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Type 2 diabetes can be readily reversed by changing diet, specifically by cutting carbs and increasing protein. Intermittent fasting helps as well.

Enough with the drugs. Diabetes is a disease of highly processed food, of which Americans eat a metric shit ton.

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This is true for most patients. I dislike the use of the word "cure" here; "put in remission" is far more honest.

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And whiIe it was quietIy acknowIedged by the MedicaI Mafia for a Iong time that Type 1 diabetes was one of the "adverse events" foIIowing chiIdhood vaccinations, they more recentIy have added (aIso very quietIy) Type 2 diabetes to that Iist.

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Type 1 diabetes is not the same as type 2. We will die without insulin. We could live on salad and still die.

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yup, gotta daughter in this "boat"--Keto/organic veery low carb (some low carb veggies like lettuce!)--if her pump drains an' we don't catch it we have high blood sugars without her eatin' a single bite--all those judgin' the Type 1's are full've it... That said, I'm uber skeptical of ANYTHING from a Big Pharma co (even if it were not SV40 baloney fake "polio" shots that caused illness from a rotten company...) I would be thrilled with a cure fer my kid--but this sounds like hopium!

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I know T1D is different and from a different cause. I agree a T1 diabetic would quickly die if they ate salad. That's because salad is plant and plants make carbohydrate as their main energy storage system. Carbohydrate is their compact store of the sugar energy they photo synthesise as glucose, just as fat is the animal's main store for energy.. blood glucose is managed by insulin. T1 diabetics don't make insulin. I get it. So don't eat food which relies on insulin to remove the excess glucose from your blood. I have two T1 family members who manage very well without exogenous dietary related insulin needs using this approach.

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What does тАЬexogenous dietary related insulin тАЬ even mean?? If you are type 1, even if you fasted , your BS would rise without insulin. IтАЩm type 1 and eat animal based diet and need at least basal insulin. Look up gluconeogenesis.

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Okay. Sorry. I'm too defensive. I get so tired of people telling me I can get rid of type 1 be doing this or that differently. ЁЯШТ

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even Dr. Bernstein who has not eaten ANY carbs since 1970! (he's still goin'!) needs insulin (I think 4-8 units a day?)--even if all ya eat is protein & fat--or sometimes nuthin'! literally NOTHING! the b/s goes up without it--perhaps it's based in each individual's auto-immune makeup an' some can go totally without insulin via diet alone but not my kid... we've been at this rodeo for YEARS. I don't trust these folks that say diet alone can cure Type 1 or a lotta carnivores would have been cured already...

also MEAT (just meat even fatty meat) turns ta carbs--glycogenisis... so I guess if you ONLY ate fat (and took vitamins?) you can go sans insulin--eatin' just FAT (or tallow) doesn't seem fun... I don't believe these folks...(honestly)

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I clearly said type 2.

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Aren't these 2 different diseases?

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Doesn't have to be highly processed 'food',. ALL carbage aka carbohydrate from whatever source will raise blood sugar,, then raise insulin, and too much causes problems. Given that we regulate blood glucose to 5g in our 5l blood it doesn't take much to get overloaded.

Carbohydrate is ultimately glucose. Don't eat it and blood sugar is fine. Given that T2D is metabolic dysfunction caused by inability to regulate blood sugar, and blood sugar is raised by carbohydrate it doesn't take a genius to work out what to do.

Sorting diabetes doesn't meed pharmaceutical intervention, it just needs common sense to eat right so no, I don't recommend supporting this venture, even for T1D.

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Type 1 is an autoimmune disease. Please don't put people down when you don't know what causes our disease.

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no, that doesn't bring the beta cells back to life. People are "managing" their diabetes, not curing it. To cure it, you have to inject new islet cells that can secret insulin.

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What happens when you cure the cells and the person keep eating carbs? We are not supposed to eat so many carbs, and throughout the year. Diabetes 2 is caused by prolonged elevated blood glucose, and most other autoimmune diseases as well. If you take the toxin out, and the disease goes away, why would you put the poison back and keep chasing cells to fix? Would be interesting if this drug would also change that person human biochemistry or they will have to keep taking that drug in order to keep generating new cells. Please review the info Prof. Bart Kay gives about human metabolism, biochemistry, etc. Maybe even challenge him for a debate to go through this research. My experience is that low carb / carnivore diet made my Ulcerative Colitis go completely away. On top of that I feel physically and cognitively better than ever before. IтАЩm not alone. I do believe that instead of developing more drugs that тАЬsolveтАЭ nutritional problems, maybe itтАЩs better to spend the money on high quality human nutritional research that is not funded by the food industry or the тАЬseventh day Adventist ChurchтАЭ. I know you constantly looking for ways to help people and highly appreciated your flight during COVID. thanks to you we didnтАЩt take the shot.. let me pay back by suggesting going into what is truly a proper human diet and how itтАЩs healing people from chronic and autoimmune conditions.

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Getting rid of liver and pancreatic fat is what brings beta cells "back to life".

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Is this a MRNA platform?

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Sure, It doesn't bring dead cells back to life, I never presumed it would. But if it means diabetes is 'managed' and blood sugar levels normalised is there harm in that? I am somewhat surprised that you could even consider injecting more foreign material into your body, especially as there is an easy and safe alternative. There are many accounts of folk with failing and failed beta cells regenerating once the stress on them has been relieved by not stressing them to over produce insulin. Might be worth you peering into that rabbit hole.

Still, we are all different and I wish you well on your chosen journey looking for third party interventionist solutions.

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