This is the time for everyone to be brave and speak the truth. How will we protect our MOST precious children and grandchildren if we don't ? We won't have anymore offspring if we don't speak up now.

Thank you sir, and Dr Thorpe for being brave and speaking up. As a disabled RN, I'm absolutely horrified at what the medical system has become, a cartel of profit over patient care and fear over facts. I don't care if they send the feds after me, I will never bow to these criminals trying to kill us to depopulate for their own greed and selfish motives. They should be tried and hung for crimes against humanity. They violated the Nuremberg code of informed consent. They have no ethics or morals.

If we don't stand up and say enough, who will ? If not now, when ? We're already on the path to becoming China 2.0. It's past time to take back our country for future generations like our forefathers did for us. Molon Labe, my pronouns are try/me.

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God Bless this man. God, place your hedge of protection around him and his loved ones. Give him what he needs to keep going with the truth in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen & Amen!

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When are the Nuremberg 2.0 trials going to start? When will the people complicit in pushing this bio weapon be held accountable? Financially incentivized - follow the Money - hang them all in the town square. God bless all of the doctors, scientists & medical professionals like Dr Thorpe that are risking their own lives & career by speaking out.

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What I've studied, the VAX is not only causing still-birth, it is Killing in the long term. These fibers growing in arteries, veins, and micro-capillaries are currently causing what the CDC calls" Unknown Cause of Death". Imagine you give the Vax to you child at 5 years old, these fibers are everywhere. Before birth and 21 years after, your child is going through Neuro-Genesis, or Brain development. What if these fibers are in the brain? Slowing, even stopping Neuro-Genesis in portions of the brain, you will not only have a learning disability to deal with, but when these blockages occur, there is an accumulation of radicles that are "stuck" all over the body, including the brain. This can easily lead to mutating cells-->Cancers of all types. You've seen athletes dropping dead on the field, they are using their hearts, their circulatory system is hard at work. The accumulation of foreign particulates are in the heart, lungs, and elsewhere. So we see abrupt deaths, strokes, heart attacks in Young & Fit individuals that normally would play another day, I do believe this is an extinction event b/c the Pharma knows what this DNA altering poison can accomplish. This was not rushed, the mRNA was developed well over a decade ago, they know the harm it can cause, so it was added. Theoretically it works against a virus in a petri dish, but not in mammals. I would like to know who in the biden administration "actually" took the poke. I'm sure many have not, as many bio-scientists were fired for Not taking the Vax.

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Dr. Thorp is a gem. He recently spoke at the Florida Covid Summit II conference...

INCREDIBLE rates of stillbirths... As Mr. Kirsch has said, "I'm alarmed that nobody is ALARMED." The system that foisted this upon the world is so much uglier than the actual pandemic.. The pharma-gov industrial kraken is about to drown and swallow the western world, and nobody (but a small group of people) seems to care.

A friend of mine recently said to her "sleeping", 27-year-old son: "look, I'm not asking you to 'water the tree of liberty' with your blood... But would you mind (terribly) just PULLING A WEED OR TWO?"

Why do we even have a Nuremburg Code? Why bother? It seems that we've FORGOTTEN those elderly Europeans who said over and over, "NEVER FORGET!"


Thank you for all you do, Mr. Kirsch.

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I agree that medical boards and the like should not be censoring anyone, BUT I disagree in the conclusion that our legal system will not intervene and prevent this from happening. The medical boards themselves are merely educational oversight boards, there is nothing in any of their charters to given them license to censor anyone, much less revoke their license to practice medicine--they are not licensing boards, per se, anyway--that is up to each state, in their capacity as licensing boards. Board certification is not 'licensing'--although they are intertwined, as you say, Steve. Their role is to approve or disapprove of educational programs and testing routines for which physicians either subscribe to, and get 'certified', or they don't subscribe to, and don't get 'certified'. Once certified, though, the only mechanism in place to 'revoke' their board certification is for them to not complete their ongoing continuing medical education requirements, and/or not take/pass the re-certification examination. Some boards have clauses allowing them to revoke certifications upon criminal convictions. A judge has to merely look at what the capacity, function and role of these certification boards are and read their 'contracts' with physicians ('the letter of the law'), realize they are not in the business of censoring or determining the quality of an individual physician's ability to practice medicine, and merely rule they have overstepped their authority.

Same goes with the ABMS.

State licensing boards are another matter, as is the FSMB, all captured by Big Pharma.

M. Kirk Moore, MD

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You may disagree but it’s ALREADY happening.



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Has been happening for nearly 2 years!!

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Here is the problem, Steve. You simply cannot depend on physicians to standup for what is right regarding this issue. At least 85% of physicians are complicit in crimes against humanity...they are continuing to prescribe remdesivir and ventilators and not using the treatments that have been proven to be effective beyond any doubt. They are following these ridiculous guidelines of the FDA and CDC that are responsible for thousands of deaths in the US.

Why appeal to a group that has proven itself to be weak, is acquiescing to mandates that are stupid, and complicit in these crimes.

What needs to be done is to go to our patients and inspire them to support those good physicians who are following the science so they can support their patients?

We're fighting the wrong battle...is it time to wake up? Do you want to talk?

Len Saputo, MD

President of Physicians and Patients Reclaiming Medicine (Reclaimingmed.com)

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I agree completely, Doctor. Ignore (to the degree possible) those cooperating or maintaining themselves in this current dangerous, disastrous "healthcare" system. Pursue and join those who already "get it." It truly is a waste of time, energy, and resources to attempt to get the blind to see.

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I totally agree, those with ear plugs and blinders on, would rather have a lie sugar coated then to be hurt with the truth!

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Certainly, the lack of recognition for natural immunity is puzzling and disturbing. Why insist on vaccinating the immune? There is no scientific foundation for this. Why vaccinate the children with a vaccine that can have risks compared to the benign course of COVID in this age group? Where is the counseling on the risks, benefits and alternatives? This is tyrannical.

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For the sake of public health and the long-term viability of their own careers, the doctors who are witnessing these atrocities need to report the deaths to local, state & federal law enforcement as murder & collectively sue the licensing boards, the CDC and any other agencies involved in this mass murder for their weaponizing of the medical profession.

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Steve, I would like to read your reply to the Executive Director of ABOG. I'm a retired pharmacist and chemist and have been very concerned about these gene therapy shots since before they were authorized. Kudos to you for standing up for medical truth, freedom, ethics, and individual liberty.

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Just listened to an interview by Dr. Thorp and am hoping to get a message to him, or even plant a little seed: If you looses your license, or when you loose your license, I urge you to seek out home birth midwives near you. You want to buck or overthrow the system? Get out of it. Find the midwives, and be willing to support them as a higher up when they need help or have higher risk cases. Be what OBs used to be. Set up your own systems of care that aren’t contingent upon acronymed industries that have been bought and sold by Big Pharma. Create the full circle system of care with lay midwives, CNMs, homebirthers, birth centers, and midwives. Not only will you help prevent the deaths from these coerced jabs by keeping mothers and babies out of the system, but you will also prevent unnecessary deaths from unnecessary birth interventions in general. Please consider it.

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Great idea. I imagine he could help out with some complicated situation but I’m doubtful he could perform a c-section outside of a hospital setting without amnesia etc. Lots of liability concerns too. But agree that the whole medical profession needs to be rebuilt. Midwives and thoughtful, alternative-care physicians are certainly a great place to start. I btw am not totally anti-pharmaceuticals. Just came down with a horrific case of poison sumac. God bless prednisone!

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I'm a nurse. I share truth all the time. Probably about to lose my license. I don't care. I want no part of this mass genocide. I've read countless studies and see vaers repo ER ts. My sister in law died from clots and heart attack weeks after second shot. Every medical person that continues these shots needs to be charged with murder. We have never allowed a shot this deadly to continue being used , in history. I'm disgusted with medical community.

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I’m so sorry about your sister-in-law… good for you! ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Kudos to Dr. Thorp. Way back in BC (Before Covid) times, science worked like this: a scientist came up with a hypothesis, then looked for data/observations that supported that hypothesis. If a sufficient volume of data or observations supported the hypothesis, the scientist would publish a paper that described the hypothesis, how it was tested, the results of the tests, and the conclusions. Then, that scientist's peers would challenge the hypothesis through additional data and observations. Sometimes the hypothesis would be crushed by an abundance of contrary data/observations. Other times the additional data/observations added support to the hypothesis. Given enough tests and observations over time, a hypothesis could rise to the level of a theory or even a law.

Now science consists of a single narrative, with no voices that might offer contrary observations allowed to be heard. This isn't science. It is facism.

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This interview focused more on the host than the guest.

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I would like this letter as well

I had a specialist, will with hold name, basically walk out of the room when I tried to discuss an exemption!

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Please How can I get Dr James Thorp’s email? I would really like to get a copy of the letter 🙏🏻

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If you read an article on The Blaze the email is listed there. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-why-did-scotland-experience-a-spike-in-infant-deaths

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