Many pundits from the Truther side have not come to grips with the evidence pointing to attempted murder by those in trusted positions. Simply, they are trying to kill you. It took me awhile to get my predictions of events to be as crazy as their socio-pathology. I became coprophagic began shit thinking, "What is the most evil action that fits here?" Now, nothing they do surprises me and my reality is predictive--yes, sick and perverted if you channel the mother-WEFfers, but less stressful when nothing is surprising.

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The language and style is too hyperbolic for an academic style paper. Stick to the facts in a very dry and level way without inflammatory language. Otherwise you risk detracting from the important results. I'm sure Peter McCullough can advise on appropriate content and writing style for such an abstract.

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"It is baffling to us why the medical community who is sworn to do no harm is not insisting on seeing this data before recommending the use of any vaccine to their patients." Yessirree, it certainly is....

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Where's the one that questions the whole pandemic narrative and suggests that it's all a con, the the virus is a con, that the vaccine is a con, that the pandemic was a con and that Steve Kirsch is a con.

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One thing is so very obvious by the collective REFUSAL of those in charge to protect our health and wellbeing....they are collectively involved in manslaughter...each and everyone even to include the doctors whether MD/DO or Phd who are pushing this jab still....each one of these so called protectors of our safety should get a certified mail item declaring they are part of a global/USA mob hit squat so to speak...that their actions ARE lethal by pushing this jab...and those stiff pushing it on TV should too get this certified item. Maybe they will awaken to their direct involvement in fatalities among the elderly and potentially the young. More whist-blowers are needed before all this gold mine of data is deep-sixed forever to be lost since it really is political dynamite....How silent the RNC is about all of this!!!!

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We need to circumvent the professionals - they're all in on it because they want to keep their positions/jobs.....and purposefully tone deaf to data.

The general public is tone deaf to data. It's not untill Anderson Cooper and the Fox Five look straight into the camera and say THE SHOT ARE BAD. It's as mundane as that.

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The traditional one is better, it is short and to the point.

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The second is better. But you need to shorten it, please stick to only the results you are getting and do not go to policy and lyrics. Put a statement that the authenticity of information was vetted by independent cyber experts. and that you will follow the open data policy and will provide all the data for reanalyses upon request. Good luck! Try MDPI system.

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Agree with this.

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Not even Florida was interested? Hmmmm. Something isn't right with that.

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Depends on who needs to be CONVINCED of the OBVIOUS , Most are not literate anyway

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

I've recommended this documentary before, but in its original foreign version, but it was not widely available to an international audience. No, however, it's available in a new Netflix version:

Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife.

It's a complete nightmare story how patients get used as gunie pigs when they are desperate for treatment, when the gigantic ego of a doctor is out of control. Just like the background of the COVID frankenshots.

I really do recommend people watch it. It's a shame the English version is not as good and to-the-point as the foreign version, but it still shows how doctors, surgeons, and scientists completely take advantage of the artificial godlike stature society gives them and how dangerous this is.


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I would personally prefer another alternative to the mix. The answer I would have liked to give is a combination of the modern swiftly followed by the direct. It just seems more appropriate.

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The so-called "vaccine" is a MURDER WEAPON for DEPOPULATION to further the Satanic Globalist Power-Elite CRIMINALS' United Nations' Agenda 21 DEPOPULATION PLAN which calls for the ELIMINATION of 90% of the world's population. The Satanic Globalist Power-Elite CRIMINALS intend to have the entire world for themselves.

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just bought a safe from an estate 61yr old healthy male heart attack

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Use whichever is easiest for laypeople like me to understand. We, The People, needongoing. Up and put a stop to this assault on humanity. The covid vax is only the first assault on us. The mRNA and LNPs are being developed for other applications. The threat is real and ongoung.

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Shorten the Modern version. Make it crystal clear, to the punch. Bang, bang, bang!

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