In Canada Peak of Vaccine rollout was June 2021 dose1 & Jan 15 2022 dose 2 (see link below). 100,000 per day reached in March 16 2021 (death spikes start here). Vaccine should have reduced death by 1000 per week, instead it increased it by 1000 per week with unusual spikes in June 2021 & Jan 15 2022 (1095 more deaths in a week than the peak of the pandemic) . Stats Canada weekly death counts is the primary Gold Standard data set for all science related to pandemics & the safety of the COVID VAX; all other science & statements must agree with this data or they are incorrect. This data suggests that the COVID SHOTS have killed at minimum 100,000 people in Canada. Any human 8 years old or older with a set of eyes can see this. Please compare the vaccine doses administered in Canada (Our world in Data-john Hopkins Uni - see link below) to the Stats Canada weekly deaths (see link below). if you look at cases in Canada (our world in data) they went up 500% higher than the peak of the original pandemic after the vaccine (& we stopped PCR tests for public as soon as this data increase started so the numbers would be much higher) - (see also Denmark numbers for cases after vax rollout - it confirms the trend & their case rise is about 2700% higher than the peak of the pandemic). This is absolute proof that the COVID VAX & other measures & treatments killed large numbers in Canada. Statements like "Safe & Effective" are clearly the opposite of the facts but any doctor in Canada will lose their license for saying otherwise. This does not include injury. Note: the death numbers shown for 2023 in stats Canada will creep up over time as I they keep finding deaths for about a year or more before present date. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2020017-eng.htm https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?facet=none&Metric=Vaccine+doses&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=false&Color+by+test+positivity=false&country=~CAN

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Why do you bother to "debate" deliberate liars like Denis Rancourt, who claims there was no (covid-1984) pandemic?

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@stkirsch Wassup Steve, big fan, so I listened to you on The Shannon Joy Show and you were great but you mentioned that you disagreed with Denis and that the virus was real and as proof you offered that when you thought you had covid you took an assay test and it was pos for c19 and when you felt like you surely did not have c19 you'd take the test and it was negative. Can you explain to me why you feel the assay test is more accurate than the pcr? How can it be when as the chinese at the lab stated, they could not isolate the virus and according to Tom Cowan, viruses have never been isolated hence the worthlessness behind the science pointing to their pathology.

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JoJo, I aint trying to tell you I know what's going on. I DO KNOW that IT IS SO FUCKED UP. SO DISGRACEFUL. SO OUTTA CONTROL. SO MURDEROUS, AWFUL, UGLY, HORRENDOUS, TORTUROUS, and CRIMINAL that I CAN MURDER ANY GOVERNMENT AGENT AT ANY LEVEL in ANY CITY, in any COUNTY, in any STATE, IN AMERICA and know that I tried to fight against my oppressors. If you killed the heads of any CORPORATION or CARTEL, you would not only be helping Americans but the rest of the world.

ONCE THE CABAL SEIZES all of the industries, all of the media, and all of the branches of government at every level to commit horrors on YOU and everyone in the country AND YOU DON'T KILL THEM ! YOU ARE THE KILLERS. YOU ARE MURDEROUS, YOU'RE the torturers of humanity. Willfull complicit chariots to your own kids demise. POISONING your children yourself WOULD BE A BETTER END TO THIS DESPOTISM. They cannot profit from harvesting your kids future of chemical dependency, depraved outlooks in every facet of life. They cannot have their minds destroyed by cultural marxism, crafted subservience, poisons that create conditions, imprisonment, experimental gene therapies. In a death cult created by mafias; Death is always a willing end to the victims of the game. The sociopath or psychopath in our system rewards those who are willing to kill for profit. Once this measure reached crescendo-it became the only measure by which the cartels (mafias wielded power). It is a deathcult. And you support your own demise. You support the sale and solicitation of children. you support the murder of innocent women and children whenever you hold titles for the S&P500. Carrying out the death of yourself, or on your murderous killer-class or removing yourself from their deathly grasp by suicide is acceptable in a mafia just as it is in our American legalized version. It is why children choose death rather than join in the ranks of this mind-controrted, despotic controlled living hell, in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Children rightly choose death rather than join the cult that kills in their name. Rightly choose death rather than join the cult that has imprisoned their parents. Rightly choose death rather than give more of their life as ammunition the most worthless despots who ever walked the face of the Earth. THAT IS THE AMERICA THAT I KNOW. AND I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN WILLING TO SAY THAT.

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Great convo Steve and Denis. It appears that most or maybe all of what think is 'medical science' is pure nonsense. We know there are many causes of our symptoms, and pathogenic microbes are not needed to explain these events! With a holistic understanding, we can address all of them together.

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However we may feel of his hardline stance against existence of the 2019 novel virus, Dr. Rancourt's voice of reasoned thoughts and skepticism should be welcome. He is very much the scientific mind from over 30 yrs ago. This mindset echoes the MIT student organization for Open Inquiry that we learned of back on Nov 30th when the Steve and the VSRF team traveled to MIT to present the New Zealand data.

Even though Denis repeately has said on unreliability of the PCR testing, I believe he would welcome the PCR testing in consistent manner in laboratory setting. On existence of the novel virus, tests can be run on mice using the PCR testing in consistent manner, with controls, testing daily on outcomes and final end results. As he stated during the Q&A, he welcomes scientific investigations be it surveying of the population or any systematic investigation appropriate.

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Steve I wished I watched this live and could have asked a question to Denis. He mentions alot about the stress they put everyone under and it wasn't addressed. I can agree with that but also when people were being vaccinated and having side effects didn't they say it was stress and anxiety that was the problem and they needed to treat that?!

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Denis Rancourt has been a prevaricator from the beginning. Can't nail him down on a damn thing!

If you listen to him long enough he will have you doubting your own existence. I was over him long ago. He does not play well with others. This was a two hour waste of my time and a review of why I have not listened to him in a long time.

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Somebody at the hospital told my daughter-in-law that they had to put on hazmat type gear to enter his room. This was the excuse not to help him answer his room phone when she called. I cannot believe they are still getting away with this sort of thing. His dementia is not so bad that he doesn't know his family. He is probably wondering why no-one has called or visited. Physically he is helpless, but he still knows his wife and children. This is a horrible situation. I hope this is isolated and not prevalent across the rest of the VA system.

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Steve with a lot of bad acting and playing dumb, ugh. Can't believe it's 2024 and they're still making him push the PCR test as an accurate diagnostic tool for 'covid.'

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“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”



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Rancourt shows the danger of someone who spends too much time in their own bubble without answering to other colleagues. The guy is all wet on a number of fronts, his mind is as closed as the covidians. At least he does have some unique truth, ie that many of the deaths during covid were due to social isolation, etc..

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“I’m not convinced viruses exist.” Notwithstanding all the nefarious actions that have surrounded Covid and the shots, I guess the thousands of virologists of the past 90 years and their electron micrographs have been in on a big conspiracy, make believing that viruses exist.

Ok. Next time I want to expand my knowledge on quantum physics I’ll consult my local medical doctor.

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Say it out loud that no one wants to hear It's YOUR PHONE REACTING WITH THE VAXXINE. GIVE UP YOUR PHONE or use it SAFELY as intended for emergency use only. The same happens here with breast implant illness. They see and hear the symptoms and do NOTHING to remediate it which is cognitive dissonance. https://open.substack.com/pub/normanjames/p/mold-pneumonia-and-the-underwire?r=kozxo&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thanks Steve, for showing US how the chess game is played!

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This should be of interest to this fabulous discussion. Maybe his best show. Its about isolation and disease.


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