In 2020 there were no covid vaccines, the Covid-19 virus was the main cause of excess mortality. In 2021 massive vaccination was done, however, 6 million persons more died than in 2020. One could expect that in 2021 fewer people would die than in 2020. This is also a conclusion of the Lancet article “Global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination: a mathematical modelling study”:


Authors claimed that in 2021 14,4 million lives were saved by covid vaccination. Considering that the main reason for excess mortality in 2020 was the Covid-19 virus, this would mean that in 2021 14,4 fewer people would die than in 2020. This would be that in 2021 would die around 55 million people which is close to the average mortality from 2015-2019. But the opposite happened, in 2021 about 6 million people more died than in 2020. The discrepancy between the mathematical evaluation in the Lancet article and statistical data is about 20 million persons.

How it is possible that LANCET published results that are far from reality is an open question that should be inquired.


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Since this comment Steve Kirsch offered a bounty for medical paper corruption whistleblowers.

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I don’t know how these people can call themselves scientists, doctors, experts etc., when they refuse to look at compelling data. They act like they care about their topic of expertise but in the end they are just puppets complicit in the destruction of innocent children and their families.

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Her body language in the photo speaks volumes.

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One dose of DPT in 1985, and hours later my 6mo old adopted daughter started having siezures and they continue to this day. She has a intellectual disability and will never have a normal life. Big Pharma is enabled to continue this madness via the FDA, CDC, AMA, and the 'scientists' whose grant money comes from big pharma, and big Ag. They'll NEVER admit the harms these vaxs cause.

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Big Pharma pays these so-called "scientists" Big Bucks to find NO connection between autism and all the huge number of autoimmune disorders (for which there are now at least 22 (I have a list of all their brand names - scientific names end in -mab, -nib) that are top seller in the US and globally. What is causing "autoimmune" diseases -- a lack of the human immune system to recognize and regulate the body's ability to protect itself. It's all about the money! I've said ever since the truth came to light three years ago -- it's NOT about health and safety -- it's ALL about power, control and the MONEY!

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If they make a scientific link between vaccines and autism, the compensation pay out would be un-payable and would destroy the entire industry. They will do everything in their path to NOT find this link.

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We have at least 3 naturally self-selecting groups in our country that we could easily do epidemiological studies on to compare vaccinated vs. unvaccinated populations, to see differences in all the many chronic diseases. The Amish/Mennonites, rural Mormons, and the Hasidic Jews.

All 3 groups keep very good records on births, deaths, marriages, family trees, etc. None of them vaccinate routinely.

Why aren’t we doing that? The answer is obvious (don’t study things you don’t want to know the truth about… don’t ask questions you don’t want to know answers to).

Spoiler alert: the Amish have almost no autism, auto immune diseases, ADHD, food, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disorders, etc.etc.

Now you can also say that they eat very clean non-processed food. They don’t use cell phones, so no 5G. They don’t consume TV or much media, drink alcohol or do drugs (prescription or recommend), have computers, and very low use of fertilizers and pesticides.

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I wish that were true about Mormons. Unfortunately, most, although not all Mormons are vaccinated following the CDC schedule. I know I was. The Amish, on the other hand, would work great. I don't know that much about the Mennonites.

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Please…… Help Fight Against the Sale of Children for the Purpose of Sex Trafficking and Child Pornography

1. Watch this entire trailer……

2. Go see this movie when it opens on July 4th, and………

3. Consider Paying it Forward

The Sound of Freedom


This is a true story. I watched an hour long interview with Tim Ballard, the subject of this movie, and Jim Caviezel. Tim quit his job as a Department of Homeland Security Special Agent so that he could literally, 'save the kids'.

He is 'The Real Deal'. Jim Caviezel is the actor who plays him in this movie.

These men are literally doing 'God's Work', Tim, by performing this work, and Jim by shining a light on this literal EVIL that is among us. For instance, at my workplace, two men were fired and incarcerated within the last 6 months for child pornography. That happened because they were 'incautious' enought to watch it on a government computer. Think of how many are watching on their private computers, and don't get caught. This is a huge problem worldwide, and our country is a primary contributor to this (no other word for it but)…….. Pure Evil.

We have a moral obligation to do what we can to fight against this….

Please help.

Please take a material step and stand up for goodness, on this Independence Day.

Thank you, Elizabeth

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Martin Kulldorf at Harvard recently said MMR vaccines do not cause autism, and that he is willing to debate others on the subject. Perhaps he would accept your offer.


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If you ever run across one give them https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/how-to-contact-me so they can contact Steve Kirsch. In this case Mr. Kirsch already responded to him on Twitter.

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Thanks Steve. "Stay in their lane." Actually Stay in their LAME.

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What a world it would be, Where honesty and integrity were core values on this planet!

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I have a theory. What if the whole science thing behind germ theory is bunk. Including virology, viruses, the whole lot..

Let me explain. We all know processed food is bad for humans.. they can all cause injury to humans.

What if terrain theory is a better hypothesis.

We know that these COVID vaccines can cause shedding..maybe they have been using shedding vaccines way before COVID. Possibly they have been experimenting this mRNA tech before COVID came around.

Organic food is better..we know this but it's expensive.

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The mRNA/Covid tech has been around for decades, and it's a lot more sinister than you'd imagine.

Take a look at this video:


Regards, Andy. 03 July 2023.

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A lot of nurses and doctors have made good comments. There are 2 worlds. The academic

world and the clinical world. Those that treat real patients know how bad things are.

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This is a basic question. Thousands of people that tell us that we need mrna covid shots. Some are media people with no medical training. Some are people with Ph.Ds in social studies and sociology.

We are really dumb.

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Professor Choi is not a physician and has never treated an autism patient. She uses her MIT degree to claim her expertise. I know nurses that know more about autism than professor choi. Because they actually treat and interact with humans. These professors are not doctors and should be ignored.

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