To say a vaccine is "safe and effective" is an inherent contradiction in concepts. Every governmental or private medical science institution will say something to this effect: "All vaccines introduce into the body a harmless piece of a particular bacteria or virus, triggering an immune response." Note the word "harmless".
To say a vaccine is "safe and effective" is an inherent contradiction in concepts. Every governmental or private medical science institution will say something to this effect: "All vaccines introduce into the body a harmless piece of a particular bacteria or virus, triggering an immune response." Note the word "harmless".
The problem with the idea, fact or reality, of "harmless" is that in order for an immune response to be solicited, triggered, there needs to be some harm. There needs to be an impact, an actual threat, or a takeover of a cell and turning it rogue, in order to get and have an immune response. "Infection" is defined as the invasion of tissues by pathogens, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to the infectious agent and the toxins they produce. An infectious disease, also known as a transmissible disease or communicable disease, is an illness resulting from an infection.
A Mammalian host (humans in particular) reacts to infections with an innate (primary or general) response, often involving inflammation, followed by an adaptive (secondary or specialized) response.
The adaptive immune system takes over if the innate immune system is not able to destroy the germs. It specifically targets the type of germ (pathogen, antigen, virus, bacteria etc.) that is causing the infection. Combined, these levels of (phases of) immune responses fight the pathogen/antigen and hope to defeat it.
So, the person who just got vaccinated needs to have some type, or some level of covid infection (in the case of covid), they need to be experiencing at least some if not all of the manifestations (symptoms) of what the real virus can do, of what happens to someone actually infected and sick with the real virus.
To say there will be some redness and swolleness in the part of the arm or buttocks where the needle went in, is not the body reacting to the virus or deadly bacteria, this speaks ONLY to the needle. It also doesn't speak to the ingredients unless the ingredients also are perceived by the body as toxic and deadly (the makers of the current vaccines tell us that the ingredients are not toxic and deadly - whether they are or not is another discussion).
I can stick a sewing needle into my arm and redness and swelling will ensue due to natural innate, general immune reactions. But the body needs to have covid [virus] actually get into a cell, have sex with said cell (swap DNA/RNA), and then we can begin to claim for real immune responses both innate and adaptive - and thus yield genuine antibodies and hopefully subsequent B and T cells.
If a vaccine is "safe", then it can only, at best, trigger an innate immune response, not the critical Adaptive response (with those "memory cells"). Of the many ingredients in a vaccine that could pose a danger (potassium Chloride, Graphene oxide to name a few), 2 of them, mRNA and spike proteins (or pieces of the spike), together and or separately, are not toxic, neither of them are unto themselves or combined, pathogenic. I could drink an 8 oz glass of pure unadulterated mRNA molecules mixed in with pure non modified spike proteins - and nothing will happen, they will get destroyed not by immune responses but by regular digestive processes and end up as waste in my pee and or poop.
The entire premise for which vaccines are founded is to slowly or quickly build up an immune response to a particular threat and when given the vaccine, the body must respond to this vaccine, it's ingredients, in some type manner as it would respond to a natural infection, or there are zero chances of creating an immune response, innate and or adaptive. So, with any and all vaccines good luck trying to generate the proper and needed immune response, one with memory cells to boot, if the vaccine does not have the live virus in it.
Attenuated won't work, dead/destroyed virus won't work, weakened or inactivated version of the virus can't work (since it uses an inactivated form of a virus, it cannot infect your cells and make you sick), a spike protein, or protein subunit won't work, mRNA also will not be a threat allowing for the making of covid antibodies and memory cells. Viral vector vaccines can't work because here too it is a changed, "harmless" virus.
To have any chance for a vaccine to work against a virus, bacteria, etc. the vaccine must contain the real deal virus or bacteria etc, and those things cannot be in any way shape or form modified to be made harmless - because again, we need harm to create a genuine immune response - and not just some swelling and soreness in the region where the needle went into the body. A vaccine cannot be harmless if it intends to be effective. A conundrum modern science has yet to acknowledge and address.
To say a vaccine is "safe and effective" is an inherent contradiction in concepts. Every governmental or private medical science institution will say something to this effect: "All vaccines introduce into the body a harmless piece of a particular bacteria or virus, triggering an immune response." Note the word "harmless".
The problem with the idea, fact or reality, of "harmless" is that in order for an immune response to be solicited, triggered, there needs to be some harm. There needs to be an impact, an actual threat, or a takeover of a cell and turning it rogue, in order to get and have an immune response. "Infection" is defined as the invasion of tissues by pathogens, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to the infectious agent and the toxins they produce. An infectious disease, also known as a transmissible disease or communicable disease, is an illness resulting from an infection.
A Mammalian host (humans in particular) reacts to infections with an innate (primary or general) response, often involving inflammation, followed by an adaptive (secondary or specialized) response.
The adaptive immune system takes over if the innate immune system is not able to destroy the germs. It specifically targets the type of germ (pathogen, antigen, virus, bacteria etc.) that is causing the infection. Combined, these levels of (phases of) immune responses fight the pathogen/antigen and hope to defeat it.
So, the person who just got vaccinated needs to have some type, or some level of covid infection (in the case of covid), they need to be experiencing at least some if not all of the manifestations (symptoms) of what the real virus can do, of what happens to someone actually infected and sick with the real virus.
To say there will be some redness and swolleness in the part of the arm or buttocks where the needle went in, is not the body reacting to the virus or deadly bacteria, this speaks ONLY to the needle. It also doesn't speak to the ingredients unless the ingredients also are perceived by the body as toxic and deadly (the makers of the current vaccines tell us that the ingredients are not toxic and deadly - whether they are or not is another discussion).
I can stick a sewing needle into my arm and redness and swelling will ensue due to natural innate, general immune reactions. But the body needs to have covid [virus] actually get into a cell, have sex with said cell (swap DNA/RNA), and then we can begin to claim for real immune responses both innate and adaptive - and thus yield genuine antibodies and hopefully subsequent B and T cells.
If a vaccine is "safe", then it can only, at best, trigger an innate immune response, not the critical Adaptive response (with those "memory cells"). Of the many ingredients in a vaccine that could pose a danger (potassium Chloride, Graphene oxide to name a few), 2 of them, mRNA and spike proteins (or pieces of the spike), together and or separately, are not toxic, neither of them are unto themselves or combined, pathogenic. I could drink an 8 oz glass of pure unadulterated mRNA molecules mixed in with pure non modified spike proteins - and nothing will happen, they will get destroyed not by immune responses but by regular digestive processes and end up as waste in my pee and or poop.
The entire premise for which vaccines are founded is to slowly or quickly build up an immune response to a particular threat and when given the vaccine, the body must respond to this vaccine, it's ingredients, in some type manner as it would respond to a natural infection, or there are zero chances of creating an immune response, innate and or adaptive. So, with any and all vaccines good luck trying to generate the proper and needed immune response, one with memory cells to boot, if the vaccine does not have the live virus in it.
Attenuated won't work, dead/destroyed virus won't work, weakened or inactivated version of the virus can't work (since it uses an inactivated form of a virus, it cannot infect your cells and make you sick), a spike protein, or protein subunit won't work, mRNA also will not be a threat allowing for the making of covid antibodies and memory cells. Viral vector vaccines can't work because here too it is a changed, "harmless" virus.
To have any chance for a vaccine to work against a virus, bacteria, etc. the vaccine must contain the real deal virus or bacteria etc, and those things cannot be in any way shape or form modified to be made harmless - because again, we need harm to create a genuine immune response - and not just some swelling and soreness in the region where the needle went into the body. A vaccine cannot be harmless if it intends to be effective. A conundrum modern science has yet to acknowledge and address.