Big hat, no cattle lol, perfect

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We all think in generalization, categorizing and (dare we say) stereotyping. Abstractions like these are unavoidable, but must surrender to particulars. The modern bigotry that purports to attack bigotry by using stereotypes and blanket condemnations like All Cops Are Bad, may be using shock to drive people into obsequious confusion.

Yes, I can remember some teachers who had no business teaching, but made careers of it. Teaching is like medicine, first do no harm, but simply that appears too high of a hurdle for our health authorities. Simple gross incompetence would be a big step up for them. They are like the test subjects of Stanley Milgram's famous experiments who mostly yield to their authorities, no matter how sadistic the orders. But they're not test subjects, they're pulling the levers of policy.

My question is, who's really calling the shots?

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I'm ashamed (she/her - glad she posted "her" pronouns as I wouldn't have been able to figure that out for myself) to see "she" is a Seahawks fan.

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To paraphrase Upton Sinclair, "It is difficult to get a woman to understand something when her salary depends on her not understanding it."

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Gates money work for her.

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She is another paid troll with a large resume and lots of degrees. She is controlled by and follows orders from her controllers.

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Dr Rasmussen doesn't allow anyone to see here tweets. Lol. Strange! That tweet is ridiculous! You need her help “spreading misinfo?” Are people really THAT stupid?? She could dispel your “misinfo” in real time!! Like, you can say vaccines cause myocarditis in 7% of the population and she could put that to rest right after you say it. She could crush it!

It's so obvious they won't debate cuz they can't! They would lose and only prove they are liars and propaganda artists!

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I don't get the impression that Dr. Rasmussen wants to stop the spread of deadly misinformation.

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Only the Lord Himself can change someone who is captured by the spirit of willful blindness!

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You have to wonder with all these so called 'challenges' gone out to an ever increasing number of 'scientists' etc, & perhaps with such huge sums of money at stake, surely at least ONE of these schills would welcome the chance to see if they can scoop the cash & participate in the debate? I guess whoever is paying these people must be paying them more than any accepting any amount of money from a hardworking truth hunter, discredited simply as being a grifter, for the crime of seeking the truth! I see no signs of them stopping any of this even now, they're too ingrained in their love of the $$ signs it would seem.....

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"(...) Asking these questions in a good faith (...)"?!! Really?! "Good faith" and pure Science can only be merged fallacioulsly, Doctor Rasmussen.

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Of course she will not accept your challenge! That would mean debating an important issue and gathering evidence insupport of her claim and to refute your claim. Too much like work for her. Rather she can throw false claims at you and be supported by most of the health industry, government, and media, both "news" (don't laugh) and social.

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Your move ms. rasmussen. What happens next will define your character.

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Your move Mr. Kirsch!? Can she read.....at all? It's her move to accept the challenge, not lib her way out of it with rationalizing misdirection. Useless, just like all the others that have been challenged.

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She's a typical academic elitist / expert [in her field] who thinks those opposed to her beliefs are 'little people' not worthy of her time. This attitude is very typical of her ilk.

I've had debates with doctors in my community (out for drinks, community get-togethers) that typically started with them laughing at me and then when I bring up the original PFE submission (I know it well as I've read it 4x) and start dropping fact bombs it becomes clear that they have absolute zero depth of knowledge on the topic of vaccines let alone what transpired with the these mRNA tools. Not a single one knew how to calculate 95% efficacy nor knew that it was a relative # and NOT an absolute #. At that point, during each discussion, I'd shred them a new a****** and each time, like clockwork, they backpaddled and said "I trust the science of the CDC and FDA". So, they went from being experts to suddenly mindless plebes who but their sole faith in the machine.

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She's another immoral fraud.

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