How can I watch this interview after the fact? I don’t see the video on the vsrf website…

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Steve, if we want to make a donation through a charitable trust, what is the best route? To the Kirsch Foundation?

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Blatant lies still continue in BC, Canada.

The Order of Provincial Health Officer (British Columbia, Canada) on April 6, 2023

1. Vaccines are safe and effective.

2. Unvaccinated people are imposing a great risk to society.

3. Vaccination proof is required for staff and students in health related post-secondary schools.


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It's up to Canadians to stand up and refuse to acquiesce. Thats your only hope. Your PHO is owned and controlled by the WHO and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. She does not care about public health and just follows the orders of her controllers. Best of luck to you in


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Yes. These people are outrageous. Not sure who is responsible for pushing this garbage. Where is the proof that unvaccinated are a risk to anyone?

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023

Interesting interview with Dr. Moore. Unfortunately, the poster below is on to something.

I will not comment on Dr. Moore's motivations, and do not think he did anything against the hypocratic oath if it still exists. Nor do I think he put his patients at risk. I cannot reveal my sources, but he got stung or entrapped. Basically, a couple of his patients were recruited and compensated by federal authorities to request fake vaccine cards from Dr. Moore's clinic. Not an attorney but if he can prove entrapment?

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Are there any others out there that thought there was something off about the interview with Dr. Moore. Steve seemed to be rational but there is something weird about Dr. Moore's overall statements. He claims to object to the covid shots and was not forced to give them but deliberately signs on to give them? He says they are dangerous but then states none of his covid injected patients had adverse effects? Then he says his legal representatives left him. Several of his patients told the Utah district attorney that he charged money for fake vaccine cards. It's possible these patients were federal agents put there to entrap him? Then Dr. Moore insists he took no money for giving vaccine cards or injections. And now there is a website out to donate money to him. None of this makes sense.

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100% I resisted commenting last night, not wanting to sow division amongst the good guys; not sure Dr. Moore is a good guy or an opportunist. Too cute by half, needs a good lawyer,

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Steve, thanks for the interview with Dr. Moore. I think you did a good job at moderating. Dr. Moore is no doubt intelligent and has solid credentials, but my gut instinct is something does not make sense about his story. But as I commented below, I do not think what he did warrants prison time or suspension of his medical license.

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I do not object to Dr. Moore giving fake saline covid shots or fake vaccine cards, but he insists he did not make any money doing so. I have a hard time believing this. If the prosecution can prove he received money for giving fake shots or vaccine cards he has no chance and will go to prison. If I was the prosecutor, I would make him plead guilty to fraud and pay a fine but not recommend incarceration as he did not put his patients at risk.

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I tuned in yesterday to the interview with Dr Moore. It was very confusing. #1 the transmission was bad. I tried to watch on 2 different devices and it kept stopping and needed to be restarted. In addition #2, he did not seem to be of the same mind as you described him in the email. The facts just didn’t jive.

What do you think was going on? I had a dream about you and that whole incident last night.

I am curious and hope to gain your perspective.

Bless you

Karen Foust

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It's interesting that Doctor Moore admitted that he did not have to participate in the vaccine program but opted in. He then says he administered roughly 2000 shots and never had an adverse side effect. It's like he is implying that he and his patients had an agreement they would get saline placebo shots and receive fake vaccine cards. Legal or not he was protecting his patients and doing no harm.

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The ONLY question legitimately posable is this: did the doctor perform any and all acts at the behest of his patients? If so, he is in the clear. Were he to have misrepresented his treatment, that would be entirely a different matter.


1) Since the vaxx was EUA (experimental but permitted by the state), it is optional to the patient.

2) safety data was nonexistent (early experimental, by definition medium/long term info cannot exist), and the short term data was under litigation, meaning it was not clear and convincing nor aged enough to be reliable—certainly not reliable in the sense of curtailing civil rights in accordance with it.

3). Premier medical officials, heretofore unassailable in character and competency, were made to be outlaws and pariahs outside of the court of law. That speaks to coordinated mayhem and breakdown of law. Citizens subject to persecution saw no sane recourse before such an onslaught, and one of their “outs” was to fake compliance. THAT is a fact.


Compile all of those facts and you have a common man’s reasonable assessment of risk avoidance by choosing the path of fake vaxx card. No-win scenario. Prosecution of such an act is deplorable in the extreme.

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I don't want him prosecuted to the extent he serves jail time or loses is medical license. Yet I just don't buy his story that he did not make money from issuing fake vaccine cards. He should have give them out for free.

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Deplorable is the new normal. We have fallen so very far that corruption is now the rule of the land.

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A news article appeared yesterday in Finnish mainstream tabloid Ilta-Sanomat: https://www.is.fi/terveys/art-2000009528618.html:

"Study: COVID vaccinations are safe and effective even in children

In studies, 1.8 in 1 million vaccinated children were found to have myocarditis - far fewer than in patients with COVID infection."

The article did not link to the study itself but did tell which journal it was, and it turns out it was this one: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2800743?resultClick=1

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I don't think any of this will be settled in the corrupt courts. Sadly, the US is headed for something else.

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Why would a plastic surgeon be giving so called vaccines?

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He did not need to. He admitted to opting into the shot program to provide a service to his patients.

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