Can someone please tell me what VSRF call means

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From Canada here! They are protesting alllllll the mandates btw. Go Truckers Go!!!

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Forget it. Do not bother.

This is not about vxx this is about WW III and while you are stuck in a discussion this people create WW III while you are looking the other way.

It is how things are done. We must take them all out and start again.


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Yep - The vxx is just part of the continued "herding" process for the 99.99 percent of us. And I am not talking about herd immunity. The permanent emergency continues.

We are the agents of our own demise. Through our tax dollars and our ignorant compliance and our lack of concern about the sacrifice of the members of the next generation.

Don't be a participation trophy common core idiot!!!

Anyone seen the total death figures for 2020 yet?

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Brownstone article was awesome. Thanks Steve

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Michael Wade While I was actually at the March on Jan.23 and fully support everything it stands for, I must comment on the many estimates of the crowd size. I've been to dozens of large demonstrations for over 50 years and have gotten pretty good at making estimates of their size. While detractors often underestimate crowds, I'm afraid that promoters just as often overdo it. I heard anywhere from 15,000 to 50,000(!) were there in D.C. Admittedly I left early(around 1:00) as I was afraid of snow on the way home 300 miles away. But unless there were a LOT of late stragglers, I guessed there were at most 10-15,000 people...maybe less! It doesn't make our side look good when we exaggerate such numbers. I'm open for convincing evidence that I'm wrong!

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I wasn't there, but that was my seat of the pants estimate.

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Is this response("I wasn't there") from Steve? Didn't you speak at the rally??

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No. I was just looking at the crowd size as best I could see it. An aerial photo would be helpful.

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Wonder if there are specialists who can give accurate counts from aerial photos?

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I watched Ice Road truckers. If they catch a Trudeau, they'll fuck'im.

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Elon gets it!

Canadian truckers rule

Elon Musk



If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny.


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Marvel and ‘Lost’ star Evangeline Lilly protests vaccine mandates: 'This is not the way'

"This is not safe," Lilly wrote on Instagram. "I understand the world is in fear, but I don’t believe that answering fear with force will fix our problems."


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Are these webinars recorded if you can't be available at 7pm EST, 4pm PST for those who are working full time on the West coast? I signed up for something else airing at that time too but haven't been able to watch it for the same reason.

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God Bless you Steve and thank you!

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Julie Elizabeth, the vaccine victim who wrote the song of the Silence video had posted a link that I think many people didn't see. For those that wanted to know more about her here it is.


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justine trousseau - married to the WEF mob, married to the woke mob. It's time to strip the bride bare, truckers.

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Here is a better link to the Sen Ron Johnson hearing that took place on Monday. It doesn't have the 40 minute delay as on Rumble.


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I still have a hard time with Steve knowing he voted for Biden. It's a tough pill to swallow.

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Every vaccine victim had to have taken the vaccine, too. The fact that they made that decision doesn't disqualify their subsequent experience.

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Everyone has made mistakes. Don't tell me you're perfect and not in need of forgiveness. Mr. Kirsch is doing his best to undo any harm his mistake has caused. He is paying for it physically I'm sure since he had also stated he has been vaccinated with this poison. If everyone who voted for this idiot is punished or dismissed, then those of us who didn't vote for him are no better.😇👵 sorry if I'm pontificating.

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I don't disagree with you but I find it ironic that all of you that thought Trump was such scum didn't see all that in Biden. Look what we have now. I guess I am just bitter.

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Trump is scum now. Look at the way he goes around shilling for the vaccines, not standing up for the people's lives the mandates are ruining

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I disagree. He cannot come across as an anti-vaxxer right now or he will be skewered by the Left. He can go after all these dirtbags if he gets back in. There are only two choices in my opinion, Trump or DeSantis. Trump is way ahead in all straw polls right now but there is time.

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How do you know who I supported now or then. You should check your politics at the door when responding online.

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Biden's win was a win for the propaganda media. I'm convinced that many also cheated in the vote thinking they were "helping the nation heal" as promoted by media and by a team of partisan lawyers. Since then as people watch in disgust, I'm sure many regret what they have done and I think they will seek revenge on the political party that promoted such a weak candidate. That change starts with the next election with the opposition returning with a demand to clean up the mess. The Congressional hearings should be illuminating and if not held we will be angry again. There are a lot of rotten fish in that bowl.

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John, there are many of us former Biden voters and we are now all in this together. I was a life long democrat till recently and now I am no party.

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I thought Obama had someting to offer when he was first campaigning, then I saw every time his lips moved he was lying. It took a little bit but I caught on.

Because of the work that Steve now does, many people don't have as tough a pill to swallow.

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Steve is on Substack because the Democratic party he supported supports censorship. He seems like a smart guy but voting for Biden because you hate Trump was stupid. Biden is everything Trump was accused of and now he is quickly ruining the country. I hope Steve's work will make a difference but I find it hard to trust him now.

By the way, most of the media are in the bag for Liberals and there are a lot of Americans that are too lazy to look beyond the BS media. The fact that you are on here gives us some hope. You are going to have to suck it up and vote better.

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Unfortunately, if we restrict ourselves only to people who have always made good decisions, the pickings are slim indeed.

The people who are the smartest, and most highly educated, are most prone to brainwashing by the elite, because the elite controls all of the establishment messaging, and has shaped it for decades. Establishment messaging is everything we associate with professionalism, prestige, influence, sophistication, and success. All institutions that are synonymous with that, are in fact corrupted.

The kernels of truth reside in the place where the smartest, most highly educated least want to look. It resides with the amateurs, the non-prestigious, non-influential, unsophisticated. The people who don't have professional editors and graphic designers, and who are discredited by established institutions at every step.

This is why the smartest, most highly-educated people are the hardest to wake up. Because they imagine they achieved something in life, that they reside on some pinnacle of success. And now they must realize that almost everything they believe is false, and they in fact understand less than the amateurs.

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Yes, Steve does seem like a smart guy and if I were to be judging him I would be doing it based on what I can clearly see he is doing right now, and doing very well. I don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate where he is standing. Most of us or at least I could not do what he is doing.

I did not vote for Donald Trump's 1St term, could not, could not trust in him. There were 3 other people I thought better to choose from. I did vote for President Donald Trump's 2nd term because I knew something about him, I knew him by his works.

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Steve: I don't have your email, maybe you'll see the comment. I think what is needed is to sue the hospitals, clinics pharmacies. We need the Mother of all Malpractice Suits against any doctor, clinic or hospital who failed to tread a covid patient. Anyone who was denied hydroxycloroquine, ivermectin or similar drugs or who was told to go home until their lips turned blue would qualify as a member of the class. These corporations need to be taught a lesson: murder for profit is not profitable in the end. The judgement should be billions.

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When you find a lawyer to represent us, Please let me know. I just lost my doctor a few friends and my Church because of a vaccine injury unreported and made me to look crazy because they are afraid because I looked the lot number up.

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I agree. Not only that, but the board members personally.

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Oh yes my doctor is a board member:: I also had complained how the covid tests were being given an doubled charged for. I'm sure insurance, welfare would love the double billing..

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There aren’t enough ways to express appreciation for all that you’ve done, Steve, to support truth and health in a not-so-brave new world. The links and perspective you provide are priceless. So thank you for being one of the heroes of the Covid era and for supporting the brave doctors, scientists, patients, and lay people who stand for truth, freedom, and health for all. (I agree, the Brownstone article was wonderful.)

Coincidentally I just met with my new doctor — a 2-hour meet and greet. Fed up with the traditional system of preventing doctors from thinking for themselves and respecting their patients autonomy, he started a subscription-only, non-insurance practice. He was classically trained, but he has an open mind. I shared with him some printouts about Covid treatment from AAPS, FLCCC, and a few other groups, plus many links I’ve been collecting over the past two years. He plans to dig in and appreciated the opportunity to learn more. So there’s hope!

Also today, we saved someone from being treated with remdesivir at the hospital, again by showing the evidence from real scientists. He is improving, and may improve further if his doctor will substitute one of the wimpy hospital-specified steroids with ones that actually lead to improvements.

This is real-world stuff, one person at a time. I hope the movement grows and grows.

We’ll go viral soon!

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Amen...and today we have an elderly friend that refused the vent and is now improving. God is good....and knowledge is everything. Unfortunately, he was in the hospital developing covid after getting the booster.

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So happy for your friend!

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