I have a solution its called Revolution. Once a government is corrupt there is no solution but to replace such.

"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." ~ John Adams

"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." ~ Thomas Jefferson

"The people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government and to reform, alter, or totally change the same when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it." ~ Alexander Hamilton

"When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise their original right of self-defense — to fight the government." ~ Alexander Hamilton

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The one universal across all pharmaceutical advertising for decades has been the disclosure of a litany of every conceivable side effect.

The covid shots are the first instance where that is not the case and they are advertised as safe and effective.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if the institutions of authority acknowledged the role of the eua liability waiver as an explanation for this?

Isn’t it even more interesting that they seem incapable of even acknowledging if only to dismiss it?

The completely ignore it as the roll their eyes about conspiracy theories.

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My solution: Separate healthcare and State.

Only State involvement makes liability protection a possibility.

It is not true that the State needs to moralize or regulate healthcare. State involvement is always destructive, liability protection is just an extreme case.

Absent any State involvement, we'd get health insurance, ie coverage against health hazards. Insurance is a private, for-profit business that makes money from reducing hazards.

In a free healthcare country public health policy would not exist as such, but the health insurance industry would cover the same concept. The difference: It would be actually incentivized to minimize mortality and morbidity. And it would stand between you and the pharma and medical industries, which profit from you being sick.

There is no need to impose harmony on what is harmonic to begin with (Bastiat).

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For generic vaccine (un)safety I suggest a wonderful book by Amantonio. Strangely it is still not banned on Amazon. Or read this in his blog for free but in Russian :)

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man Steve. This exactly. Market forces should determine the vaccine schedule up to each parents choice. If the product is good - great. If it isnt no one uses it and its off the market. Absolutely no liability protection for the pharma companies. rotten system

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As they have changed the definition of a vaccine, I wonder if this is to open the door to a broader base of therapeutics that will be shielded from liability.

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The vaccine manufacturers do not have to disclose the indigrenzies of their substances. Nobody knows what is contained in the vaccines (besides so-called exipiens (excipient of unknown origin) also animal DNA/RNA particles, which contaminate the vaccines by accumulation of microorganisms in animal cell cultures and later lead to xenografts during vaccination and severe late effects).

Just one example: one of the preservatives that is and has been used in vaccines is thiomersal, which contains mercury and is used to kill bacteria that could contaminate a vial. This preservative is considered safe, yet its use is being phased out. It had come under unfounded - it is claimed - suspicion of being linked to autism.

Since about 1980/90, cases of autism, autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases or cancer have literally exploded (e.g., in the USA in 1991, on average 1 child per 10,000 had autism, in 2020 already about 1 case (depending on gender) per 22 to 36 children (black boys are more severely affected)).

Obvioesly the vaccine manufacturers have a massive quality problem and no one checks their active ingredients. So, why should they invest in research for safe vaccines if they are not held liable for the health consequences.

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Vaccines do not cause autism because vaccinated and unvaccinated people have the same rate of autism. Thimerosal contains ethylmercury, not methylmercury or elemental mercury. Go learn organic chemistry for a few years. The autism incidence is the same between blacks and other races. Brian Hooker used incorrect biostatistics to dissect the dataset and make a false positive result.

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In a nutshell!

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Licencing country gets half the profits to enable proper compensation. That would be a start

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Force under penalty of total material asset confiscation major stockholders, CEO's and similar to serve as human test subjects in phase one through three testing? Should work wonders for efficiency and safety.

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well yes. But then they won't produce them (which largely would be a plus!)

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I think the human race would have much better off if there had never, ever, been any vaccines at all.

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The Utah government published a short survey of chronic disease trends in children.

It shows a significant increase beginning around 1980, when MMR vaccinations were introduced.

Thex also show, that "deaths from infectious diseases had declined well over 90% long before vaccination was introduced due to sanitation, clean water, and improved living conditions".

Currently, children in the USA are vaccinated against 68 microorganisms until they start school (primary school). It is planned to expand this range of microorganisms to be vaccinated against to over 100.


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The average person is brainwashed to recoil at this thought, however, just read the history of vaccines in general and discover the litany of disasters in terms of suffering and death to realise the truth of your comment, Cathleen.

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Right on target.

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There are liability caps on the nuclear industry as well. They too should be ended.

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If nothing is mandated (and all known risks are disclosed, which they currently are not), I don’t see the justification for a lawsuit

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If a toaster oven has a known defect and it burns your house down, you have the premise for a lawsuit. The difference is, in the US, the toaster oven would be recalled.

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I just think in a free society, you should be able to buy that toaster accepting the risks of it. Our society has become overly litigious. To an extent it’s healthy but it can go too far.

COVID vaccines are different as their creators are blatantly lying about efficacy and safety (Maddie De Garay is the only example needed to prove this). Therefore, they should be open to liability for fraudulent marketing. Additionally, any entity that mandates you to unwillingly accept the risks of something should be liable for those risks.

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Yes, I understand the Libertarian perspective. If we were dealing with honest people who are acting in good faith, that would be an acceptable standpoint. However, we aren't. Manufacturers knowingly keep defective products in the market, they just run a cost/benefit analysis to determine if they can still make a profit after killing "X" amount of people. I find that unacceptable, and in a true "free market" there are consequences for this type of behavior. The threat of repercussions is all that keeps businesses from killing and maiming people. I'm not going to lose sleep over such lawsuits, because these companies still somehow manage to turn a profit.

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I’ve already agreed with you on that being a sue-able offense. That would be fraudulent marketing and perhaps murder/manslaughter.

One way to positively change the law as well… if a company is found guilty of murder/manslaughter, jail time ought to be on the table for executives. As opposed to a fine as was the case for PG&E during the California fires.

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If we can get the truth out, it's possible their overplaying their hand and murdering hundreds of thousands of people in order to profiteer from a pandemic might generate a big enough backlash to end their liability exemption.

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They got immunity by killing people. Ain't Congress grand?

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"If that means no vaccines are produced, I will not shed a tear." We shouldn't even get that far because there are few truly essential vaccinations, the production of which could even be nationalized. Hence, I basically agree. Among the few essentials, tetanus toxoid is one of the most safe and potent known immunogens. It is not even generally necessary to begin the course of vaccination, a couple of injections, before school age, after which you remain covered 10 years, with a precautionary booster after 5 in case of possible exposure to tetanus bacteria, case by case. Another is the diphtheria vaccine, and I'm always repeating Sucharit Bhakdi's words. My two daughters were only minimally vaccinated, the indispensable, e.g. no TB vaccine, nor against hepatitis B not being at risk, so the trade-off was against a vaccination. And my 14-month-old granddaughter won't have any until she's school age, when she'll be vaccinated with the diphtheria vaccine (for adults) and the tetanus vaccine.

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Same here. Four kids, 1975 to 1983, none vaxxed for the childhood illnesses, just diptheria and smallpox. Our GP (we're in England) fully supported us. All are very healthy, and one of my boys with two kids of his own - no vaxxes at all for them; both mildly autistic so they need no such interference. Tetanus is indeed nasty - "Lockjaw" as it used to be called here. I had a booster for a trip to the USSR in 1968, also Cholera. Only jab I have had in as long as I can remember is the PPV jab against Pneumococcal disease. I checked the ingredients - it's a soup of Pneumococcal bacteria in neutral adjutants. So not worried about that.

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Can't you treat appropriate injuries with tetanus immunoglobulin & isn't diphtheria cured with penicillin?

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cf. Tetanus: For Clinicians | CDC https://www.cdc.gov/tetanus/clinicians.html

Clinical Features of Diphtheria | CDC https://www.cdc.gov/diphtheria/clinicians.html

Having experience in the practice of so-called dangerous activities, I prefer to maintain a certain margin of reserve. Nor does the game of Russian roulette (so-called because it's unrelated to Russia, really) interest me. I wouldn't opt for immunoglobulins as my only parachute. I've also seen with my own eyes someone die of tetanus within about ten days at the US hospital in Kathmandu/Nepal. Diphtheria, my maternal grandmother had it in her youth and survived. Tetanus and diphtheria vaccinations are saints worth the candle for me.

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