Follow the $$$ as always!

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I'm sorry, but I have a very hard time believing that they are even vaccinated, let alone that they took Paxlovid. Maybe Biden, but certainly not Fauci knowing all the adverse reactions.

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To be a commercial to sell it for the pharmaceutical industry, of course.

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Probably never took it. If they did it was probably at such a low dose that it couldn’t have caused any problems. It was just a ploy for the sheep. Since it is now relatively easy to get over the counter b

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After reading the study as presented in nejm, I'm wondering If the protease inhibitor nirmatrelvir simply reduces the ability of pcr to 'detect' (Ie 'manufacture') the target sequence aka "virus." They claim in the study that compared to placebo group the nirmatrelvir reduced "viral load" which is of course simply and inappropriately inferred from Increased cycle threshold for detection. Even though CDC clearly states that pcr cannot quantify "viral load" it seems logical that a higher ct would be necessary to detect less of something. But adding a protease inhibitor to a sample (via subject dosage) might simply interfere with pcr, and not necessarily with any function in the body of a human. Is the enzyme protease necessary for pcr to function properly? I do not know the answer and hope someone can answer this question. Thanks!

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How do we know Fauci and Biden were actually vaccinated/boosted? How do we know they took Paxlovid? It could all have been faked to promote their agenda. How do we know they weren't treated privately with IVM?

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I don’t believe they took it knowing the risk to your kidneys or is it liver. Either way it’s not the risk. I bet they took Ivermectin.

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They can’t extend the EUA if there is a treatment that works besides the Covid-19 death shots. If Paxlovid worked we wouldn’t need the new vax rolling out in October for the new Covid variants. It’s all smoke and mirrors to keep bank rolling big pharma and their investors (not to mention their plan to depopulate the world).

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I highly doubt these two clowns ever took it in the first place. I'm certain they weren't actually vaccinated with the same sacred miracle elixir they've both been shamelessly promoting.

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They are sociopathic liars. Why do you think they would tell the truth about taking paxlovid? They never took it.

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Good point. We assume that when we are told something, the information is accurate. These days, with the world filled with psychopaths like Fouchi, its mostly lies. Sure is a lot of work to have to sift thru all the information to find out what's accurate and what isn't.

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Which is also part of the plan. We must more quickly sift, and come to decisions that might seem abrupt or severe, to remove those many roadblocks so we can cure the source of the problem, not waste time with symptoms.

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They are not fully vaccinated. They took the saline shot. The bought off media is telling the folk that they have taken it, that’s just a ploy to throw off the sniffers and get you to take it.

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"Why did Biden and Fauci take Paxlovid?" -> It's called dogfooding :) Let them enjoy it bois :)

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I'm confident neither of those muppets took a jab or 'xlovid.

I think they are simply under contract w Pfizer as product spokesmen. Their job is to keep the product name at the top of the headlines & the brand name seared into our brains.

There is no such thing as bad publicity-- especially when you can spin a product's shortcoming into DOUBLE SALES. Instead of 1 round of Paxlovid-- now you need 2!

By associating these public health "leaders" with breakthrough infections, they normalize all the repeat infections that the vaccinated are experiencing. "COVID Celebrities--- they're just like us!"

Nevermind the fact that these news stories seem like fabrications scattered across a pharma copywriter's desk.

We truly are living through the greatest psyop of our lifetimes, where govt public health policy & pharma marketing become indistinguishable from each other. Pharma owns the media & maintains tight control on a constantly narrowing Overton window. In between Pfizer ads disguised as Fox "News" segments, we get multiple ads for pharmaceutical products. "Side effects may include..." Anyone who dares to criticze pharma policy is simply censored by WH/BigTech on social media, while the frightened normies remain terrified & oblivious, locked inside their homes for fear of a virus they've already had.

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If you haven't already seen this 2014 interview w Michael Terry, it is a must watch for understanding Fauci's formative years.


From this treasure trove of Fauci links:



Fauci's dad was a pharmacist; Tony was raised by Pharma.

He went to Holy Cross, a Jesuit University. He has flashed the hidden hand gesture at COVID press conferences.

Catholicism (like Medicine, Government, Academia, & Military) has a strict hierarchy & power structure. You know your place in the organization, & you are not allowed to question the ranks above you. New recruits learn that lesson real quick. And if you show up thinking you are hot shit? Well-- "Fuck around and find out" comes to mind.

Being Catholic requires blind faith in a higher power. No evidence is presented; no questions are allowed to be asked.

Jjust like the COVIDIANS who hiss at us to "Follow the Science (TM)!" with no evidence supporting their dictates, they demand we turn off our critical thinking skills & simply take the experts at their word, no need for evidence, debate, or rebuttal.

Catholicism & Fauci's $cientism require blind faith & radical acceptance. Anything less will get you labelled a heretic. And we all know heretics are no longer eligible for Communion, or NIH grant funding...

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What's missing is the knowledge that half of congress is invested in various pharma corps and other medical investments.

People with natural immunity RARELY get Covid more than once, if they have not also had the clotshot.

I resisted calling it that for the longest time, but when I think back to Dr DeMello talking about covid being a clotting disease first, and if you fix the clotting, all your other attempts to help the patient will work, it makes sense to go with the derogatory but factual term of "clotshot". Dr Ryan Cole, CEO or owner of Cole Diagnostics (labratory where you send your blood tests) gets initial credit for the first place I heard this term, which he deduced from people in the medical world, fellow doctors and pathologists and their families sharing their first hand experiences with him. He was also the first pathologist, along with the German pathologist to raise the alarm and explain and show us, that the spike protein traveled through the body to every organ, including reproductive organs and the brain, crossing the blood brain barrier.

It's time to insist on accountability, indictments, restructuring of our health orgs from the ground up, breaking up the monopolies ALL OF THEM, etc....

If Congress will not do their job, then WE must. We the People are the government, and have legal and constitutional avenues for doing this. Those rights cannot be superseded per our constitutions, both federal and state, but they are under assault, and they will try to trick us into believing they can be. Make sure the entire country is aware of this civics lesson they might have been denied in school, for they stopped teaching it in most schools for a reason.

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To be fair, I had COVID right before the pandemic was announced (no tests at the time to confirm- granted, the tests are BS anyways) in Jan 2020, then I just had it again a few weeks ago. So 2 bouts of the virus for me, plus a 2-day micro-cold during peak omicron. I'm so grateful I trusted my body & intuition, & never even considered getting the "clotshots."

So my natural immunity lasted me about 2.5 years, which is certainly better than 3-5 month rapidly waning "vaccines!"

But I do agree with you that the vaccinated are catching repeat "breakthrough" (snicker) infections more than they should be.

Only a small percentage of vaccinated seem to find this concerning... the rest just chalk it up to Life In The New [ab]Normal!

It's pretty hard to watch, as they remain willfully ignorant.

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How do we know they even took it? They're both pathological liars. Nothing they say can be trusted. Nothing.

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No way they took it. Probably not even sick.

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Why? Because they are both no brighter than bags of chalk and think we're the stupid ones.

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[Deleted post because I realized I'd already said the main points at least once earlier!]

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