Please let’s also fight the airline industry! I was almost kicked out of the airport and off the flight because of masks and eventually I had to wear a mask. But I can sit there and eat without my mask because I can’t spread it while eating!??? This is insanity!! It must stop! I’m willing to donate to lawyers and gather people like me who (or those who have been banned just for having their masks below their noses) who want this insanity to end!!!!

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It's funny to see how the CODING being installed in the brains of the younger modern moron slaves is so good and effective.

The greater the version of the software (ending at a doctor degree is the highest level) the higher the level of ignorance is.


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Hey Smart People,

Regarding the transformation of the medical profession, please see this deep dive on the growth of the "intensivist" profession by the truly Amazing Polly:


They are overriding the role played by primary care doctors in determining patient care within hospitals. (Anybody else notice the push for DNR statements starting in late 2019 for hospital admission?)

from a commenter at the link above:

"What you are describing is happening before my very eyes at the hospital I work at. I’m witnessing it transforming, and the public doesn’t know, in fact my colleagues don’t notice either. I’m seeing things like racism being promoted. Also a court battle with a local hospital that wants to break away and keep its Independence from the conglomerate the globalist are trying to create with all hospitals, in order to control them."

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kind of off topic but if you are in the bay area there is a program on kqed forum about pharma corruption. They are still pushing the narrative that the vaccine is effective, but its interesting to see mainstream/liberal media start to be open to this. https://www.kqed.org/forum/2010101888026/new-book-chronicles-the-sickening-influence-of-big-pharma-on-healthcare

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Ďakujem za pravdivé informácie od Vás. V oficiálnych médiách sa pravdu nedozvieme. A u nás na Slovensku sú zvlášť nepravdivé informácie v médiách podplatených psychopatom Matovičom.

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Translation: Thank you for the truthful information from you. We will not know the truth in the official media. And in Slovakia, particularly false information in the media is bribed by the psychopath Matovic.

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This call was fantastic! I have one child in a Christian college which did not require the vaccine, one at USC where we are waiting to see if they’ll give him a religious exemption, and one high school senior who’s waiting to hear. I am so thankful for your guests. I have read the Chicago Thinker and am so impressed by Eden! Thank you!

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Why is USC waiting so long to make the decision? Didn't it require shots last fall? My HS senior is going to Iowa State and c19 jabs are not required.

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Sorry for the non sequitur but I was very curious "What the heck is going on in Ukraine?" I know what we are being told is not the whole truth. Apparently username Clandestine(now banned) on twitter has some evidence that Putin is attacking US funded bio labs in Ukraine. https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/02/24/is-there-is-more-to-the-ukraine-russia-conflict/

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Thank you! Thanks for fighting for our kids, and our future!

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The gullibility of today's youth is a direct result of the decline in education going on for many years. Subjects the teach critical thinking like math, logic, (real) history have been deemphasized in place of fictional history (white guys bad), diversity (white guys bad), deviant sex education (straight guys bad) etc. What we are left with is poorly educated kids with a destructive set of values.

While everyday Americans were busy building great industries, pioneering science, going to the moon the radical left was busy infiltrating our education system for the last 60 years. We now face a nation-ending crisis as the globalist left moves in for the kill and they have a large contingent of the brainwashed youths on their side.

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I’ve said it before elsewhere: the “belief vacuum” as I term it, accelerated with “spiritual not religious” in 2000. The kids who consoled their pew-sitting parents with that BS position moved on and became “nones” as soon as mom and dad recovered from the shock. But as GK Chesterton famously said, those who believe in nothing will believe in anything. Their lack of Sunday services left them bereft of ritual and a significant authority figure. Bernie Sanders is close (but no cigar) as God the Father. The broad legalization of pot helped to numb the hole where God used to fit, but not quite. Covid was made for these kids and they’ve glommed onto it like a Baptist convert after a first dunking. My son was vaccine injured as an infant, felt pressured to vaccinate this time, got injured yet again as a result and is more gung ho than ever. Nothing could dissuade and nothing now can persuade. He’s not a kid—he’s in his thirties. But his last girlfriend was extremely progressive and though they broke up due to “covid pressures” (unemployment realities and so on), his libertarianism faded away during lockdown and he was desperate to get back to work. He supported Biden after refusing to even vote “on principle” in previous elections. Like most, he claims the lockdowns didn’t constitute coercion, though I think it’s the most shocking coercion ever devised. The only thing that could have topped it would’ve been a coliseum full of hungry lions. These are people who were raised being told to comply with demands made by non-parental authorities in day care. They don’t read it as “pressure” in the way that someone my age (63) does. And the failure of their compliance to bring about the desired result has made them more shrill, more desperate. My son recounted without embarrassment how he gleefully jeered at a father and daughter who were denied entrance to a movie theater for refusing to mask. I called him out, “you’ve lost your humanity.” I reminded him that his grandfather had liberated a concentration camp in WW2. “It’s not the same thing at all,” he said. Really? I finally have concluded that in my son and many others, there’s something missing or broken. Maybe it was the daycare experience that did it? I only worked three days a week during their childhood. Was it too much anyway? Was it the eventual divorce they endured? Was it the suicides among his peers at the beginning of the pandemic (very competitive industry, a lot of drug abuse)? Who knows. Is it his atheism? The attitude that those who refuse to get jabbed both deserve to suffer and are “ruining everything” seem incredibly over the top. But in speaking with other parents privately I’ve noticed that what they describe as “mere compliance” is, in reality a shocking adherence to unreasonable demands with genuine gusto as if it feeds a deep hunger. My son is a True Believer for the first time in his life. And that’s scary in a kid raised on Simpsons and Seinfeld-style cynicism.

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Introduce him to Jordan Peterson. Watch him together. I pray for your journey.

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I don't quite agree. I've watched the outlandish mandates and the threats to cut off even remote students from the Campus internet if they do not get vaccinated. That's a lot of pressure in the middle of your degree.

Both of my granddaughters gave in to the pressure in order to complete their studies - I worry about the long term effects. One paused, but decided the risk was outweighed by a more normal campus life; the other, in a nursing program, bought the whole schtick hook, line, and sinker, and works part time in a vax clinic to boot.

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Almost every young adult I come across are uncritically pro-vaccine and completely oblivious to studies and evidence showing that the vaccines are highly dangerous. They readily believe government propaganda especially when it is wrapped in "The Science".

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yep Johnny, Hitler kick the marxists out of the German universities for those exact reasons

guess were they went ?

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Funny thing is the International Socialists opposed Hitler and his National Socialists - they knew what they were doing, too.

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intl.socialist, = communists, Hitler tried to stop world communism the western

world sided against the one country trying to defend the white race and fought

to spread communism, look around friend the communists now control all


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Why bother? Most are thoroughly indoctrinated already. They don’t know who Thomas Payne was, but they’re dead sure that repaying their loans is outrageous and that there are 80+ genders because they also “trust the science.” The ones coming behind these will be even more obtuse.

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Young kids (30) I know are all in, except one.

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Here's my theory of immunity. Now that we all know that Covid-19 is and has been with us for a couple years, Think back to the last time you were really sick, and got over it, and occasionally refresh that memory. I believe this will arm your immune system through biofeedback. Of course this is just a theory. I myself don't have to think back that far because in fall of 2019 I believe I had an early case of Covid-19. I felt like I weighed double, slept a lot, had a dry cough for at least a week which tickled my throat and made me choke to where I thought I might pass out. Most tellingly, one of the side effects in a lot of people I discovered relatively recently, that isn't widely reported, is loss of appetite, from several days to a week. After a couple days I could not eat or drink anything for over three days, and thereafter slowly resumed sustenance. But just plain water tasted terrible during that time. I lost 12 pounds in ten 10 days. After three weeks I had recovered. Fortunately, up to getting sick my daily supplements included zinc, vitamin D3, quercetin, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine, among other things. I don't believe I was able to take the supplements when I was most sick, but perhaps they helped me initially.

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You've probably already seen this, but wanted to make sure you didn't miss it. From the WSJ, "Rise in Non-Covid-19 Deaths Hits Life Insurers"


"Among the non-coronavirus-specific claims are deaths from heart and circulatory issues and neurological disorders, he said. “We anticipate that they’ll start to be less impactful over the course of 2022 but we do anticipate that we’ll still at least see some elevated levels throughout the year,” he said."

Where have we seen these symptoms before?

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Wait a second—is WSJ saying heart&circulatory and neuro issues are non-Covid-19 problems? Are they playing footsie with the language to avoid saying “vaccine-related”? Someone help me out here. Are they really floating a theory that these common injuries from jabs are not related?

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Is the WSJ free to print the truth?

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"We anticipate that they’ll start to be less impactful over the course of 2022..."

Is this subliminal messaging that boosters and scam shots are done?

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Hopefully, but I assume it is just ignorance to what is really happening or a way to try and minimize it as just a fluke that will never be explained.

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All bureaucratic fallout from the root lie: that the jabs are protective of others.

If you follow any of the debate on mandates/restrictions, it always, ALWAYS, comes back to this fundamental split on whether the jabs are actually vaccines.

And we (society, the social sphere) now go to enormous lengths to avoid that precise discussion.

"Safe" and "Effective" are the key foundation of the Root Lie....and this Root Lie spawns all the rest of this madness.

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Zločineckej Amerike nerobí problém zničiť životy tisíckam svojich vlastných občanov. Svet to videl aj pri zostrelených dvojičkách v 2001 om..

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I believe you.

Can I see post in English, just to be sure? :)

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It just came to me. The EU take over , with their globalist Euro, of unelected officials. 9/11 with its criminal pronouncements of Spying on USA. TSA. Now the plandemic. Another foot soldier on the neck of the populace

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Everyone I know has been listening to Joe Rogan's podcast of Maajid Nawaz, who ties together all these strings:


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Thank you

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A mysterious 19-codon addition to the COVID viral sequence, cannot be found anywhere else in the world's genetic databases -- except in a Moderna patent filed in 2016.

The odds against this happening naturally are one in 3 triliion.

Part of the mystery sequence makes the spike protein more infective to humans.

Lay article


Scientific article


the Modera patent, filed 2016




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They tweaked it just enough to be moderatly infectious to humans, and not enough to be overly lethal to reasonably healthy people.

Were they working on a tight deadline or was it overall not possible to make this bug more virulent?

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Thanks everyone who's been posting the pieces about the patents. Such important information.

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