Yes Steve. You are correct on all counts. People are going down like flies post jab but it's taboo to say so or ask questions. I don't get it at all either.

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Steve: E. Woodhouse has Gwen Casten’s FOIA’ed autopsy report here: https://open.substack.com/pub/woodhouse/p/autopsy-report-for-unexpected-death?r=r6d2x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Would be interesting to see what MD’s make of it. Looks like she may have had a low grade festering covid case she couldn’t clear, but I think otherwise says what we’ve heard. Just poof. Was boosted ~6 mos before.

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The vaccines are the pathogen.

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Incredibles 2 already told us what's going on. Everyone is under the spell of the SCREENSLAVER!

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I live in a rural mountain area, two nearby towns with a total population of around 10,000 or so. I've lived here 34 years, and have always read the obits in the local paper. I have NEVER seen so many obits stating things like "died suddenly" or "died unexpectedly" and the like. It's not that I never noticed before, no, I never read so many like this. And a great many of them have been YOUNG....20's and 30's, 40's, and they looked healthy. More younger people than the above 60 group, although there have been a few in that group too. I don't personally know anyone this has happened to, though. My family group except one grandson is all unjabbed, but my daughter was telling me about her close friend yesterday. Friend and her husband are in their mid 50's. She told my daughter that since her husband got his shots, he has been sick with something virtually every single month, mostly respiratory things that tend to drag on and on. And my daughter told me her friend has seemed kind of mentally "off" the last few months....almost like early onset dementia. And my daughter knows dementia since she is a nurse and works with many dementia patients.

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Consider that young people will have few things wrong with them, so when they die, it must be labelled "suddenly".

Older people tend to have at least one ailment or another, so when they die for the same reason as a youngin (gene therapy) it can easily be blamed on this or that ailment and is no longer "sudden" or "unexpected".

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Sorry to say Doug Brignole apparently didn't research quite enough. By April 2021 a heck of a lot of us had also done enough research to know we didn't want to get anywhere near those injections! So we won't be admitting we were wrong. Sad for him, though.

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I'd be interested to know the date Kirsch was vaxxed, same with Malone and McCullough etc.

What I'm saying is many smart people fell for the CDC propaganda.

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Malone was Early on, like jan/feb 2021 (verify on his Substack. he talked about it somewhere).

He was travelling into Europe and other places, for meetings etc., and countries required annoying quarantines (with delays as long as 14 days) or proof of Vax.

Don't remember the others.

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A 17-year-old teen died unexpectedly after he collapsed while singing a solo in a choir event in Naperville, Illinois, on Friday, his family and officials said.


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When death is our primary measurement for something and anything less gets little to no attention, we can know something is wrong.


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I went to William Reich's Listen Little man for some insights into the mass psychology of fascism.

" On thru the century you'll shed blood instead of safeguarding life, confident that with the executioner's help you're building your freedom." " ... but you'll be blind and deaf to the call of your own life. Because you're afraid of life, little man, mortally afraid."

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The press release regarding the tragic and senseless death of Gwen Casten stated that they didn't know why her heart stopped, and likely would never learn why.

Um, right. Here's a man - a politician upon whom the public spotlight is trained - who has the opportunity to SAVE the lives of other young people by speaking truth, who instead tacitly encourages other young lives to be placed at risk by willfully clinging to denial. Shakespeare himself couldn't have imagined such a tragic plot.

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This is where we've come to in this crazy world... a senator who won't even investigate his young daughters death just so he can save face. It's just unfathomable, and extremely disturbing. The denial is real!

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So he can be re-elected…. If he went against the democrat party talking points of safe and effective

Then he would not win another election

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I believe it killed Doug because he said so. This is getting comical in a not so funny way. "Excess of Sorrow Laughs" ~ William Blake

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Even if I weren't a scientist, I think I would still be incredulous that any sane, intelligent individual would opt to be injected with an experimental, ineffective and proven lethal drug cocktail, particularly for some ill-defined viral illness with a 99.9% survival rate. (Read John Ioannidis's latest data.)

The power of brainwashing, I suppose, and the gullibility of unthinking crowds. Very sad.

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I’m saddened and angry about the Gwen Casten case. Her father US Representative Sean Casten is a vocal advocate for covid vaccines, & has spoken about the vaccination of his children. He had an opportunity to investigate & search for the truth after Gwen’s tragic death. A friend of mine also tragically lost her healthy 27 year old daughter to sudden death during sleep a couple months ago. She had a one year old baby. Rep Casten likes to brag about being a scientist, but has shown that he is more of a opportunistic politician than a scientist. #StopTheShots

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I wonder how many babies and toddlers will die because sole parent died "suddenly" and no one realized it in time? There was a lady in England who passed out while giving her infant a bath, and her baby drowned a few months ago.

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If he Rep. Casten knows anything beyond the bubble narrative, you'd think he would at least check to find out what he could find out. I suppose it's hard to be such a proponent of vaccines as he was, and to know he was possibly responsible for his daughter's death since he pushed the vax on her unnecessarily.

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