I just can't understand why no one in academia will agree to an intelligent debate over the constantly emerging data and that no MDs or faculty members will engage with their peers that have always known or changed their minds based on the data. Our "academic elites" are a disgrace to their universities, a disgrace to the scientific method and a disgrace to everything they have worked for their entire careers. They should take a step back to reflect on the reasons they won't come to terms with the data. I can assure that science and "misinformation" have zero to do with it. Thank you for highlighting our work.

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You say "I just can't understand why no one in academia will agree to an intelligent debate..."

This is because academia and academics have become unintelligent, dumbed down by Marxist theory, and likely drugged by big pharma neuro-toxic drugs which rot the brain.

LSD is a psychedelic drug which does that. LSD in the UK used also to refer to money. Money from big pharma also rots the brain.

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my husband was a child when the Nazis marched into Vienna....this is precisely what he said of the elite educated class as friends and neighbors disappeared into the ovens, of his large family only he & his parents barely escaped....silence all the way down. And today, JULIAN ASSANGE, a courageous journalist, a speaker of TRUTH today is held under the harshest possible conditions now for the last ten years, he WILL DIE THERE if he is not quickly released AND WHERE IS THE ACTION, WHERE THE high ideals of HUMANITY & DEMOCRACY?

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Thank you for validating the comparisonI made.

Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying:

“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty”

How long have those w/o a voice in America been tyrannized & murdered? (Abortion).

Wake up people! First the Armenians, then the Jews, don’t be fooled people, you’re next!

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You should keep on being unable to understand this.

Sincerely, a Great Books-y PhD who once worked UVA, Skidmore, W&L, and UVU, now working as a substitute teacher. I was b/t jobs when the pandemic hit and won't work for mandators. It disgusts me to no end that the two flagship Great Books schools, Saint John's College, Annapolis and SF, continue to mandate.

PS Any disgrunted existing or would-be students wanting to go through Thucydides in the coming months, should comment below (or at my substack) with contact info. Our group is called the Provo Great Books Club, but it's around 2/3 Zoom now, so anyone who can be available Wed nights 730-930 Mountain time is welcome. Free, conversational seminar format.

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Because they’ve been bought, and now they are muzzled by their own hand

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I consider this question an easy one: they don't do it because they want to remove the fear. Let me explain. They were afraid of the terrible mighty virus. So they inject themselves with "science". If the "science" is proven wrong, they will need to be afraid again, maybe for an unlimited period of time. But they choose to remove the fear by ignoring the consequences. If there would be a clinical study saying x% of vaccinated people are expected to die within 12 months if they show this or that symptom, then hell would break through. So no, we don't do that, let those deaths appear as random, as the probability of dying in a car crash. They are willingfully choosing this option.

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Follow the money…always

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Science that can not be questioned is not Science, it is propaganda.


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Because a real debate with actual truth-seekers would blow remove the veils of deception their sacred cows are swaddled in. And this would then greatly reduce the prominence and proliferation of this brainwashing enterprise otherwise known as "higher education".

This is why nobody speaking the highest truths is allowed anywhere near an academic, government or media institution.

I find it remarkable that the four of five dozen people in this world that appear to actually be RIGHT and speaking actual TRUTH (to power) on a variety of subjects are absolute persona non grata in media and academic discourse. The sheeple must never gain exposure to such truth-tellers lest the edifice of deception come crashing down. These people are obviously not wrong because otherwise our establishment "experts and authorities" would have a field day pointing out the errors and mistakes. The fact that we never see this should tell you all you need to know.

The people Steve is now advocating with/for are only one tiny degree removed from the establishment lies, having only very recently started their journeys away from the deceivers.

The real truthers have been at it for years, even decades now. It's easy to see that they have always been right as their assertions have never been refuted, let alone even attempted to be refuted, but rather only ignored or dismissed by the establishment "experts".

Comfortable lies trump uncomfortable truths every day of the week and twice on Sundays. The cognitive dissonance is unbearable for the majority. Such is the ugly truth of the matter.

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Oct 20, 2022
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Man! Is that ever straight to the Truth!

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First question to always ask- where does their money come from?

A lot from tuition, sure. A lot of that tuition flows from the federal government as student loans, with the student as just a middle man.

A lot of it is government grants for various kinds studies that don't do anything to advance the greater glory of knowledge.

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"So if they can’t get it right on the basics, why should we trust them for anything more complex?"

Can we get a follow up article on Kirsch vs. Berenson:

"BU creates new SARS-CoV-2 strain that is 80% fatal" - https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/bu-creates-new-sars-cov-2-strain



- https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-can-we-please-not-freak-out/comments

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It's a pretty stark comparison those two posts! I think Alex's post emphasizes a position of "this isn't more deadly than the first COVID strain which wasn't very deadly" as compared to "why are we missing with making viruses more deadly in the first place" which is what I got from Steve's post.

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I disagree. The article is explicit he's talking about an 80% fatality rate in humans. The article may be metaphorically on point.

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Are you talking about the article from Alex or from Steve? The article from Alex explicitly states that the 80% mortality was in mice, and that the original COVID strain killed 100% of mice and then points out that certainly COVID didn't have 100% mortality rate in humans. Then he continues to encourage people don't fall into the same trap of fear porn from the last 2 years.

Steve's article seems to approach it from the angle of why would they be doing this ... messing around making a more lethal-than-omicron virus, but then also reprints from the paper the 80% mortality in mice statistic. There are certainly undertones of transferring that mortality rate to humans but neither COVID nor Omicron had close to that mortality rate, even with the inflated numbers of deaths reported.

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Berenson doesn't address *why* they are creating a Frankenstein strain of covid. I'd like to hear from BU why they did this.

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I heard they created it to help prevent another pandemic.....

If you want to prevent another pandemic don't mess with viruses to make them more deadly.

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Imo, they created a more deadly virus in a high risk setting and it gets out.

1 2 3 4....ah we all die




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When Covid 1st emerged here in 2020, I had convo w a man who runs a lab connected to major university, works w viruses. I naively asked if the virus could have escaped from a lab. He said: "Of course. Of course -there is research being done right here - a mile away- that could escape. Not just possible, likely." And now the BU news. What are these monsters doing in these labs?

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My thinking is the Cabal realizes that the Vax could produce a more dangerous variant because it is non sterilizing. A first year MD should know this. So, lets make a situation where if a variant comes this winter and it is really bad, they can just say it was an accident?

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Yeah, really bad idea to create Frankensteinian viruses and who knows what else. But, it still doesn't address the lethality of the hybrid. 80% human IFR?

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I agree.... No reason to be messing around with and creating viruses.

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Thanks for your work! I have one in college and two going next year. We are being very careful about where the boys apply and are grateful that our medical exemption for our oldest was not questioned.

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Praise GOD!!!!

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Letourneau in TX. Lipscomb in TN and Grove City College in PA are three that are possible. Look around and you may find others. For the budget conscious, consider Grand Canyon University in AZ. They have a little more of the woke stuff on campus than the others, but a lot less than most others. They show promise but weren't as developed in some of their programs as we were looking for. Nice facilities though. Don't give money to schools that make you apply for religious exemptions, religion is irrelevant to deciding what medical treatment you will accept and they don't deserve your money or to thrive as schools. Let them fire their $300,000 a year administrators.

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Liberty University sounds great as well as Hillsdale, and Purdue, a great bargain also...

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Yes. I forgot to put Hillsdale. Probably because our focus was engineering and computer science, so they weren't an option for us.

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Appreciate the ideas, thank you. Good news for me is that my two seniors are finishing up their remaining apps this week. If they stay in TX, they'll be fine. We Texans still have conscientious, religious, and medical exemptions as our "outs" if one is not okay with a particular vaccine.

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You also have the father fighting to keep his 10 year old son from being castrated and the father is the one being demonized by the court. Texas is at the center of the culture war and the Marxist attack to destroy this country. DC fell a long time ago and CA & NY have been rigged for a long time too. "G*d Bless Texas"

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My pleasure. Your team does great work.

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Oct 20, 2022Edited
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Their parents betrayed their children by taking the shot. It isn’t the shot itself that is worst. It is the disbanding from the spirit of our forefathers who set the example to first stand against tyranny. But further, they wrote a constitution that gave the power to us (citizens) and then wrote within it to declare our right to be armed against any potential further tyranny! That tyranny is HERE!

Wake up lemmings!!!

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The reason? The Bystander Effect. They are waiting for someone else to jump in first and I don't mean you , Steve ( Google's number one misinformation superspreader). One of the legacy news outlets or a Democrat will see this as an opportunity to 'break it first'. You have tried to appeal to their fear, now try appealing to their greed\ego\narcissism.

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My daughter-in-law is connected with Stanford. She took the J & J vax. Days later came down with numbness, tingling in her extremities, brain fog. They diagnosed it as an ingredient in the vax. Put on hydroxychloroquine. Now they say it's lupus. An autoimmune disease. Coincidental? My grandson also received the shot. All of a sudden develops vitilogo, an autoimmune disease. I'm so afraid something worse will happen to all my family in CA because the vax never stops with boosting. And they're all for it. Believe in it completely.

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They are above the law and they know justice will never reach them. We have to have a violent revolution and justice has to be at a guillotine. Americans are way too weak to ever rise up and force justice.

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One would think that universities would be enclaves of the brightest among us.

However, it's evident that there's a definite distinction between being intelligent and being smart. Being intelligent, one can recognize the difference between the two. But if they're not smart enough, they won't know what to do about it.

I see intelligence as a capacity for mentation, mental activity. Being smart, as or more importantly, is a capability, a developed and functional utilization of the capacity. One can be intelligent, but not smart enough to know what to do about it...like these Stanford bureaucrats pushing these medical experiments on their students.

I can't help but wonder how much of a financial incentive these bureaucrats are getting from the Pharma/NIH/etc. cabal. That's not smart, but perhaps could be seen as clever. Or are just they being really stupid, doing it without any remuneration--that would be even more pathetic.

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I’ll bet the hidden hand of George Soros, one of his foundations is funding the student group and the university.

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People who know they are wrong, but can't admit it, won't debate you. That's a confirmation that you have your facts straight. :)

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I am so tired of this issue. It seems indicative of academia to propose their philosophical ideals without looking at real world scenarios. The practically educated look for real world facts not projection models to make their decisions. When I first heard of these sustained university mandates despite the clear evidence the Vax is not working ( people still getting covid, people still going to the hospital) I thought,.....they are damaging some of the brightess minds in the world, but now I realize they are brilliant modellers, philosophers, theorists but our farmers, truckers, workers of the world are brilliant practicalists that use concrete information to make judgement of things. I am going to listen more to the practically educated. Thank you Steve for staying the course on this topic!! It is not easy to sustain this level information gathering I appreciate all your efforts.

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Well said. Some of the most sensible people I know are builders for example. They understand the real world.

People can be the most wonderful thinkers, modelers, philosophers, theorists etc. but ignoring reality means in the end they are just plain stupid. In truth they have never really thought properly at all and dumber than those practical people they too often despise.

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Thank YOU, Chris!

Most considerate and caring words from a good-hearted man! I appreciate them. I think we all need, especially during these darkened days, to do our best to focus on the "good" and the lovely things of this world, or we'll suffer from severe depression. Soon, we don't know how soon, Jesus will return in His Glory to take away to heaven with him, the living saints, and those who died in Christ through ages past. And all this darkness will be finally a thing of the past. That's where I find solace in this mess.

Your brother in Christ,


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Yes, Ma'am,

I'm with you. Here's a little thing I'd like to toss your way, if you don't mind. There is a website called Fulcrum 7. It's mainly by and for Seventh Day Adventist Christians, but anyone can go there, naturally. Like many other sites, such as Mr. Kirsch's newsletter site, it provides for the readers to comment, but I think it requires registration. It's all beside the point I hope to make; That being that there is a regular commenter on it whose repetitious rant is aimed at the Dem's. He emphatically states that one CANNOT be a Christian, if ones vote is blue. And the more I think about that, the easier I find it to agree, since the blue platform includes abortion, and all the sexually deviant behavior, not to forget the peripheral fall-out that exists in its wake.

I'm not sure why I'm telling you this. Maybe you can spot the reason better than I. Maybe it's just to encourage you to do what you know to be right, and to let the chips fall as they might. But to try and be as gentle as you can with everyone. I have the same difficulty. My inclination is to force the lesson.

Which is not effective in terms of teaching.

Thanks for your ear.


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So, more Republicans afraid to do anything? Splendid! What are they threatening them with?

On top of all that cheery news. I'm reading that the CDC is covering cancer deaths now and in the UK they are hiding infant deaths. John Cambell did a piece on it.

We are living in such dark times. If someone predicted this would happen even 5 years ago they'd think you were nuts.

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Vaccines and cancer treatments essentially a scam. I have been through immuno-therapy (UK) for an alleged cancer which I now know to be misleading/false.

I did not understand this 5 years ago, only in 2020 did I research properly and the light dawned as it were.

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It should be obvious by now that trying to engage in any discussion is an exercise in futility. These people are either idiots or psychopaths, someone please tell me if there are any other options? This isn't even about science it's about middle school math and basic language comprehension. Early Covid mortality data (spring 2020) already showed an average age of death of over 80 years. Try and compute an average of 80 with young people dying. Good luck. Subsequently just read the Pfizer or Moderna EUA documents (not at all technical, easy read). The Pfizer exec was correct in mocking everyone last week with a smirk confirming that they never tested for transmission. They didn't. It's clearly spelled out in the EUA. They also don't quantify effectivity and specifically admit that the duration of (the unquantified) protection is unknown. They provide a long list of known side effects (including myocarditis) and admit there could be any number of unknow serious long term consequences because the product is in clinical trials. It's all there for everyone to read and has been since launch. I really don't know what to add other than why would anyone with a functioning brain go to Stanford or any similar institution?

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Very well put, perhaps especially the last line. The problem is many people have been dumbed down by the Marxist propaganda over the years and Nazi big pharma drugs so their brains are a soggy mess.

As regards "...idiots or psychopaths...' I don't think it is a case of either or so much as both. Greedy is an addition to consider. Fearful of losing well paid jobs and prestige another.

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Vaccine corporations

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every student should seek a medical exemption and a religious exemption. So if anyone is injured there is proof that they were coerced into taking a dangerous injection.

Lack of Informed Consent if coerced after seeking exemptions and being told by Stanford professors that it was safe....

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Speaking of StanfordUniv., why is this a world-class university?

Is Stanford University suddenly stupid or taking donations from pharmaceuticals?

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Why world class indeed. Of course what position in the world class it is must be debatable. Bottom of the class I say.

As regards your last sentence I say stupid arrives slowly, drip by drip. I call the current outbreak Stupid 20, Moronic variant.

And of course all donations gratefully received from big pharma in the guise of research grants (tax deductible).

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I completed my PhD circa thirty years ago and then got out of academia as fast as I could: it was clear even 30years ago that academia (universities and the peer-review publication process) was hopelessly corrupted.

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