I agree with what Gin says.. at least try to find some kind of debate format that gets the points out and makes it easy to digest. I was reading through what GVC said and points that were made.. honestly it's hard keeping track. I'm not sure people want to dig through the rebuttals and all the studies to get straight to the points.

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Why not have a virtual debate with their pre-canned answers that you then refute? It would take a lot of editing but we know what they’re going to say already, so it’s more important that your message gets out. To make it real, you must not take anything out of context so it really relates to the subject matter being discussed. You could debate a whole lot of people that way. I think it would get a lot of attention. You could quote or take the footage put a date on it so we know exactly when they said it. As long as this is for literary and scientific purposes, which it is, you would be allowed to use their footage under the fair use laws of the copyright act.

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Your rules seem fair to me . I hope someone takes your debate challenge..... I am not holding my breath. Too many loudmouthed cowards.

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Ok so I watched the NIH debate. Only 1777 people watched it so far which means even most NIH employees thought it wasn't worth their time.

It was just three PPT presentations, basically each side picking the studies they liked. No actual real debate aside from that. The pro-vax lady said VAERS is overreported by at least half, tho her numbers actually imply 90% overreporting. Of course she relies on secret databases like VSD etc to determine this and we are supposed to trust her.

The lawyer argued we should have vax mandates but everyone should be able to get an exemption if they "go through hoops". She compared the mandate to seat belt laws. Kind of a bad analogy but on the other hand those types of laws are a precedent for government mandating your health choices.

Ultimately nobody really cares. You pick your beliefs and that's that. Protest all you want. Makes no difference. The elites are aiming to destroy society so they can build it back in the transhumanist way.

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Steve: Since you can't come to terms for an oral debate with me or anyone else, please join me in written debate here: https://gvc169.substack.com/publish/post/44948009 . My first question, to which you have never responded with anything more that "you're wrong," is posted there: Do you agree that VAERS reporting requirements are different for COVID and previously established vaccines?

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Oops. I got the link wrong, and don't see how to edit the comment.

Here's the correct link: https://gvc169.substack.com/p/engaging-steve-kirsch-in-debate

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What did people think of the NIH debate? I haven't found any reporting about it. https://www.videocast.nih.gov/watch=44165

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Yes! Good having a debate. Only that I know of some ‘smarter’ guys will be saying….”we don’t want to waste time with what is already known- world wide! And so, the push to vaccinate will continue with lie after lie. And we can say, “Don’t say you were not warned”.

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Two more cases from Japan of myocarditis following Pfizer-BioNTech jabs

A 27-year-old man was admitted with chest pain 4 days after the second vaccination. An electrocardiogram (ECG) did not reveal any significant abnormalities. The second patient, a 37-year-old man, was admitted with chest pain 9 days after the first vaccination. His ECG exhibited ST-elevation in multiple leads. In both cases, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging findings were consistent with myocarditis.


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From the abstract of your cited study: "They recovered with symptomatic relief within a few days. These cases suggest that the benefit of COVID-19 vaccination exceeds the risk of vaccine-related myocarditis." Vaccines have long been known to cause adverse reactions in a very, very small number of cases, like one in a million for most vaccines. These cases are easily treated.

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Majority of mumps cases are among the vaccinated, CDC finds

As many as 94 percent of children and adolescents who contracted the highly contagious virus had been vaccinated.


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“We’re talking about an infection that almost every kid in America would get before they were 20. Compared to the pre-vaccine era, kids who get the MMR vaccine remain extremely protected against mumps,” - from the cited study

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Steve, you seem to have forgotten: https://cormack.uwaterloo.ca/kirschoffer.pdf

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not forgotten. you aren't worth $1M.

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You can have my rebuttal to your arguments in writing for free, if you resist the urge to ban me. Also, if you want open debate, take down your pay wall.

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great, why don't you write up answers to all the questions above and I'll post a link to it.

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No, you can have them piecemeal. To start with, the reporting criteria for established vaccines and covid vaccines are different, so you can't compare the reporting rates.

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Steve, when you respond we can proceed. Do you agree in particular that that VAERS requires reporting of deaths and other serious events following vaccination "irrespective of attribution to vaccination"?

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Ivermectin versus NAFLD too!!!! That's some big news,.

2015 paper. Thought I'd drop it off here.

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Maybe you can debate Juan Cole of common dreams

He ha a piece claiming 9 out of 1000 fetuses of unvaxxed moms are being lost when mom dies .

Didn't see any study cited, I must have missed that

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not a credible opponent.

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GOP rejects vaccine mandates for men...in commondreams.org

Juan Cole

I heard women are losing their babies and having blood and menstrual problems

Sometimes post menopause

I always spell it vaxxine....

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I have seen reports that vaxxing hurts women

Juan Cole claims it is the UnVaxxed who Are bad and filthy hippies....

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I have been an expert witness on vaccine injury in a number of court cases, and have been warning about specific COVID vaccine hazards since February, including in a number of my substack articles, and including peer-reviewed. I would also volunteer to participate.

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Has your testimony been qualified under Daubert or Frye?

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I've just emailed you.

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The people in charge are dumb as door knobs, why bother?

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Because the people who trust them are even dumber.

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Good point, but 80 republicans just voted today with Dems to have a digital id vax passport. So at this point we are beginning to fight for our right not to be poisoned.

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In a world where the vax-mandaters really "followed" science, rather than relying on fascism, this would happen. The fact that it won't happen tells you just how scientifically bankrupt they all are. Its like "the dog that didn't bark" - the debate that didn't happen.

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correct. We make a key point even if no debate.

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#4 sounds good as long as the ones who do the ejecting are professional bouncers from the roughest beer joints in Texas, not the moderators. Hire some real hardasses among the professional bouncers and tell them to "make it sting" when they eject a violator.

We all know who will be most likely to interrupt.

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well, trying hard to keep it a civil debate. maybe in debate #4

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OK, but the bouncers will be disappointed. ;-)

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“Sudden Deaths” of Children Under the Age of 12 Start Surfacing After COVID-19 Shots Approved for This Age Group


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I wonder what could have caused this?! Hmmmm.....

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Would be great if you can get Dr. Byram Bridle if possible, that man has been itching for a debate.

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We talk all the time. He's already a team member. GREAT guy.

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