the USA. Moderna now saying covid is just like the flu and in the early fall of 2020 in Ontario Canada the Minister of long term care stated covid was killing the old and vulnerable and was the same as the flu. No vaccine then and 84% of deaths were in the very old and sick. Factor in over 60 put on ventilators were in the low 90% for death rate again not a doctor with credibility who used that approach for covid patients. The elderly in long term care died from malnutrition dehydration and isolation not covid in many cases. A fact covered up in a Canadian military report and an inquiry. A buried investigation is still known. Did you know the former health Minister in Quebec in Sept 2020 told Legault not to shut down as there was no health emergency but Premier Legault refused proving it was political not based on health. The shenanigans that ensued like border blockades at the provincial borders police roadblocks vans with horns screaming at citizens to go home and stay home but the Health Minister said no emergency warranted to shut down the province so an Inquiry into the psycho running Quebec is in order especially since he wanted to tax the unvaxxed. Dont bother to argue as quercetin vitamin D3 zinc elderberry works just fine to stop getting covid and for lessening symptoms unvaccinated.. no blood clots myocarditis neurological Guillane Barre transverse myelitis auto immune from these therapuetics that work at source at the nose and mouth where viruses enter and Theresa Tam has just hung herself on boosters needed as clearly these vaccines are therapeutics and she said population immunity is down because only 16% have gotten vaccines in the last 6 months. Therefore these vaccines are only a therapeutic in which the vitamins I listed are just that. A therapeutic used daily to stop getting covid or any viruses and getting symptoms gone faster if you get covid or any virus and the vaccinated are using these products to lessen symptoms so if the vaccinated need to use the very same products the unvaccinated use then hmmm let's see what a smart person says ,,you didn't need the vaccines with a host of side effects including getting covid symptoms after getting the vaccines as listed on the Canada.Health website for reactions to covid vaccines and while your on the Canada Health site please go to lipid nanoparticles and what they can do in the body and its not pretty. The lipid nanoparticle that delivers the RNA in the MRNA vaccine

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Not a single person regrets being unvaccinated. Medical industry malpractice killed more people than covid did. Now how many millions more will die because of the clot shot.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

Exactly. I have been around covid in the family quite a few times. All sick with lots of symptoms. Never got sick. Neither did the better half. The unvaccinated children fine. The vaccinated use the same health therapeutics we use to get better. We never got sick. We have not been made sick from the flu and colds that masks never stopped and the 2 to 3 viruses per year like usual came regardless of masks and restrictions. Yet because they demonized cold viruses we decided to follow the health regiment good doctors have said on line and we tested it and it works and we are trying to get the vaccinated to follow this health regiment but it seems the unvaccinated are more concerned with good health then the vaccinated and as a result we have better health and don't get sick with supposed covid or other influenza. I had a wicked sore throat for less than a day just recently. Gone with all these great vitamins and supplements but I love the long covid or the many symptoms in the 3x 4x vaxxed including doctors whining of how sick they are. All of them vaccinated in their household all sick. What a joke. They all spread to each other. The facts and truth are there. Some people are just plain stupid. Arrogant egos to boost.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Thankfully, a lot of people do not consider opinions only by virtue of how popular they are but rather at the measure of how fitting they are with reality.

What you are doing is a reverse appeal to popularity

That's a fallacy, I recommend avoiding those as much as possible

It trains the mind into vain thinking habits that will, over time, limit your abilities for a greater comprehension.

Mind you, if your goal is to produce the best rhetorics and the worse philosophy, that would be the way to go.

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Ignore those 99.6% too afraid to speak out. You and those on big pharma's payroll, I ignore.

Go today and get another booster.

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I'm not seeing that few asleep. Only 30% of Alberta's got the first booster.. says to me night is over, people are waking up!

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Betting you have been covid vaccinated with Pfizers 15% vaccine injury jab (from their reports) for a virus with a 0.03% death rate! Looks like someone else is ignoring percentages!

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🥲 I was, idiot that I am, upshot to date: severe skin blistering venous insufficiency acute muscle pain loss of vision and Barr Epstein … I rest my case

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Just watched the Video "80 Young Canadian Doctors" Brave people and well researched

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Standing ovation for ICAN and Del Bigtree!

The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has advised us*

it will fund legal challenges to any Covid-19 mandate for attending school imposed by any state.

*ICAN Legal Team


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16% took the booster, after 80%+ took the first two doses.

They weren't that intelligent to begin with, weren't they?

Mr Steve here, submitted to two shots of the 'safe and effective' gene altering substance. At the advice of his trusted doctors, working for big pharma.. The same friends which keep pushing the virus narrative, and more shots, to protect against it.

Look at Bulgaria and Romania COVID shot numbers, and you'll understand the difference.

Countries which were under communism can smell BS from a mile.. they are not easy to fool anymore.

Safe and effective.. my ass!

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May this be the beginning of a ground swell.

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The global genocide won't end until the people decide, on their own, to end it. If this event ever happens, it will be bloody.

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