If you are reading this Steve: there is an email service that is sent to all doctors. It is called Medscape. It is probably one of the main ways many doctors stay uptodate. It is accurate and very good for most thingsEXCEPT the heavily dogmatic Big Pharma projects like covid , vaccines, statins. It is run by a leftwing guy. I get several…
If you are reading this Steve: there is an email service that is sent to all doctors. It is called Medscape. It is probably one of the main ways many doctors stay uptodate. It is accurate and very good for most thingsEXCEPT the heavily dogmatic Big Pharma projects like covid , vaccines, statins. It is run by a leftwing guy. I get several medscape emails a day. There is good mixed with bad and it may be a principle reason doctors do not see the light.
If you are reading this Steve: there is an email service that is sent to all doctors. It is called Medscape. It is probably one of the main ways many doctors stay uptodate. It is accurate and very good for most thingsEXCEPT the heavily dogmatic Big Pharma projects like covid , vaccines, statins. It is run by a leftwing guy. I get several medscape emails a day. There is good mixed with bad and it may be a principle reason doctors do not see the light.
These doctors are commenting on their jab injuries.