Australians DO have guns. They need to organize and train and learn how to effectively use them.
When I am around someone with a gun, I feel uncomfortable. Do you really THINK that the police react differently? Only IGNORANT citizens have been taken in with firearm suppression. Guns are NOT primarily for hunting. They are CERTAINLY not for criminal activity. They are for our own self-protection, especially against a tyrannical government. If 50 policemen came upon 1,000 armed citizens, do you think that the police will stand and fight? Read what Jesus says on the matter; Luke 14.31-32.
Australians don't have guns. I am not a big proponent of guns however in this case, it is the reason what is happening in Australia will not happen here. I cannot imagine any law enforcement trying to enter a residential home to take someone away because they were in contact with someone who has Covid. They would be fearful and rightfully so. Still horrific what is happening in U.S. Horrifying and unbelievable. I think we are at the tail end of this but we must continue to resist. This mass psychosis/hypnosis is real. Thank you for helping expose this atrocity.
I don't know if anyone else has written about this, but on Nov. 30, the U.S. House of representatives passed H.R. 550, which would expand state and local health department vaccine-tracking systems to monitor the vaccination status of all American citizens, creates a mechanism for federal, state and local governments to enforce vaccine passports or no-fly lists and appropriates $400 million dollars to expand vaccine tracking. The author of the bill, Rep. Ann Kuster of New Hampshire, has said that the bill will help the government “remind” patients when they are ”due” for a “recommended” vaccine or booster and “identify areas with low compliance.”
The bill is now under consideration by the U.S. Senate where, if passed, it could be implemented in under 12 months. I urge everyone to contact your US senators and oppose this.
Ros - you read too much into other people's comments. It is a common flaw in these venues. I am very very much aware of the reality of life in Aboriginal communities & in no way romanticise either contemporary or ancient community life. It was harsh in the extreme, particularly for the women who often suffered merciless beatings and injuries. The traditions have been perpetuated in contemporary life, as anthropologist Peter Sutton documented long ago in his "The Politics of Suffering". However one needs to separate moral outrage from intelligent observation of both historical and contemporary social and cultural history
The people sent out to do this should have been terminated, with prejudice. Just as they come to the door, as many as you can get before they get you. It is self defense Mate.
How come the International Tennis Federation hasn't canceled yet the Australian Open? Tennis players from democratic countries shouldn't be putting up with the government's denial of basic human rights and suppression of views that do not correspond with the government's views.
I'm a senior citizen who has held senior positions with federal and state governments, worked in developing countries as well as the U.S. and has been on the cutting edge of initiatives that bring together the worlds of education and employment
Just like Caada eh? This is what 'free' health care looks like, that is of course after they take your guns. KILL THEM FUCKING ALL! Children included so their lines end too. FUCK FAUCI IN HIS ASS USING BILL GATES SEVERED DICK STIFFENED WITH REBAR.
I warned you dumbfucks not to wear masks 2 fng years ago, you stupid motherfucks!
Americans, let the Land Down Under be all the proof we need to never ever willingly give up our 🔥arms, our Ammunition, and most importantly our 2nd Amendment Rights!!! Look at how the DemocRats and their partners in crime the Establishment Republicans treat us with the 2nd Amendment in place, imagine what they would do if 'God' forbid we give up our 2nd Amendment rights!!!
Unfortunately your comment is why there is so much exaggeration about Australia. It is used by the gun fanatics to encourage Americans to believe they need their guns. Fear not, you have 300 million guns for 329 million people so more than enough to slaughter all of you. Trust me, if the Government got serious and used the military none of you would stand a chance with your guns and owning guns just ups the chances you die by the gun.
Meanwhile in the rest of the developed world people are less fearful and more civilized and believe they can defend their rights and freedoms without weapons.
Yours are the words of a fool! If it comes to what you state, with the government, then the Nation is lost already. Blind eyes refuse to see reality. The world has changed, in but two short years. The "rest of the developed world" - as YOU say - is in the streets!
People who resort to abuse are admitting they cannot mount a coherent rebuttal. Then again being obsessed with guns is hardly an indicator of intelligence.
It is because I read history I know armed citizenry are no match for fascist Government. The awareness of enough people in society is more effective and more powerful, and, even then, sometimes it is not enough. Guns bring death and blood, not freedom. Americans are fed the mother's milk of fantasy about their foundation where they broke away from the British in bloody rebellion. Countries like Canada and Australia gained their freedom without blood and slaughter.
And look at us now with Justin Commie Trudeau in charge. He didn't win the last election. I wish every good citizen in Canada had the right to bear arms!
I think people are beginning to understand what is going on here. They tried to shut down the alternative news and the main stream media went on full action to stop the truth. The truth got out. No, Biden didn't win and a freedom-loving people are going to fix that.
Freedom-loving people can fix it without the streets being filled with blood. Thank God the American way is not the way of the rest of the developed world.
Having lived in South Africa a few times it is a country in which I prefer not to live. Like the US, high levels of violence particularly gun violence.
It doesn't do much good to have a gun in your holster when your "Brother" is under attack. Americans are effectively neutered, I don't believe we would defend our own childrens lives. We prove that everyday, sending them to daycare and schools from cradle to the grave. No wonder they love the tyrant, he is their true Father.
Judging by his surname this poor doctor is almost certainly a South African Expat who moved to Australia. I feel so sorry for them in particular, doing everything right to flee impending tyranny, only to end up governed by the Karen culture of the Australian convict colony.
Blah, the convict slur. Get over it mate. Both Canada and the US started out using convict labour. Nothing unusual in any of it. Australia remains one of the best places in the world to live and having nutter Governments in the name of Covid is something it shares with other developed nations including the US.
So first your governement took your weapons over a score of years, one little tightening of the rules at a time, and now they put dissenters in concentration camps.
It sure does remind me of certain other countries, in Europe.
No they did not take weapons over scores of years. After a bad massacre, you know the sort of things Americans have every week, the Government decided to make stricter regulations for gun ownership and since most Australians did not care about guns, offered to buyback from anyone who agreed to participate.
And there are no concentration camps in Australia. God, the ignorance of people who repeat this tripe.
So first your governement took your weapons over a score of years, one little tightening of the rules at a time, and now they put dissenters in concentration camps.
It sure does remind me of certain other countries, in Europe.
Our hospitals in Perth are really struggling, we just laid of 2000 nurses because of the mandates, and they were in a terrible state before that. They’ve been neglected for years, our premier didn’t even fix them up when the pandemic started - it took a little girl dying from waiting too long in emergency for him to do something. They are so crowded, one lady posted on Facebook that she had been waiting in emergency for 5 days on a trolly, waiting for surgery on her face infection. It had gotten so bad in that time, she required a large portion of cheek bone to be removed.
All of this when we have no Covid in the state. This will be one reason his ‘no jab no job’ mandates are so strict - to make up for his neglect of the hospitals. Probably also why he is delaying opening our borders till February (whilst the hospital expansion work is quickly done).
Australians DO have guns. They need to organize and train and learn how to effectively use them.
When I am around someone with a gun, I feel uncomfortable. Do you really THINK that the police react differently? Only IGNORANT citizens have been taken in with firearm suppression. Guns are NOT primarily for hunting. They are CERTAINLY not for criminal activity. They are for our own self-protection, especially against a tyrannical government. If 50 policemen came upon 1,000 armed citizens, do you think that the police will stand and fight? Read what Jesus says on the matter; Luke 14.31-32.
Australians don't have guns. I am not a big proponent of guns however in this case, it is the reason what is happening in Australia will not happen here. I cannot imagine any law enforcement trying to enter a residential home to take someone away because they were in contact with someone who has Covid. They would be fearful and rightfully so. Still horrific what is happening in U.S. Horrifying and unbelievable. I think we are at the tail end of this but we must continue to resist. This mass psychosis/hypnosis is real. Thank you for helping expose this atrocity.
I don't know if anyone else has written about this, but on Nov. 30, the U.S. House of representatives passed H.R. 550, which would expand state and local health department vaccine-tracking systems to monitor the vaccination status of all American citizens, creates a mechanism for federal, state and local governments to enforce vaccine passports or no-fly lists and appropriates $400 million dollars to expand vaccine tracking. The author of the bill, Rep. Ann Kuster of New Hampshire, has said that the bill will help the government “remind” patients when they are ”due” for a “recommended” vaccine or booster and “identify areas with low compliance.”
The bill is now under consideration by the U.S. Senate where, if passed, it could be implemented in under 12 months. I urge everyone to contact your US senators and oppose this.
The vaccines are killing people! Cancers are on the rise because the vaccine destroys your immune system.
U.S. Invests $1.5 Mil to Help Salvadoran Police Deal with COVID-19 Stress
Ros - you read too much into other people's comments. It is a common flaw in these venues. I am very very much aware of the reality of life in Aboriginal communities & in no way romanticise either contemporary or ancient community life. It was harsh in the extreme, particularly for the women who often suffered merciless beatings and injuries. The traditions have been perpetuated in contemporary life, as anthropologist Peter Sutton documented long ago in his "The Politics of Suffering". However one needs to separate moral outrage from intelligent observation of both historical and contemporary social and cultural history
The people sent out to do this should have been terminated, with prejudice. Just as they come to the door, as many as you can get before they get you. It is self defense Mate.
How come the International Tennis Federation hasn't canceled yet the Australian Open? Tennis players from democratic countries shouldn't be putting up with the government's denial of basic human rights and suppression of views that do not correspond with the government's views.
Money, money, money, money and more money - follow the money
Money is their weapon. The medical profession agrees. George Soros and his boys know they can buy you if you are a low-life scum.
I'm a senior citizen who has held senior positions with federal and state governments, worked in developing countries as well as the U.S. and has been on the cutting edge of initiatives that bring together the worlds of education and employment
Similar to Canada. Oh, and medical professionals like anesthesiologists in the States, where I know one.
Just like Caada eh? This is what 'free' health care looks like, that is of course after they take your guns. KILL THEM FUCKING ALL! Children included so their lines end too. FUCK FAUCI IN HIS ASS USING BILL GATES SEVERED DICK STIFFENED WITH REBAR.
I warned you dumbfucks not to wear masks 2 fng years ago, you stupid motherfucks!
Americans, let the Land Down Under be all the proof we need to never ever willingly give up our 🔥arms, our Ammunition, and most importantly our 2nd Amendment Rights!!! Look at how the DemocRats and their partners in crime the Establishment Republicans treat us with the 2nd Amendment in place, imagine what they would do if 'God' forbid we give up our 2nd Amendment rights!!!
Unfortunately your comment is why there is so much exaggeration about Australia. It is used by the gun fanatics to encourage Americans to believe they need their guns. Fear not, you have 300 million guns for 329 million people so more than enough to slaughter all of you. Trust me, if the Government got serious and used the military none of you would stand a chance with your guns and owning guns just ups the chances you die by the gun.
Meanwhile in the rest of the developed world people are less fearful and more civilized and believe they can defend their rights and freedoms without weapons.
Yours are the words of a fool! If it comes to what you state, with the government, then the Nation is lost already. Blind eyes refuse to see reality. The world has changed, in but two short years. The "rest of the developed world" - as YOU say - is in the streets!
No how hard we try, we can't fix stupid and as you can see, she is as stupid as they come!!!
People who resort to abuse are admitting they cannot mount a coherent rebuttal. Then again being obsessed with guns is hardly an indicator of intelligence.
Sorry mate, Australians are also in the street we just don't have guns. Only fools take to the street with guns.
Useful idiot, I hope your chains rest lightly and breathe deep the gas in the chamber, it will go easier on you.
While you writhe on the ground full of bullets. Yeah, I can see the advantages of guns against intelligence.
ROFLMAO......... It's okay, you will do fine. Collaborators and weaklings always survive.
Yes and the weak collaborators are the ones carrying guns. Best of luck.
No Roslyn, Go back and read your history. Trust me, if the Government got serious and used the military none of you would stand.
Wow!!! Are you paying attention and read a history book once and awhile....
It is because I read history I know armed citizenry are no match for fascist Government. The awareness of enough people in society is more effective and more powerful, and, even then, sometimes it is not enough. Guns bring death and blood, not freedom. Americans are fed the mother's milk of fantasy about their foundation where they broke away from the British in bloody rebellion. Countries like Canada and Australia gained their freedom without blood and slaughter.
And look at us now with Justin Commie Trudeau in charge. He didn't win the last election. I wish every good citizen in Canada had the right to bear arms!
Americans are armed to the teeth and a lot of them believe Biden did not win so it hardly helps.
I think people are beginning to understand what is going on here. They tried to shut down the alternative news and the main stream media went on full action to stop the truth. The truth got out. No, Biden didn't win and a freedom-loving people are going to fix that.
Freedom-loving people can fix it without the streets being filled with blood. Thank God the American way is not the way of the rest of the developed world.
How do you like South Africa so far?
Having lived in South Africa a few times it is a country in which I prefer not to live. Like the US, high levels of violence particularly gun violence.
Roslyn, the gun violence in America has nothing to do with the people who are holding their guns, waiting and ready. This is about freedom.
It doesn't do much good to have a gun in your holster when your "Brother" is under attack. Americans are effectively neutered, I don't believe we would defend our own childrens lives. We prove that everyday, sending them to daycare and schools from cradle to the grave. No wonder they love the tyrant, he is their true Father.
They are terrified of a cornered freedom-fighter! When it comes to our children, they lose!
Judging by his surname this poor doctor is almost certainly a South African Expat who moved to Australia. I feel so sorry for them in particular, doing everything right to flee impending tyranny, only to end up governed by the Karen culture of the Australian convict colony.
Blah, the convict slur. Get over it mate. Both Canada and the US started out using convict labour. Nothing unusual in any of it. Australia remains one of the best places in the world to live and having nutter Governments in the name of Covid is something it shares with other developed nations including the US.
So first your governement took your weapons over a score of years, one little tightening of the rules at a time, and now they put dissenters in concentration camps.
It sure does remind me of certain other countries, in Europe.
No they did not take weapons over scores of years. After a bad massacre, you know the sort of things Americans have every week, the Government decided to make stricter regulations for gun ownership and since most Australians did not care about guns, offered to buyback from anyone who agreed to participate.
And there are no concentration camps in Australia. God, the ignorance of people who repeat this tripe.
So first your governement took your weapons over a score of years, one little tightening of the rules at a time, and now they put dissenters in concentration camps.
It sure does remind me of certain other countries, in Europe.
Our hospitals in Perth are really struggling, we just laid of 2000 nurses because of the mandates, and they were in a terrible state before that. They’ve been neglected for years, our premier didn’t even fix them up when the pandemic started - it took a little girl dying from waiting too long in emergency for him to do something. They are so crowded, one lady posted on Facebook that she had been waiting in emergency for 5 days on a trolly, waiting for surgery on her face infection. It had gotten so bad in that time, she required a large portion of cheek bone to be removed.
All of this when we have no Covid in the state. This will be one reason his ‘no jab no job’ mandates are so strict - to make up for his neglect of the hospitals. Probably also why he is delaying opening our borders till February (whilst the hospital expansion work is quickly done).
Your hospitals are full of people injured by the Jabs.
Yeah I saw that scum premier the other week saying hospitals were struggling, and had no idea why, even though zero covid cases.
The other factor is vaccine injured...
These monsters have to go