Robert F. Kennedy Jr is likely their "worst nightmare," because he knows the truth and has done his research. I'm in the middle of {"The Real A...Fauci") his book right now and it's like reading a great mystery, except you are hearing THE TRUTH instead of the LIES of those who wish to CONTROL us. The liberals are AFRAID of the truth because they KNOW it will HANG THEM!! They are all traitors "in my book!"

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Letter to America from Dr. Steven Hatfill. He knows Faustus all too well:


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Steve, take advantage of the Joe Rogan situation. Call Joe who is asked to have *balanced" topics and tell him you want to help bring people of different positions to debate. Provide the solution for him and get the debate you've been wanting!

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All debate is always unfinished. You can demolish an opponent in a live debate today, everyone agrees that you won, and 10 years later it turns out your opponent was right, and people who agreed with you made lethal decisions.

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This paper from 1899 is passed around as proof of the first virus discovered.


I'll keep the comments on the methods very short but the good stuff is after that. You don't want to miss it. The paper mentions using agar plate which is a petri dish with nutrients but also can have antibiotics to influence growth. Here's direct quote from paper: "The upper surface of the plate was first washed with water and then with a strong solution of mercuric bichloride”. Mercury? Really. Why? The paper also mentions trypsin which is a protein digesting enzyme but it's not clear where or if this was used. So the virology game started way back then. The process of adding toxins to the mix then injecting that substance into plant or animal tissue is faulty science. Also was there control studies showing another plant in the same soil, same environment, and injected with the same toxic materials minus the infected leaf parts. But I guess some will say, well that's just the way they do it.

Now the fun stuff. I researched a bit on tobacco. Here’s highlights. It is believed that tobacco began growing in the Americas in 6000 B.C. In 1492, American Indians gifted tobacco to Christopher Columbus. During the 1600s, tobacco was literally “as good as gold”. So needless to say, tobacco was a very important crop. But I could not find anything written about past dying plants or harvesting problems, until 1879. From Wikipedia on Adolf Mayer. “In 1879, while Mayer held the position of the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Wageningen in the Netherlands, he was asked by Dutch farmers to study a peculiar disease affecting the tobacco plant.” So, seems 1879 is the first year that we are seeing problems in the tobacco plant.

So then I think, what else was going on around 1879. I came upon articles on the pesticide, Paris Green. From Wikipedia, “Paris green may be prepared by combining copper(II) acetate and arsenic trioxide. In 1867, farmers in Illinois and Indiana found that Paris green was effective against the Colorado potato beetle, an aggressive agricultural pest. Despite concerns regarding the safety of using arsenic compounds on food crops, Paris green became the preferred method for controlling the beetle. By the 1880s, Paris green had become the first widespread use of a chemical insecticide in the world.[11] It was also used widely in the Americas to control the tobacco budworm.” Let’s repeat, by the 1880s, Paris Green first widespread use in the WORLD.

Well WOW!. I think I stumbled upon something here. Paris Green was specifically used on tobacco plants in America in 1867. And used around the world. Are you guys seeing it yet? It's all about poisons. 6000 years of no problems growing tobacco until we start spraying them with arsenic based pesticides. Did it take 6000 years for a virus to show up or does it make more sense that we were poisoning the plants with poisonous chemicals? To me, the poison theory makes way more sense. Oh, and the polio disease started in the United States in 1894. Again, did a new paralyzing virus suddenly appear? We don't know because there is no proof of the actual virus. But we do know for a fact that, starting in the late 1800s, toxic and deadly chemicals were produced and sprayed around the world. Arsenic has been linked to paralysis. Again coincidence? I think not.

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Steve, why won't you debate Christine Massey, Andy Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka, Stefan Scoglio, or any of the many other people who understand, through their own work and analysis that there is no virus and virology is dead???

Come on Steve, we want that debate -- LIVE! Are you afraid the science is against you (which it is)??

Come on Steve. Let's see your bona fides.

Let's see you explain how vero cell bullshit is isolation.

The jig is up for your class of professional idiots, Steve. So let's have that debate and get it over faster.

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It was a bluff. He never intended to debate anyone. She called his bluff and he balked. He can't debate this because he will lose the debate which will put his investments at risk.

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Who called who's bluff? I didn't hear of a debate proposed by anyone on Live TV. When is ABC or NPR offering to allow a debate about anything that exposes Leftism for the failed ideology it is? Gene therapy is just another notch in an authoritarian strap of crimes against humanity. Please do share the information you forgot to post.

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We have seen the introduction of many vaccines....the one vaccine you might

want to focus on is ones used for the covid saga we find ourselves being

forced to blindly take in these United States. ...... One among those on the

pro-side should be asked to attend is Dr Anthony Fauci (with his team of

experts). ...... We the public have seemingly heard only "doctor's orders" from

Dr Fauci for some two years.....with minimal to zero 'science' supporting the

'orders'. ...... An open/public debate should give the good doctor a needed

opportunity to spell out 'his science' ...... Thanks and Good Luck.

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Steve, I challenged 17 doctors from the community of Jacksonville and Beaches, FL to debate me live at a time and venue of their choosing over: " Should Covid Vaccines be Mandated in Children?" and all declined, even though the 17 were chosen because they had publically supported vaccine mandates in those 5 - 11 years old. One, who is the Medical Director of a large group of Children's Hospitals serving Jacksonville and surrounds put a large picture of himself in Facebook next to a post admonishing parents for not vaccinating their children. Even he wouldn't debate little 'ole me, a surgeon who isn't supposed to know anything about pediatric vaccination. I would like to debate you on any Covid topic of your choosing but I'm afraid we would agree on too much. Just to continue the story of my failure to get anyone to debate me last fall and winter, I went ahead with 10 live presentations on Covid and the vaccines that were very successful, covering, for example, my proof of the virus's origin and subsequent cover-up, the Mathematics of Covid, My Ten Reasons for NOT Getting the Vaccine, and others. I am now back in Cambodia performing free surgery for children of limited means through my charity Operation Kids. It is our 21st year and I have performed 1511 free operations over those years while receiving only $1500 in donations (from a fellow MIT alum of ours who was in Phnom Penh consulting with the Cambodian military). Cheers, Steve, and please reserve a front row seat for me when you finally get someone to debate you on these topics of critical importance to our nation's citizens (and all citizens of the World, for that matter).

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Live debates are the only way to go -- it quickly becomes clear who knows their stuff, who is trying to stall or cover up, etc., etc. etc. Human beings give themselves away with all kinds of "tells," the things for which good poker players learn to look. But live audiences can see that stuff, too, and you can feel a group consensus forming about who is believable.

From personal experience, I KNOW why no one wants to debate Steve or RFK Jr. I saw that in action when, fed up with local politicians, I ran for office, because the only way you could deal with elected officials other than the 3 minute public comment period was to run against them and participate as a candidate in all the public forums. I ended up getting a shockingly high percentage of the votes cast, primarily due to people liking what I said in such debates and telling their friends. In subsequent years, people simply refused to debate me.

This is also related to WHY the government wants all "public meetings" to be conducted via zoom instead of live -- and, of course, because the government actually controls EVERYTHING on such zoom meetings. So please, oppose keeping any "public" meeting on zoom -- they are already trying to make zoom meetings "permanent."

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Dear Steve - There IS a way to debate live --that's when the agents in question are running for something (not FROM something- although that can happen too), but rather when there's a local, statewide or federal election... THEN those questions can be asked and at least we get to see the body language if the question is not answered--that's something, isn't it? Maybe these department heads need to be elected positions, not appointed...also the terms kept short. HOW LONG as Fraudi been in his current gov position? Yet another way is to ambush your debate opponent -- ala Michael Moore -- kinda sloppy, kinda questionable, but he does get answers now and then. I did this once to a city school superintendent - he was alone, without his entourage -- walking to his car after a heated school meeting. He tried to get me fired from the paper I worked for (right, a reporter getting the boot for asking a question, I think not). Anyway, I did give him the choice of saying "no comment" - which in itself can speak volumes --e.g. often means guilty as charged. In any event, it could be fun figuring out just when and where you might ambush some of these policy makers.

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Dear Donna, I realize what this place looks like now isn't what it looked like 70 years ago( and I do actually remember that time 70 years ago). I have watched this country voluntarily give away the freedoms people "expected" from her. We haven't actually been a "free country" since just after the second world war. Our elected officials at that time desided to bring 'most' of the Nazi doctors, scientists, and visionaries to this country and used their intelligence, corrupted thinking, and visions of the future to guide our foreign and domestic policies ever since. So you see dear, 'freedom' is merely an illusion that we have so fervently tried to make real. And now, the hideous results are being laid wide open for the whole world to see. Who do you think the Whore of Babylon is? If you know anything at all about Christian history or the book itself, you can see it clearly! So you see I think it's only 'kind' to allow people to savor the thoughts of freedom they think they have, before the stark reality of absolute truth is revealed.👵😇. There is nothing else to do. It's not hopeless, not at all. You just need to know where to place your hope is all.

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Steve while we might enjoy the satisfaction of you and the team you assembled to whip the asses of the smug doctors who will cite the data the trust, your victory will not change what has gotten us to this point. Put your talents into getting what ever court action you can. Take the bastards to court again and again. I say that even knowing the courts can be and often are corrupt. I would prefer court battles than a shooting war because when all else fails with reason, then there is not much left.

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With all that I said below ( please forgive my tablet's auto-correct inserted typo's), yeah, our planet's great surplus of low-rent though higher-paid propaganda shills is staggering! Since their talents at the debate horse races are laughably pitiful, they must critically depend on the corporate media's "Fact-Checking" censors to pretend any superior communications skills. Consequently? Most reviewers of corporate media propaganda never hear about any debate challenges. Those who do learn about any challenges declared often fall victim to a corporate fact-checker's summary dismissals.

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It's all according to who you are debating. Debating is like horseracing. A horse that is bred and trained to race will almost always win a race against those that do not live for that highly specialized lifestyle, even though most race horses only follow other professional race horses around a track!

Winning a debate doesn't necessarily mean that you know more facts of any matter any better, but only that you have a superior gift of gab. To discover any real truths, peer review is so much more accurate. That is why our global political propaganda industry has so many horses racing in it, but so few who actually endorse any comprehensive truths. They know how to take so many near-truths and make them sound like purely homespun truths. But by displayed fact, they are really just propaganda liars.

I'm not say in in any way that you are a liar, but you've just admitted that you prefer using a tool that most really talented liars prefer. Consequently? I must be wary of you too.

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Excellent work Steve, keep it up. The shift has begun

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