After all, they did such a WONDERFUL job with this pandemic ... NOT!!!! So the US is going to cede control in the next pandemic to the WHO and I don't think it can be stopped.
It *can* be stopped, Steve, and we must harness all of our collective strength to do so because letting the WHO get away with this is not an option—if we treasure freedom, individual rights, and the future of humanity.
Last week, I had a Zoom meeting about this with Dr. Tess Lawrie, World Council for Health Steering Committee member Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, and their tech guru Devyn. They are already working with James Roguski. We are all teaming up to stop the WHO, and we need all hands on deck to do so.
See the section on #StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWho at the end of this post for more details and resources so everyone can become educated about what’s at stake and how to stop this:
This is going to be a multi-phase process over the coming months, so the first thing to do is get educated (I include resources in the WHO section at the end of my last post:, the next is to take action (James provides action steps throughout his pandemic treaty series:, and the third is to follow the key Substacks I list in that section (James, Tess, Bailiwick News, and mine) to keep apprised of the latest action steps as soon as they become available.
James Roguski has been talking about it for quite some time now too. I have posted about it several times under Steve's articles, but never gained much interest as I am just a nobody. But I will keep sounding the alarm just like I am about the bills in California and put fliers up everywhere in public.
My heart sank when I read this one. Then relieved when I saw this post. We're never giving up this fight, right!?! Maybe Steve is just adding fuel to our fire.
Margaret I love your writing and would love to collaborate sometime as a poet myself. Interestingly, Lewis Carrol is a top 3 favorite of mine so your substack theme stood out; just joined. I have a lot of scamdemic poems and the LEGAL patent trail to share to the world. I think I'll make my next poem:
It’s hard to believe that there are Americans and other freedom-loving people around the globe who have fallen for the latest version of WHO … notably since Bill Gates has given that organization hundreds of millions and influences its decisions, a man who isn’t a doctor or a scientist and had two years of college. Regardless, Tedros is in his pocket. (Gates has publicly stated he’s earned $10 billion from the vaccines, for example.) To learn the shenanigans of the people behind WHO, please watch Lillian Franck’s documentary TRUSTWHO.
They’ve let them go this far, what makes anyone think it can be stopped now? No one need answer - I am just watching every right I thought we had disappearing into the air.
I was in that same camp up until about a week ago until I heard about voice•com not charging minting or gas fees for NFT freedom of speech monetization opps.
Thank you! I have no understanding of crypto or block chain - it’s all too much to wrap my head around. It’s okay, I don’t do so well with technology. It doesn’t make my life better, just more frustrating.
Margaret Anna, it doesn’t look like the rulers have any intention of stopping. They don’t care about us and its full steam ahead for them. We can’t be nice forever.
I’m so tired of playing babysitter to our bureaucrats. Between WHO, the FDA repeatedly threatening to EUA the injections for little kids, our state governor who wants to expand our state health department, and our state RINO majority who is beholden to everyone except their citizens.... sheesh. It’s worse than trying to keep a room full of 4 year olds out of the cookie jar at dinner time. 🙄
By following James Roguski, Dr. Tess Lawrie, and Bailiwick News along with my Substack, people can stay apprised of the latest action steps. I also recommend signing up for notifications from World Council for Health (
James has provided a wealth of resources and actions that can be taken in his ongoing pandemic series:
WCFH is getting the infrastructure in place to tackle the most urgent item of stopping the amendments. I am working on a series of articles that will be tackling the amendments, the treaty, and ultimately the goal of withdrawing from the WHO over the coming months. This will be a multi-faceted, long-term campaign as we work to raise awareness about the threat to national sovereignty posed by the WHO and the power of countries to counteract that threat by voting against the amendments and the treaty and then withdrawing from the WHO, thus sapping them of their financial resources and authority simultaneously.
It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule, and a fool to mind it.
They have no credibility at all. They concocted a Fake Plague and poisoned and killed BILLIONS of people with Their poison Kool aid.
Who in their right mind would do anything more to cooperate with a small minority of criminals that have clearly demonstrated their illwill and utter depravity?
It appears that They would have Us believe that We have nothing left to lose.
With that, They have painted Themselves into a corner. IMHO.
Thank you for your blessing 🙌 🙏, my wife and I are considering adoption and with the changing abortion laws in Oklahoma & Texas, plus rape victims in the gas lit war in Ukraine, coupled with Roe vs Wade potential to be overturn(Ed.), all good vibes help on this beautiful mother's day🌬️👩🍼👨🍼
Given the present climate in the US Senate, where billions of additional "Covid Relief" had to be stripped out of a Ukraine funding bill, I don't think the Senate (along with many other constituencies) will accept any "ceding authority to the WHO" over US healthcare matters.
This "treaty" is blatantly unconstitutional. Our Constitution does not grant the federal government the power to cede state sovereignty to foreign entities. Health is one of those powers delegated to the states. This is one more instance where states must stand up and say "Not in our state!" Governors, AGs and state legislatures must rise up against this and not allow it. Will this finally cause states to realize they are the bulwark against federal over reach? If states governments will support the people in non-compliance we can win, but that is a big "if."
But WHO is headed by a black man, so it MUST be good, because all blacks are good! -- so thinks your average liberal. And that's exactly why Bill and Klaus selected him for the high profile post.
I'm not convinced this is as binding as people are thinking. If it is just that WHO will be able to declare a state of emergency in our country and that's it, probably not the end of our sovereignty then. I gotta believe it would still require our government to enforce it. It's not like they can send the UN forces in here. I've declared a state of emergency every day Biden has been in the White House, but nobody listens. Not saying we shouldn't raise hell about this. Give em an inch and they'll take a mile. The fact that our government are actually the boneheads who proposed this tells you we're in some serious trouble though.
UN forces can indeed be sent, likely by your own government! UN forces went to Canada to deal with the trucker protest in Ottawa. What makes you think your government would not enforce it?
I think it would be a heavy lift for our government to give UN troops police powers in the US. Over our history, it's been hard enough to justify on those few occasions they've given it to US troops, which at least have the Insurrection Act as legal basis. I don't know about Canada's constitutional protections, but most countries don't have nearly anything as sound as our's. Not saying it could't happen and we shouldn't resist. Just saying I don't think we're as screwed as a lot of people think. Also not sure if the UN troop thing during the trucker protest was real or not. Maybe. I definitely don't doubt Trudeau would love to go there.
Oh for sure, the US has much better protections than Canada. Trudeau is in bed with WEF and is continuing the destruction of the country that his father started. He used Emergency Measures Act powers without senate approval, withdrew them before the senate could vote on them, and then installed his own guy to preside the required investigation into whether his actions were valid. And then he snuck changes to the Criminal Code into the budget bill (making free speech illegal) to guarantee they'd get through without scrutiny. The man should be in prison for multiple crimes, not getting job security for the next 3 years.
I saw numerous videos of what seemed to be UN troops, and a plane with a UN logo was seen not too far from Ottawa. I'm not saying that could happen in the US today, but 5 years down the road? Who knows what things will look like.
My head explodes when I think about all that. And the deputy PM up there, Christia Freeland, might be worse than the Soy Boy himself. I think she's another WEF alumni. The Canadians need to wake up and ditch those bums.
Yep, Freeland the aspiring slave master is highly involved with the WEF. With the NDP (Singh is also a WEF alumnus) propping up the Liberal government for the next three years there is not much to be done. JT has already committed so many illegal acts and federal ethics violations (slap on the wrist and a few hundred dollar fine each time) and he is still in office. Mutiny would likely be met with more emergency powers and illegally frozen bank accounts. Make too much progress getting answers in council and a snap rigged election will be called to reset the whole process and make the opposition scared to trigger another election ever again in case their constituents get mad and vote them out next time.
To guarantee the NDP support, Soy Boy promised to bring in universal pharmacare and eventually universal basic income, which would both add loads to the national debt, inflation and list of addicts who need anti-depressants to function. Fiat currency is likely to collapse along with the real estate bubble, which would trigger implementation of central digital bank currency and possibly 'bail outs' from the IMF in exchange for loss of property rights.
Unfortunately Canada is a broad country with no real unifying identity. Rural areas and prairies tend to be conservative. City dwellers (many of whom were imported from other countries via 'refugee' programs - anyone can conveniently be a refugee from the latest humanitarian crisis without any proof of origin) get swayed by promises of 'free' stuff and policies that are aimed at making city life comfortable, so they vote in those guys and ruin life for themselves. Too much fluoride in the water in major cities. Some of the sleepers are waking up, but not quite fast enough.
Wow! Well said. That really sums it up. Sadly, so many are clueless about what's really going on. I fear that by the time they wake up, our options will be very limited. We frogs may be very nearly boiled.
I am more inclined to believe that by the time they wake up, their options will be very limited. We who are already awake have many options for how to live. Of course, if by options you mean 'opportunities to maintain the current system in its present form', I must agree with you that the options for that will be very limited. Does that matter? Perhaps there is something better to build once we let go of the comfortable slavery we have been living under.
Also, I don't think this administration will last much longer. Evidence over the election and much worse things is catching up with them all. I think it will break in 2022.
Trump was so devastatingly misled with the Fauci and Birx lockdowns and the fraud unneeded injections. Badly misled. He needs to re-establish credibility by stepping up now calling for investigations but calling for end of the injections and NONE for children. This is where he is needed. I still support him but he made 2 grave mistakes only he can fix.
World, collectively must stand together against this overreach! What happened to world/international tribunals? ...or, have they been corrupted as well?
We must stop feeding the beast. Switch your bank accounts and credit cards from big banks to Credit Unions.
Do your best to adopt "MDWWYH." Make do with what you have! When you need something do your best to buy it from small businesses not the businesses that made millions from the "plandemic."
Do not comply with mask mandates or lockdowns or vaccine requirements. I left my doctor and eye doctor because of the mask requirements. My dentist accomodated my refusal to wear a mask.
Agreed but better than staying with the big banks. When it all crashes down and/or goes total digital with social scoring it won't matter what you have in any account.
It *can* be stopped, Steve, and we must harness all of our collective strength to do so because letting the WHO get away with this is not an option—if we treasure freedom, individual rights, and the future of humanity.
Last week, I had a Zoom meeting about this with Dr. Tess Lawrie, World Council for Health Steering Committee member Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, and their tech guru Devyn. They are already working with James Roguski. We are all teaming up to stop the WHO, and we need all hands on deck to do so.
See the section on #StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWho at the end of this post for more details and resources so everyone can become educated about what’s at stake and how to stop this:
• “Dialogue with a Curious Injectee” (
My response during their public comment period last month provides additional information:
• “Letter to the WHO” (
I’m in. Just tell me what I need to do.
Thank you, Abby! See my response to Bibi below (
This is going to be a multi-phase process over the coming months, so the first thing to do is get educated (I include resources in the WHO section at the end of my last post:, the next is to take action (James provides action steps throughout his pandemic treaty series:, and the third is to follow the key Substacks I list in that section (James, Tess, Bailiwick News, and mine) to keep apprised of the latest action steps as soon as they become available.
Thanks again, Abby!
See pinned post by Margaret Anna Alice. Time to get to work! Everyone!
James Roguski has been talking about it for quite some time now too. I have posted about it several times under Steve's articles, but never gained much interest as I am just a nobody. But I will keep sounding the alarm just like I am about the bills in California and put fliers up everywhere in public.
My heart sank when I read this one. Then relieved when I saw this post. We're never giving up this fight, right!?! Maybe Steve is just adding fuel to our fire.
Thank you Margaret!
Get the facts about this: http://DontYouDare.INFO Contact me directly at 310-619-3055
Margaret I love your writing and would love to collaborate sometime as a poet myself. Interestingly, Lewis Carrol is a top 3 favorite of mine so your substack theme stood out; just joined. I have a lot of scamdemic poems and the LEGAL patent trail to share to the world. I think I'll make my next poem:
Are you also of Jewish decent and see the totalitarian ␈? If you send me your email address, I'd love to exchange art. Mine is
It’s hard to believe that there are Americans and other freedom-loving people around the globe who have fallen for the latest version of WHO … notably since Bill Gates has given that organization hundreds of millions and influences its decisions, a man who isn’t a doctor or a scientist and had two years of college. Regardless, Tedros is in his pocket. (Gates has publicly stated he’s earned $10 billion from the vaccines, for example.) To learn the shenanigans of the people behind WHO, please watch Lillian Franck’s documentary TRUSTWHO.
They’ve let them go this far, what makes anyone think it can be stopped now? No one need answer - I am just watching every right I thought we had disappearing into the air.
We can't give up. I am not letting them run me over. I didn't have kids for them to be left with this nonsense to deal with.
I was in that same camp up until about a week ago until I heard about voice•com not charging minting or gas fees for NFT freedom of speech monetization opps.
What?? Translate please.
Non fungible tokens are the art side of crypto on the block chain. Btw you share the same Hebrew name as my mother 🌹💐 Happy Mothers day!
Thank you! I have no understanding of crypto or block chain - it’s all too much to wrap my head around. It’s okay, I don’t do so well with technology. It doesn’t make my life better, just more frustrating.
It's not for everyone. I personally have a problem with this evasive Microsoft patent and others
Well then, that’s quite disturbing! I also clicked on everything I could to get every bit of information, made me more sick than I already was.
Margaret Anna, it doesn’t look like the rulers have any intention of stopping. They don’t care about us and its full steam ahead for them. We can’t be nice forever.
Thanks for the links.
I’m so tired of playing babysitter to our bureaucrats. Between WHO, the FDA repeatedly threatening to EUA the injections for little kids, our state governor who wants to expand our state health department, and our state RINO majority who is beholden to everyone except their citizens.... sheesh. It’s worse than trying to keep a room full of 4 year olds out of the cookie jar at dinner time. 🙄
Same here, and us in Australia get the fallout from our $$$puppet Government etc. 😤
Margaret Anna Alice how can I help? Are you Ok if I Tweet uour Letter to the WHO? Is there anything else?
Thank you, Bibi, and absolutely, please share my “Letter to the WHO” and anything else you think will be helpful!
If you haven’t already, see the list of resources I shared in the WHO section at the end of my last post ( That includes a number of references to get people up-to-speed on the details.
By following James Roguski, Dr. Tess Lawrie, and Bailiwick News along with my Substack, people can stay apprised of the latest action steps. I also recommend signing up for notifications from World Council for Health (
James has provided a wealth of resources and actions that can be taken in his ongoing pandemic series:
WCFH is getting the infrastructure in place to tackle the most urgent item of stopping the amendments. I am working on a series of articles that will be tackling the amendments, the treaty, and ultimately the goal of withdrawing from the WHO over the coming months. This will be a multi-faceted, long-term campaign as we work to raise awareness about the threat to national sovereignty posed by the WHO and the power of countries to counteract that threat by voting against the amendments and the treaty and then withdrawing from the WHO, thus sapping them of their financial resources and authority simultaneously.
Get the facts about this: http://DontYouDare.INFO Contact me directly at 310-619-3055
It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule, and a fool to mind it.
They have no credibility at all. They concocted a Fake Plague and poisoned and killed BILLIONS of people with Their poison Kool aid.
Who in their right mind would do anything more to cooperate with a small minority of criminals that have clearly demonstrated their illwill and utter depravity?
It appears that They would have Us believe that We have nothing left to lose.
With that, They have painted Themselves into a corner. IMHO.
“Who in their right mind”
Therein lies the problem. Too many people aren’t in their right mind. The balance is tipping toward sanity but not quickly enough.
I know.
People need to channel their inner two year old, in a mature, rational, and focused manner.
We already have the Framework.
Just Do It.
Yes, we all need to think outside our usual little boxes.
👏🏽🌟 Fantastic! Where there is hope and will there is strength.
Thank you for your blessing 🙌 🙏, my wife and I are considering adoption and with the changing abortion laws in Oklahoma & Texas, plus rape victims in the gas lit war in Ukraine, coupled with Roe vs Wade potential to be overturn(Ed.), all good vibes help on this beautiful mother's day🌬️👩🍼👨🍼
Here's a Harvard Law Review article on this very matter. The author concludes that US Senate ratification or at least consent would likely be needed for any such international agreement such as the one proposed by the WHO:
Given the present climate in the US Senate, where billions of additional "Covid Relief" had to be stripped out of a Ukraine funding bill, I don't think the Senate (along with many other constituencies) will accept any "ceding authority to the WHO" over US healthcare matters.
This "treaty" is blatantly unconstitutional. Our Constitution does not grant the federal government the power to cede state sovereignty to foreign entities. Health is one of those powers delegated to the states. This is one more instance where states must stand up and say "Not in our state!" Governors, AGs and state legislatures must rise up against this and not allow it. Will this finally cause states to realize they are the bulwark against federal over reach? If states governments will support the people in non-compliance we can win, but that is a big "if."
But WHO is headed by a black man, so it MUST be good, because all blacks are good! -- so thinks your average liberal. And that's exactly why Bill and Klaus selected him for the high profile post.
Yes, absolutely.
This is horrifying!
I'm not convinced this is as binding as people are thinking. If it is just that WHO will be able to declare a state of emergency in our country and that's it, probably not the end of our sovereignty then. I gotta believe it would still require our government to enforce it. It's not like they can send the UN forces in here. I've declared a state of emergency every day Biden has been in the White House, but nobody listens. Not saying we shouldn't raise hell about this. Give em an inch and they'll take a mile. The fact that our government are actually the boneheads who proposed this tells you we're in some serious trouble though.
UN forces can indeed be sent, likely by your own government! UN forces went to Canada to deal with the trucker protest in Ottawa. What makes you think your government would not enforce it?
I think it would be a heavy lift for our government to give UN troops police powers in the US. Over our history, it's been hard enough to justify on those few occasions they've given it to US troops, which at least have the Insurrection Act as legal basis. I don't know about Canada's constitutional protections, but most countries don't have nearly anything as sound as our's. Not saying it could't happen and we shouldn't resist. Just saying I don't think we're as screwed as a lot of people think. Also not sure if the UN troop thing during the trucker protest was real or not. Maybe. I definitely don't doubt Trudeau would love to go there.
Oh for sure, the US has much better protections than Canada. Trudeau is in bed with WEF and is continuing the destruction of the country that his father started. He used Emergency Measures Act powers without senate approval, withdrew them before the senate could vote on them, and then installed his own guy to preside the required investigation into whether his actions were valid. And then he snuck changes to the Criminal Code into the budget bill (making free speech illegal) to guarantee they'd get through without scrutiny. The man should be in prison for multiple crimes, not getting job security for the next 3 years.
I saw numerous videos of what seemed to be UN troops, and a plane with a UN logo was seen not too far from Ottawa. I'm not saying that could happen in the US today, but 5 years down the road? Who knows what things will look like.
My head explodes when I think about all that. And the deputy PM up there, Christia Freeland, might be worse than the Soy Boy himself. I think she's another WEF alumni. The Canadians need to wake up and ditch those bums.
Yep, Freeland the aspiring slave master is highly involved with the WEF. With the NDP (Singh is also a WEF alumnus) propping up the Liberal government for the next three years there is not much to be done. JT has already committed so many illegal acts and federal ethics violations (slap on the wrist and a few hundred dollar fine each time) and he is still in office. Mutiny would likely be met with more emergency powers and illegally frozen bank accounts. Make too much progress getting answers in council and a snap rigged election will be called to reset the whole process and make the opposition scared to trigger another election ever again in case their constituents get mad and vote them out next time.
To guarantee the NDP support, Soy Boy promised to bring in universal pharmacare and eventually universal basic income, which would both add loads to the national debt, inflation and list of addicts who need anti-depressants to function. Fiat currency is likely to collapse along with the real estate bubble, which would trigger implementation of central digital bank currency and possibly 'bail outs' from the IMF in exchange for loss of property rights.
Unfortunately Canada is a broad country with no real unifying identity. Rural areas and prairies tend to be conservative. City dwellers (many of whom were imported from other countries via 'refugee' programs - anyone can conveniently be a refugee from the latest humanitarian crisis without any proof of origin) get swayed by promises of 'free' stuff and policies that are aimed at making city life comfortable, so they vote in those guys and ruin life for themselves. Too much fluoride in the water in major cities. Some of the sleepers are waking up, but not quite fast enough.
Wow! Well said. That really sums it up. Sadly, so many are clueless about what's really going on. I fear that by the time they wake up, our options will be very limited. We frogs may be very nearly boiled.
I am more inclined to believe that by the time they wake up, their options will be very limited. We who are already awake have many options for how to live. Of course, if by options you mean 'opportunities to maintain the current system in its present form', I must agree with you that the options for that will be very limited. Does that matter? Perhaps there is something better to build once we let go of the comfortable slavery we have been living under.
Tedros must be stopped.
WHO defund asap.
All moneys refunded to the countries who donated.
Bill Gates must be stopped interfering.
Anyone who took money from him must be exposed.
Biden doesn't have the authority to hand this power over to a world agency. It will be challenged in court and lose like everything else.
Also, I don't think this administration will last much longer. Evidence over the election and much worse things is catching up with them all. I think it will break in 2022.
Trump was so devastatingly misled with the Fauci and Birx lockdowns and the fraud unneeded injections. Badly misled. He needs to re-establish credibility by stepping up now calling for investigations but calling for end of the injections and NONE for children. This is where he is needed. I still support him but he made 2 grave mistakes only he can fix.
IMPORTANT! If anyone reading this is in the UK, please sign this petition (only open to UK citizens)...
It is to make sure that we have a public referendum before the government here tries to sign up for the WHO's treaty.
Other countries need to start a petition too.
This kind of treaty requires a 2/3 majority in the Senate. No legislation can legally undermine this fact, but they will try…
World, collectively must stand together against this overreach! What happened to world/international tribunals? ...or, have they been corrupted as well?
Crimes Against Humanity – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich In-Depth Interview @ 4:00pm PT // 7:00pm ET
GOOD MORNING CHILDREN HEALTH DEFENCE TV - Crimes Against Humanity – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interview. Event Times Around the World
Strongly worded letters will not do it.
We must stop feeding the beast. Switch your bank accounts and credit cards from big banks to Credit Unions.
Do your best to adopt "MDWWYH." Make do with what you have! When you need something do your best to buy it from small businesses not the businesses that made millions from the "plandemic."
Do not comply with mask mandates or lockdowns or vaccine requirements. I left my doctor and eye doctor because of the mask requirements. My dentist accomodated my refusal to wear a mask.
Credit unions will not protect you. They are part of the whole banking system as well.
Agreed but better than staying with the big banks. When it all crashes down and/or goes total digital with social scoring it won't matter what you have in any account.
Would you go to gold or to food and water?
50 years ago, we were taught this in a Scooby-Doo episode, I think.