State level data? As long as the data is not altered: G-A-M-E O-V-E-R (cue the ghost getting the Pacman music.) This is H-U-G-E

God? Beyond sustenance, that's the primary question, and the stakes couldn't be bigger. If we took that question seriously, no stone and no leaf would remain unturned to find the answer. I intend to write a one-and-done Substack on the matter in the new year for anyone interested. It will be the playbook of sorts. Stay tuned.

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Plenty of red-pilled music on my SoundCloud account. The Schizm touches on some of the same theme as 5xAug latest song regarding musicians that sold out.


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Fundraising idea: have a list of anti-vax physicians, and charge them a reasonable rate to get on list. Patients are desperately seeking open-minded physicians who actually practice evidence-based medicine and as such, will not pressure them to say, get their annual flu shot. This is what other groups do (https://plantrician.org/provider-platform/). Think they had an upcharge too if you wanted your listing toward the front etc. (think similar to Facebook's "boost post" function). Just an idea...

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funny how most the groups who claimed to 'rage against the machine' have just proven themselves to be another cog in the wheel

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Love 5 times August. Check out the new band, The Defiant.” They are punk rockers who were kicked out of their bands for not complying. Their new song , “dead language” is amazing. See the Highwire episode where Del interviewed them.

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"Fight For You" by Five Times August - Live at Defeat The Mandates Los Angeles April 10 2022


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RemovedNov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023
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Ha, that was very brave of you, I can barely sing at all let alone unaccompanied.

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