My local newspaper says that if kids don't have the required vaccines (or a medical exemption), they are not allowed to attend school. Can ANYONE explain the logic here?
I just updated the article with my conversation with epidemiologist Dee M. It's really priceless. See the Nextdoor section of the article. It shows you exactly how science works.
There's another aspect the vaccine cultists overlook.
The importance of education.
Apparently, not only do the harms of the shot warrant enforcement in schools, but it also warrants denying children access to education, which seems very Robbers cave-esque, doesn't it? 'Either you agree with me or you're not allowed in my education club'.
It's clear they care not a jot for children. Prime example being the banning of Zoom classes if they didn't take the shot. This isn't concern about children's health or well being. This is Stasi enforcement with bullying.
The irony is that the parents who continue to refuse to poison their children will also be rescuing them from the government school system in the process. Even if you manage to get teachers who aren't social justice warriors the overall format and curriculum in public schools is awful.
So true. I can’t even talk to my husband ( a dr.) about vaccines. He won’t discuss it. I won’t allow my son to get vaccine and now I don’t want him to get any others in the future. He’s 5. I’m so happy you and others are starting to ask questions. We need to have a full audit of all existing vaccines.
I am so sorry to hear that, Laura. Please listen to this week's VSRF video—at around 37:06, they read a testimonial from the wife of a doctor who wouldn't listen to her about the injections and then proceeded to get injected anyway (this is from the Died Suddenly Facebook group, the creator of which is one of the guests), only to nearly die after the second shot. Play the portion of that video for him and see if it makes a dent since this echoes your situation precisely:
I am amazed you haven’t been unpersoned at ND, Steve. I gave up on them well over a year ago after nearly everything I posted providing substantiating links got zoinked instantaneously.
Steve, I don’t know if you’ve seen my email to you about this, but my recent post provides an arsenal of reasons [NOT!] to inject your child:
The satirical approach enabled me to frame it as a pro-vaxx message, which I hope will lead Covidians to click on it, at which point they will be cannonaded with the scientific data and heartrending tragedies they have been using all of their will to deny for two years (with many links to your articles). This also appears to enable successful elusion of the censors (thus far).
Here is Mike Yeadon's private response (shared w/ his permission) to this strategy:
“You’re even more brilliant than I already thought. I had no idea that the satirical title would glide into so many minds like lipid nanoparticles do into cells & there blossom into unconscious realisation of what’s happening. Those who open it thinking it supports what they’ve done & are now no longer happy about it, I can imagine, flicking anxiously from one reason to the next, looking for support, all the time inadvertently hoovering up truth, getting involuntarily red-pilled by their own hand…..It’s truly brilliant, a reverse (well-intentioned) psyop of our own!”
My goal is to get this in front of every parent in the world, and I think it may be possible with your help :-) It's already been seen by hundreds of thousands or possibly even millions, and I want to keep the momentum going as long as we can so we have a chance of saving as many kids’ lives as possible (and adults by extension as they realize the dangers).
Wow, thank you so much, Steve! I look forward to watching that.
A couple of my readers informed me that Mary and Polly discussed it on their Children's Health Defense show, "This Week" (Episode 36), yesterday (@ around 31:00):
That was an epic link, but I fear that it may be not possible to change the minds of the indoctrinated that love jabs and masks. These people are so consumed with irrational fear that they are literally willing to endanger their children with these shots. Billions will continue to be spent on the PR campaign to push annual shots for everyone on the planet. To win this we need some favorable court decisions and lock some high-end people for life.
MAA, I went over to your twitter link. Unbelievable. You are a Saint! I'm truly amazed at how coolly you replied to all of those people who had not bothered to read past the headline. The good news is that almost every single one of them was a resounding ''NO!'' Great work!
Not according to Dee M! lol. Steve, thanks so much for this article clearly demonstrating what inept, brainwashed and dangerous cowards the Covidian ''authorities'' are. And thanks for chipping in for the inimitable MAA. You guys rock 'n' roll!
I am not an epidemiologist. However, I am in a profession where nobody understands what I do or how I do it. Basically, my work consists of doing these things nobody understands and then explaining them to people in a way they can understand. Literally, 35 years of this.
If her work is so complex that she can't possibly explain it to an educated lay person, she doesn't really understand her own work very well. Additionally, she may lack the basic educational skills needed to communicate (vocabulary, sentence construction, verbal comprehension). It's sad, but that's what happens when people aren't competent in their profession.
The way I heard this phrased by a famous professor was: unless you can explain your subject to a truck driver you don't actually understand it. A lot of people get pseudo-educations where they don't actually think critically about their material to learn it through making sense of it; rather than just memorize it and then learn ways to spam the information or algorithims they learned so they don't actually have to analyze them and understand or defend them. It's very sad education has been debased like this by all the money they was put into it through unlimited federal student loans that had no accountability for delivering an education.
So that's why you're able to have such a great screen name! My work is not like yours but I often have to explain technical to non-technical and vice-versa. My colleagues say I do that pretty well.
I'm just saying that I understand about your ability and totally respect it.
Mine was suspended in 2020 when a neighbor and I were discussing the installation (and dangers- my contribution) of 5G towers while we were on lockdown in Miami.
Nextdoor is a government tool, just like Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn, Google, Twitter, etc.
I think over 5500 of those towers were installed in the US during the lockdown? Censorship over this issue is even worse than corona. I won't go off on this issue but I'm sure you know whats going on.
Yes! They are surveillance and control systems is my understanding. Lots of new surveillance cameras where I live, in the past 2 years. I pay attention to everything.
If this is the caliber of epidemiologist this nation has, the nation is in trouble ... But we knew that. Still, it's good to see proof from their own words. (There's a reason most people don't respond to your requests for comments. They know if they make any comment, their words will be used to make them look like the fools that they obviously are).
Amen. Reminds of a video interview of the immortal, Nobel Prize winning Dr Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR. He was talking about how many times he challenged Fauci to a public debate. Of course, the career criminal Fauci (who misused PCR in the AIDS scam....sound familiar?) never responded. Kary said (paraphrasing) '' it's because he knows I'd make him look like an asshole in about 10 minutes!'' RIP Kary Mullis.
Thanks, Steve. I hope you know what a great service you are providing by allowing people all over the world to simply make our comments. The more readers your site attracts, the more people will see all of our comments. Yea, Free Speech!
Her best response was 'literally the first Google result'. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she's not an epidemiologist, but someone who occasionally plays one on NextDoor.
Although, seeing how stupid actual doctors have been these past couple years, it may not be that to believe after all.
Perhaps you will see this study which I just recently came across. Note that I did read that the researchers objected to the redaction but for some unknown reason they were denied.
It's probably worth a longer visit down into the rabbit hole.
For me I have no medical background, heck I didn't even finish college. So this will be meaningless in polite society.
The way society appears to work is if you happen to have 37 degrees and seven thousand doctorates you will be leading the discussion at the table and whereby my voice will be muted. I did start researching schizophrenia (a family member was diagnosed after a 20 minute interview by a govt. appointed shrink) before the internet was available and that officially opened my eyes to the propaganda that big pharma was inserting into the discussion.
Onward to my sister being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, some of you may not remember how the patients were treated, much like covid vax injuries, that it was all psychosomatic or some other lame excuse. Speaking of fibromyalgia, where do you think the term was derived from? Are all diseases which are caused by poison being introduced into the human body given these fancy names ? Hmmm, makes me wonder.
Anyway with the internet now available one can find many resources and I began my journey into the abyss. This was approximately at the turn of the century when I found the probable cause being aspartame for the ills relating to my sis. That led me further down the hole of corruption and deceit by our own government as well as private business. And taught me how the actors are interchangeable between the likes of the FDA and big pharma. It also opened my eyes to credible research being denied, ostracized and even disappeared, much like what's happening in the covid discussion. I now know how the whole allopathic medicine became the only game in town. From maliciously attacking the competition, like homeopathic medicine using terms like quacks etc., to investing millions into a propaganda campaign that is alive and well today.
One has to only look at the current discussion and see the overwhelming majority of those opposed to these vaxxes when they immediately state I'm pro-vax but. That statement in itself just oozes with cult obedience.
Well for me I can honestly say I'm anti-vax and proud of it. It starts with taking personal responsibility for your health. I just turned 65, I'm not on any drugs and haven't consumed even an aspirin in over eight years. If anyone would like advice, on the road to a healthy life from an uneducated healthy 65 year old just let me know. No charge.
ALL childhood vaccines are designed to sicken and weaken children. The CDC's 0-18 yo vaccine schedule is insane with dozens and dozens of shots and boosters and even the flu vaccine every year. Austism continues to skyrocket unabated and the masses can't break free from the demonic spells/magick of the MSM and academia.
Going after the kids is the next best thing they can do beyond depriving you of your livelihood. It is about control and forcing you to submit to their control.
Kids and parents need to be brainwashed that's why so many vaccines are required. "We must have Herd immunity!" and parents buy into this crap. Take your kids out of school teach them at home.
Their reason is to protect the imunocompromised children who are unable to be vaccinated. Thus all healthy kids have to be vaccinated. Remember they said the same thing too about protecting grandma?
As a kid growing up in western NY., we used to joke that all new trends start in Ca then find their way to NY state, then to the rest of the country. We always sort of laughed it off.
See the movie VAXXED II (2019) for this issue. I think VAXXED (2016) is better (covers more political ground), and VAXXED II could have selection bias. VAXXED is a vaccine safety movie. VAXXED II is anti-vax. Both have considerable parallels to COVID response. Our library (Keene NH) has VAXXED but not VAXXED II. Our library showed VAXXED in its auditorium years ago, and there was a Pharma shill present. If you have a very good library available, you could request both to be carried and shown.
The good news is that now people are not just accepting and going compliantly along with it, like they did in the past. A lot of them are still poisoning their children for the convenience of using the public indoctrination centers (as a society, we still haven't quiiiittte gotten far enough to completely reject the entire rotten-to--the-core system and are still clinging desperately to hopes of "reform".) but that is changing, one family at a time. It's a leviathon like every other system of government, so change is slow, but it is happening!
I have often asked these very same questions! Anyone in favor of mandatory vaccines has no basic logic. It’s plain and simple: If they work, why does anyone care if others get them? You cannot reason with many of the supporters! Thank you for always pointing out the obvious very clearly!
I live in Mississippi and their vaccine laws are strict for kids to go to school. Which at the time I didn’t realize how dangerous vaccines are and the medical problems they cause.
There is no logic because these assholes don`t know their ass from a hole in the ground. We know it is a poison ☠ vaccine and we know it doesn`t work so why are these bastards still pushing this????????
Same debate many of us everyday "human beans" have with our "friends" and same type of ad-hominem attack / pitt-bull pugnacious response we get (an' nobody seems to have any time to show us "crazy" anti-jab mamas "all the studies" they generally mention that support "the science" of continuing this deadly charade).
We're just called troublemakers (far less cute than "troll mama," which just seems like we are living under a bridge, which, indeed we are forced to do, as we and our unjabbed troll kiddies are not allowed out into the open lest we contaminate their "air" with... CO2 perhaps).
When I suggest these mamas check out RFKJrs parent-friendly information at CHD they say "he's been debunked!" And if I suggest they look at your work and that of others also fighting the good fight with research etc (Naomi Wolf, Zev Zelenko-may he-rip but the videos remain...etc) I'm told I'm "traumatizing" them.
I guess truth is traumatic? Anyway, been canceled most places ('cept Substack) but I don't know how one gets thru a 13" wall that is their skulls by just "suggesting" they look at a few things in the most non-preachy tone I can muster. Sheesh!
I just updated the article with my conversation with epidemiologist Dee M. It's really priceless. See the Nextdoor section of the article. It shows you exactly how science works.
Good afternoon Steve.
There's another aspect the vaccine cultists overlook.
The importance of education.
Apparently, not only do the harms of the shot warrant enforcement in schools, but it also warrants denying children access to education, which seems very Robbers cave-esque, doesn't it? 'Either you agree with me or you're not allowed in my education club'.
It's clear they care not a jot for children. Prime example being the banning of Zoom classes if they didn't take the shot. This isn't concern about children's health or well being. This is Stasi enforcement with bullying.
The irony is that the parents who continue to refuse to poison their children will also be rescuing them from the government school system in the process. Even if you manage to get teachers who aren't social justice warriors the overall format and curriculum in public schools is awful.
Is Dee M really an epidemiologist or does she just pretend to be one on the Internet?
So true. I can’t even talk to my husband ( a dr.) about vaccines. He won’t discuss it. I won’t allow my son to get vaccine and now I don’t want him to get any others in the future. He’s 5. I’m so happy you and others are starting to ask questions. We need to have a full audit of all existing vaccines.
I am so sorry to hear that, Laura. Please listen to this week's VSRF video—at around 37:06, they read a testimonial from the wife of a doctor who wouldn't listen to her about the injections and then proceeded to get injected anyway (this is from the Died Suddenly Facebook group, the creator of which is one of the guests), only to nearly die after the second shot. Play the portion of that video for him and see if it makes a dent since this echoes your situation precisely:
I am sure you realized this, but can you see how similar their behavior is to the virus deniers?
Priceless, indeed 😆
I am amazed you haven’t been unpersoned at ND, Steve. I gave up on them well over a year ago after nearly everything I posted providing substantiating links got zoinked instantaneously.
Steve, I don’t know if you’ve seen my email to you about this, but my recent post provides an arsenal of reasons [NOT!] to inject your child:
• “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” (
My tweet about it ( has gone viral, and thousands of others have been sharing it as well.
The satirical approach enabled me to frame it as a pro-vaxx message, which I hope will lead Covidians to click on it, at which point they will be cannonaded with the scientific data and heartrending tragedies they have been using all of their will to deny for two years (with many links to your articles). This also appears to enable successful elusion of the censors (thus far).
Here is Mike Yeadon's private response (shared w/ his permission) to this strategy:
“You’re even more brilliant than I already thought. I had no idea that the satirical title would glide into so many minds like lipid nanoparticles do into cells & there blossom into unconscious realisation of what’s happening. Those who open it thinking it supports what they’ve done & are now no longer happy about it, I can imagine, flicking anxiously from one reason to the next, looking for support, all the time inadvertently hoovering up truth, getting involuntarily red-pilled by their own hand…..It’s truly brilliant, a reverse (well-intentioned) psyop of our own!”
My goal is to get this in front of every parent in the world, and I think it may be possible with your help :-) It's already been seen by hundreds of thousands or possibly even millions, and I want to keep the momentum going as long as we can so we have a chance of saving as many kids’ lives as possible (and adults by extension as they realize the dangers).
Thanks, Steve!
Hysterical!! 😹 Love it. Thank you so much, Steve!! 🙌
we gave it some play on the VSRF call today.
Wow, thank you so much, Steve! I look forward to watching that.
A couple of my readers informed me that Mary and Polly discussed it on their Children's Health Defense show, "This Week" (Episode 36), yesterday (@ around 31:00):
That was an epic link, but I fear that it may be not possible to change the minds of the indoctrinated that love jabs and masks. These people are so consumed with irrational fear that they are literally willing to endanger their children with these shots. Billions will continue to be spent on the PR campaign to push annual shots for everyone on the planet. To win this we need some favorable court decisions and lock some high-end people for life.
awesome, I especially love #32
ok, i was wondering how I'd position it but now I know. Gimme a minute.
You are the BEST, Steve! 🙌
MAA, I went over to your twitter link. Unbelievable. You are a Saint! I'm truly amazed at how coolly you replied to all of those people who had not bothered to read past the headline. The good news is that almost every single one of them was a resounding ''NO!'' Great work!
Not according to Dee M! lol. Steve, thanks so much for this article clearly demonstrating what inept, brainwashed and dangerous cowards the Covidian ''authorities'' are. And thanks for chipping in for the inimitable MAA. You guys rock 'n' roll!
I am not an epidemiologist. However, I am in a profession where nobody understands what I do or how I do it. Basically, my work consists of doing these things nobody understands and then explaining them to people in a way they can understand. Literally, 35 years of this.
If her work is so complex that she can't possibly explain it to an educated lay person, she doesn't really understand her own work very well. Additionally, she may lack the basic educational skills needed to communicate (vocabulary, sentence construction, verbal comprehension). It's sad, but that's what happens when people aren't competent in their profession.
The way I heard this phrased by a famous professor was: unless you can explain your subject to a truck driver you don't actually understand it. A lot of people get pseudo-educations where they don't actually think critically about their material to learn it through making sense of it; rather than just memorize it and then learn ways to spam the information or algorithims they learned so they don't actually have to analyze them and understand or defend them. It's very sad education has been debased like this by all the money they was put into it through unlimited federal student loans that had no accountability for delivering an education.
So that's why you're able to have such a great screen name! My work is not like yours but I often have to explain technical to non-technical and vice-versa. My colleagues say I do that pretty well.
I'm just saying that I understand about your ability and totally respect it.
My nextdoor account was suspended quite some time ago. "They can't handle the truth."
Mine was suspended in 2020 when a neighbor and I were discussing the installation (and dangers- my contribution) of 5G towers while we were on lockdown in Miami.
Nextdoor is a government tool, just like Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn, Google, Twitter, etc.
I think over 5500 of those towers were installed in the US during the lockdown? Censorship over this issue is even worse than corona. I won't go off on this issue but I'm sure you know whats going on.
Yes! They are surveillance and control systems is my understanding. Lots of new surveillance cameras where I live, in the past 2 years. I pay attention to everything.
Dee M is most likely a bot...
I notice employment sites have medical jobs.
Suggestion: Post an epidemiologist job offer for a $50K contract to research and answer your questions on camera as best they can.
If this is the caliber of epidemiologist this nation has, the nation is in trouble ... But we knew that. Still, it's good to see proof from their own words. (There's a reason most people don't respond to your requests for comments. They know if they make any comment, their words will be used to make them look like the fools that they obviously are).
Amen. Reminds of a video interview of the immortal, Nobel Prize winning Dr Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR. He was talking about how many times he challenged Fauci to a public debate. Of course, the career criminal Fauci (who misused PCR in the AIDS scam....sound familiar?) never responded. Kary said (paraphrasing) '' it's because he knows I'd make him look like an asshole in about 10 minutes!'' RIP Kary Mullis.
Bill, I always love reading your comments and this one is no exception :)
Thanks, Steve. I hope you know what a great service you are providing by allowing people all over the world to simply make our comments. The more readers your site attracts, the more people will see all of our comments. Yea, Free Speech!
Her best response was 'literally the first Google result'. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she's not an epidemiologist, but someone who occasionally plays one on NextDoor.
Although, seeing how stupid actual doctors have been these past couple years, it may not be that to believe after all.
"Their ancient medical degree does not magically override the current studies I have and they do not."
Nextdoor is more fake than twitter. They should call it NextTroll.
yes, that was the paper.
Albuquerque Public Schools were paying kids with $100 gift cards and pizza parties to get this freaking clot shot. WTFLIP!!?!
Hi Steve,
Perhaps you will see this study which I just recently came across. Note that I did read that the researchers objected to the redaction but for some unknown reason they were denied.
It's probably worth a longer visit down into the rabbit hole.
For me I have no medical background, heck I didn't even finish college. So this will be meaningless in polite society.
The way society appears to work is if you happen to have 37 degrees and seven thousand doctorates you will be leading the discussion at the table and whereby my voice will be muted. I did start researching schizophrenia (a family member was diagnosed after a 20 minute interview by a govt. appointed shrink) before the internet was available and that officially opened my eyes to the propaganda that big pharma was inserting into the discussion.
Onward to my sister being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, some of you may not remember how the patients were treated, much like covid vax injuries, that it was all psychosomatic or some other lame excuse. Speaking of fibromyalgia, where do you think the term was derived from? Are all diseases which are caused by poison being introduced into the human body given these fancy names ? Hmmm, makes me wonder.
Anyway with the internet now available one can find many resources and I began my journey into the abyss. This was approximately at the turn of the century when I found the probable cause being aspartame for the ills relating to my sis. That led me further down the hole of corruption and deceit by our own government as well as private business. And taught me how the actors are interchangeable between the likes of the FDA and big pharma. It also opened my eyes to credible research being denied, ostracized and even disappeared, much like what's happening in the covid discussion. I now know how the whole allopathic medicine became the only game in town. From maliciously attacking the competition, like homeopathic medicine using terms like quacks etc., to investing millions into a propaganda campaign that is alive and well today.
One has to only look at the current discussion and see the overwhelming majority of those opposed to these vaxxes when they immediately state I'm pro-vax but. That statement in itself just oozes with cult obedience.
Well for me I can honestly say I'm anti-vax and proud of it. It starts with taking personal responsibility for your health. I just turned 65, I'm not on any drugs and haven't consumed even an aspirin in over eight years. If anyone would like advice, on the road to a healthy life from an uneducated healthy 65 year old just let me know. No charge.
Michael A. Stilinovich
ps God bless
ALL childhood vaccines are designed to sicken and weaken children. The CDC's 0-18 yo vaccine schedule is insane with dozens and dozens of shots and boosters and even the flu vaccine every year. Austism continues to skyrocket unabated and the masses can't break free from the demonic spells/magick of the MSM and academia.
Going after the kids is the next best thing they can do beyond depriving you of your livelihood. It is about control and forcing you to submit to their control.
Kids and parents need to be brainwashed that's why so many vaccines are required. "We must have Herd immunity!" and parents buy into this crap. Take your kids out of school teach them at home.
Their reason is to protect the imunocompromised children who are unable to be vaccinated. Thus all healthy kids have to be vaccinated. Remember they said the same thing too about protecting grandma?
Because, sorry to say Ca is crazy.
As a kid growing up in western NY., we used to joke that all new trends start in Ca then find their way to NY state, then to the rest of the country. We always sort of laughed it off.
Now it’s dangerous.
See the movie VAXXED II (2019) for this issue. I think VAXXED (2016) is better (covers more political ground), and VAXXED II could have selection bias. VAXXED is a vaccine safety movie. VAXXED II is anti-vax. Both have considerable parallels to COVID response. Our library (Keene NH) has VAXXED but not VAXXED II. Our library showed VAXXED in its auditorium years ago, and there was a Pharma shill present. If you have a very good library available, you could request both to be carried and shown.
documentary on vaccine injured children...censored on all social media platforms...
man, all I know is I've been an anti-vaxxer for almost 10 years now and I can't tell you how awesome it is that the jig is up for these people.
They are running scared. Before their attacks would scare people off, not anymore though.
Keep it up, Steve! We are winning!
Morris Bealle, Ida Honoroff and Eleanor McBean set the stage. We are indebted to them for their courage.
It must be rough being a Branch Covidian. Some of these people sound like they're about to take a bullet train to Hale Bopp.
The good news is that now people are not just accepting and going compliantly along with it, like they did in the past. A lot of them are still poisoning their children for the convenience of using the public indoctrination centers (as a society, we still haven't quiiiittte gotten far enough to completely reject the entire rotten-to--the-core system and are still clinging desperately to hopes of "reform".) but that is changing, one family at a time. It's a leviathon like every other system of government, so change is slow, but it is happening!
I have often asked these very same questions! Anyone in favor of mandatory vaccines has no basic logic. It’s plain and simple: If they work, why does anyone care if others get them? You cannot reason with many of the supporters! Thank you for always pointing out the obvious very clearly!
I live in Mississippi and their vaccine laws are strict for kids to go to school. Which at the time I didn’t realize how dangerous vaccines are and the medical problems they cause.
There is no logic because these assholes don`t know their ass from a hole in the ground. We know it is a poison ☠ vaccine and we know it doesn`t work so why are these bastards still pushing this????????
Same debate many of us everyday "human beans" have with our "friends" and same type of ad-hominem attack / pitt-bull pugnacious response we get (an' nobody seems to have any time to show us "crazy" anti-jab mamas "all the studies" they generally mention that support "the science" of continuing this deadly charade).
We're just called troublemakers (far less cute than "troll mama," which just seems like we are living under a bridge, which, indeed we are forced to do, as we and our unjabbed troll kiddies are not allowed out into the open lest we contaminate their "air" with... CO2 perhaps).
When I suggest these mamas check out RFKJrs parent-friendly information at CHD they say "he's been debunked!" And if I suggest they look at your work and that of others also fighting the good fight with research etc (Naomi Wolf, Zev Zelenko-may he-rip but the videos remain...etc) I'm told I'm "traumatizing" them.
I guess truth is traumatic? Anyway, been canceled most places ('cept Substack) but I don't know how one gets thru a 13" wall that is their skulls by just "suggesting" they look at a few things in the most non-preachy tone I can muster. Sheesh!