I didn't get picked to speak at the next VRBPAC meeting (no surprise), but I did submit my public comments on the FDA on the docket page (as predicted, it made me feel better): https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA-2022-N-2810-0001

"It is essential for the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee to consider all relevant factors when making decisions about future vaccine recommendations for COVID-19. The composition and schedule of primary series and boosters must be taken into account, as well as any potential adverse events associated with vaccination. The committee must also consider that the FDA has chosen to ignore safety signals regarding the COVID shots, despite serious safety concerns and disappointing efficacy. Finally, plans for an annual booster should not be made without first considering all potential risks and benefits. The FDA must be reminded that they are responsible for protecting Americans, not the pharmaceutical industry."

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I received an email saying they got my comment and today I didn’t get chosen to speak but that there will be another time I can try.

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Our organization Interest of Justice was chosen to speak. The slides are due tomorrow. FDA won't like what we have to say.

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Will this forum be like a townhall meeting like Ron Johnson held? Also, will the public be allowed to watch?

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Their system will malfunction the day of, just wait. ****Technical error****

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Congrats! You're a Badass

1 Trillion Dollars of Propaganda Couldn't Beat YOU!


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Here’s the official page for the meeting:


This meeting was announced on December 18 and it’s already accumulated 860 comments, which you can view there as well. It’s an avalanche of people telling the FDA to rescind the EUAs and approvals of the COVID-19 vaccines.

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Who knows if it will make a difference, but I'm going to take a few minutes and add my comment, too:

FDA has established a docket for public comment on this meeting. The docket number is FDA–2022–N–2810. Please note that late, untimely filed comments will not be considered. The docket will close on January 25, 2023. Either electronic or written comments on this public meeting must be submitted by January 25, 2023. The https://www.regulations.gov electronic filing system will accept comments until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time at the end of January 25, 2023. Comments received by mail/hand delivery/courier (for written/paper submissions) will be considered timely if they are received on or before that date. Please check the FRN or the website for detailed instructions on how to submit your written comments to the Docket.

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I tried again. To email. See what happens.

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Thank you so much for saying that. It was and is a dark and scary time. As someone who was at the convoy, I can tell you the experience was soul rejuvenating. There was so much passion for justice and love for one another. It really helped to expose our governments true colours and how little they care for all Canadians. But strong kinships and bonds were forged and the energy of that time has provided a glimpse of a bright future worth fighting for.

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15,000: I need to educate myself on the term "excess deaths" because whenever I see the figure 15,000 ... a part of my mind goes, wait, 33,000+ worldwide and 16,000+ USA just among the ones properly marked 'Y' in the VAERS 'DIED' field.

From the 12/30/2022 release of VAERS data:

Found 33,469 cases where Vaccine is COVID19 or COVID19-2 and Patient Died


From the 12/30/2022 release of VAERS data:

Found 16,246 cases where Location is U.S., Territories, or Unknown and Vaccine is COVID19 or COVID19-2 and Patient Died


Although, granted, there are 4,930 where Location is 'Unknown' (Translation: We don't want to reveal that, obfuscation is our magical invisibility-blanket, all we have left).

(CDC states that they follow up on serious reports for more information and also says you can't have it)

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I applied:


I would like to make a presentation noting that WHO compared the Covid 3.4% in-hospital Case Fatality Rate CFR not to the Flu’s 10% CFR but to it’s hundredfold smaller 0.1% Infection Fatality Rate. No doctor noticed the threat exaggerated a hundredfold by Apple compared Orange so Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold into a false alarm.

John C. Turmel

Gateway Pundit first noticed WHO weren’t comparing Apple to Apple. I’m Canadian and may not be able to participate but it would be nice if the Pundit who first noticed made the point. I did bring it to the attention of the Federal Court of Canada http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19 who did not warn Canadians the clot shot was not needed for a false alarm.

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I have no idea how to set up the video camera (if my laptop even has one?) to do that.

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Just play 3 minutes of people dropping dead on live tv

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“The US Department of Defense (US DoD) has had a dominant role in the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and in the development, and distribution of the Covid 19 vaccines, a fact hidden from the general public.”


The FDA (and all the other alphabet agencies) can now hold their hands up and say ‘We were just doing our job’ so they feel comfortable with the ‘chosen few’ letting off steam via a 3min speech. No one will be held responsible - not even the ‘jab pushers’ on the front line or even the talking heads / experts on MSM “anti-vaxers should be jailed “etc. “we were deceived like every one else” they will claim.

We will remember who warned, who told the truth and those that were quick to use their ill conceived moral high ground to criticise and cajole those who saw the scam from the outset.

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Jan 10, 2023
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Your comparison of one mis-stated point vs. a three-year, global orchestrated program of lies, fear, medical assault, murder, and social control, is absolutely absurd.

For the record, here is how the statement should have been presented, according to Reuters:

“viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020.”

Get a life, and stop wasting people's time with trivial drivel.

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Jan 11, 2023
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Thanks for suggesting Global Research (.ca); it's an excellent source of independent news (unlike the troll who posted the link).

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Jan 11, 2023
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"...disseminating blatant lies" is precisely what our mainstream media do 24/7 -- yet here you are with the temerity to criticize a web site that repeatedly exposes those lies. You've already demonstrated that you have no grasp of logical relations and relative importance, so it's time for me -- and other intelligent readers here -- to take Mark Twain's advice, and refrain from arguing with fools. Have a nice evening!

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Thanks for the heads up, Steve! I sent in my request (below) and will take you up on your offer for some slides if chosen:

Dear Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee,

Thank you for opening the January 26, 2023 meeting for public comments.

The CDC’s data shows there are about 15,000 deaths associated with the covid vaccines. If the vaccines did not cause those deaths, what did? I will present compelling evidence that it's the covid vaccines that are harming and killing more people than they are saving.

Thank you for your consideration.

Update Jan 12, 2023––email from the VRBPAC:

Dear Registrant,

Thank you for your interest in attending the January 26, 2023 VRBPAC meeting.

This email is to acknowledge that CBER has received your request to present at the January 26, 2023 VRBPAC meeting.

This email does not mean that you have been selected or been have not selected. We are currently waiting for all requesters to submit their information.

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