The Electronic Townhall

It is not about asking questions or stating opinions, writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.

Its about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law and taxes.

That is what it is about.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot made this observation: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people in America suffered…. and that the only way to hold them accountable it to inspect their work."

He called his idea The Fourth Branch of Governmnet.

It is a known fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in the 100 new laws (200 thousand pages) they vote on every day they are in session.

The only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we might never recover is to include the citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.

The way it works:

1. In order for a new law, tax, or expenditure to be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL.

It can be applied to every branch of government and will solve every problem we have at every level.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.

If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.

The Electronic Townhall

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“…include the citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.” That’s where the biggest obstacle lies. Those psychopaths of power greed will stop at nothing, apparently. We the People must continue to seek ways to abolish the tyranny they being upon us, in return. And I don’t mean by evil ways. There has to be a better way to defend our very lives and the freedoms we rightfully deserve as citizens of this world. I’m here for it!

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Perhaps a viable route is to ask the representatives; city council, county commissioners, school board and state representatives for the link to the laws, rules and policies they are voting on.

Forward the links to your fellow citizens and ask them to report to the elected official whether or not they approve of the motion for laws.

Depending on the jurisdiction the Bills will be up to two thousand pages long.

Since you cannot read that either, ask the rep, "How do you make an informed decision on something that big and complicated?"

It is probably not possible to shame them into admitting that they vote blind / according to their advisors - who are also incapable of reading a two thousand page law speak document and knowing what it portends. But it is a start....

You will also discover, up close and personally that your neighbors are more concerned with the Super Bowl than are about any of that 'stupid politics stuff'.

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What prevents it from being hacked/hijacked? I wouldn't trust it any more than the current system. At least now you can theoretically vote errant legislators out of office, but how do you eject a hacked/corrupted "town hall" out of equation? You can't. No thanks.

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Ha ha ha .... you are funny.

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Very interesting.

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Some ER doc on Twitter was trashing Dr Peter McCullough yesterday, trying to shame him by calling him a liar about many things. She sounds very captured.

It's amazing how one doctor sees the truth, and another buys into every lie told by the CDC, even after the truth is confirmed by the evidence.

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I’m thinking it’s because those who believe the hype are pump full of the controlling substances which are nano- manipulated tech. It is a horrifying prospect which we see here, yet another truth we must face and discover how to remove from our bodies while we possibly can.

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Steve...this is a bit off topic except that the chemical spraying of the atmosphere under a secret program Indigo Skyfold may be killing more people than the lethal Covid injections and there is almost no escaping this poison.

Is Florida Under Chemtrail Attack?


Don't Look Up! - Airline Pilot Exposes Truth about Chemtrails


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Thank you! 🙏🏼

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Now English version of the documentary about German C19 Experts(TM) by Aya Velazquez available (she was one of those were I heard about the WEF for the first time)


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This is what doctors are taught in med school. Nutrition and prevention are not promoted. Drugs #1 will bring 'paying customers' back into their offices. There is not one drug without a side effect...a simple aspirin can create macular degenertion and intestinal bleeding. I have asked doctors in the past on a number of occasion, what is the Cause of a specific problem? its always the same answer, "We really don't know." If they don't know how can they really help? I have solved every problem I have faced by simply looking for the cause...However, it does pay to ask the Great Physician for help.

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Dr. Tim O'Shea's book Vaccination is not Immunization really was an eye opener...it listed all the toxic ingredients in the vaccines that American children have had injected into their bodies for the last sixty years at least. I trusted my son's pediatrician and paid him for these injections. I was shocked to think I went along with this. PATENTS should NEVER BEEN GIVEN for any products which are injected into human bloodstreams; HIDING the SUBSTANCES in THEM. The entire medical field in my opinion, is to blame for not researching what was in these injections. They are not vaccines which prevent illness...they actually break down the natural immune system and affect the recipient'a brains. Toxic matter, such as, aluminum and mercury lodges in the brain. These two items alone are known to cause brain damage. Mercury is classified as hazardous waste. Aluminum is in the same category. Our country today is at the bottom of the barrel in world health, because of "educated" doctors who are more interested in their personal bank accounts than the people who have relied on them for help.

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I’ve lost faith in doctors as they don’t even look at the cause of illness they just medicate medicate and medicate to line the pockets of big Pharma!

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Yes..while their commissions continue to rise at the rate of sudden death we’re now seeing. It is absolutely the most insanely criminal time I’ve ever seen in my lifetime! But they cannot take my soul or dignity. Thank you.

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BREAKING: the New Zealand government today released gross mortality statistics by covid vax dose (including unvaccinated) under Official Information Act request

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Did NZ government just release mortality of vaccine doses and unvaccinated that correlated with Barry Young?

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Steve have you seen this? MIT researcher. https://open.substack.com/pub/gregreese/p/hydrogels-in-covid-vaccine-as-programmable?r=62e8h&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post Perhaps the government has been testing these things on our kids for years. The disabilities and autism are the results of failed trials?

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I wouldn’t doubt it for a moment after all that has been revealed.

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Update on Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Three Months in Prison and Counting.

Imagine losing your passport, reporting it to the authorities, showing up at your country’s embassy to pick up your new passport, but instead you are arrested.

This is exactly what happened to Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich, the German lawyer who has steadfastly prosecuted elite officials for COVID-19 falsehoods, a deliberate crime against humanity. Fuellmich and his team have called for the second Nuremberg trial. Fuellmich and his wife Inka had been in Mexico a while. They lost their passports, so they went to the German embassy in Tijuana, Mexico. When they arrived at the embassy, the couple was told they needed to come back. The embassy arranged a time a few days later (on October 12) for them to pick up their passports. Mrs. Fuellmich received her passport and was allowed to leave, but her husband was arrested by six men. Following his arrest in Mexico, Dr. Fuellmich was flown to Germany, escorted there by the same six men. He had nothing with him on the plane, only the clothes he wore to the embassy that day. When he arrived in Germany, he was put in prison, where he remains to this day.

Continue reading at link below to learn the how and why this happened and what will most likely come next… https://thetenpennyreport.com/update-on-dr-reiner-fuellmich-three-months-in-prison-and-counting/

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Thank you very much for sharing these truths with us! Onward in the coming battles we must still defend and protect against the evils those monsters are trying to get away with!! Be well and safe.

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Thank you!

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VSIC Is a fine organization and has opened many to the truth about the horrible results of these dangerous injections. The use of these toxic injections are contrary the real Science of Health, which Hippocrates taught 2500 years ago. There is no real Science connected to the use of these profit-designed products.

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Completely agree with this. That’s the type of studies all med pros should have as the foundation for health. Definitely not the very thick book of meds they pull out like a bag of street drugs, in lieu of actual findings and reasons behind ailments. That’s why I never liked taking meds.

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Yep. Just receiving VSIC & Dr Mercola’s newsletter with facts & details for at least two decades altered my life significantly. Deeply grateful to both.

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A great program though I did fall asleep for a little while in the middle.

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OT, but this is a "conservatives-and-the-Covid/Vax-disaster" comment I just posted on Aaron Kheriaty's stack, on a post where he begins with the shocking news that France has appeared to have essentially just outlawed all dissent of the CV-19 vaxxes.

"That France news is stunning. Any further analysis or info welcome.

And yet, which conservative journalistic or punditry outlets in America can speak on it without the substantial embarrassment of having to admit the fact, or far more likely of having to mumblingly hide the fact, that they THEMSELVES REFUSE TO COVER what they will now condemn the French government for actively censoring?

Fox News? no.

WSJ? As far as I know, no.

Powerline blog? no.

The Federalist? no.

The American Mind? no.

City Journal? American Affairs? Law & Liberty? Legal Insurrection? The New Atlantis? No.

Yah, even The New Atlantis!!!

And I could on. And on. Search as you will, you will not find any stories in those publications which openly refer to the claims that widespread harms have come about due to the CV-19 jabs, and not even a story in a skeptical reportorial frame of mind. Search as you will, you will not find them interviewing VSRF, Jessica Rose, William Makis, John Campbell, Brownstone writers, etc.

It is an elementary violation of journalistic duty, and of conservative duty. As I argued here: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/adjunct-suppressors?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 And yet, we cannot get anyone to budge on this. I made some unsuccessful efforts with one of these outlets last year.

And don't get me started on what the average GOP representative is doing!

BTW, I warmly welcome ANY evidence to the contrary on this--my comment here is raw first impressions, and I have not done the article counting-research on more of a few of these to 100% know if I am right. If an outlet has only published 2 stinkin' articles on the CV-19 Vax-Harm Story out of the 500 current-event-centered ones during all of 2022-to-the-present, I'd still like to give them the small amount of credit they deserve.

I need allies...I need help. But most of all, I need someone with real clout in conservative circles to STAND THE F*$% UP. We are swirling down into madness with this kind of weakness and pretend-conservatism/pretend-punditry."

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It is amazing that this information has been in existence for 44 years, and it has been silenced.

Imagine the complexity of the propaganda campaign. We have been living in a fantasy world for generations.

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It is so disappointing how blindfolded we’ve been made to be and with no knowledge of all these horrific truths. Of course, no one with half a mind would go for it otherwise. It’s time we end any fears and continue to uncover every cynical lies left to show. Chaos is what they’ve wanted and have caused. Still, I won’t let them make us become the scum that they have been.

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Keep shining your light. Soon the darkness will have no where to hide.

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GOOD NEWS. America's underfunded trillions solved! Social 'safety net" fixed:

The CDC’s new recommendations for childhood immunizations include a minimum of 76 doses of 18 different vaccines. And that's all before the coupe d grace -the mRNA clot shots.

But that number, if you include prenatal vaccines, could soar to 100-plus, depending on the formulations used, according to CHD’s science team. This is corporate greed and DOD population reduction run insane!

They will solve the social security, health, and retirement benefits crisis alright, by eliminating YOU.

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The reality of it all is entirely sickening in more ways than one.

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This will be good. Barbara Loe Fisher is a true inspiration.

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