This is silly Steve! You are asking me to ask the very government that handled this COVID shitshow to somehow speak for me? Change (i.e. removal of the current NWO regime) is going to come through our collective acts of civil disobedience and will require all of us to expend our blood, sweat, and tears. Emails, blog postings, and holdi…
This is silly Steve! You are asking me to ask the very government that handled this COVID shitshow to somehow speak for me? Change (i.e. removal of the current NWO regime) is going to come through our collective acts of civil disobedience and will require all of us to expend our blood, sweat, and tears. Emails, blog postings, and holding up signs maintains the status quo and accomplishes nothing. The oligarchy knows this and is banking on our laziness to perpetuate this current fascist technocratic regime.
Fair enough. I suppose it cannot hurt but nothing will change. This is the same government that just sent $33 billion to Ukraine and left nothing for those of us here in the US.
This is silly Steve! You are asking me to ask the very government that handled this COVID shitshow to somehow speak for me? Change (i.e. removal of the current NWO regime) is going to come through our collective acts of civil disobedience and will require all of us to expend our blood, sweat, and tears. Emails, blog postings, and holding up signs maintains the status quo and accomplishes nothing. The oligarchy knows this and is banking on our laziness to perpetuate this current fascist technocratic regime.
It does make it very much a matter of public record that every civil, decent, and legal method of rejecting this evil has been tried.
Fair enough. I suppose it cannot hurt but nothing will change. This is the same government that just sent $33 billion to Ukraine and left nothing for those of us here in the US.
Gee…this really shows Uncle Joes love for us deplorables.