This is why it’s so hard to have a conversation with someone who believes the whole narrative - the CDC and NIH and FDA and HHS (and all the other 3 letter organizations) and scientists around the world are not being intellectually honest about any of this. In other words, these organizations are lying and so it’s nearly impossible to co…
This is why it’s so hard to have a conversation with someone who believes the whole narrative - the CDC and NIH and FDA and HHS (and all the other 3 letter organizations) and scientists around the world are not being intellectually honest about any of this. In other words, these organizations are lying and so it’s nearly impossible to convince anyone that what they’ve been told by “the experts” is not true. It’s way easier and less earth shattering to believe that masks work than to come to terms with the fact that the whole health and medical community is a fraud.
Add to that, the fact that if they are all lying, it has even bigger, scarier implications and people just can’t handle that thought. So I have friends vowing to continue to get boosted and wear masks “until it’s really over”, which of course will be never. I thought people would figure out it’s a big scam with the first “booster”. Some have thankfully but definitely not all.
It’s a lot to take in, even for someone like me, who is a naturally skeptical person. I can see how naturally trusting people just can’t go there, although it will be to all of our demise if enough people don’t stop complying.
We can't believe it because it is impossible. But there it is.
What we consider impossible is a failure of imagination. Some things are truly impossible, whereas others are just very unlikely until circumstances change, and then they just happen. Our "highly improbable" is categorized as impossible because we do not have the processing power to correctly evaluate future events that change everything. Change takes us by surprise even though it's the only constant.
But time continually shifts probabilities and things continually manifest. Things happen due to "causes and conditions," a Buddhist technical term. We people are slow on the uptake. We deny change and get stuck in the past, always behind the times. The process of upgrading our operating system, a recalibration of reality, is Awakening.
It's a revelation to realize what you knew for sure just ain't so. Once you see, you're on your way, like unraveling a ball of string down a hill. Probabilities adjust to align with our new perception of reality (called predictive processing) and iterative loops accelerate momentum. The world changes when we change our thinking. People talk of Gurus and such but the real teacher is the Mind experiencing moment-to-moment Time. Just don't get stuck. As some Zen Master said, "Don't let your mind settle anywhere."
That is because Psychopaths rise to the top of organizations because they get done what other people cannot do. We make the mistake of thinking they are like us but they're qualitatively different, without empathy and addicted to manipulation. The conspiracy is global because they naturally coordinate with each other at the top to reach their common goals. Essentially they are just doing their job but without the empathetic consideration of consequences to others that would decrease their strategic options.
This makes total sense. I have often thought, ‘who in their right mind would want to be a politician?’ Now I realize it’s a rhetorical question. Same for all the public health officials, pharma CEOs etc.
This is why it’s so hard to have a conversation with someone who believes the whole narrative - the CDC and NIH and FDA and HHS (and all the other 3 letter organizations) and scientists around the world are not being intellectually honest about any of this. In other words, these organizations are lying and so it’s nearly impossible to convince anyone that what they’ve been told by “the experts” is not true. It’s way easier and less earth shattering to believe that masks work than to come to terms with the fact that the whole health and medical community is a fraud.
Add to that, the fact that if they are all lying, it has even bigger, scarier implications and people just can’t handle that thought. So I have friends vowing to continue to get boosted and wear masks “until it’s really over”, which of course will be never. I thought people would figure out it’s a big scam with the first “booster”. Some have thankfully but definitely not all.
Right on.
I am still unable to process the fact that we are facing such a widespread conspiracy despite reading this very book:
"Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?
It’s a lot to take in, even for someone like me, who is a naturally skeptical person. I can see how naturally trusting people just can’t go there, although it will be to all of our demise if enough people don’t stop complying.
We can't believe it because it is impossible. But there it is.
What we consider impossible is a failure of imagination. Some things are truly impossible, whereas others are just very unlikely until circumstances change, and then they just happen. Our "highly improbable" is categorized as impossible because we do not have the processing power to correctly evaluate future events that change everything. Change takes us by surprise even though it's the only constant.
But time continually shifts probabilities and things continually manifest. Things happen due to "causes and conditions," a Buddhist technical term. We people are slow on the uptake. We deny change and get stuck in the past, always behind the times. The process of upgrading our operating system, a recalibration of reality, is Awakening.
It's a revelation to realize what you knew for sure just ain't so. Once you see, you're on your way, like unraveling a ball of string down a hill. Probabilities adjust to align with our new perception of reality (called predictive processing) and iterative loops accelerate momentum. The world changes when we change our thinking. People talk of Gurus and such but the real teacher is the Mind experiencing moment-to-moment Time. Just don't get stuck. As some Zen Master said, "Don't let your mind settle anywhere."
That is because Psychopaths rise to the top of organizations because they get done what other people cannot do. We make the mistake of thinking they are like us but they're qualitatively different, without empathy and addicted to manipulation. The conspiracy is global because they naturally coordinate with each other at the top to reach their common goals. Essentially they are just doing their job but without the empathetic consideration of consequences to others that would decrease their strategic options.
This makes total sense. I have often thought, ‘who in their right mind would want to be a politician?’ Now I realize it’s a rhetorical question. Same for all the public health officials, pharma CEOs etc.
Non-psychopaths hire the psychopaths to do what they are unwilling to do.
A non-psychopath is not a psychopath.
Such a person would not be inclined to subcontract their dirty deeds to a card carrying psychopath.
The non-psycho type would understand the maxim: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
To do otherwise would be wrong.
Malignant Narcissistic Abusers.
Soulless empty portals. Energy parasites.
Exactly. "They would never lie to us." It's almost Stockholm Syndrome at this point.
Agree. A person has to literally want to believe it at this point because the narrative is getting so completely ridiculous.