Dentist sees more tooth loss, bone problems relate to Covid Vaccine. Exponential increase in patients with head and facial neurovascular and myofascial pain, including headaches, toothaches not caused by the tooth, osteonecrosis of the jaw, sleep issues, tinnitus, and oral and facial autoimmune conditions.


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The Twitter Spaces after talk was awesome! I had to miss some so I'll come back and listen. The parts I heard - well, I laughed and I cried and became wiser.


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Bravo and my most sincere thanks to Laura Jeffery for speaking out. This transcript is not from the livestream but from the recent event in Canada.

Canada's National Citizens Inquiry https://www.youtube.com/@citizensinquiry

To All Funeral Directors and Embalmers Worldwide -

March 31, 2023


Also -- same video:

Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI

April 1, 2023



FIRST EXCERPT: What she saw during the first wave of covid and the lockdowns


QUESTIONER*: Ms. Jeffery, my understanding is, is that you are quite a senior embalmer as far as embalmers in Canada go.

LAURA JEFFERY: I'm the best kept secret in embalming.

QUESTIONER: You have been working as a funeral director, and that includes embalming, for 27 years now.


QUESTIONER: Which, I did the math, that would mean you started roughly in 1996.

LAURA JEFFERY: I'm an old lady. [laughs]

QUESTIONER: I started practicing law in 1995 so —

LAURA JEFFERY: You're an older fellow, too. [laughs]

QUESTIONER: We share a long career. And for the past 5 years, my understanding is you would average roughly about 170, ah —


QUESTIONER: I guess, I don't know what you would call it.

LAURA JEFFERY: I would embalm and care for 170 people that required embalming. I would

care for many more that maybe weren't embalming but I would care for them as well.

QUESTIONER: Right. Now. Right. Because if somebody's being cremated they don't go through—

LAURA JEFFERY: No that's not necessarily true.


LAURA JEFFERY: It doesn't matter if you're buried or cremated, it depends on what you're doing beforehand.

QUESTIONER: OK. Now when covid came along —


QUESTIONER: My understanding is that you were working at a place which cared for approximately least 600—


QUESTIONER: — deceased persons a year.


QUESTIONER: And in a year a half, so covid hit, so we must, we're in, I guess, March of 2020, and a year and a half goes by —


QUESTIONER: — and you're still with this organization that deals, cares with roughly 600 deceased persons a year.


QUESTIONER: How deaths did you see attributed—


QUESTIONER: Not caused but attributed to covid?


QUESTIONER: And were there other co-morbidities involved?

LAURA JEFFERY: Of course, yes. Routinely, the covid cases that I would see would be people that had been suffering dementia for probably quite some time, and living in a nursing home facility. And that's fairly typical in the winter, we would see that with any virus or any cold maybe that was going around, because those people are very vulnerable.

QUESTIONER: Now what did you observe about the death rate when covid swept through this land?

LAURA JEFFERY: Nothing. There's nothing to observe.


LAURA JEFFERY: Nothing changed.

QUESTIONER: So nothing changed?

LAURA JEFFERY: Oh, well that's not true actually. So lockdowns create a situation where suicides and drug overdoses escalated dramatically.

QUESTIONER: Now what about the first lockdown?

LAURA JEFFERY: The first lockdown wasn't as obvious. There may have been the odd, unusual death but I mean that also could have just been normal timing. Because the first lockdown was the pajama party, right? The second lockdown was the problem. So the second lockdown, the escalation of suicide deaths and drug overdoses was obvious.


LAURA JEFFERY: Middle-aged people.

QUESTIONER: And as an embalmer, I mean, you're aware of cause of death when you—


QUESTIONER: When you're treating somebody.

LAURA JEFFERY: I don't always look, but I mean sometimes you're very aware, you can't miss it.

QUESTIONER: OK. So the suicides and drug overdoses—


QUESTIONER: — they're obviously increasing in number in the second lockdown.

LAURA JEFFERY: Second lockdown, yeah.

QUESTIONER: Now my understanding is, is that you had a very unique experience with a 9 week period with a specific type of death. Can you share with us slowly—


QUESTIONER: What, what you witnessed and just how unusual that was?

LAURA JEFFERY: OK, so in nine weeks, so one a week for nine weeks, there was middle-aged women that were, you know, well-settled in their lives, mostly, who didn't want to stay on earth anymore. So they left, by their choice and their hand. So they had children, they had spouses, they had homes. But the second lockdown was too much for them, so they left. And we cared for them. And it was awful, to be honest, like each week one, one, each week one person would do that for no reason. They had children. So that was hard.

QUESTIONER: So, so these are mothers with children?

LAURA JEFFERY: Yep. Average people. Average people. Yeah. I mean, that could have been me, right? Except I don't have kids. But in a general sense, yes, it was a middle-aged woman that had children ranging I found aged like maybe 10 to 20, and then you're looking at that middle-aged woman, right? And she has a home and a husband and children. So that happened.

QUESTIONER: Had you ever in your career seen a suicide death—


QUESTIONER: — from that type of person before?

LAURA JEFFERY: No, no, no, no. Women don't do that.

QUESTIONER: So this, this just stuck out like a sore thumb?

LAURA JEFFERY: Hmm mm. Everbody noticed.



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*He is not identified in the video, nor could I find him on the NCI website, but I believe this is Canadian constitutional lawyer and health freedom activist Shawn Buckley, who drafted The Charter of Health Freedom.

See http://www.charterofhealthfreedom.org

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I'm in Toronto Ontario CHINADA and watch the inquiry.

Laura Jeffery was powerful and so are many others.

This one below of a polish lady who lived this and was arrested for distributing info in Poland in 1980 is exactly what we are going through and will get much worse if we don't arrest these REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES soon.


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Thank you everyone. I feel like I live in the Twilight Zone a lot of the time. When other people see what is going on and talk about it, there is a moment of oh yeah that is real, it really is happening, then the horror sets in, but then the loneliness, as most people around me still haven't a clue.

I thank people who see it and are willing to talk about it, and even more the people taking action. Any action. I think if everyone steps up in some way, doesn't have to be the way someone else steps up, but step up the way you can, maybe, just maybe we can get justice.

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re: "oh yeah that is real, it really is happening, then the horror sets in, but then the loneliness, as most people around me still haven't a clue. "

Totally hear you.

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All of the above has been discussed and and finally we are talking about it. Martin and many, many good, decent people have been speaking. Thank you.

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The added title is missing upfront tonight, or buried;

The Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

You must grow VSRF and there are newbies who go huh? Moi

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There are embalmers and then there are Obalmers (sic).

The first find clots, the latter helped cause them (allegedly).

The first find clots, the latter helped a clot become president.

Embalmers is an anagram of 'me marbles' which embalmers have retained.

Marbles are what the USA president has lost along with many in the world. I have a collection on my website if anyone wants to check. Joe Biden can be found here too, wandering around.


Have a good day, I'm off to bed.

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Here is a list of 100 pathology colleges in the US: https://edurank.org/medicine/pathology/us/

Suggestion: list a couple of colleges in a reply to this comment so your effort won't be duplicated. Then find their twitter handles for Medical, Pathology, some of the doctors, etc and use https://twitter.com/VacSafety/status/1653823256116465664?s=20 to retrweet this VSRF Webinar to them.

I'll start with U of AZ and UCSF.

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Well, we didn't get 100 but we got 6 notified.

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U of Alabama at Birmingham and Stanford Pathology Dept's tweeted.

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U of Pennsylvania and U of Miami pathology departments tweeted.

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Thank you for building a bigger community of supporters and support of understanding more and more and more and more. Uncovering, uncovering, uncovering. Your ongoing time and effort for the masses of we the humanity people, that know there are answers to our on going inquisitive, gut feeling, god given curious genius minds of right and wrong, integrity, ethics of knowing there is another side that needs to be heard and understood.

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Looking forward to hearing more about the effects these mRNA injections are having on our bodies. How can anyone in medicine stay quiet about these observations??

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May 3, 2023
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I’m also interested in finding out the extent of the shedding and what that exactly means… What sheds… the spike proteins or some other aspect of the injection? Are there tests for assessing the contamination level?

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If Steve can offer someone $100,000 to remove a mask, why not offer same amount to VSRF’s support. I’ll gladly send what I can as a retired senior.

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May 4, 2023
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The link does not work. I just get a message that the video is private.

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May 4, 2023Edited
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May 4, 2023
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I've thought the same, that they've been destroying evidence of adulterated food. But even more so, Gates has been buying up farm land and is developing alternative sources of protein. His competition is being eliminated. He will produce the food on his land and and control warehousing and distribution.

I have yet to read or hear of a FBI or Homeland Security investigation of the fires and destruction, or of the train derailments. Why? Are they in on Is the DOD? It's all connected.

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