This is an amazing bit of research. Vital and timely. Well done, Midwestern Doc.

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Here is one from 2010 (ish) a gov planning a scamdemic:


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Tony Fauci finally admitting he screwed up by funding a deadly virus, pushing a deadly vaccine, and suppressing early treatments that worked? (ok, that last one was a joke).

I laughed a hell out of it. You have a good sense of humour Steve.

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I'm halfway through Turtles All the Way Down and I'm ordering Dissolving Illusions ...vaccine... Steve, I'd like to recommend a book for you: The Invisible Rainbow: A history of Electricity and Life. Good stuff Steve, thank you.

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I also highly recommend “To vaccinate or not to vaccinate” by Amantonio, and “The Moth in the Iron Lung” by Forrest Maready.

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A Midwestern Doctor is a female! ;) Her writing is incomparable!

I saw Dr. Suzanne Humphries give an interview where she stated she would rather contract any disease versus getting vaccinated for it. What a brave woman! I align with her thinking!

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Hello Steve. Thanks for noticing the similarity. As you may imagine , I am a bit blue in the face. Covid is just another day at the office to me. Cheers.

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Hi Dr. Humphries! I never saw your comment until today. Thank you again for all the work you put into writing that book, I read it when it first came out and it really helped me.. When I wrote the article, I tried to reference you as many times as possible and I also corresponded with Roman after it was put out. I've also been digging around into a lot of the other things you have put together on this topic, and I greatly appreciate the video you made on early pioneers a vaccine safety.

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You are a rock star, Dr. Humphries. I was just listening to Dissolving Illusions this afternoon, and telling my boyfriend there were 5 different times, while listening to the Eugenics chapter, where I said out loud, "Holy crap!!" Seems like the same kind of stuff is going on, today. You are the ONLY doctor I can think of, who is brave enough to flat out say, NO vaccines are entirely safe, and there are better ways to beat viruses. Really wish more doctors would just come right out and say this, it is so true (maybe they would of they actually read your books). I swear I beat covid 9 times with completely natural methods. Our God-given innate immune systems are so incredible, they just need a boost. It just seems really arrogant how modern medical doctors try to make us think they are somehow smarter than our innate immune systems that have developed over millions of years. Honestly, it feels like they are trying to get us to consent to slavery. Thank you for all your research and hard work. Hope you don't mind I made this page (need to find replacement copies of deleted videos). More people need to see your work... and Roman's. Wish Dissolving Illusions was required reading in schools, but i realize that is not the world we live in. At least not yet. Gotta have hope 🙂 http://realcovidresearch.blogspot.com/2021/10/dr-suzanne-humphries-everyone-should.html

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"Honestly, it feels like they are trying to get us to consent to slavery."


Bingo! That's exactly what they're trying to do. Everything that's happening now globally is all pre-planned. They want power and control.

And they're not shy about revealing their plans. It's all laid out clearly in Klaus Schwab's book,

"The Great Reset."

Food and energy shortages, UN Agenda 2030, depopulation, the Georgia Guidestones, Event 201, China, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Cuba....that's the very bleak, very frightening future that's almost upon us here in America.

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Love that you covered this, thank you!!!! More people need to know about the work Dr. Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk did to show how what kind of BS was happening back then. Because none of us live to see it, we tend to accept except this oft repeated idea that smallpox was eradicated by vaccines, as if hearing something thousands of times makes it true. It does not.

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Bought the book on Audible. Looking forward to listening...

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The difference today is there are now multiple agendas (including depop) involved with this issue via the marriage of the WEF and the monopolies which started with I.G. Farben in the early 20th century.

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Thank you Steve, very important and real truth in your writing.

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Smart group here, it's great to see so many informed, keep up the great work everyone. I see some great references, I would add Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andy Kaufman. God bless everyone.

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The book you suggested Dissolving Illusions is excellent. The more I read about vaccination, the more I realize it is just like a religion that is not based on fact but just based on a belief that can never be verified.

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Thanks for your post, there is lots of evidence to verify everything. First viruses are imaginary, we can only get sick 4 ways, it's totally impossible to catch or spread anything to anyone ever. No one has ever proved any virus exer exist in history. There are only poisons period. All vaccines are poisons period. I'm an expert on everything vaccine and the entire history of how viruses came to be. It's very easy to confirm the lie that you can pass or catch anything. Go to a room full of sick that are supposed to be contagious, kiss them as they cough and sneeze hug all and spend as long as it takes to know the truth that it's impossible to catch or spread anything to anyone ever! How come numbers and words or charts and paper work proof of anything ever? This test has been done with thousands of sick and volunteers that were injected with snot spit body fluids and were spit on coughed on sneezed on you name it, and this test has been done several times all with the same results, no one ever got sick ever. Small pox? It was caused by the vaccine and poisons used by the public just like all diseases period! Polio? Arsenic mercury DDT and the vaxx, I am an expert on this and bet my life on everything I have written. We are being poisoned period. The Spanish Flu was radio being broad cast on large scale period! The Asian flu was Radar, COVID is 5G. Can you see electricity? No, still your not going to stick a knife in the outlet? Do you cook food in the microwave with the door open? That's what your doing when using cell phones lap tops tablets etc.... Tired, head aches, ears ringing? Try staying away from tech crap or leaving it in a different room where you sleep or spend time. Everything I mean everything is toxic around us, of course air food and water also🙄 duh.

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Have u read Alfred Russell wallace. Guy who coauthored natural selection with Darwin. He mirrors all this and he wrote it in that time period. https://www.amazon.com/Vaccination-Delusion-Alfred-Russel-Wallace-ebook/dp/B07NXSDBTY

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Great, Thanks so much for sharing that link. I just downloaded the downloaded the kindle version.

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Where did States gain the power to enforce public health related laws? Citizens formed government and delegated to it some of our individual rights partly as a convenience to provide for things like self defense. In Railroad Co. v. Husen, 95 U.S. 465 (1877) SCOTUS extends the INDIVIDUAL right of self defense to a general state police power where “persons and property are subjected to all kinds of restraints and burdens, in order to secure the general comfort, health, and prosperity of the State; of the perfect right of the legislature to do which no question ever was, or upon acknowledged general principles ever can be made, so far as natural persons are concerned.” Translation: the State can do what no individual can. The State can forcibly vaccinate you.

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Why then were smallpox vaccines given in the USA to infants throughout most of the 20th Century?

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Vaccines are given to children to seed them with future diseases and illnesses

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Exactly my question.

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Well isn't that the point of all these good anti-vax books? To ask that very question. And isn't the answer the same as today and covid? Big pharma pushing for the sake of dollars on the one side. Govt pushing for the sake of power on the other.

What does Trudeau get out of his stance today? He's saving how many lives, how much suffering? By what metric/

It couldn't be any more crystal clear, surely, he gets only the satisfaction of wielding power.

All across the world they're like children in a temper tantrum: you will do as I say !

Money and power.

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Except that is likely to backfire in United States, and possibly Canada too, and they will end up with less power than they had before they started these latest behaviors.

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