At what threshold of weird deaths per 100 people will the masses finally wake up?

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Ed Dowd's book, Cause Unknown" showed he discovered in the insurance industry, a death rate 40% higher since the clot shots

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Keep going Steve…cracks are getting bigger from my end as a middle class person. I attended a faculty meeting where a senior teacher publicly admitted he was wrong about DEI, and even went so far as to say Robin D’Angelo‘s book White Fragility was a piece of crap. I was stunned. He had been the biggest champion of it, even had gotten rid of (by canceling and publicly shaming) another senior teacher who was against DEI and CRT training three years ago. Then my son told me the other day he couldn’t believe he had been taught that he even had a carbon footprint, relative to the output of carbon by major industries. Next, he’ll be questioning the pharmaceutical industries and the government agencies captured by them. One idiotic, ideological domino falls, and the rest, well in my mind, it’s not too big a leap to Make America Healthy Again. I know as a community we have been praying, if not begging for normies to wake up, and now I think the shifts are starting to become exponential, which is exciting, if true… I continue to keep my fingers crossed.

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Which metro area??!! Very interesting..

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I would think most of these are heart attacks or stroke. Sudden deaths that first responders would see.

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First hit on Jonathan Laxton on Bing was https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/author/jonathan-laxton/ . Nuff said! (Apparently, the Narrative consider "science" to mean fantasy and hallucination.)

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So the presumption from the evidence supports the theory that the mrna shots are not only not fit for purpose, but also actively bad for you. Can someone post a link to research showing the accelerating demise of people the more shots they get? The cumulative effects must be plainly evident by now.

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Somewhere I did see this, a chart showing a vast increase in bad side effects as the more vaccinations and boosters they had. So this is known and published too.

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Wrong! The "purpose" was apparently (selective, depending on fakes, placebos, benign lots, and sufficiency of cold-chain) depopulation and disablement.

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Upon the introduction of mandates in the UK, a local Doctor said that masks become damp and warm after a short time and thus breed bacteria. She forecast higher rates of bacterial infection of the respiratory tract amongst mask wearers. So many "covid" deaths were in fact bacterial pneumonia as a secondary infection.

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“Natural Death”….what a contradiction in terms…Natural death is old age….not SIDS, not self-induced , not overdoses…homicides and NOT vaccine related clots or heart attacks/sudden death in the young….ALL of these AND more simply ascribed to “natural causes” or from the Govt directed “COVID Death” in order to scare people to get the vac or to use kidney destroying drug in the hospital.

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TRUTH EVIL Great Reset

Wikipedia • The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, and a video featuring the then-Prince of Wales Charles was released to mark its launch.

3846 The Not-So-Great Reset https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D3Lgtl50ls 🙏

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The military-Industrial pharmaceutical complex will destroy the health of the planet. Simple things

like sunshine, aspirin with C and baking soda can offer some relief.

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Ok, so if you read that Letter Trump and Pfizer wrote,....it talks directly about their plans to use BOOSTERS. So, what does Karen mean, Trump told them only 2 doses and no Boosters? That's not what the letter says!

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Hmmmm. I will bet the good “Doctor “ will either simply not respond, or if he does, it will be something along the lines of, “… Just a coincidence; and nothing to see here…”

Great job, Steve, in keeping at it. We really mustn’t give them a moments rest.

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A word from our President regarding the hurricane season:


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Makes my blood boil to see this traitor speaking this made up lies that some/many actually believed!

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There's a President (of the US, that is)? Or did you mean Antipresident?

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He's not the president, he's the TRAITOR the globalist Mafia put into our Nations Whitehouse. Nothing he says is worth listening to.

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Thank you Steve for holding our better's feet the fire. They made excellent money from selling the vaccine , so they need to justify themselves . In the back of their mind's they must also he petrified that the true state of affairs will come out.

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I am not trying to quarrel with your post but isn't the true state of affairs already out and nothing happens?

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