Gavin Newsom doesn't seem to do well with these boosters.

On May 18th, he got a second booster (!):


On May 28th, he tweeted that he "tested positive" for COVID-19, and "unfortunately" has to work from home. What are the chances that he's staying out of public view on purpose?


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From the Covid & Coffee report this morning: Maybe Governor Newsom has had a change of heart.

💉 Governor Newsom seems to be walking back his “first in the country” injection mandate for school kids. The nearly-recalled governor made the remarks during an interview on Good Morning America this week, where he was promoting — of all things — his new children’s book. Newsom said that uninjected kids shouldn’t be kicked out of school after all, but rather, they should be fine-tuned:

“We need to fine-tune all this, this is iterative. … We want to keep the kids in school. … We don’t want to see 34,000 kids sent home, quite the contrary. And that’s why I’d say you have to accommodate. And I have all the confidence in the world the school board will work to accommodate.”

He was referring to the largest district in the state, LA County Unified School District. The golden-state governor also signaled that exemptions would be accommodated liberally when he stressed that his mandate “includes PERSONAL exemptions, not just religious and/or medical exemptions, so there’s plenty of latitude for families to make decisions.”

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What would be helpful is to expose (by looking up the names in the CA database) that Gavin Newsom's children are not Vaxxed for Covid (or much else either). The scandal, similar to his many other hypocrisies, like French Laundry, is that he is MANDATING the whole state of CA to inject their children with a dubious gene therapy in order to go to school and participate in normal life. His kids, and this needs to be shouted from the rooftops, remain unvaxxed, safe, and can still attend school. This NEEDS to be exposed. Gavin is clearly an empty, sad shell of a man not to mention a coward and fraud of the lowest order. But the more his mistakes are exposed, the more chance we have of getting him kicked out next election.

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He was already kicked out. Pelosi "made sure" he stayed in.

You probably didn't see all the reports of blatant mail-in ballot stuffing that took place. It's not something published by the controlled media.

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Campaign contributions doesn't explain behavior like this. Blackmail or threats fit the bill a little better.

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Newsom is a graduate of the World Economic Forum:


He is one of the appointed ones. He must play out his role, as long as he can.

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A suicide with 2 shots to the back of the head, maybe?

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200gr !0mm is quite effective

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I predict a plane crash.

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Hmm, dropped from public sight after the shot and has occasionally been seen since but not at any major public events? Sounds like another person I can think of that was very publicly executed and was never seen thereafter except by a few close friends who told the rest of the world "he's alive". Except we do know Newsom's alive, he's just laying low. Maybe we can start a new religion here!

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Climate Summit and Snopes... come on Steve, you lost me.

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Russian collusion- his choice of Cabo resort?

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Other clues as to adverse reaction - how many photos showed only one side of his face - Bells Palsy?

Making a face scrunched up "scary face" for a Halloween family photo was a good way to disguise Bells Palsy.

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What happened to the multi-billion dollar "stem cell research" bond issue California voters passed years ago?

Another rat hole boondoggle if Newsom had to travel to Mexico to get stem cell treatment. Should have been home grown - how do we get our money back?

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Take heart, Gavin's now on a ride he can never get off of.

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What happened to the multi-billion dollar "stem cell research" bond issue California voters passed years ago?

Another rat hole boondoggle if Newsom had to travel to Mexico to get stem cell treatment. Should have been home grown - how do we get our money back?

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Another good question might be, why did Newsom declare or extend the CA covid emergency status and then happily leave the state to go on vacation in another country? Not very responsible! Shouldn't he have stayed in Sacramento if there's such an imminent threat? He's definitely a man of many deceptions.

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Who takes their kids out of the country when their pandemic❓those who know it’s a hoax‼️‼️😂🤣

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I’m sure like the masks in which he got a financial cut, he’s getting a cut for mandating vaccines. It’s all about control, power and money with this douchebag.

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Nowhere to spend it….,

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I have a daughter who had CIDP after a flu shot; it got slowly worse til she was in a wheelchair, unable to even sit up in bed. She could not have plasmapheresis, so had IVIG, which made a small improvement. She got better on an anti-inflammatory diet. I wonder about the GBS, I thought it was worse, an acute illness, that frequently puts one in the hospital.

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It can be mild. It's still awful. One of my friends is going through mild symptoms now after one Pfizer shot and she's very depressed

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I had GBS and was hospitalized paralyzed from the waist and elbows down. I was treated with IVIG and was able to walk with a walker in just over 3 days. I still have lingering effects of it after 4 years. I am skeptical that Newsome has it - especially after watching him walk in the state line video. I find the theory that he suffered from Bell's palsy more believable.

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There are other remedies for GBS. My father had great success with plasmapheresis. I suspect whatever treatment he received had to be administered outside the US to retain his privacy!

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Really enjoy your work! A quick note: stem cell treatments are NOT illegal in the US. We frequently provide them to injured vets through top-notch doctors willing to help those who have sacrificed so much...

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