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Jeff Childers recently shared (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-saturday-may-7) a story about running into Tom Renz at the airport.

When Tom told Jeff he was on his way to testify before Congress about military jab injuries, Jeff asked him, “Tom, who’s crazy enough to call you in Congress to blow the lid off this thing?”

“Ron Johnson,” Tom said.

Ron is crazy courageous, and we are exceptionally fortunate to have him fighting on behalf of the vaxx-injured and -killed.

Steve, I know you like your lists, so I wanted to let you know I’ve put together a list of 10 signs people can use to determine whether they are suffering from menticide—and more importantly, I’ve developed a 12-step program people can use to recover!

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

I am trying to blast this into the zeitgeist as I feel the concept of a 12-step program for menticide has the potential to awaken people to the fact that this condition exists and is reversible (consider the impact the idea “mass formation” had because it explained two years of insanity to those who had still had sense) and what to do about it. Any help blasting would be appreciated :-)

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Margaret - that was a wonderful piece which I shared on a Nextdoor thread with a very hostile Covidian. His response demonstrated exactly what it means to menticided. Other readers noticed it.

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Aww, thank you so much, Jeff, and I am astonished it survived the NextDoor censorship Stasi! I gave up posting there ages ago as almost everything I shared got deleted in seconds. I think they had my account flagged for special attention 😆

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