Dear Steve: Resend in reference to your eye. The Doctor people almost to a person rely on gross mechanical movements (not useful for your eye), chemical compounds of a huge variety (a few of them might work for the blood removal without damaging your eye cells), or surgeries (which apparently is not an option for you (as you seem to be remarking). This is the standard repertoire and you seem to be unable to think beyond it because there is no pro forma academic style data about other repertoires. There are three therapeutic technologies which are very powerful in their own right: sonic energy applied often (hourly?) via hand held sonic generators. Sonic energy applied gingerly in the eye area WILL cause accelerated movement of everything, including the blood. Think of it as a way of jiggling the blood out of there. Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle. Another method which someone else recommended to you after I did: BEMER - (electromagnetic oscillations applied to the body activates polarization of what, THE IRON IN THE BLOOD. The iron moves to a polarized condition and this moves the blood cell and this moves the blood in the capillaries, and so on. This is German high class technology been around for over 20 years, using low frequency natural body hertz waves and it is EXCELLENT at achieving regeneration of body areas beyond the pale of commercial medicine. I use this every day!!! Keeps this 82 year old ache free and energized throughout. I am telling you not because I am selling this, I don't, but because I see you as a fellow warrior fighting the same terrible NWO enemy. There is a third very ancient technology which modern engineers often think is superstition. It is the healing power of a developed meditative personality. There are people who can project a bandwidth which is beyond the perception of science which is bound to the limit of the quantum, aka the bandwidth of the spiritual plane. That power of projection can induce profound healing effects on the body. Allow for it to happen. Ask for it, it will happen. Thank you for calling out your need. Love, Michael Mandeville.

P.S. Tina Schoewe can arrange high tech BEMER electromagnetic therapy for your eye, even in Europe.

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Thanks for another great VSRF episode and your analysis of another data set. Regarding evil intent topic/question which I'm not a big fan of either (prefer to stick to data and not infer motivations of others), but everyone seems focused on the vaccines: Are they good or bad? The "gain of function research" seems to have disappeared from consciousness. So along those lines, I'd be curious to get peoples thoughts on....If there was no gain of function research, ( for past 20, 30 years) would we have this pandemic/all these coronaviruses? Would we have this vaccine to mandate on people? Do people at VSRF think there are nefarious motives behind gain of function reasearch? Whats the realationship between the GoF reasearchers and the vaccine manufacturers?

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Could the upcoming Czech vax data reveal the Big Pharma Cull by vax program is even worse than many of us already suspect?

Man-modified Covid is far less a danger than the useless but dangerous injections they pretend are vaccines, but still they peddle them as Safe & Effective - surely that's pre-meditated MURDER? No doubt they've made Bird Flu far more lethal by using Gain of Function bio-warfare technology.

The injectable Covid poisons called 'mRNA Vaccines' that were illegally awarded an FDA Emergency Use Authorisation because the FDA aided and abetted Big Pharma by pretending that no pre-existing medicines existed that might assist in the minimisation of Covid 19 dangers. The question of 'massive back-handers' must be considered. They then began a campaign of denigrating this wonderfully versatile medicine by suddenly pretending it was "A horse de-wormer".

Since the 1970's the FDA was aware that IVENRMECTIN was one of the Top 50 medicines recommended by the (now CORRUPT) World Health Organisation. Ivermectin is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for medicines, so why did the FDA & CDC decide to destroy the reputation of this wonderful medicine? Back-handers and other financial benefits and incentives could be the reasons.

mRNA jabs are Permanently destroying fertility. Covid injection is a pre-emptive disaster and must now be regarded as Pre-meditated Murder by Big Pharma's poisonous Covid injections. Possibly the end of humankind! Bird Flu vax will be even more devastating.

And still Pfizer, et al, enjoy total protection from LIABILITY! How can this continue? And why do some gullible people still agree to take the DEATH SHOT? The best they could hope for is Reduced Life Expectancy - the more shots you accept the shorter your Life Expectancy!

The next planned Scamdemic is Bird Flu which they've made as dangerous as possible for humans is ready for release. They are ready to release it and will have another useless mRNA injectable pretend vaccine ready to carry on the human Cull.

Now they are intending to insert mRNA poisons into humans via animals that have been injected (contaminated) with these poisons. The only way they can poison us Post Covid Anti-vaxxers.

Mick (Unjabbed to live longer). I've been warning y'all since 2021! Did you listen?

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Reality is the only thing that matters.

This stupid and insane violence we see so much of is the direct result of the powerlessness of the powerless.

Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy.

Periodically they let us, the citizens, vote for representatives who, each and everyone, promise to do the right thing.

Voting for someone to change government policy is the only means we have to redress our grievances.

Yet the Congress and Legislatures openly admit that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on. In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws per day.

The honest representative admits that they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.

According to the powerless, nothing changes except for the worse.

As responsible Citizens, we must develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.

This evaluation must be public, transparent and in a form that the representative can view in order make their vote congruent with that of their constituents.

Ross Perot called it The Electronic Townhall.

And we must decide who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.

Right now, the first question is:

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No

d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

g. minimum18 years

h. minimum 21 years

i. minimum 25 years

j. minimum 30 years

k. minimum 33 years

l. minimum 35 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No

n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children – Yes - No

c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No

# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?

a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No

b. Male without children – Yes - No

c. Male with children – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No

g. Depends on the office - Yes - No

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Here's a discussion about COVID shot injuries and coverups in the Netherlands.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKu3mxnNYM8 So Steve, here is another country you can talk about.

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So Moderna is 50 percent more lethal than Pfizer? So Moderna might be even worse compared to the unvaxxed? Am I misunderstanding?

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Unvaxxed people are safe, alive and healthy.

‘COVID Vaccines Are Designed To Kill Billions’


By 2023: Estimated 13 Million People Worldwide Killed By Covid Vaccines


All Covid-Vaxxed ‘Will Die in 3 to 5 Years’


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At last. A 'fact Czech' I might believe.

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What’s positive

Is that you’re open to criticism.

What’s missing

Is your criticism of others.

When you hold a hammer

You swing It.

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You have to make people care.

About what you say.

I wish you knew how.

I really do.


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