VAERS is BS. You are wrong and you should feel bad. LIAR

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Good photo Steve; lovely caring hands and adorable plaster.

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Do you believe the URF to be uniform for all ages? While not detracting from the horror here, I wonder if it may be lower for young people, perhaps those events are more likely to garner a report as those deaths are more suprising.

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Don't know where the number "1,312 deaths" is get from. Thks

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he takes the 32 "excess" deaths from the table and multiplies it by 41

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I see. The VAERS under-reporting factor (URF) is 41X.

Many thanks, J Robino!

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Sure. Not that there's any evidence for under reporting - especially since anyone can enter something into VAERS at any time.

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The reports are followed up by the CDC and removed if found to be false. It asks for very detailed information.

As far a s evidence for underreporting, do you think every person in the US knows about VAERS? Does every doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or other medical worker know how to make a report in VAERS? Are they required to by law? If not, then there is definite underreporting.

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Looking at it that way then there is definitely under reporting But it would be Massive under reporting since not everyone with an ailment places it in the file (non-medical people also enter whatever they want into the file)

How do you quantify that ?

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Leana Wen did really good work during the Boston Bombing. I'm surprised she doesn't have an IMDB page though... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki5G-9q2_jQ

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Just another coincidence if you know what I mean

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At one time Leanna Win was a major critic of the health care system since it affected her mother in a negative way. Now, she sold her soul to the highest bidder.

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Never mind the 1,000's of children who have perished over the last 40 years due to vaccinations that will never be traced back to those specific poisons. Their sad stories were never recorded by the corrupt VAERS system.

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My 14 y/o son with asthma just tested positive for Covid and has shortness of breath. My wife took to ER (I’m currently Covid positive too).

Steve, or anyone, do u know of a Dr in Chicago area who is aggressive with Covid therapeutics?

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Look up the FLCCC.net and look up their list of doctors

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Brandon, Dr Antonatos is a Chicago area covid doc...see video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxILnkZ9k3A) also his contact info:

Miguel Antonatos, MD


Chicago, IL

(855) 767-8559


Two Other Chicago area docs from https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/how-to-get-ivermectin/ on line docs list:

Alan Bain, MD

Chicago Health & Wellness Alliance

Chicago, IL

(312) 236-7010 ext. 2



Contact patientservices@docintheloop.com for recently dx Covid 19. We have Same-Day or Next-Day Appointments.

Milton Chavez, MD

M. Chavez MD, SC

1509 N. Western Ave

Chicago, IL 60622

(773) 227-3303



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You may be able to get covid legal representation for dealing with the hospital from Renz Law (https://renz-law.com/contact/) or they may be able to refer you to a local attorney.

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I checked the www.truthforhealth.org list of chicago area covid docs and found the following:

Synergy Health DPC

Chicago, Illinois

Contact: Text or call



Chicago, Illinois

Contact: Contact information prefer Email

info@text2md.com and Phone 855-767-8559


Telemedicine practice offering I-Mask protocol

consultations for COVID-19 prophylaxis, treatment.

Innovative Medical Therapies LLC

Pekin, Illinois

Contact: 309-347-2714, clientcare@imtil.com


Direct Primary Care membership payment model

Cash payment model is also available Telemedicine

visits are available

The Center for Primary Healthcare

Orland Park, Illinois

Contact: 708 349 0070


In-office visits allows us to establish a relationship

with new patients in the best manner. Telehealth

visits are provided if infection control is a concern.

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America's Front Line Doctors for the treatment of COVID- info@speakwithanmd.com. Phone#855-503-2657. They do phone visits, and will push you up on the list- since you have COVID. [My 18 year old grandson recovered from COVID without issue, his symptoms never got very bad. Both my daughter and her husband take supplements like (zinc, which has always helped alleviate common cold symptoms. I've always taken during cold and flu season for natural protection); d, c, and quercetin. [Quercetin works with zinc, and make the zinc more effective in fighting viral illness.] Some of these supplements were even listed recently in weekly magazine for Women. My daughter and her husband, both in the same house with my grandson- never came down with COVID. But, they took extra doses of their supplements. My grandson doesn't like taking extra supplements. But, while he was sick, my daughter put them in a healthy smoothie- which he drank. She also had to remind him to drink plenty fluids. [Ask the MD that you speak with about replenishing the electrolyte balance, and avoiding dehydration. Follow directions, and even when you feel you're well- continue to stay home, until you test negative. You don't want to give it to anyone else, nor harm yourself either.] My grandson still hasn't gotten his taste back, but in time he probably will. Some people recommend chiropractic adjustments, and I fully believe a good one can do wonders for a lot of conditions- so worth looking into, if you need to in the future.

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rebecca provided the resources. i would also make sure you have an advocate at the hospital at all times and that your doctor is aligned with the protocols that have been demonstrated to be affective

Be prepared to have an attorney hopefully it won’t come to that but time is of the essence and it’s important to make sure that you get doctors who know what works and is not intimidated by the hospital

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maybe the most important point that is made here is having an advocate at the hospital. And have that advocate watch out for you at all times.

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Brandon, check out these sites to see if you can get telehealth scheduled: if not try and at least get Budesonide and a nebulize from your primary care doctor and ivermectin!




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"How can USA Today print this stuff?" because they're a propaganda agency. You have to realize this is a coordinated propaganda campaign against the general public. Once you start looking at it as being propaganda it's easy to see it across the entire spectrum from local news (watch the compilation videos showing local anchors saying the exact same copy) to all mainstream news providers. It's a coordinated effort.

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I can recall being part of the test group for USA Today back in the early 1980's before this paper became available. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but like 90% of media, has now become totally corrupted by commies.

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Trusted News Initiative.

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Yuup. I had a friend that didn't believe TNI existed. It is looney tunes, but I think that that sort of thing is harder to get to work unlike prior to the internet. On the other hand, a "crisis" could be manufactured to turn off the internet. That would be pretty wild ride for a lot of us.

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you cannot turn off the internet - it's not controlled inside the US or by the US. It's possible to hide parts of it from us - like they do in China - but the internet keeps on humming around us even though we might not see it.

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IDK about these assumptions on the data from VAERS or about the reported dead. REAL data points would be great, eh??

That said, I can tell you from MN that we've only lost 7 kids under 18. Three were under 10 in 2020 and 4 have happened in the last couple months - all 15 year-olds.

Today's Breakthrough Data (as reported in my daily FB post on MN COVID https://www.facebook.com/jami.gaither/posts/2667547000055359) showed that, for the week of 11/6, Fully Vaccinated accounted for 57% of our dead. Last week, it was 52%. So not a good trend...

Though I'm a bit hopeful (tentatively) that we're seeing a reduction from the peak of Delta perhaps? November was striving for a death rate similar to that we saw in January 2021 and December is going for that as well... though perhaps we're losing less dead now than we were? Time will tell... so I'll keep an eye on it and keep on reporting every business day about what we're seeing.

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only. lost.7.kids.

sure that is a great comfort to the families

point here there is a lot of data. parents especially need to do their homework

stand up for your children. because no one else is.

many times the greater good is really the greater evil.

only 7 -:(

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Yeah. Losing a kid sucks. And I'm guessing the ONLY would be NO comfort to the families who've lost them.

I'm only reporting the data... and that "only" in the reporting was to illustrate, in comparison, how many might be affected with AEs from jabs, which seems to be a real possibility those who have not yet jabbed might want to consider.

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i understand that. i respect people presenting facts. we need that. i think it could have been worded differently. i think its critical people to have all of the information to make an informed decision. not shooting the messenger. just thinking about the pain of losing a child. at any age. appreciate all efforts to get people see the dangers of accepting without knowing.

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Just and Only comparisons can be difficult. Yes. I agree. Not sure how to explain it without using these types of words to show comparisons.


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Steve - I agree these vaccines are dangerous and wholly unnecessary. However, I think you may not be restricting your numbers quite enough. Keep in mind that the vaccines were NOT available to everyone when they first rolled out, so the odds that anyone under 18 was getting vaxxed in the early months of 2021 seems astronomically low. I believe the staged rollouts hit different populations in different states at different times, which will make it difficult to find a good beginning point to count from. Perhaps when the 16-17 was announced as eligible by CDC?

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Does not appear CDC database allows for parsing by year but perhaps one needs a login. The aggregates Jan20-Dec21 which may be reason for suspicion. Would seem Timing is a determinative factor to consider vaccine causation. Has anyone seen such data?

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Is it possible that Original Antigenic Sin (which seems to work against adults with COVID, helping to explain why it is not severe in children) may also result in a lower rate of fatalities among children from the vaccines? You asked for a mechanism by which there could be a difference in susceptibility to adverse reactions to the vaccine in children compared to adults. Might this be it?

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Family's agony as dad 'trapped in his own body' following rare reaction from Covid jab

John O’Neill, 42, from Essex, is 'trapped in his body' after being one in 50,000 to suffer an extreme reaction. His family say they aren't anti-vax and don't want their story to be hijacked for the campaign


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Unacceptable, inconceivable, and down right criminal!

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