Mankind has seen this before.

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany [Note - The disobedient, political opponents were declared mentally disabled, defective, treated the same as those with physical disabilities who this article primarily speaks to.]

Catholic Culture, 2002


"Complicity of the Medical Professions

It is important to note that the enactment of prejudice against people with disabilities in Nazi Germany could not have succeeded without the complicity of the medical and adjunct professions. Power over life and death was placed firmly in the hands of physicians who became white-coated executioners, having long abandoned the "do no harm" clause of the Hippocratic Oath. Currently, there is evidence of the medical community's again being willing agents in hastening the deaths of people deemed not viable, including people with disabilities, through familiar methods for ending the lives of terminally ill people, such as starvation and death by thirst. Furthermore, there is evidence that "do no harm" is now viewed as a somewhat quaint throwback to a distant, less sophisticated era. For example, many physicians no longer take the Hippocratic Oath before beginning their careers, and many standard hospital treatment protocols now stipulate that staff physicians may override next-of-kin requests for patient treatment if the physician decides that treatment will likely be ineffective (Smith, 2000). Once again, patients, including those with disabilities who are terminally ill, now bear the responsibility of justifying their existence and their need for treatment. This being the case, and with the clear understanding that not all physicians put the greater good ahead of their individual patients, there should at least be some debate about what this means for people with disabilities, many of whom rely extensively on the assumption that their physicians have their best individual treatment interests at heart and will treat them regardless of utilitarian arguments to the contrary.

Bonus - a piece by a prominent constitutional scholar written in 1953 about the US law on eugenics. Buck v. Bell. Opinion written in the 1920's by a "civil rights" celebrated Supreme Court justice who said: "Three generations of imbeciles is enough." That ruling was used as template by Nazi doctors, politicians setting up their Final Solution. This US case even used as defense by the perpetrators of war crimes in their Nuremberg trials. And surprise, surprise, surprise - it still stands as US law today! Even upheld in a 2001 case.


Think it couldn't happen here in the US - and be considered lawful?

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The entire Reich's archive systems were confiscated by the Allies. Knowing the German's meticulousness in their professions and life, we can expect all their practices to be documented in those archives. Can you reference your claims here to one of those documents?

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The Allied confiscated this document but withheld it until the KGB files were opened during Glasnost. The Hitler Stalin Pact Secret Protocols.


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1939 – Hitler and Stalin Pact revealed.

2020 – National Socialist Fascist R’s and Global Communist Marxist D’s Pact revealed.

Both Hitler and Stalin had strategic aims in the Pact, the land divied up and the time they bought to strengthen their power. Ultimately it failed when both sides eventually betrayed each other after securing their gains. Stalin didn’t fulfill the terms of the Secret Protocols both had agreed to that weren’t revealed in the official Pact and Hitler perceived a window of advantage. They’ve learned from history not to betray the pact until free and democratic peoples are under their full control. The Deplorable’s and Bitter Clinger’s. Once we’re eliminated or subjugated then they’ll vie for top dog.

Another big difference is there’s no truly free and democratic USA, UK, Canada and Australia allies to fight this war against the National Socialist Fascists and Global Communist Marxists. It’s up to We, The People.

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Thanks for the leg work. But not relevant to my question.

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The original post has your answers. As do the transcripts to the Nuremberg Subsequent trials. I post the rest for people interested in learning relevant history, not trolls trolling.

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I checked my original question to see if I inadvertently did not write my question in Japanese causing you not understand what I asked for. Fortunately, I didn't. So, you have no excuse, well, except getting caught in a dead-end dark alley.

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Your question was answered in first post. You ignored it on your own. I decided to share more for other readers, you proved you're one of those three generations of imbeciles Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote of. And the your friends, the Nazi's, embraced murdering with gusto. As they'd have put you down. Feeble mindedness, and all.

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The Justice (or Judges) Case:


The Doctors (or Medical) Case:


The Subsequent Nuremberg Trials: An Overview:



The Flick Case (Industrialists)

The I. G. Farben Case (Big Pharma)

The Krupp Case (Industrialists)

The Ministries Case (Government Bureaucrats)

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Thanks for the leg work. But please read my question again and find a relevant document regarding your claims on what NotSeez were doing to the bodily and mentally disabled Germans described by their own pen.

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Good program, but Tom Renz has yet to make much progress with his suits according to your program which you have to hunt for on Rumble.

My concerns is that the money interests are going to play us all for fools and continue to stonewall suits and strong efforts by dedicated media.

Blackrock and State street will try to buy out the lawyers and hire PR firms to cause lawsuits to fail. Renz needs righteous investors who will not sell out.

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We are currently in the midst of the Second Holocaust—but this one is global, and sadly the casualty numbers will dwarf those of the Jewish Holocaust. The C-19 shot is causing a slow genocide, guaranteed to kill millions of innocent victims because of the globalist squad, including Fauci, Bill Gates, Claus Schwab, Tedros and others should face a second Nuremberg trial. And let the nooses fall where they may!

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I very much appreciate an MD's opposing opinion on this crisis how much ever it is in minority and hope you voice your opinion in your daily profession and life as well. Please don't ruin your stature by vacillating into world history which obviously is not your forte.

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Ironically, I just finished with the book Killing the SS: The Hunt for the Worst War Criminals in History, by O'Reilly and Dugard about hunting Nazi war criminals after World War II. I can't help but wonder how all this will eventually play out.

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Did Pfizer invent a VaXX for Tryanny?...Just sayin....

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Have no fear people….the WHO is now the new government of the world…in this country under the Military Department of Defense… who has weaponized our medical departments! Weaponized medical martial law….for the entire world is now the new normal….they will keep providing the viruses….and then they will provide….the mandatory vaccines to prevent the spread and the lockdowns…and the masks… and the whole shebang! As you know “Monkeypox” is the new “virus” there trying to go with… but if that doesn’t take off soon… it will be something else! They’ve found a way…at last…that works! One of the ways to help stop this is at the local level…getting police and military to see they and there families are not immune to this tyranny.… and will be one of the statistics sooner or later! If we can get sheriffs and police and members of the military to recognize this and come on board…we might have a fighting chance!🙂

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Now that the enormous harm has been inflicted upon humanity thru creation of a phantom evil agent in the air, it seems to be the time to bring in a phantom evil force in the past (apparently hiding behind the Stalagmites and Stalactites of the deeeeep down caves all these years) to blame it all on. Soon we will see interviews with Mike Adams, Stew Peters, Alex Jones, etc. to help solidify the idea. HHHow speeeeeciaaaal!

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We of "The Not Shot Lot" learn and post here on The Web.

It's becoming very clear to US that the complete COVID-19

catastrophe is ONE GIGANTIC WEB now covering this planet

trapping so many deceived victims and US if we are not very



I post publicly on MeWe. STAY AND KEEP WELL NATURALLY!


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I am worried the TPTB may pull something else from out of left field, when we are focused on exposing this horror.

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Sadly, they already HAVE! According to Pfizer's forced-released documents beginning last January, they state "they only need to vaccinate 35% of the population who will then infect the rest through the air they breathe and touch of their skin." These infections (a.k.a. shedding) include "blood clots." Some doubt that this is true but I am not. Evil Pfizer wanted

all the horrible info secret for 75 years. A majority here have already been jabbed. Take natural supplements to thwart their evil plans!

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Legal courses of action are at best defend-and-delay tactics in judicial as well as executive and legislative branches of government which have long been corporatized to develop a fascist state in the U$, Inc. The history of the Pharmafia's court corruption alone, from earlier establishment of its liability immunity (the only kind Big Harma cares about) to the still current state of exception to the rule of law by emregnecy diktat instituted with the covid coup, bears witness to the march of an "inverted totalitarianism" (Sheldon Wolin) that envisions a future for us of a "boot stamping on a human face, forever" (Orwell).

Ever since corporations became persons in the eyes of the law well over a century ago, they have exercised a power not reserved for persons like us, enabled to claim 'rights' above the law to have our liberties usurped by the rule of the rich. Any challenge we the people might bring to their sway over society is set up to be conducted on anything but a level playing field, beginning with all the challenges that are rendered moot, if ever undertaken, due to the overwhelming finanical resources commanded by these beasts.

The law of the land, like us, is under siege. And it's up to popular movements among we the people to take on the power in motion against us, not least of all through the captured contrivances of government serving as a protection racket for oligarchs who are busy dismantling remnants of constitutional sovereignty across the world. Without organized political will by critical masses of us in revolt if not revolution, what happens in the courts will stay in the courts' indefinite and interminable bureaucratic mazes, and rather than cases signalling causes of people in motion against tyranny they will remain subject to the same old shell games long played by criminal powers over us.

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Excellent synopsis. Yesteryear folks used to call it "nurturing snake in one's sleeves". This is what will happen when people allow "democracy" becomes a runaway train.

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Keep up the pressure till they have to answer

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This needs to be exposed.

My husband was "kidnapped" called “body snatching and human trafficking" when he was transported by ambulance to the local hospital's emergency room due to a fall and needing sutures on his head.

I gave the ambulance personnel his hearing aids.

He couldn't hear the staff, and he was also given a "fake"PCR test and was given a "fake" diagnosis of covid and "fake" so-called treatment (invasion of his body).

He was "locked up"for 9 days in a "new" covid unit. NO visitors allowed and forget advocating for him. Hospital has full power and control over the situation and receiving financial gain from the various facets of the hospitalization from the fake test to eventual discharge.

We believe that he would have been kept in "prison" (hospital) for another 5 days which would have agreed with the governor's 14 days of quarantine.

I went to the hospital on day 9 and surrounded by a security guard and told the "very tall" Physical Therapist, who was called to the scene, that he has to "follow" the laws just like I had to when I worked in hospitals.

Within a very short time frame, I was told that husband would be discharged.

I wonder why.

Was it because I was an "insider" and knew how hospitals are suppose to operate according to their state license?

I think so.

Knowledge is power if you know how to use it.

I have been through many, many "state" inspections.

I was ONCE cited for not having a "patient rights" booklet in my office. I thought I would get a 100% score after reviewing my many charts on my "own" time with NO pay but that failed in this case.

What happened to patient rights?

We finally received the hospital records (some of it anyways) and nothing in it showing treatment for a virus. It was about pre-existing conditions.

Can't treat a non-existent "novel" virus anyways.

That does NOT warrant a "lock up."

He was under the care of the local outpatient health center. NO ONE there suggested a PCR test, and NO ONE there suggested that he had covid.

This is criminal behavior.

We contacted the Maine AG and the local county sheriff and reported this and requested an "investigation" into this matter.

We heard from the AG's office (not him, of course), and they made referrals but did NOT say anything about conducting an investigation.

We haven't heard from the local sheriff's office.

We are looking for an attorney who has the guts to take on this case. One attorney would not take the case.

We also believe that we are NOT alone in this. That "new" covid unit had to be filled up to serve the hospital's agenda.

Furthermore, NO inform consent was provided.

Treatment planning is a "written" agreement between patient and the professional after a through assessment and contacting loved ones and other professionals thru a release form of which the patient can choose to sign or not.

It's all about written agreements NOT kidnapping someone.

Any thoughts?

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Thank you for the link.

I will pass it on.

Unfortunately, husband needed sutures on his injured head from a fall, and we NOW (had no idea at the time what would happen to him) believe that the emergency room was used as a "gateway" operation to use the fake PCR test and diagnose him with covid to enter the "new" covid unit and locked up for financial gain.

We also believe that others were "snatched," too, by whatever means.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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You know Steve is going to call you "denier", right?!

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Just had to go to ER for possible cellulitus, I was ready to do battle. If I refused any PCR test I figured to throw their whole plan out the window. To my surprise this hospital did not ask for PCR Test or even if I had been jabbed. They just treated me. What a shock.

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I'd like to watch this conversation but for me in Europe 4pm PT is sleeping hours. What is the simplest way of finding it tomorrow?

Is there anybody who can tell me?

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No worries: the recording will be reloaded to Steve's blog later tonight or tomorrow.

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Thank you only I haven't found the blog.

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Thank God for fighters-for-truth like Mr. Renz! Steve, do you know if anyone is fighting against the CMS mandate? I hate to think that it’ll just be one of those things that never dies and gets swept under the rug only to be pulled out and used against dissenting healthcare workers when “they” find it convenient.

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Tom Renz is amazing, a one-man tornado of action. The pictures should be a hurricane, tsunami, tidal wave and tornado.

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Bolshevism would be more appropriate. If you want to understand what’s going on today, maybe research Weimar Germany, they even had Antifa burning down churches, and judges freeing criminals too.

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A timely comment. That is exactly what it is.

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