Check this out everyone, it's the second part, but I will also add the first part as well: https://plandemicseries.com/zstack/


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Steve, thank YOU for all that you do. Question: my daughter is a nursing student, who has had COVID, and is being forced to get the jab before she starts her clinicals. She desperately doesn’t want it. What should she do? If she had to take one would you take J&J?

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Take none of them would be my opinion, but I do realise her job is at stake. It's playing Russian roulette and your daughter has to ask herself, does she feel lucky? Life is more important than a job. I'm really surprised that BS is still going on there. Check this out and make up your mind for your child: https://plandemicseries.com/zstack/

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Yet there is still a lot of brain washed sheep how to wake them?

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Electric shock therapy. Is there an ovine equivalent of the cattle-prod?

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Oh, lookie here! "Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be 'colossally stupid'": https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/01/health/eua-coronavirus-vaccine-history/index.html

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Thanks as always for your diligence, Steve. I would like to add something interesting in support of NOT taking the jab. There definitely seems to be targeted functionality to this concoction, which has nothing to do with 'protection against a virus,' but appears to be a form of eugenics. Please read:

On Frontnieuws.com a reader (M/F?) posted that he was forced to sign injections for mentally retarded for whom he is the curator. He lamented it, but did not address the consequences of not signing. He also stated that he himself suffered ill consequences of the jabs he took. His concern is about something he's been observing in the clinic where he is a board member - I highlight: women who are looking to get pregnant by means of IVF find out they have 0 ovaries left. These are all 'fully-vaccinated' women.

From what I know about mRNA, molecular biology and physiological processes - this is NOT a side effect, like myocarditis or blood clotting. The destruction of ovaries is a targeted functionality, by interruption of certain processes that have to do with fertility. Apparently, there must have been quite some research involved in these injections to be successful in the complete eradication of a woman's total supply of ovaries. As you know, a woman is born with a complete supply of ovaries, for her life cycle. To lose all of them, is not an 'accident'. Nature does not cause 'accidents' like that, because nature wants humans to procreate. It goes without saying that this loss of all ovaries must have been known by the inventors of the brew. If this was not their intent, then surely they will stop the 'vaccine' right now.

I hope you guys will take this heart - and I mean you, the Dr.'s Robert Malone, Michael Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi and many other self-proclaimed beneficent scientists, because this is clear evidence that (one of the goals of) the injection is meant to prevent procreation. Which is in line with the views of the despotic order - the genocide at hand and the constant attempts to conduct population control. (Population control in and of itself is not a bad thing - Planned Parenthood did a marvellous job at it - but sickly enough, it has become a perverse and deadly fetish of its own offspring.)

The original Dutch:

"Mij werd vanochtend als bewindvoerder van zwakzinnigen gevraagd de handtekening te zetten voor de tweede booster. Ik kreeg bijna braakneigingen. Als ik niet teken dan heeft dat negatieve consequenties. Ik moest wel tekenen. Zelf heb ik na de eerste booster hartklachten en ontzettende spierpijnen. In de kliniek die ik mede bestuur zien we de laatste tijd een fenomeen dat zich nooit eerder heeft voorgedaan. Vrouwen die het IVF traject inwillen zien hun droom vervliegen omdat ze 0 eicellen hebben. De nul eicellen patienten zijn allen volledig gevaccineerd."

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I fully agree with you writing. Again and again we get results telling how the mRNA injections don't behave like normal vaccines, among other the B and T cells don't remembering the disease, and measure in the body up to 18 month after injection, 26% going to the liver and change, and on and on with ravage.

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Appalling Vax Murder Of 22 Year Old Man


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Thanks for all you do Steve...just found the 271 page document...will share...very impressive

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German Study: Number of Those Suffering Severe Complications After Taking COVID Vaccine Is 40 Times Higher Than Previously Recorded - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/german-study-number-suffering-severe-complications-taking-covid-vaccine-40-times-higher-previously-recorded. Interesting that their UR factor is so close to the one you calculated, 41.

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I would just add: The lack of legal and financial accountability for vaccine harms by either the vaccine mfrs. or the government tells us just how safe the vaccines really are. If Pfizer profits of $7.81 Billion in Q1 '22 alone are not enough to compensate Pfizer vaccine victims -- with plenty to spare for the stockholders -- then theirs is not a vaccine we should want to take.

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Great summary of how the world has been duped about the pandemic and vaccines. It is written by a neurosurgeon: https://surgicalneurologyint.com/surgicalint-articles/covid-update-what-is-the-truth/

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One rheumatologist in Germany has ~6000 patients. Since introduction of the covid injections, 40% of them experience side effects:


That's something, I didn't scroll down, just read the text, and that's the same guy Steve interviewed!! Steve's news are becoming INTERNATIONAL, for quite some time already:))) Great.

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“We may not be able to demonstrate sufficient efficacy or safety of our COVID-19 vaccine and/or variant-specific formulations to obtain permanent regulatory approval in the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, or other countries where it has been authorized for emergency use or granted conditional marketing approval.”

BioNTech in SEC filing document


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Why is NO ONE on twitter posting about the Pfizer data dump yesterday???? Is it all being censored?

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May 4, 2022
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it's weird- there are no links anywhere

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The files are uploaded to the usual website (https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/) - the latest batch is dated 02 May 2022. It is probably going to take some digesting.

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Thanks so much- Yikes- it looks like they're making it deliberately obtuse

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Mr. Kirsch: I wish there was a way to directly email you. Please see the following link with a research paper showing "high intranasal IgG in vaccinated parents was significantly associated (p-value = 0.01) with a 0.38 increase in the log transformed intranasal IgG gMFIs within a child from the same household."


Can you please look into this investigation and shed any light on this finding?

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Thanks again Mr. Kirsch. I feel like your on the top of the list when it comes to genuine honest truthseekers.

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