Why won't Your Local Epidemiologist (YLE) debate my team of experts?
We'd like to talk to her about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, masks, and early treatments, but it seems like she does not want to be questioned live on anything she says. I wonder why?
Dr. Katelyn Jetelina, aka Your Local Epidemiologist, writes a popular substack and also has a large following on Twitter (which is still a fraction of the size of my followers on Twitter before Twitter banned me for life).
She promotes the false narrative exclusively.
I asked her if she wanted to debate my team of experts and she blocked me. I’ll take that as a no. But she never told me why she doesn’t want to answer any questions.
If you subscribe to her substack, perhaps you can you ask her why she is afraid to debate us (she only takes questions from her PAID subscribers)?
Our team collectively has a much larger following than she does (by close to two orders of magnitude), so it can’t be that she doesn’t want to platform us. And she’d be doing a huge public service by showing the world that we don’t know what we are talking about. So why the resistance?
On December 17, 2021, I sent her this email but I don’t think I’ll hear back.
Also, none of this is personal. I got this comment from Ivan Ivan Iriarte, MD who is an epidemiologist and he wrote:
It seems to be everywhere, Steve. I live in Puerto Rico. A group of colleagues and I (MDs) challenged our brilliant Secretary of Health and the President of the local Medical Society to debate about COVID issues. They ignored us... did not even acknowledge the challenge.
That tells you all you need to know, doesn’t it. Liars don’t like to be challenged.
One of my followers suggested this method:
I just called the UT President’s office to encourage just such a debate.
Maybe all of your followers should call and offer friendly support for your idea.
May I suggest if you want to comment on YLE, you pose as a "big fan" of her work and suggest it is important to expose misinformation purveyors such as Kirsch and his groupies. Why not challenge him and his team to a debate and expose their misinformation??? Otherwise, you'll get attacked by her minions.
Not exactly on topic, but many here may like to know: On Monday, December 13, we filed suit against the Boeing Company, challenging its vaccine mandate policy. Today, Boeing announced that it is suspending the policy. The case is Liebbee v. Safer Federal Workforce Task Force, Boeing and Raytheon (Northern District of Alabama - Case 5:21-cv-01646-LCB). The case will continue to move forward, seeking a court ruling on the unlawfulness of the mandates.