Steve, have you seen this? New FDA/Pfizer doc production includes the denominator needed to calculate adverse event rates: https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/the-missing-number-in-the-pfizer

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Why don't any of you use the Lazarus report as a reliable indicator of under-reporting? That's a much more drastic under reporting.

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Yep, People are Dying.


Wonder if we will ever get good DATA on this ...

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Anti-Vaccine Protesters Throw Urine on Hospital Director and Colleague, Smash Up Car

Sure follow the nice people with logic ???

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Another crazy anti vaxer !

"Man charged with attacking medical workers at Tustin vaccination site

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Prove this is a story. Where's the link? You should expect false flag stories like this.

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No need all over internet ?

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They're lucky if that's all the punishment they get for mass murder. Karma's a real bitch.

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So do you think the Paint industry is liable for the Lead Paint damage or is that just another liberal commie scam ?

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Legally liable? I'm not a lawyer so i don't know. I assume not since they are still in business.

But if you sell lead paint knowing how toxic it is, you definitely get some terrible karma.

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So the Federal government says it is Toxic and you believe them ?

Yes they got around the liability .

Libertarian business ethics .

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No. Everyone knows it is toxic. My son ate lead paint and we had to detox the lead. If you don't believe it go eat some.

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As a professional painter of 45 years do I need the government to tell me that ? What ...I would purposely harm your child ? Oh is that what wearing a mask during a Pandemic is there to prevent ?

Think you just blew your anti vax argument !

Sign painters can still buy it so can artists.

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I can't find "SidDavis" or "Sid Davis" on substack. Please provide a link to his newsletter.

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He’s doesn’t have a newsletter, he just commented his method here and steve updated the article to include it. You can find the original comment thread from SidDavis here:


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Just last month GOP activist and Orange County Deputy DA Kelly Ernby was speaking at an anti-vaccine rally put on by local Turning Point USA chapters in Irvine. “There’s nothing that matters more than our freedoms right now,” she told the small but enthusiastic crowd. “Our government for the people and by the people is not going to exist without action of the people.” In 2020 Ernby had run unsuccessfully for a state Assembly seat as a Republican.

This week Ernby died of COVID-19 at age 46.

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Did they die from Covid because the Vax is useless or from the spike protein that may have destroyed the immune system? Do some autopsies and find out!

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The government arrested me for Marijuana a while ago.

They say it is harmful & illegal .

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Ditto. In a legal state as well. And it was CBD weed.

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Hi Steve, one of your estimates that ended up being the highest was from deducing the overreporting factor... found to be something like 40x (or slightly higher) from some sort of medicaid records, and seeing how many of these showed up in VAERS.

VAERS has also much of its entries from foreign partners. It's about 20k deaths if you include foreign reports, but around 9600 for just domestic death reports. So instead of 800k (which sounds a bit high), you get a bit over 384k, or just around 400k deaths of americans due to the EUA injections.

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Again how many people have died from Lead Paint & why is it illegal ?

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Death is what's for dinner and they don't want to stop it. The more that die, the less pensions they have to worry about fulfilling! This is not about a virus and never has been, it's about not paying people what they were promised when they retired and the benefit of depopulation is a major plus!

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Hi Steve, If someone said they know how to peacefully make all the covid mandates and jab mandates go away, would you be interested?

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Are you FBI or CIA?

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And you say you are not paranoid !o! !o! !o!

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Being a little paranoid is wise when it comes to dealing with the gov. Just ask Michael Flynn.

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I'm not in any way attached to any gov agency. I'm just an old disabled Vet that has done a lot of study and research - and I'm against full on communism.

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Do Not Enter Without Vax

Citizens want to protect their property rights over your individual rights.

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If there are no individual rights, that means no property rights either.

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You obviously do not understand law.

Justice Taney - the individual human right of the slave does not precede the property right of the owner even if they flee to a non slave state !

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I fully understand that case. I don't understand your reference to it.

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An unvaxed person from FLA cannot go into a to vax required area in CA

You guys are so states rights ? Sounds like a nightmare.

And why is pot illegal in every state that does not wear a mask.

You guys are all fakes in your so-called freedom politics.

No not a bot or a Russian republican troll ? This is what real humans are like >

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I have figured out how to make all covid mandates go away. I'm simply looking for groups to work with. Mayors would do but a sheriff would be best. I know how to step them thru the process. I've reached out to a few, but I'm not getting any responses.

It is the duty of the sheriff to protect the citizens of his county from gov't over reach.

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I assume you must have contacted this group then? What's your idea?

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Well until they either legally alter or completely trash the Constitution, there will always be both!

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Some things cannot be amended. An amendment that does away with a right of a citizen, as the SCt has said, would be void on its face.

That does not stop them from imposing unconstitutional laws all the time. Almost all people are ignorant of that the constitutions actually create. As an example, under the mandates of the state constitutions, the gun laws are all unconstitutional when it comes to the true citizens of the states.

Attorneys are not allowed to tell you this or take up such a case.

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You are exactly right, all gun laws are unconstitutional, so are all drug laws, so are seat best laws, so are smoking laws, alcohol laws...drivers licenses are unconstitutional, the only ones that should have to have a drivers license are those that drive commercial vehicles for someone else for pay. A person who drives their own vehicle is not a driver, they are travelers. Lawyers ARE the reason this country is so far in the ditch as at least 90% are acting criminally and violating our rights in my opinion anyway.

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The laws are constitutional but generally, the application is unconstitutional. It took me many years to put the pieces together.

There are citizens of the states and citizens of the United States [ fed gov ] The courts have correctly stated that citizens of the United States, even if born in a state, have almost no rights. Thus the states and fed gov make the laws for United States citizens, generally under the commerce clause. Citizens of the fed gov, having almost no rights are subject to all these laws.

Those people who are only citizens of their state are not. State-only citizens are have constitutional immunity to almost all fed laws and around 80% of today's state laws.

Two problems: 1] you have to know how to challenge jurisdiction and make it stick because 2] all the constitutional (common law) courts that had authority over state-only citizens were closed around 70 years ago and replaced with mere legislative ( admin ) courts. No constitution grants any state or the United States the power to impose those courts on a state-only citizen in a state.

Next problem: The available evidence leads to one conclusion: the states have been under full federal military occupation for at least 70 years. It is so bad that the judges will refuse to tell an accused what system of law they are moving under. That is a clear due process violation and voids any conviction and is cause to sue a judge and get them removed.

Only a slave can be denied knowledge of the system of law they are being tried under because without that knowledge, they cannot mount a relevant defense and only a slave can be denied a relevant defense.

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Who are the "state-only" citizens and how did they become state-only? Where are you getting this idea from?

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And lawyers have been right in the middle of all of it since day one. Again, THEY are the problem and sadly, too few people know or even try to understand it. The first indication of them being a force AGAINST the US Constitution is the fact that they, the lawyers removed the original 13th amendment that applied to them not holding an elected office. Now there is a huge amount of lawyers holding elected offices. Lawyers making and changing laws; if that is not a massive conflict of interest, I don't know what is! Nobody holding a title of nobility can hold an office. Guess what lawyers are? They are "Esquires". What is an Esquire? They are noble servants to Knights. Here is a really good article on the original 13th amendment, you may have already seen it. http://thematrixhasyou.org/13th-amendment/Original-13th-Amendment-History.pdf

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How do you even know ? Oh the un vaxed are dead.

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It is the jabbed that are dying at the higher rate according to several studies and many medical scientists are predicting that over 50% of the jabbed will be dead in three years. They have even explained in detail why.

There are over the counter treatments that the unjabbed can take to keep from even getting covid.

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Ha, this is almost comical that it is so blatant. I think the number is actually much, much higher. This vaccines are not vaccines but drugs, and in the most perfect world they are ineffective, but in our world, they are deadly. Wonder when people will say enough is enough? When the jabs kill more people than the Wuhan Flu? When kids start dropping dead (they already are), or when we just say, stop. We will not obey, we will not comply, you do not have the numbers to make us. Until then, they tyrants will rule and we will remain subjects.

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The fact that they ARE deadly is what makes them highly "effective"!

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The vaccines are doing exactly what they were designed to do. Do you really believe the elite are trying to save you? Like sheep to the slaughter the brainwashed masses go. Frankly i dont care if your dumbass got the jab you deserve exactly what you get. They will jab me or my family over there dead body.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." ~ H. L. Mencken

"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." ~ H. L. Mencken

"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable." ~ H. L. Mencken

"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." ~ H. L. Mencken

"I've set my own rules to live by. The first one is: 'Never believe ANYthing the government says.'" ~ George Carlin

"The longer I live, the more convinced am I that this planet is used by other planets as a lunatic asylum."

George Bernard Shaw

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority." ~ Benjamin Franklin

"Our countrymen have all the folly of the ass and all the passiveness of the sheep." ~ Alexander Hamilton

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson

"The people will believe what the media tells them they believe." ~ George Orwell

"The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed." ~ George Orwell

"Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious." ~ George Orwell

"The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety." ~ H. L. Mencken

"Most people want security in this world, not liberty." ~ H. L. Mencken

"Whoever controls the media, controls the mind"

Jim Morrison

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Think you are confused in which country you live in.

Amerika where my private property rights trump your individual rights.

Get a Vax or do not enter.

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