Dr. Hotez is haunted by the fact that his daughter, Rachel, is now well into her 20's and still living at home due to severe autism. He can't get around the fact that many scientists believe that the boom in autism is caused by overvaccination and that he is a strong proponent of vaccination. He says that there is nothing to the connection between autism and vaccination, but does it really believe it himself? I am reminded of an old nursery rhyme: "As I was going up the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I do so wish he'd go away."
NPR has many people like that; today they sold the lies about the clot shots again, decrying the "vaccine hesitancy" and those who would be able to stay out of the hospital if only they followed what the government and the CDC says we should all do, get the shots and Paxlovid if we come down with an infection. When your immune system is then impaired and walking on crutches, there will be no one to sue or get real help from!
Vaccines do not cause autism because autism is caused by complex genetic and environmental factors. Unvaccinated and vaccinated children have the same rate of autism.
Carlos is a regular troll or AI bot. I have followed him for months. Ignore him. He is the same loser that says covid pcr tests are sensitive and specific. It or he has no idea about anything.
He is just a plant. Look at the Amish and other communities that are largely unvaccinated. Autism does not exist.
Carlos stated in his response to me that autism is a congenital condition that exists prior to any vaccinations. It appears to me he’s endorsing the concept that acetaminophen/ Tylenol taken during pregnancy is the culprit and not the vaccinations. They are already pushing class action lawsuits against drug chains for selling the products. In my opinion, it is just miss direction to take the heat off the vaccine manufacturers. Dr Alexander’s book carries some truth about Big Pharma’s fear of having an autism investigation!
Interesting I do not now any pregnant women that take Tylenol. Buy I have seen a lot that drink alcohol during pregnancy maybe we are confusing autism with fetal alcohol syndrome.
As a child of the 1960s autism was practically unheard of. In my high school of almost 2,000 students, no one had it. Interestingly we didn't have vaccines in those days either.
Sorry. When I was going to school in the 1960s Autism was considered a rare affliction. Us kids back then were a healthy lot; much healthier and normal than today's Vaxed Up kids that look lost and sickly. If you are being paid by the drug industry they are not getting their money's worth.
You managed to get that 100% backward. The unvaccinated are not the ones getting covid these days as most of us have natural immunity which even Fauci agrees is better than any vaccine. Sadly, your gullible lot of vaxxed up covid junkies are shedding and spreading every virus you manage to pick up because your immune system no longer works because of the toxins in shots.
You should be thinking about getting in a covid shot detox program rather than foolishly wasting your time trying to peddle obvious lies to the informed readers in this substack.
Yes, I agree. I am in my mid 50's. The neighbour had a nephew whom I now recognize was severely autistic, when I was a kid. I heard an older woman say she had a son with autism in the 1950's. The first instance of attempted forced mass vaccination was following WW1 and the Spanish Flu. I think after that, it was then decided to "normalize" vaccination for children. No one knows the content of the vials given to any of us in the 1970's for instance. I think that just like with the Covid vax, all the vials were DIFFERENT - some laced some not. Autism is now explosive and in every school along with ADHD and other "New Age Cognitive Disorders" that were previously unheard of. All you have to do is test the toxicity levels in vaxxed vs unvaxxed kids. The autistic kids have sky high toxicity levels. I have posted several sources of info. on all of this. I will also add Nenah Sylver's book "The Rife Handbook of Frequency - 5th Edition" which has tonnes of info. and History on this - www.nenahsylver.com
Excellent Post. I have to wonder if some of the school mass murder shootings common in the last 25 years are due in part to kids whose brains were damaged by toxins in those vaccines like the MMR.
See him talk in interviews and evaluate him. He's been around a long time. Censored, neglected, and skewered by major media usually means you're getting closer to the truth, & 'The Powers' don't want informed citizens.
There is a very easy way to test for the major culprit in autism which is toxicity. As I mentioned in my earlier Post, all that need be done is to test the toxicity levels of substances like mercury and aluminum in autistic kids vs kids who have never been vaccinated. Toxicity levels can be accurately measured. It is a level designated number on a scale. WHY DOES THE ESTABLISHMENT REFUSE TO DEBATE IN PUBLIC ??? !!! Because then toxicity tests will be brought up. Stop hiding behind pseudo-science "psychological excuses". Look up the test results on toxicity levels which have already been done. I have posted references for this earlier.
Yes SSRI's are linked to 90% of mass shootings. I read the seminal book "listening to Prozac" years ago. Sure, SSRIs were more tolerable than tricyclic antidepressants. And they continue to be dispensed by family practitioners like candy
Can you provide documentation to your comment? Elk Grove Illinois physician delivered around 10,000 babies and non were vaccinated and none got autism. Same is true in the Amish community where rates are 1:10,000 which was the overall rate prior to the push to inject and inject and inject.
I have received word from WayneBeGood that the notice for you to debate Steve is ready to go ! Just give us the word and we can set up a public professional recorded and live debate !! You vs Steve !!! How about It ?
Gonzo is not a puppet version of a human or a recognizable animal. He has an awkward, non animal-like appearance, which includes purple-blue fur, purple feathers on his head, bug-eyes, and a long, hooked nose, referred to as a "beak"
This explains a lot. Worth reading g the Wikipedia link. It made me laugh.
If Kirsch has not been convinced by previous debates, which are not used by legitimate scientists to settle controversies, then he is interested in profiting from Gish Gallop propaganda.
Try submitting his words to a peer-reviewed academic journal. Reject
You are low IQ, you use only pharma talking points without any real critical thinking skills evident! You would melt like a dirty snowball in the heat of the sun if you had to stand head to head with those who really know autism and its causality. Your pronouncements sound like a religious cult who have a vested financial interest in perpetuating official lies.
I have visited Amish communities and can personally testify that autism is almost nonexistent. You have been trolling substack for months. Declare your medical credentials. If you are human, you are just a paid loser troll. The website you linked is pseudoscience garbage.
What does background mean Carlos. I can go to google and claim I am expert in astrophysics and quantum mechanics. If you are pro vaccine, you will be protected. Declare you real credentials or medical licensees.
You are certainly not even close to Dr. Peter Mccullah when it comes to knowledge of covid or vaccines. He is my go-to person if I want real information and data.
Well, you can trust your own eyes and experience, or you can trust
Some opinionated thing called Carlos. By the way look at who finances the website you keep promoting. Your presence here is interesting as nobody cares what you say. Go to twittter facebook and please take your covid boosters.
Children's Health Defense is an anti-vaccine propaganda group that peddles pseudoscience. It makes logical fallacies by misinterpreting scientific studies.
Please be advised that Robert Kennedy who heads up CHD TV, has been asking for a public debate on vaccine related topics for years, and like for Steve, NO ONE WILL DEBATE HIM PUBLICLY. I think that that speaks volumes. If you are putting out a position, as you are doing, why don't you debate both Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Kirsch in a public forum ? Waynebegood, who is the administrator of this site, can be informed immediately and we can set something up. Looking forward to hearing you defend your position in a professional debate !
Thanks !! But we have yet to hear from Carlos. Here are highlights from Senator Ron Johnson's Congressional Round Table on the Covid vaccines. After the 10 min video, you can see the full 3 hours also.
That's a great idea, Deb! Sadly, I bet Carlos will be like Hotez and all the others. He'll throw a few "mean" insults, and then back away from the subject all together, he might even disappear from this comment section. 🤞 I'd love to see SOMEONE, ANYONE, who continously supports the "vaccine" industry in a professional debate to defend their position rather than continue to be keyboard warriors.
More anti-vaccine propaganda garbage. Vioxx is a drug, not vaccines, and not monitored by the same pharmacovigilance systems. FDA never approved thalidomide for pregnant women because safety data was lacking.
Please be advised that you have never provided your credentials or any meaningful references to back up any of your claims. You are not credible. You are a fraud.
Carlos -is it a bot or troll, or he could just be a mentally ill cult covidian or paid shill for moderana or pfizer .We will never know. But if you ignore it?
Autism can be related to what is put into the body. Family member who as a young child and growing up with Autism was greatly improved with correcting the diet. Family member doing great today. Family member in the 20 age range. Working professionally too. College degree educated too. It saddens me to listen to some of these physicians and to some of these scientists who absolutely deny that chemicals that are not compatible with the body and will not harm the body. I cannot hardly tolerate reading and hearing what some of these people truly say and put out.
And by posting and informing, you have made your mark. The more who become aware of the benefits of proper diet and health, the more who will be persuaded by their testimony, if they speak out, like you have. Thank you. You're preaching to the "choir" with me, since I KNOW that chemicals, outside of extremely select cases, are going to cause harm in some way, somewhere in the body. Our bodies were not created to confront a deluge of chemicals from nearly every quarter. It's truly amazing that we do as well as we do, considering. There are systems which filter, dispose of, and repair, but with certain limitations, and so if we are to be wise, we should just shy away from all of them. I would point anyone who has health problems to blending green smoothies for supporting the systems, and include anything and everything veg. fresh from the garden grown without chemicals. Raw is so much better, filled with usable enzymes, and all of this combined, (doing all that you can to eliminate chemicals, exercise, etc) will provide the body with the ability to find equilibrium, and give it a chance to repair, having the necessary tooling.
Even if Dr. Hotez may be a sociopath these people are at most 2-3% of the population. Psychopaths and sociopaths do raise to positions of power. But the covid mrna shot program was highly coordinated and global in nature and it took over a trillion dollars to pull off and not everyone behind this is sociopathic -it's not statistically possible. This is a depopulation agenda run by the WEF and WHO. The WEF admits they "own and control" many world leaders.
"Project Depopulation: Bill Gates Gathers the World’s Top Billionaires"
On May 5, 2009, Bill Gates gathered together a handful of the West’s richest men who met in Manhattan to discuss what they considered the most dangerous, most critical threat to the planet.
Those attending included Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, George Soros, and David Rockefeller, Jr. What did they deem the world’s biggest threat? They each gave a 15-minute presentation on their primary concern for the planet. “Taking their cue from Gates, they agreed overpopulation was a priority,” according to the report from London’s Sunday Times.
"Oprah Winfrey met in secret with George Soros and other billionaires to discuss a plan to depopulate the world."
The 2009 meeting in Manhattan, organized by Bill Gates, was so discreet that the billionaires’ aides were told to treat it as a “security briefing,” and attendees also included the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Michael Bloomberg, in addition to Oprah and Soros.
One more level deeper, you'll find the Black Pope pulling the strings, taking the orders and giving them to those such as you have pointed to; (WHO and WEF) who organize and distribute his agenda-driven mandates.
Down further? Here you will become aware of the most heinous and vile entity on this planet. Hateful and vindictive, with an insidious twist so as to be seductive and alluring for having studied mankind's weaknesses and passions since the creation. His agenda is to cause (by coercion or force) ALL of mankind to reject the God of Creation, and thereby obtain a platform to contend with the "Great I AM" over the Justice of his own demise (along with the unrepentant).
"Please to meet you....'hope you guess my name." (Stones)
I don't even think it's that, they would have to know for sure that this vaccine kills people but that the death is delayed by a few years, and I don't see how they could have done the studies to verify that. With other viruses maybe but they've never done mRNA trials on humans with COVID before.
I think they're all just a bunch of stupid nepo babies and Trump just pushed the mRNA shots because they convinced him that theirs could be made quicker and he wanted to try and get a vaccine out before the election. At most it's a conspiracy to make a load of money by pushing vaccine technology with planned obsolescence, using a pandemic to help it along.
Keep looking, digging learning, Moon Diamond. None of them are stupid, incompetent or have been "tricked". At one point, I also thought that there's no way that any person or group of people could've pulled this off with such perfection. And then I realized I was correct, we're not dealing with any flesh and blood entities, but the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy. It's about more than money and power, as @Ray Alford has pointed out. It's a spiritual battle for the most precious thing ever created - a human's soul.
Still it's stupid if what they are trying to do is, say set up a vaccine passport system? That would be so much easier to implement if they had only gone with a safer vaccine. Is it making a mockery of humanity by getting them to bestialize themselves by submitting to experimentation without informed consent? It's the culmination of decades of dumbing us down - now you can't really dumb a smart person down, but you can make them insecure about their own intellect so that they feel discouraged from doing their own thinking about topics that are well within their abilities. You know how the Dunning-Kruger effect makes stupid people confident in their intelligence and smart people modest and insecure about it.
I think the issue is that if he admits his mistake, he is no longer going to be the new Fauci clone director of vaccinologists who are supported, promoted and funded by Big Pharma. How can it not be a massive crime against humanity when a man made gain of function virus can only be stopped by a man made mRNA injection that by passes and tricks the immune system and reprograms cellular function. That definition may also apply to a cancer causing agent. Virus, glyphosate and many more trace toxins in our food supply. It is only the dose level that determines if the immune system is overwhelmed and can not cope. We see this happening with the rise in ill health issues of those vaccinated.
This whole business of tampering with such a complex arrangement of biochemical pathways and gene expression, retraction, and rearrangement (I hope I'm accurate by saying that) is like assigning the task of implementing a complex upgrade to the space shuttle's electrical circuitry to a group of 9 year-olds! But wait, it gets even more complicated: They must perform the task correctly on a "warp speed" schedule!
Although heinous, it's a fair facsimile of the daunting task of mRNA tweaking and NOT disturbing any other functions, associated or not. But this a "red-herring" in that these formulators of the shots were obviously more focused on the OTHER ingredients, which have seriously dire effects on the system as a whole. IMHO, they created a "bio-weapon" as a "carrier" to promote public fear, which was the polarizing component to mandate the "vaccines" for the "good of society." And I also believe that this was NOT the first time.
If anyone has the notion to discover the bottom of the rabbit hole, I would recommend viewing Walter J. Veith's old videos of the "Total Onlslaught" series. The Professor has CERTAINLY done his homework and has created an interesting collection of videos for the open minded. He's still at it, actually. Amazing Discoveries, is where you can probably find what you seek. (If seeking)
Precisely! (And eventually my best scenario as to how the gain-of-function instigators/ numbskulls -note the plausible deniability playing of the oopsy "stupey card" -managed to get all the need-to-know-basis government health ministries onboard in a perfect unison panic frenzy. Explaining the onerous jab purchase conditions, and their subsequent fear porn campaigns with zero exceptions. With everyone agreeing not to spill the beans, as that would be a breach of agreements and would reflect badly on government credibility generally): "How can it not be a massive crime against humanity when a man made gain of function virus can only be stopped by a man made mRNA injection that by passes and tricks the immune system and reprograms cellular function". This trick can be used over and over again as "that definition may also apply to a cancer causing agents".
I feel very sorry for his poor daughter. For Hotez, not at all. In fact I'm glad he's paying a high price for the vaccination travesty we've been forced into for decades. If that makes me a bad person so be it. I'll never wish holier-than-thou types who bully and destroy other people's lives anything but misery.
He's not paying a high price at all! He feels no guilt whatsoever, trust me. This is what we're dealing with. You can't fix stupid, and you can't argue or debate with a brick wall...
Spineless bureaucrats entrapped by conveniences rendering themselves (it is a willful abnegation of personal integrity) incapable of critical thinking, enabling the worst of medical crimes should have a special place in hell. Maybe they're already there?
Dr. Tenpenny, and many pediatricians, have been saying this; cancer in children as well. The jabbing of our children in this country 72 JABS, are enforced by the 'immunization schedule'. From infantry to adolescence they inundate healthy children with this crime! We have more children with autism, cancer, diabetes, asthma etc; than most countries in the World.
We've seen this phenomenon a lot in all those who've been victims of government incompetence, constant accolades for the the hard working government people even though they are often the source of these disasters. In veterens, friendly fire victims are hailed as heros, which precipitates these disasters.
Dr Jeff Thorpe is one of the top ob./gyns in the country. He is seeing a 3000 to 4000X increase in miscarriages and fetal demise in his covid vaccinated patients Dr. Hotez promotes covid mrna shots for pregnant women. In my opinion he is guilty of mass murder.
WIRED magazine, allegedly a CIA rag, just announced the wonderful new era of mRNA solutions."The Magic of mRNA Will Push Medical Advances For Everyone". It has "even greater potential to democratise access to innovative medicines". https://www.wired.com/story/medicine-mrna-health-science/
Actually it will probably just make eliminating viral diseases like we did with smallpox and almost did with polio a thing of the past. They're trying to implement a planned obsolescence model of vaccines.
You're talking about the permanently mandated citizen customer in chronic condition, I expect. That's "sustainability" forever monopoly style, until enough daggers get sharpened.
Thanks for the heads up...It is impt that we pay attention to which rags/newsletters may have CIA implants and which seems clean. Wish we had more whistleblowers. But if you leave CIA, then tattle, is there a chance they just take you out quickly? Maybe that is why no one comes forward...
I expect Anderson Cooper could answer the question, but won't. So deeply embedded in the crimes of the security state, so convinced of the "sustainability" of the chosen elite that they are "lucky enough" to belong to as a way of life, I imagine it's an existential addiction. Besides who wants to be stuck in crummy Russia like Snowden!? Or in permanent restraint awaiting what kind of oblivion like Assange!? Or triple-offed like people too intimate with the Clintons, according to Whitney Webb: "One Nation Under Blackmail". Of course you have to simply not care for your life. This kind of person is now coming out of the woodwork. Fearless. Because being dead is better than stooping before the jackasses and the criminally insane. One gets this way. Believe me.
I wonder if Cooper had his kid jabbed...and Andy Cohen et al. The ONLY people I know who jabbed their kids with this poison are progressive liberals, many of them also happen to be gay. WTF?
I really doubt they vaccinated their kids. Cooper is buddies with Sanjay Gupta, right? Dr. Carrie Madej (https://www.carriemadej.com/about) attended a medical conference where Gupta spoke about childhood vaccinations. If I could find it, I'd post it here. Phones were not allowed or there was no signal, I have forgotten. Dr. Madej was appalled by Gupta's talk. I recall that he was admitting the dangers but pitching the attending doctors to keep vaccinating their patients. I think she may have tried to call him out in the audience.
It's as though people need to believe in something, and for progressive liberals it's God Government. Makes no sense at all (Biden-Harris is the top of fakery), is a surrogate of sorts. Whereas Cooper is a strange cat, there seems to be something genuinely decent in him, but maintaining composure when others can't hold back giggles (Gates announcing people might have their health care and social security revoked for jab non-compliance) is his trademark. No idea whether he vaxxed his kid or not. The few gays I know are top professionals, and are weirdly beholden to the system. It could be existential gratefulness for genuine advances made on the social front. Dave Rubin the huge exception? ButCheers!
Wired magazine is pure propaganda. I have no understanding of mrna shots, but my wife is a geneticist and I trust her opinion when she tells me- never ever take a covid shot or any other vaccine.
I used to believe semi-normal people would draw the line at health crime. Not so. Nice people, if their salaries
depends on it their minds and consciences are clean slates. These aren't even the evil inventors and scheme creators. They're common system enablers. The clueless a-holes who make totalitarianism possible. Sheep, shep, he's and she's.
I am stealing from another poster, so these are not my original ideas. But I added some of my opinions. There are atheists, agnostics and people with varying degrees of religious beliefs. When it comes to someone like Dr. Hotez:
If I were an atheist, I would think he is mentally ill and needs treatment.
If I were religious, I would think he was evil or demonically possessed
Another possibility is he has been paid big time to lie about the bogus "safety and efficacy"
of covid shots. Whatever is true this "Dr" is reprehensible and should not be allowed to treat patients. I will even go so far as to say he is placing his patients in danger.
You need to add that many of those pushing this genocide have been paid big bucks or are being blackmailed. Blackmail is happening in the medical, political &n Court arenas...100%
I'd say it's pretty schizophrenic of him to make a safe protein subunit vaccine for the third world while pushing dangerous crappy mRNA vaccines in the first world.
I'm 33 and still living at home due to mild autism. My parents are both dead so I have to live with my aunt. I might never get to graduate college since I was forced to go to a crappy community college for so long despite having the grades and test scores for a real college but now that I've transferred it would be the fault of this stupid pandemic if I never get to graduate. Funny thing is I have been paranoid for years that something like this would happen too, something that would prevent me from ever getting to graduate college.
I like your handle, by the way! Regarding your hurdle, I would like to second Mr. John Sutton's insightful advice to you, and maybe just elaborate a little on what he suggests. There has been a time when a "degree" meant surety in landing a good job. But that concept has its flaws, even during its prime time. For example, if there is (or was) a shortage of specialists (pick any field) and the associated and advertised job market was flooded with applicants, then that would be a problem for those who followed and engaged. For the ones who were fortunate enough to be hired, there would still be no guarantee of job security, since conditions change in the workplace regularly. Now-a-days, it seems that there is a glut of "degreed" students all searching for work. That shifts the value over to those who have "experience" for a given position. These are very basic concepts but I believe carry weight and can have negative consequences re employment.
That said, I'd like to encourage you to seriously ponder what Mr. John Sutton has put forth for your thoughtful consideration. If you find something you like to do, your task (whether it be an employed position, or an enterprise of your devising) will be a joy to perform for you. Associated "doors" will very likely open.
Being a Christian, other things come into play here. There WILL be an "end" to the madness that the world has come to, and it seems to be near. If you hold a world view which maintains such a thought, it would be logical to apply your skills and time to help others cope with their difficulties. Jesus Christ, our "Example" would honor your efforts, and those efforts would serve to allay your own personal shortcomings by way of comparison. Our world is rife with myriads of souls who are bereaved from having lost loved one(s), or possibly worse having to care for a loved one who has been left incapacitated from the micro clots. Your mere presence and concern (and prayers?) would carry a lot of weight. Try and picture the glorious scenes of heaven. There will be no physical or mental shortcomings, nor treachery of any sort. All will be beautiful and nothing will "hurt" in God's Kingdom. To obtain eternal life here on this remade planet, is beyond our capacity to imagine, but we can be sure of it, because Christ is God, and He said so. This world is doomed to destruction, so it is not wise to squander time and thoughts on temporal things.
Learn of the things that matter to God, and do them obediently and joyfully. He will take care of all your needs and assuage your troubles. In the end you will be far better off than just "employed;" you will be appreciated, loved, and eternally happy, having a rich cache of personal experience to share with our brothers and sisters.
Thanks for sharing with us your post and Happy New Start!
ps. I wish I had your email address. A very applicable story of my personal employment experience would strengthen your confidence, and you'd never forget it!
(This is my Halloween costume, a deliberately androgynous mad scientist)
I'm afraid I won't be able to get any job that requires experience, the only thing I have experience in is tutoring and I haven't even done that in a long time (Craigslist charges you to post now). Unless it requires experience in studying all sorts of advanced mathematics. The only way I can win is by knowing more than is possible for a neurotypical to know and therefore being so irreplaceable that they will have to tolerate my quirks.
My email is quantumfieldfairy@aol.com but I hardly ever use it and I'm afraid I might locked out of that account one day which has already happened once or twice.
You do not need a college degree to succeed in your life’s mission. Follow your interests. Find your passion. Help others when you can. Being able to sleep soundly with a clear conscience is priceless.
College degrees are overrated. I have 3 of them. Unless you are planning to be a doctor attorney or scientist it's not worth the effort or debt you will incur. If I could do it all over again, I would been a jet mechanic or electrician. My Dad who was a college professor tried
convince me to be a blue-collar worker. I wanted to be a "medical professional" If I had followed my Dads Advice, I would be debt free and retired now.
I want to be a scientist or a mathematician. Anything that hands-on would bore me and I'd be terrible at it. I actually switched from primarily wanting to major in physics to primarily wanting to major in math because I can't stand doing lab assignments, even that is too grease-monkey for me.
All that fast food he's feeding her won't be improving things. Aluminium in the shots probably did it. I've just started Chris Exley's book on aluminium. He found unusually high concentrations of it in autistic brains (also Alzheimers brains).
I don't think there's a connection, autistic people have a super-good memory while Alzheimer's people can't remember anything. Plus aluminum can be cleared out easily with orthosilicic acid.
Alzheimer’s is a result of a barrier on the brain (I forget the name). The deterioration of the barrier, not enough cholesterol, is said to be the cause.
Actually it's oxidized cholesterol that causes it. Oxidized cholesterol is formed when you overcook cholesterol containing foods and I think also when you eat saturated fat along with sugar.
I'm not sure but I think it's the combination of the two? But medium-chain triglycerides such as those found in coconut oil get burned too quickly to convert into cholesterol maybe. It could be that a high saturated fat diet is bad only if you don't go low-carb or keto about it. Or maybe you need to eliminate fructose, found in sucrose, fruit, syrup, etc. which doesn't raise blood sugar like glucose but has more effects on lipid metabolism or something. Which would mean that complex carbs are ok but avoid sugar.
The good news is that Toad Hotez can't resist junk food and loves boosters. He may soon be one of the "died suddenly" legion, which might save him from hanging after Nuremberg 2.
Dr. Hotez is haunted by the fact that his daughter, Rachel, is now well into her 20's and still living at home due to severe autism. He can't get around the fact that many scientists believe that the boom in autism is caused by overvaccination and that he is a strong proponent of vaccination. He says that there is nothing to the connection between autism and vaccination, but does it really believe it himself? I am reminded of an old nursery rhyme: "As I was going up the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I do so wish he'd go away."
My name is Carlos Gonzales I am paid to lie and infiltrate this forum. Mrna shots are safe and effective, and tests are perfect and reliable.
NPR has many people like that; today they sold the lies about the clot shots again, decrying the "vaccine hesitancy" and those who would be able to stay out of the hospital if only they followed what the government and the CDC says we should all do, get the shots and Paxlovid if we come down with an infection. When your immune system is then impaired and walking on crutches, there will be no one to sue or get real help from!
Carlos! You are just one of many thousands that willing trade the truth for 40 gold coins!
If you allude to Judas Iscariot it was 30 pieces of silver.
On the other hand inflation must be taken into consideration!
I don't think he'll get the Biblical reference to Judas? Betrayer!
He has betrayed humanity for big Pharma!
The denial is quite strong with him.
I have said similar elsewhere, but those in de Nile will drown!
Vaccines do not cause autism because autism is caused by complex genetic and environmental factors. Unvaccinated and vaccinated children have the same rate of autism.
LIar! Shill! Fool!
You are not real, and nobody trusts you so go away paid pharma bot
You nailed it!
Interested to know what evidence you have for your statements.
Haha! MOUNTAINS of evidence you ignore. Go away troll.
I have posted tonnes of references for info. on this thread. Please look it up.
Carlos is a regular troll or AI bot. I have followed him for months. Ignore him. He is the same loser that says covid pcr tests are sensitive and specific. It or he has no idea about anything.
He is just a plant. Look at the Amish and other communities that are largely unvaccinated. Autism does not exist.
Carlos stated in his response to me that autism is a congenital condition that exists prior to any vaccinations. It appears to me he’s endorsing the concept that acetaminophen/ Tylenol taken during pregnancy is the culprit and not the vaccinations. They are already pushing class action lawsuits against drug chains for selling the products. In my opinion, it is just miss direction to take the heat off the vaccine manufacturers. Dr Alexander’s book carries some truth about Big Pharma’s fear of having an autism investigation!
Thanks for that.
Acetaminophen/ Tylenol is neuro-toxic so may well cause harm.
Vaccines are neuro-toxic if not just saline and may well cause harm.
Most big pharma drugs are neuro-toxic and may well cause harm. They are, like vaccines, utterly pointless.
Except of course that vaccines are usually administered via points, a.k.a needles!
Interesting I do not now any pregnant women that take Tylenol. Buy I have seen a lot that drink alcohol during pregnancy maybe we are confusing autism with fetal alcohol syndrome.
As a child of the 1960s autism was practically unheard of. In my high school of almost 2,000 students, no one had it. Interestingly we didn't have vaccines in those days either.
Autism was underdiagnosed in the 1960s. The criteria have changed over the years. Vaccines were routinely given.
Sorry. When I was going to school in the 1960s Autism was considered a rare affliction. Us kids back then were a healthy lot; much healthier and normal than today's Vaxed Up kids that look lost and sickly. If you are being paid by the drug industry they are not getting their money's worth.
Unvaccinated people are less healthy because they are more likely to be infected by vaccine-preventable diseases.
You managed to get that 100% backward. The unvaccinated are not the ones getting covid these days as most of us have natural immunity which even Fauci agrees is better than any vaccine. Sadly, your gullible lot of vaxxed up covid junkies are shedding and spreading every virus you manage to pick up because your immune system no longer works because of the toxins in shots.
You should be thinking about getting in a covid shot detox program rather than foolishly wasting your time trying to peddle obvious lies to the informed readers in this substack.
Yes, I agree. I am in my mid 50's. The neighbour had a nephew whom I now recognize was severely autistic, when I was a kid. I heard an older woman say she had a son with autism in the 1950's. The first instance of attempted forced mass vaccination was following WW1 and the Spanish Flu. I think after that, it was then decided to "normalize" vaccination for children. No one knows the content of the vials given to any of us in the 1970's for instance. I think that just like with the Covid vax, all the vials were DIFFERENT - some laced some not. Autism is now explosive and in every school along with ADHD and other "New Age Cognitive Disorders" that were previously unheard of. All you have to do is test the toxicity levels in vaxxed vs unvaxxed kids. The autistic kids have sky high toxicity levels. I have posted several sources of info. on all of this. I will also add Nenah Sylver's book "The Rife Handbook of Frequency - 5th Edition" which has tonnes of info. and History on this - www.nenahsylver.com
Excellent Post. I have to wonder if some of the school mass murder shootings common in the last 25 years are due in part to kids whose brains were damaged by toxins in those vaccines like the MMR.
Most likely Multi-Factorial; possibly vaxxes, ssri's, poor diet laced with yummy glyphosate, other toxins, _No Positive Male Figure_ , abuse & emotional neglect.
1. For more info on the psyche, I recommend:
Dr. Warren Farrell "the boy crisis" (book); or Interview with Jordan Petersen "Avoiding School Shootings" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAqCISsZEM4
2. John Lott, Crime Prevention Research Center. https://crimeresearch.org/
See him talk in interviews and evaluate him. He's been around a long time. Censored, neglected, and skewered by major media usually means you're getting closer to the truth, & 'The Powers' don't want informed citizens.
There is a very easy way to test for the major culprit in autism which is toxicity. As I mentioned in my earlier Post, all that need be done is to test the toxicity levels of substances like mercury and aluminum in autistic kids vs kids who have never been vaccinated. Toxicity levels can be accurately measured. It is a level designated number on a scale. WHY DOES THE ESTABLISHMENT REFUSE TO DEBATE IN PUBLIC ??? !!! Because then toxicity tests will be brought up. Stop hiding behind pseudo-science "psychological excuses". Look up the test results on toxicity levels which have already been done. I have posted references for this earlier.
SSRI’s is the culprit!
I do not know what that means.
Yes SSRI's are linked to 90% of mass shootings. I read the seminal book "listening to Prozac" years ago. Sure, SSRIs were more tolerable than tricyclic antidepressants. And they continue to be dispensed by family practitioners like candy
Thanks for your support.
Can you provide documentation to your comment? Elk Grove Illinois physician delivered around 10,000 babies and non were vaccinated and none got autism. Same is true in the Amish community where rates are 1:10,000 which was the overall rate prior to the push to inject and inject and inject.
Wrong, Amish people also have autism if they are unvaccinated or vaccinated. Autism is congenital and occurs before the first vaccine is given.
I have received word from WayneBeGood that the notice for you to debate Steve is ready to go ! Just give us the word and we can set up a public professional recorded and live debate !! You vs Steve !!! How about It ?
As an anagram of Carlos Gonzales is 'arse calls gonzo' there may be a problem.
It says:
Gonzo is not a puppet version of a human or a recognizable animal. He has an awkward, non animal-like appearance, which includes purple-blue fur, purple feathers on his head, bug-eyes, and a long, hooked nose, referred to as a "beak"
This explains a lot. Worth reading g the Wikipedia link. It made me laugh.
Thanks for your support ! My guess is that Carlos likes to provoke for attention.
If Kirsch has not been convinced by previous debates, which are not used by legitimate scientists to settle controversies, then he is interested in profiting from Gish Gallop propaganda.
Try submitting his words to a peer-reviewed academic journal. Reject
You are low IQ, you use only pharma talking points without any real critical thinking skills evident! You would melt like a dirty snowball in the heat of the sun if you had to stand head to head with those who really know autism and its causality. Your pronouncements sound like a religious cult who have a vested financial interest in perpetuating official lies.
I have visited Amish communities and can personally testify that autism is almost nonexistent. You have been trolling substack for months. Declare your medical credentials. If you are human, you are just a paid loser troll. The website you linked is pseudoscience garbage.
Anecdotes are not scientifically rigorous. I have a medical background in hematology, biochemistry, and oncology.
Amish communities report autism cases too. https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/claim-that-the-amish-are-healthier-because-they-opt-out-of-all-vaccines-is-incorrect/
What does background mean Carlos. I can go to google and claim I am expert in astrophysics and quantum mechanics. If you are pro vaccine, you will be protected. Declare you real credentials or medical licensees.
You are certainly not even close to Dr. Peter Mccullah when it comes to knowledge of covid or vaccines. He is my go-to person if I want real information and data.
Well, you can trust your own eyes and experience, or you can trust
Some opinionated thing called Carlos. By the way look at who finances the website you keep promoting. Your presence here is interesting as nobody cares what you say. Go to twittter facebook and please take your covid boosters.
I have provided documentation on the link regarding autism and vaccination just below your comment on this thread. The info. is from CHD TV. Also, there is a lot on Vaccine Choice Canada - https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/in-the-news/vaccine-safety-has-not-been-established/
A direct search page on CHD TV on the link regarding autism and vaccination is here - https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/search
Plug in the topic "autism and vaccination". Videos come up.
One of the best sources of clear info. on the link regarding autism and vaccination is on CHD TV - Children's Health Defense - https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/the-peoples-testaments/healing-autism--what-they-dont-want-you-to-know/
Children's Health Defense is an anti-vaccine propaganda group that peddles pseudoscience. It makes logical fallacies by misinterpreting scientific studies.
I pray that if you are real that you your family take as many shots as possible.
Please be advised that Robert Kennedy who heads up CHD TV, has been asking for a public debate on vaccine related topics for years, and like for Steve, NO ONE WILL DEBATE HIM PUBLICLY. I think that that speaks volumes. If you are putting out a position, as you are doing, why don't you debate both Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Kirsch in a public forum ? Waynebegood, who is the administrator of this site, can be informed immediately and we can set something up. Looking forward to hearing you defend your position in a professional debate !
I only moderate comments, however. Here's how to contact Steve and set that up:
Thanks !! But we have yet to hear from Carlos. Here are highlights from Senator Ron Johnson's Congressional Round Table on the Covid vaccines. After the 10 min video, you can see the full 3 hours also.
That's a great idea, Deb! Sadly, I bet Carlos will be like Hotez and all the others. He'll throw a few "mean" insults, and then back away from the subject all together, he might even disappear from this comment section. 🤞 I'd love to see SOMEONE, ANYONE, who continously supports the "vaccine" industry in a professional debate to defend their position rather than continue to be keyboard warriors.
Any coward can throw insults. His lack of a response to my suggestion has outed him as a fraud.
Please see Vaccine Choice Canada - https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/in-the-news/vaccine-safety-has-not-been-established/ CHD is not the only group looking into these matters. VCC has been around for 40 years and collects documentation.
More anti-vaccine propaganda garbage. Vioxx is a drug, not vaccines, and not monitored by the same pharmacovigilance systems. FDA never approved thalidomide for pregnant women because safety data was lacking.
Please be advised that you have never provided your credentials or any meaningful references to back up any of your claims. You are not credible. You are a fraud.
Hey, guys! Our newly assigned troll is back! Everyone say "hi" to "Carlos"! 🤣🤣🤣
Carlos -is it a bot or troll, or he could just be a mentally ill cult covidian or paid shill for moderana or pfizer .We will never know. But if you ignore it?
Autism can be related to what is put into the body. Family member who as a young child and growing up with Autism was greatly improved with correcting the diet. Family member doing great today. Family member in the 20 age range. Working professionally too. College degree educated too. It saddens me to listen to some of these physicians and to some of these scientists who absolutely deny that chemicals that are not compatible with the body and will not harm the body. I cannot hardly tolerate reading and hearing what some of these people truly say and put out.
Great Post, A.J.!
And by posting and informing, you have made your mark. The more who become aware of the benefits of proper diet and health, the more who will be persuaded by their testimony, if they speak out, like you have. Thank you. You're preaching to the "choir" with me, since I KNOW that chemicals, outside of extremely select cases, are going to cause harm in some way, somewhere in the body. Our bodies were not created to confront a deluge of chemicals from nearly every quarter. It's truly amazing that we do as well as we do, considering. There are systems which filter, dispose of, and repair, but with certain limitations, and so if we are to be wise, we should just shy away from all of them. I would point anyone who has health problems to blending green smoothies for supporting the systems, and include anything and everything veg. fresh from the garden grown without chemicals. Raw is so much better, filled with usable enzymes, and all of this combined, (doing all that you can to eliminate chemicals, exercise, etc) will provide the body with the ability to find equilibrium, and give it a chance to repair, having the necessary tooling.
Even if Dr. Hotez may be a sociopath these people are at most 2-3% of the population. Psychopaths and sociopaths do raise to positions of power. But the covid mrna shot program was highly coordinated and global in nature and it took over a trillion dollars to pull off and not everyone behind this is sociopathic -it's not statistically possible. This is a depopulation agenda run by the WEF and WHO. The WEF admits they "own and control" many world leaders.
"Project Depopulation: Bill Gates Gathers the World’s Top Billionaires"
On May 5, 2009, Bill Gates gathered together a handful of the West’s richest men who met in Manhattan to discuss what they considered the most dangerous, most critical threat to the planet.
Those attending included Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, George Soros, and David Rockefeller, Jr. What did they deem the world’s biggest threat? They each gave a 15-minute presentation on their primary concern for the planet. “Taking their cue from Gates, they agreed overpopulation was a priority,” according to the report from London’s Sunday Times.
"Oprah Winfrey met in secret with George Soros and other billionaires to discuss a plan to depopulate the world."
The 2009 meeting in Manhattan, organized by Bill Gates, was so discreet that the billionaires’ aides were told to treat it as a “security briefing,” and attendees also included the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Michael Bloomberg, in addition to Oprah and Soros.
Did Coronavirius ‘break out’ of a Bio-Lab George Soros ‘owns in Wuhan, China’?
"Going Down?"
One more level deeper, you'll find the Black Pope pulling the strings, taking the orders and giving them to those such as you have pointed to; (WHO and WEF) who organize and distribute his agenda-driven mandates.
Down further? Here you will become aware of the most heinous and vile entity on this planet. Hateful and vindictive, with an insidious twist so as to be seductive and alluring for having studied mankind's weaknesses and passions since the creation. His agenda is to cause (by coercion or force) ALL of mankind to reject the God of Creation, and thereby obtain a platform to contend with the "Great I AM" over the Justice of his own demise (along with the unrepentant).
"Please to meet you....'hope you guess my name." (Stones)
I don't even think it's that, they would have to know for sure that this vaccine kills people but that the death is delayed by a few years, and I don't see how they could have done the studies to verify that. With other viruses maybe but they've never done mRNA trials on humans with COVID before.
I think they're all just a bunch of stupid nepo babies and Trump just pushed the mRNA shots because they convinced him that theirs could be made quicker and he wanted to try and get a vaccine out before the election. At most it's a conspiracy to make a load of money by pushing vaccine technology with planned obsolescence, using a pandemic to help it along.
Keep looking, digging learning, Moon Diamond. None of them are stupid, incompetent or have been "tricked". At one point, I also thought that there's no way that any person or group of people could've pulled this off with such perfection. And then I realized I was correct, we're not dealing with any flesh and blood entities, but the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy. It's about more than money and power, as @Ray Alford has pointed out. It's a spiritual battle for the most precious thing ever created - a human's soul.
Still it's stupid if what they are trying to do is, say set up a vaccine passport system? That would be so much easier to implement if they had only gone with a safer vaccine. Is it making a mockery of humanity by getting them to bestialize themselves by submitting to experimentation without informed consent? It's the culmination of decades of dumbing us down - now you can't really dumb a smart person down, but you can make them insecure about their own intellect so that they feel discouraged from doing their own thinking about topics that are well within their abilities. You know how the Dunning-Kruger effect makes stupid people confident in their intelligence and smart people modest and insecure about it.
I think the issue is that if he admits his mistake, he is no longer going to be the new Fauci clone director of vaccinologists who are supported, promoted and funded by Big Pharma. How can it not be a massive crime against humanity when a man made gain of function virus can only be stopped by a man made mRNA injection that by passes and tricks the immune system and reprograms cellular function. That definition may also apply to a cancer causing agent. Virus, glyphosate and many more trace toxins in our food supply. It is only the dose level that determines if the immune system is overwhelmed and can not cope. We see this happening with the rise in ill health issues of those vaccinated.
This whole business of tampering with such a complex arrangement of biochemical pathways and gene expression, retraction, and rearrangement (I hope I'm accurate by saying that) is like assigning the task of implementing a complex upgrade to the space shuttle's electrical circuitry to a group of 9 year-olds! But wait, it gets even more complicated: They must perform the task correctly on a "warp speed" schedule!
Although heinous, it's a fair facsimile of the daunting task of mRNA tweaking and NOT disturbing any other functions, associated or not. But this a "red-herring" in that these formulators of the shots were obviously more focused on the OTHER ingredients, which have seriously dire effects on the system as a whole. IMHO, they created a "bio-weapon" as a "carrier" to promote public fear, which was the polarizing component to mandate the "vaccines" for the "good of society." And I also believe that this was NOT the first time.
If anyone has the notion to discover the bottom of the rabbit hole, I would recommend viewing Walter J. Veith's old videos of the "Total Onlslaught" series. The Professor has CERTAINLY done his homework and has created an interesting collection of videos for the open minded. He's still at it, actually. Amazing Discoveries, is where you can probably find what you seek. (If seeking)
Precisely! (And eventually my best scenario as to how the gain-of-function instigators/ numbskulls -note the plausible deniability playing of the oopsy "stupey card" -managed to get all the need-to-know-basis government health ministries onboard in a perfect unison panic frenzy. Explaining the onerous jab purchase conditions, and their subsequent fear porn campaigns with zero exceptions. With everyone agreeing not to spill the beans, as that would be a breach of agreements and would reflect badly on government credibility generally): "How can it not be a massive crime against humanity when a man made gain of function virus can only be stopped by a man made mRNA injection that by passes and tricks the immune system and reprograms cellular function". This trick can be used over and over again as "that definition may also apply to a cancer causing agents".
He has decided to sacrifice his child to the false gods of Big Pharma for a big fat paycheck.
I feel very sorry for his poor daughter. For Hotez, not at all. In fact I'm glad he's paying a high price for the vaccination travesty we've been forced into for decades. If that makes me a bad person so be it. I'll never wish holier-than-thou types who bully and destroy other people's lives anything but misery.
He's not paying a high price at all! He feels no guilt whatsoever, trust me. This is what we're dealing with. You can't fix stupid, and you can't argue or debate with a brick wall...
He doesn't acknowledge the likely cause. But he can't fantasize away the real consequences which he lives with, and they're immense.
Spineless bureaucrats entrapped by conveniences rendering themselves (it is a willful abnegation of personal integrity) incapable of critical thinking, enabling the worst of medical crimes should have a special place in hell. Maybe they're already there?
Dr. Tenpenny, and many pediatricians, have been saying this; cancer in children as well. The jabbing of our children in this country 72 JABS, are enforced by the 'immunization schedule'. From infantry to adolescence they inundate healthy children with this crime! We have more children with autism, cancer, diabetes, asthma etc; than most countries in the World.
We've seen this phenomenon a lot in all those who've been victims of government incompetence, constant accolades for the the hard working government people even though they are often the source of these disasters. In veterens, friendly fire victims are hailed as heros, which precipitates these disasters.
Dr Jeff Thorpe is one of the top ob./gyns in the country. He is seeing a 3000 to 4000X increase in miscarriages and fetal demise in his covid vaccinated patients Dr. Hotez promotes covid mrna shots for pregnant women. In my opinion he is guilty of mass murder.
WIRED magazine, allegedly a CIA rag, just announced the wonderful new era of mRNA solutions."The Magic of mRNA Will Push Medical Advances For Everyone". It has "even greater potential to democratise access to innovative medicines". https://www.wired.com/story/medicine-mrna-health-science/
Actually it will probably just make eliminating viral diseases like we did with smallpox and almost did with polio a thing of the past. They're trying to implement a planned obsolescence model of vaccines.
You're talking about the permanently mandated citizen customer in chronic condition, I expect. That's "sustainability" forever monopoly style, until enough daggers get sharpened.
WEF-ist propaganda rag.
Thanks for the heads up...It is impt that we pay attention to which rags/newsletters may have CIA implants and which seems clean. Wish we had more whistleblowers. But if you leave CIA, then tattle, is there a chance they just take you out quickly? Maybe that is why no one comes forward...
I expect Anderson Cooper could answer the question, but won't. So deeply embedded in the crimes of the security state, so convinced of the "sustainability" of the chosen elite that they are "lucky enough" to belong to as a way of life, I imagine it's an existential addiction. Besides who wants to be stuck in crummy Russia like Snowden!? Or in permanent restraint awaiting what kind of oblivion like Assange!? Or triple-offed like people too intimate with the Clintons, according to Whitney Webb: "One Nation Under Blackmail". Of course you have to simply not care for your life. This kind of person is now coming out of the woodwork. Fearless. Because being dead is better than stooping before the jackasses and the criminally insane. One gets this way. Believe me.
I wonder if Cooper had his kid jabbed...and Andy Cohen et al. The ONLY people I know who jabbed their kids with this poison are progressive liberals, many of them also happen to be gay. WTF?
I really doubt they vaccinated their kids. Cooper is buddies with Sanjay Gupta, right? Dr. Carrie Madej (https://www.carriemadej.com/about) attended a medical conference where Gupta spoke about childhood vaccinations. If I could find it, I'd post it here. Phones were not allowed or there was no signal, I have forgotten. Dr. Madej was appalled by Gupta's talk. I recall that he was admitting the dangers but pitching the attending doctors to keep vaccinating their patients. I think she may have tried to call him out in the audience.
It's as though people need to believe in something, and for progressive liberals it's God Government. Makes no sense at all (Biden-Harris is the top of fakery), is a surrogate of sorts. Whereas Cooper is a strange cat, there seems to be something genuinely decent in him, but maintaining composure when others can't hold back giggles (Gates announcing people might have their health care and social security revoked for jab non-compliance) is his trademark. No idea whether he vaxxed his kid or not. The few gays I know are top professionals, and are weirdly beholden to the system. It could be existential gratefulness for genuine advances made on the social front. Dave Rubin the huge exception? ButCheers!
Wired magazine is pure propaganda. I have no understanding of mrna shots, but my wife is a geneticist and I trust her opinion when she tells me- never ever take a covid shot or any other vaccine.
I'm only a lay person and I support her message.
Hell, stay far away from the allopathic medical cabal.
“Democratize”…there it is!
When all they have left is buzzy-wuzzy weasel words. High criminality has no shame.
I used to believe semi-normal people would draw the line at health crime. Not so. Nice people, if their salaries
depends on it their minds and consciences are clean slates. These aren't even the evil inventors and scheme creators. They're common system enablers. The clueless a-holes who make totalitarianism possible. Sheep, shep, he's and she's.
I am stealing from another poster, so these are not my original ideas. But I added some of my opinions. There are atheists, agnostics and people with varying degrees of religious beliefs. When it comes to someone like Dr. Hotez:
If I were an atheist, I would think he is mentally ill and needs treatment.
If I were religious, I would think he was evil or demonically possessed
Another possibility is he has been paid big time to lie about the bogus "safety and efficacy"
of covid shots. Whatever is true this "Dr" is reprehensible and should not be allowed to treat patients. I will even go so far as to say he is placing his patients in danger.
You need to add that many of those pushing this genocide have been paid big bucks or are being blackmailed. Blackmail is happening in the medical, political &n Court arenas...100%
I'd say it's pretty schizophrenic of him to make a safe protein subunit vaccine for the third world while pushing dangerous crappy mRNA vaccines in the first world.
Indeed. He's a nut....
GOTO Rumble.
SEARCH: Hotez.
Numerous clips of him acting daft.
I think his job is to be the Useful Idiot.
Never heard of Dr. Hotez before but I looked into his background and political beliefs and the to think he is allowed to treat patients is scary.
I'm 33 and still living at home due to mild autism. My parents are both dead so I have to live with my aunt. I might never get to graduate college since I was forced to go to a crappy community college for so long despite having the grades and test scores for a real college but now that I've transferred it would be the fault of this stupid pandemic if I never get to graduate. Funny thing is I have been paranoid for years that something like this would happen too, something that would prevent me from ever getting to graduate college.
Dear Sir,
I like your handle, by the way! Regarding your hurdle, I would like to second Mr. John Sutton's insightful advice to you, and maybe just elaborate a little on what he suggests. There has been a time when a "degree" meant surety in landing a good job. But that concept has its flaws, even during its prime time. For example, if there is (or was) a shortage of specialists (pick any field) and the associated and advertised job market was flooded with applicants, then that would be a problem for those who followed and engaged. For the ones who were fortunate enough to be hired, there would still be no guarantee of job security, since conditions change in the workplace regularly. Now-a-days, it seems that there is a glut of "degreed" students all searching for work. That shifts the value over to those who have "experience" for a given position. These are very basic concepts but I believe carry weight and can have negative consequences re employment.
That said, I'd like to encourage you to seriously ponder what Mr. John Sutton has put forth for your thoughtful consideration. If you find something you like to do, your task (whether it be an employed position, or an enterprise of your devising) will be a joy to perform for you. Associated "doors" will very likely open.
Being a Christian, other things come into play here. There WILL be an "end" to the madness that the world has come to, and it seems to be near. If you hold a world view which maintains such a thought, it would be logical to apply your skills and time to help others cope with their difficulties. Jesus Christ, our "Example" would honor your efforts, and those efforts would serve to allay your own personal shortcomings by way of comparison. Our world is rife with myriads of souls who are bereaved from having lost loved one(s), or possibly worse having to care for a loved one who has been left incapacitated from the micro clots. Your mere presence and concern (and prayers?) would carry a lot of weight. Try and picture the glorious scenes of heaven. There will be no physical or mental shortcomings, nor treachery of any sort. All will be beautiful and nothing will "hurt" in God's Kingdom. To obtain eternal life here on this remade planet, is beyond our capacity to imagine, but we can be sure of it, because Christ is God, and He said so. This world is doomed to destruction, so it is not wise to squander time and thoughts on temporal things.
Learn of the things that matter to God, and do them obediently and joyfully. He will take care of all your needs and assuage your troubles. In the end you will be far better off than just "employed;" you will be appreciated, loved, and eternally happy, having a rich cache of personal experience to share with our brothers and sisters.
Thanks for sharing with us your post and Happy New Start!
ps. I wish I had your email address. A very applicable story of my personal employment experience would strengthen your confidence, and you'd never forget it!
Do I look like a "Sir" to you?
(This is my Halloween costume, a deliberately androgynous mad scientist)
I'm afraid I won't be able to get any job that requires experience, the only thing I have experience in is tutoring and I haven't even done that in a long time (Craigslist charges you to post now). Unless it requires experience in studying all sorts of advanced mathematics. The only way I can win is by knowing more than is possible for a neurotypical to know and therefore being so irreplaceable that they will have to tolerate my quirks.
My email is quantumfieldfairy@aol.com but I hardly ever use it and I'm afraid I might locked out of that account one day which has already happened once or twice.
You do not need a college degree to succeed in your life’s mission. Follow your interests. Find your passion. Help others when you can. Being able to sleep soundly with a clear conscience is priceless.
Yes I do. I don't have any friends or connections so I need a degree to bully my way into getting a job.
College degrees are overrated. I have 3 of them. Unless you are planning to be a doctor attorney or scientist it's not worth the effort or debt you will incur. If I could do it all over again, I would been a jet mechanic or electrician. My Dad who was a college professor tried
convince me to be a blue-collar worker. I wanted to be a "medical professional" If I had followed my Dads Advice, I would be debt free and retired now.
I want to be a scientist or a mathematician. Anything that hands-on would bore me and I'd be terrible at it. I actually switched from primarily wanting to major in physics to primarily wanting to major in math because I can't stand doing lab assignments, even that is too grease-monkey for me.
I'm a former foster child on SSI so I get to go almost entirely for free.
All that fast food he's feeding her won't be improving things. Aluminium in the shots probably did it. I've just started Chris Exley's book on aluminium. He found unusually high concentrations of it in autistic brains (also Alzheimers brains).
I don't think there's a connection, autistic people have a super-good memory while Alzheimer's people can't remember anything. Plus aluminum can be cleared out easily with orthosilicic acid.
Alzheimer’s is a result of a barrier on the brain (I forget the name). The deterioration of the barrier, not enough cholesterol, is said to be the cause.
Actually it's oxidized cholesterol that causes it. Oxidized cholesterol is formed when you overcook cholesterol containing foods and I think also when you eat saturated fat along with sugar.
Saturated Fat + Sugar, or either?
I'm not sure but I think it's the combination of the two? But medium-chain triglycerides such as those found in coconut oil get burned too quickly to convert into cholesterol maybe. It could be that a high saturated fat diet is bad only if you don't go low-carb or keto about it. Or maybe you need to eliminate fructose, found in sucrose, fruit, syrup, etc. which doesn't raise blood sugar like glucose but has more effects on lipid metabolism or something. Which would mean that complex carbs are ok but avoid sugar.
The good news is that Toad Hotez can't resist junk food and loves boosters. He may soon be one of the "died suddenly" legion, which might save him from hanging after Nuremberg 2.
He probably takes Corbevax boosters so he'll be fine.