Because it's One Fascist Party with two social clubs vying for the favor of the MIC and Intelligence Agencies since the CIA assassinated Kennedy and got away with it.

The "Democracy" of the United States is a professional wrestling match- two people owned by the same guy faking a fight to hustle the public out of their money, their rights, and their very lives.

The law is a joke, it only applies to the poor, and by poor I mean everyone who isn't the top tenth of 1% of the economic ladder.

The rest of us are disposable plebes and are treated as such contrary to any bullshit they feed you during election time when they're jockeying for position to be the "elected" individual acceptable to the intelligence complex and major financial institutions to sit in the rubber stamp seat and collect their corruption money.

Democracy died a long time ago in this country, just no one wants to admit it because no one wants to have to deal with that reality.

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I believe the reason is something some have called "The Uni-party"

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You have thousands of Politicians, bureaucrats and lackeys that should be in prison, or perhaps the chair is more deserving.

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Because Tony has shit on all of them. Perhaps he will commit suicide soon.

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The GOP look into what the military/industrial/intelligence/biosecurity state is doing? Are you kidding? Why would they, when they're part of it. They will make a lot of noise about China and Fauci, that's about it.

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Uniparty. Two wings, same bird.

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Recommended reading -

fauci (et al) fraud finale?

it appears that the courts have had about enough of teflon tony and the prevaricators


It is GOP electeds who are behind this lawsuit . . .

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Steve, it is GOP AGs and others who are also pushing forward with the lawsuits - Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Attorney General Jeff Landry are making things happen:

"If the lab leak theory were true, in turn, it would mean Fauci could be potentially implicated in funding the research on viruses that caused the pandemic which killed millions worldwide, plaintiffs argued. This is because Fauci funded risky 'gain-of-function' research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through intermediaries such as EcoHealth Alliance."


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That story is from a year ago and Steve is doing a disservice to try to say GOP aren't doing anything. Since then....

* Sen. Rand Paul - GOP - has been at the frontlines of exposing Fauci publicly and through records requests.

* Sen. Ron Johnson - GOP - has been the only one to hold hearings on vaccine injuries, was called "fringe" by the NYT and the youtube video of it was scrubbed.

* Gov Ron DeSantis - GOP - is now at the frontlines of protecting Americans from the vaccines and speaking out on the Plandemic.

NIH Needs to Be Held Accountable - NIH not only funded dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan, but it also funded cruel experiments on puppies.

Where is the accountability?


Of course there are RINOs in the GOP, but they are literally disappearing from the the Party as MAGA candidates are moving forward and winning the Primaries.

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The red puppets (GOP) are not any more concerned than the blue puppets about C19. Bill Gates and all his cronies, including WEF, CIA, NSA (etc) and their non-USA counterparts had a dry coronavirus run in late 2019. Weeks later a story, worldwide, was created:

BOOM, worldwide, the C19 story broke, closely following guidelines of the dry run, magic week being middle of March. March 26, 2020, the Federal Reserve (not federal and no reserve), and most other central bankers, declared zero reserve requirements in printing money. How much money was printed? We don't know and we have no way of transparently finding out, as the FED is private. Powell gaslights us by telling his audience (including congress) how much debt/credit money was created. We are "told" how much money, created out of thin air, was "approved" by congress. It is still legal to create Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 (of the US Constitution) money. (The Iran contra affair would not have been necessary, if it ever was, if the guns for drugs money was, interest free, created then. Was it? We'll never know anything but the cover stories.)

The real C19 story can maybe be gleaned by the NEJM articles in January 2020 and March 2020 by Dr Li (et al) and Dr Fraudxxi (et al). It doesn't take Einstein to see that, if Li's and Fraudxxi's stories are even remotely true, then the whole C19 story woven is not true, including the death count, case count, etc. These articles can be found here:

Li: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2001316

Fraudxxi: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387

Lastly, Dr Genevieve Briand's 11/22/2020 article on co-morbidities being reclassified as C19 with NO excess deaths, using the CDC's own data, shows that a unique virus is not needed for C19. There are no unique C19 symptoms, including loss of taste or smell, as those are also symptoms of influenza.

Briand's article is here: https://web.archive.org/web/20201126171926/https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19

GOP doesn't want to look into the bad players for same reason Trump kept secret the JFK assassination details, even tho he was gonna release them. Coercion, in the minimum. Bottom line, if C19 was only a hyperbolic story, then its physical "origin" is moot.

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Untill he is dead or in prison, nothing has been done.

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Is Rand Paul a GOP "red puppet" for holding all the hearings where he is attacking Fauci openly and putting him in positions where he is openly lying? No. Paul has exposed, through FOIAs, Fauci's lies and has built up the case. No one has been more out front on taking on Fauci. Was Ron Johnson a "red puppet" when he was the ONLY Congressperson to hold hearings on the vaccine injured? How about Ron DeSantis, who has called for accountability for the NIH on the origins of the virus and appointed Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, perhaps the only one in the nation refusing things like adding the COVID shots to the schedule of children's vaccines? Red puppets?

Yes, most GOP are indeed red puppets, captured, RINOs or NeoCons, but some are doing good work and seem to actually care about the American people and the Constitution. Democrats, OTOH, vote as ONE on 95%+ of Biden's orders. It is disgusting.

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I'm an advocate for Rand Paul and his dad, Ron! Ron Johnson, too, is a good man. As is RFK Jr and John Kennedy, DeSantis, Greg Abbott, etc.

I am aware of a couple well-meaning democrats that have been captured by the system and forced to act like they've been told to....

If one looks at the executive orders "supposedly" drafted by big Joe since he assumed POTUS, it is 100% clear that he didn't even author the titles, let alone the body of those executive orders. If he was quizzed on any or all of them, he'd likely get a zero on the quiz.

We don't have, anymore (if we ever had), a 2 party system.

The puppet shows we watch, including C19, climate, vax, budget, Russia vs Ukraine, rattle of nuclear missiles, etc., are diversions from what is happening behind the scenes, such as eliminating fiat money, COmpulsory Virtual IDs (CO V ID), 24/7 surveillance, etc.

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Because there ISNO "GOP", no "government". Only an illegal , self installed, WEF-globohomo mafia that wants America reduced to 3rd world stone age status.

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I read some were Fauci is in Charge of Biodefense, and maybe Bioweapons. And also that Gain a Function research is a way to get around the ban on Bioweapons research. If thats the case the Military complex and parts of Goverment would do all they could to shield him. If it does all come out what was really going on we may see another Esptein style sucide.

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Epoch Times is the one of the only legitimate news source available. Thank you Steve for validating this. If you are not a subscriber, you should be.

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Perhaps a deep dive into donor lists and family jobs be revelatory?

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Because we don't live in a democracy. We have one big party with two wings that have different marketing to give the illusion of choice and democracy. Watch The Jimmy Dore Show for an entertaining and insightful explanations.


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Worse, we live in a fake democracy that 60-70% of the population thinks is a real one. In places, like the former USSR almost no one was under such an illusion and were always on the lookout and took whatever precautions they were able to to avoid becoming victims of democide. Most Americans are clueless.

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Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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