Hey Steve, you wouldn't happen to have a job you could offer me that'd pay $100000 or even $10000 instead of offering that to someone retarded who should be sent to a convid concentration camp in Australia or China? IMHO all of the believers in the nonsense ought to be sent to a camp to practice their beliefs and impose them on each other, leaving us normal people alone.

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Personally I don’t think refusal to remove masks has anything to do belief that they work. It’s all to do with socially normative behavior.

Unless they believe it’s socially awkward to do it, they’ll continue.

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Wow, so much for rational critical thinking skills. NPC bots.

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I never wanted to wear those stupid mask anyway. Down here in the swamps of Louisiana, we say keeping a virus out with a mask is akin to keeping out mosquitos with a chain link fence. My family and I fought this the entire time. My daughter even went to whole foods and had an employee chasing her around the store with a mask, she turned around, stopped the employee dead in her tracks and said "Are we going to have a problem?" They left her alone after that. I had to wear it in the office at work when I was in the hallway and I always put it under my nose, my mask also had a bull on it and a pile of feces. LOL.

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I have a bunch of ugly friends who think the masks have been a godsend! Maybe your seatmate is simply just a dog faced girl. Or maybe she has a bad herpes sore on her mouth . Or just bad teeth! Gotta admit for a few, the old face diapers came in handy!

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The mask wearing did contribute to an outbreak of increased mental illness in the teen to 20 somethings who became afraid to take the masks off in part because they like to hide behind them. It's sad.

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To be fair, I wouldn't wear one of those f***king muzzles for one hour, let alone several, even for a *million* dollars.

They make my nose bleed, and I suspect they at least partially contributed to an ear infection I had early on that cost me half of my hearing in one ear. And the one time I had my heart rate and blood pressure checked with one one, they were WAY out of whack (other subsequent checks, without the muzzle, have been normal).

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It's only "creepy" to those who label it because it goes against the narrative that's been drummed into their heads and forced on them. I'll bet that in the back of their minds, they still think they'd either get in trouble or even canceled for going along and taking it off. I think there is more fear of the other "consequences" than there ever was of the virus.

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If you genuinely find the passenger sitting next to you "creepy" the thing to do would be to avoid engaging them in any way , then as soon as possible discreetly report to cabin staff and request to move seats. Coincidence or setup that this passenger worked in PHARMA?

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well captain, it doesn't make you creepy to ask people their opinion or if they might consider taking off their mask for 10, 100 or whatever dollars you offer.

what it does illustrate is how negative people are if you aren't thinking like them.

of course, I'm giving them a bunch of advance credit for (possibly) having the ability to think at all.

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Creepy is me, a 56 year old female, honking at every shirtless muscle man that I see running the beach boardwalk as I drive to and from work,,,,sometimes after church on Sunday also.

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You go, creepy girl!

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Not at all creepy; just a normal American girl. If you were gawking at honking at prepubescent boys, that would be creepy.

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Yesterday I received an unsolicited friend request on Facebook by someone I don't know who shares my last name. Her profile picture and posts were all pro-mask and vaccine. So, I responded in DM asking why did she want to friend me as not only am I not vaccinated and have a medical exemption, my FB posts are not consistent with her point of view. She replied that she "believed in science" told me to "read a science book" and she was "freaked out so many in the family are so narrow-minded" and that "she cares about others." She also used the terms "deluded" and advised me not to accept her friend request.


BTW: The only reason why my cartoon avatar is masked is that I wrote my book under a pen name. It is about an intimate narcissistic relationship (TMI) which includes the impact on the victim (silencing and control).


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Dear Mr. Steve Kirsch, have a good and productive day to you. I am a mother of two wonderful and kind children. My goal and dream of life is to cure my son, he has been suffering from a severe form of epilepsy for many years. We are denied free vagus nerve surgery. Having done the operation, the frequency of seizures will decrease and we will go to the sea. We will definitely go. My daughter is my sunshine! She is my assistant, she is a great student. She helps me with my son and his brother. We love the life of kind and bright people. Peace, kindness and good health to all.

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I know women who would remove their clothes for a tenner)

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Scary how deep the brainwashing is

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Thanks & very well done for your mask expose.

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It's not you that's creepy....its those lying, headline hunting rat bastard media assholes. I REFUSE to call them journalists...THEY ARE NOT, and THIS DEBAUCLE shows why! 🤦‍♀️

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